How Globalized Is Your Home

How Globalized Is Your Home

how globalized is your home?​

Daftar Isi

1. how globalized is your home?​


“globalization” focus of this month’s iBi is most appropriate and timely. I’ll leave it to the scholars and other experts to define what exactly the word globalization means. But from the City of Peoria’s perspective—and in my experience as mayor—the process of international economic, governmental, business and social integration and interaction has been ongoing for a very long time. Modern technology has propelled the process to higher levels of intensity and velocity, shrinking the world to the touch of a keypad and leading to the term “globalization” as one of the buzzwords of this era.

2. how globalized is your home ?​

peacefully and have a good rules from our mother earth

3. how globalized is your home?​

My house is pretty much globalized, and here's why

When talking about globalization, more often than not we can't avoid talking about technology. Even an imported food in our home is there thanks to globalization and technology, because the process of bringing that food here requires high-end technology, particularly how to keep that food intact and not expired.

Now, the category of whether a house is globalized or not depends on many things. I think, mine is very globalized in a way how easy it is to obtain home appliances which are manufactured in a country far away, to how are most of the things in my house are produced in a foreign country.

Globalization takes the distribution process seriously, and it is thanks to globalization that the world is coming closer to each other. The fridge in my house, for example, is made by a South Korean company. And while the production site might be in my own country, it does not change the fact that my fridge comes from South Korea.

However, these things are becoming more blurry in the recent years, because I discovered how we can only import parts and assemble them in my home country (and often times this is exactly the case), because companies think that it would be cheaper in terms of the production and labor cost.

Compared to few years ago when my house is dominated with housing home appliances made by the locals, it is now easier to find imported products here. Plus, if I want to change my home to become a "more globalized home", then I can just walk to the nearby supermarket, buy imported products here, and voila, my home has become more globalized now.

Learn more about the topic of globalization by visiting this link:


4. how globalization in your home?​


Our approach will be to examine the home country effect in two ways. Firstly, we analyze the country effect in an indirect way by estimating the relative importance of ...

5. Is the global divide something that you feel is affecting you daily,in your home, or in your community? Why and how?​


consequently,the possible global divide look like as a lived experience among st immigrant community in copenhagen

6. how globalize integrated is your home?​


I can say that our home is globalize integrated enough, for us to stay connected. We interact and communicate in a way that each of us respect each other. We share our thoughts and ideas that can help innovate our living condition and that includes our life living, the way we think and the way we act.

7. how can you globalize your own home​


Yung sanabi ng una


#Worksmart not hard

8. Is the global divide something that you feel is affecting you daily, in your home, or in your community? Why and how?​


consequently,the possible global divide look like as a lived experience among stimmigrant community in Copenhagen


hope it helps

9. B. Construct 3 to 5 sentences telling how the value of cooperation and responsibility is practiced in your home/community in addressing the effects of the global pandemic. plss pasagot naman sa picture plss:(( ​


Global warming is starting this year many of scientists protest against the factory with smoke because smoke is the effect of Global warming happening world wide



『 Seikajvorski 』

" Work Smarter Not Harder "


10. how globalized is your home​


Ambut uy gakalain gyud ko ni Tita Gemma

11. how globalization is present in your home and how it's affect your life?​


how globalization is present in your home and how it's affect your life?

Globalization enhances the student's ability to acquire and utilize knowledge. Globalization enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment and to collaborate with others to make sense of new situations.

Some positive/ neutral consequences of globalisation for family life. ... Increased migration means more families are stretched across national borders and have family members living abroad, which in turn reinforces globalisation as more families maintain contacts through media and physical visits


In many instances, quality of life has improved for those who live in developing nations. For many developing nations, globalization has led to an improvement in standard of living through improved roads and transportation, improved health care, and improved education due to the global expansion of corporations.

12. How globalization is your home?


Super great


Ty for asking me

And also plss make me brainliest

13. How globalized is your home


so do so so usual heck issue to get if do in be we co item

14. how globalized is your home​












15. As the global crisis of greenhouse gases is an environmental problem, how would you capture the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in your own home, and why?​


We could say that capturing a carbon dioxide is not that easy as we know it. For me I could just help prevent it rather than creating a problem and seeking a solution for it. Why can't we just try not to create a problem so that we don't have to provide ample of solutions out there. Prevention is better than solution; so rather than chasing some invisible gasses out there, I could just try not to create or emit a carbon dioxide at all.


If I'm way too far from your question...

Consider planting crops, plants, and trees.

16. Directions: Write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph telling how the value of cooperation and responsibility s practiced in your home/community in addressing the effects of the global pandemic. Be guided by the ideas from the text "Labor Week". Your work will be rated according to this rubric.BEGIN THE PARAGRAPH:​


Every year on 22 April, people come together for Earth Day to celebrate the planet and environmental protection. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, but the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak means celebrations will look very different from usual.



17. discuss how globalized is your home?




gutrag hagtut grass your mom is nein toh

18. write a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph telling how the value of cooperation and responsibilities is practice in your home/community in addressing the effects of the global pandemicneed ko lng po talaga​


Covid 19 is A virus that makes people sick during pandemic stay home if you want go outside be sure wear mask and Face shield


Thank u

19. how globalization in your home?​


mayat ahh apay salit kan

20. VII. Reflections We are experiencing a global health crisis at present. Most of us are staying at home in order to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home. If you were to divide your time (in percent) with the activities that you do at home, how would it be? Show your answer using pie graph. Then, explain your answer based on the information or ideas you created from the graph.​


VII. Reflections We are experiencing a global health crisis at present. Most of us are staying at home in order to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home. If you were to divide your time (in percent) with the activities that you do at home, how would it be? Show your answer using pie graph. Then, explain your answer based on the information or ideas you created from the graph.


VII. Reflections We are experiencing a global health crisis at present. Most of us are staying at home in order to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home. If you were to divide your time (in percent) with the activities that you do at home, how would it be? Show your answer using pie graph. Then, explain your answer based on the information or ideas you created from the graph.

21. How Globalization in your home?​


The influences that we grow up around help to shape the way we view the world. But what if these influences don’t accurately reflect the world around us?

22. Now that the world is batting a global crisis which is the covid-19 and students are at home, what are the ethical dilemmas brought by technology advancement to them? as a student does it also affect your life? how?​


We Can be safe from the virus that is spreading, by Technology advancement we can talk to anyone without going outside , as a student it affects my life by these online classes instead on somehow we can be socializing with people(F2F) we stay in the computer.

23. Reflections we are experiencing a global health crisis at present. Most of us are stavine at home in order to avoid the spread of Cavid 10. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home. If you were to dide your time in percent with the activities that you do at home, how would it be Show your answer using pic graph. Then, explain your answer based on the information or ideas you created from the graph​


Most of us are stavine at home in order to avoid the spread of Cavid 10. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home.

Answer: James A. Van Allen


24. How Globalized is your Home?​


Good examples of such products are Coca-Cola drinks, the McDonald's chain, Levi's jeans, pop music, Colgate toothpaste, Sanyo TV sets, IBM computers, Wrigley's chewing gum and Marlboro cigarettes.

25. 2. Is the global divide something that you feel is affecting you daily, in your home, or in your community? Why and how?


because its affect entire society

26. now that the world is batting a global crisis which is the COVID-19 and students are at home,what are the ethical diemmas brought by technological advancements to them?As a student,does it also affect your life?how?​


stay at home


sana makatulong

27. how Globalized is your Home ​


peacefully and have a good rules from our mother earth

pa brainliest po


28. How globalized is your home?​


peacefully and have a good rules from our mother earth

29. Reflections We are experiencing a global health crisis at present. Most of us are staying at home in order to avoid the spread of Covid 19. Hence, this is the time when we do a lot of things at our own pace at home. If you were to divide your time (in percent) with the activities that you do at home, how would it be? Show your answer using pie graph. Then, explain your answer based on the information or ideas you created from the graph.​


When the sunlight heats the moon surface the temperature can reach 260 degrees Celsius Fahrenheit convert the given in degrees Celsius

A.12667 degrees Celsius

B.1266.7 degrees Celsius

C.126.67 degrees Celsius

D.12.667 Degrees CelsiusWhen the sunlight heats the moon surface the temperature can reach 260 degrees Celsius Fahrenheit convert the given in degrees Celsius

A.12667 degrees Celsius

B.1266.7 degrees Celsius

C.126.67 degrees Celsius

D.12.667 Degrees CelsiusWhen the sunlight heats the moon surface the temperature can reach 260 degrees Celsius Fahrenheit convert the given in degrees Celsius

A.12667 degrees Celsius

B.1266.7 degrees Celsius

C.126.67 degrees Celsius

D.12.667 Degrees CelsiusWhen the sunlight heats the moon surface the temperature can reach 260 degrees Celsius Fahrenheit convert the given in degrees Celsius

A.12667 degrees Celsius

B.1266.7 degrees Celsius

C.126.67 degrees Celsius

D.12.667 Degrees Celsius

globalization on your home

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Kategori technology_and_home_economics