Other Words For Galaxy

Other Words For Galaxy

what types of galaxy is often formed when two other types of galaxies crash into each other

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1. what types of galaxy is often formed when two other types of galaxies crash into each other


In a galaxy collision, large galaxies absorb small galaxies entirely, tearing them aside and absorb their stars,the groups of stars eventually become a colossal economic galaxy with no perceptible spiral structure

2. If you were standing in one of the galaxies, what would you observe about the other galaxies?.


The Earth and the Milky Way.


the Earth and the Milky Way are not special in seeing that all galaxies appear to be moving away from us. If we were on a different galaxy, we would also see all the other galaxies appear to be moving away from us because of this expansion.

3. If you were standing in one of the galaxies, what would you observe about the other galaxies?

Answer: The Earth and the Milky Way are not special in seeing that all galaxies appear to be moving away from us. If we were on a different galaxy, we would also see all the other galaxies appear to be moving away from us because of this expansion.

4. how do we have a picture of the other galaxies​


To learn about solar system

5. Is there a possibility of finding other solar system in the galaxy?

theres a 101% of possibility of finding other solar system in our galaxy

6. which scientist deduced that galaxies are moving away from each other?


The American astronomer Edwin Hubble made the observations in 1925, proving that there is a direct relationship between the speeds of distant galaxies and their distances from Earth.

7. Why does it take long to reach other galaxies?


Because of the distance. They are too far away.


because it's too far haha

8. Does other galaxies contain planets kust like our solar system ?

It may be so. There are plenty of stars and planets in the universe so even if it's only a small percentage, the numbers of it will be big.

9. What are the different types of galaxies? How do they differ from each other? Give at least one example for each type of galaxy.


What Kinds of Galaxies Are There? Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories: Elliptical, Spiral and Irregular. 


They have a distinctive shape with spiral arms in a relatively flat disk and a central "Budges". Perhaps the most familiar kind of galaxy are spiral galaxies.

10. what can i expect to find in other galaxis?

in other galaxies there will be stars and planetary systems

11. give the 5 examples of the planets from other galaxies that we can be a habitat


super earth






12. what do you expect to find in other galaxies

planets, stars, celestial bodies

13. What is the very second galaxy found by others


NGC 1052-DF2 (DF2)


Apr 22, 2019 by News Staff / Source. In 2018, a team of astronomers from the United States and Canada discovered that an ultra-diffuse galaxy called NGC 1052-DF2 (DF2 for short) contains virtually no dark matter.



april 22 2019 by new staff source . in 2018 ,a team of astronomosers from the united states and canada discovered than ultra-diffuse galxy called (NGC 1052 DF2 ( DF2 for short ) contains virtually no dark matter


its help you po : )

14. 1. How did the distance from the home dot (Milky Way Galaxy) to each of the other galaxies change each timeyou inflated the balloon?​


How did the distance from the home dot (Milky Way Galaxy)


As the balloon was inflated, the dots moved farther away from the home dot and each other. The results show that the farther away a dot is from the home dot, the faster its movement. In the 1920's, astronomer Edwin Hubble observed that the galaxies are moving in the same way.


15. Do you think life exists in other galaxies? Why or why not?




Yes, there are many possibilities of life in another galaxy.


The universe is comprised of about 250 billion galaxies and many researches have done to find the possibilities of living in the nearby galaxies or in other galaxies.

16. from what Language came from word galaxy?​



The word is derived from the Greek galaxias (γαλαξίας), literally 'milky', a reference to the Milky Way galaxy that contains the Solar System.

Hope it helps!

Keep it up♪

- イシャ

17. ACTIVITY 2: Write Their Differences Write sentences or words that describes and differentiate the following kind of galaxies. (5 PTS EACH COLUMN) SPIRAL GALAXY ELLIPTICAL GALAXY IRREGULAR GALAXY​

Spiral Galaxies

Our own Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are typical, large spiral galaxies. They consist of a central bulge, a halo, a disk, and spiral arms. Interstellar material is usually spread throughout the disks of spiral galaxies. Bright emission nebulae and hot, young stars are present, especially in the spiral arms, showing that new star formation is still occurring.

Elliptical galaxies consist almost entirely of old stars and have shapes that are spheres or ellipsoids (somewhat squashed spheres) often dusty, which is especially noticeable in those systems that we view almost edge on (Figure).

Irregular Galaxies

Hubble classified galaxies that do not have the regular shapes associated with the categories we just described into the catchall bin of an irregular galaxy, and we continue to use his term. Typically, irregular galaxies have lower masses and luminosities than spiral galaxies. Irregular galaxies often appear disorganized, and many are undergoing relatively intense star formation activity. They contain both young population I stars and old population II stars.

hope it's helps

Have a nice day

18. Do you believe in aliens or other lifeform in Galaxy? explain?​


yes,because the universe is massive

You answer is dependent on your opinion.

but for me "No, I don't believe in aliens or other life form in Galaxy because theirs no specific evident that they are exists, they are just imagination or based on what we believe."

19. in your own words why is it important to study about the galaxy

Galaxies show us how the matter in the universe is organized on large scales. In order to understand the nature and history of the universe, scientists study how the matter is currently organized and how that organization has changed through out cosmic time.

pa brainliest

20. Is there posibility of finding other solar system in the galaxy why.or why not

there could be other planets outside our galaxy. solar as far as i know sa atin lang yun kasi solar is the energy we get from the sun so. but still, existence of planets outside our galaxy is possible. aside from our galaxy called milky way, there are still other galaxies like andromeda the nearest galaxy to us so possible talaga

21. What do you find in other galaxies?

This is currently unknown, for we do not have the technology to go out of our galaxy and we might not be able to survive the trip due to how long it will take to leve our galaxy. We also haven't reached the depths of our galaxy, so that means we haven't discovered anything in other galaxies. However, we may soon process the technology and place a drone on the next comet that will pass us. Also, my theory is that other galaxies will look like ours... just a bit. Because they are just dark matter with planets or stars. I also think that we will never survive the trip, because we are not built to leave Earth...or our galaxy. But... there is more. If, soon, the Earth will die, by that time, we would have had the technology to travel around the universe looking for a new home. (These are all scientific possibilities, for we haven't went out of even our solar system yet.

22. What do you expect to find in the other galaxies

another planets , another living things 

23. could there be other earth like planets in the milky way galaxy? why or why not?

There may be one existing like our Earth in Milky Way. As of now, no one can say for sure that our Earth is the only one that is capable of sustaining life. But there are many possibilities that there is life outside our galaxy since the universe is ever expanding and we have only been able to study or explore a very small portion of it.

24. what is the other galaxies except from andromeda and milky way?


Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy


I'm not sure

25. give 5 example of spiral galaxy,elliptical galaxy and irregular galaxy give 5 characteristic of spiral galaxy,elliptical galaxy and irregular galaxy

try using google insted its better there

26. Consist of planet spaces time galaxie and all other forms of maters​


The universe

The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.



the earth was the greater world in all planet

27. what do you expect to find in other galaxies?

Other life forms, of course!

28. How did the distance from the home dot (Milky Way Galaxy) to each of the other galaxies change each time you inflated the balloon?


round motion?


just an opinion

29. Is there a possibility of finding solar system in the other part of galaxy? why or why not?

yes, because our own solar system is at the foot or end of the milky way. What more if its in the middle? Oh, and the milky way is probably the lat thing the sattelites can see cause other solar systems are much much much much much much much much much much much more farther away......

30. is there a possibility of finding other solar system in the galaxy?

Yes Because We Still Haven't Travel Yhe Whole Universe and at it's finest.

We've only Travel about 30-40% of it or Less.




Yes, there could be a possibility but the chances of finding it would be low, since space is a very large area it would take a decade to search for other planets that have life forms in them. It could also be very dangerous since we only have travelled 30.5% of space we don't know what might be out there.

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