Limit Of Polynomial Function

Limit Of Polynomial Function

Can the limit laws evaluate the limits of all polynomial, rational, radical functions?​

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1. Can the limit laws evaluate the limits of all polynomial, rational, radical functions?​


Limits of Polynomial and Rational Functions

lim x → a f ( x ) = f ( a ) . This is not always true, but it does hold for all polynomials for any choice of a and for all rational functions at all values of a for which the rational function is defined.

2. 1. Describe how to find the limit of a polynomial function p(x) as x approaches c. 2. What is meant by an intermediate form?3. Explain the Sandwich Theorem.​

for all x, where n is a non-negative integer and a0,a1,a2,…,an are constant coefficients.

As a refresher, use the limit properties to find limx→20(x2−3x+4), i.e., the limit as x approaches a particular value.

The function is a polynomial, a quadratic trinomial that is graphed below, and can be treated as the sum of three functions. This means that we can use the rule “the limit of the sum is the sum of the limits” in the determination of the limit.

Since, the polynomial can be treated as the sum of three functions, we can use the property “the limit of the sum is the sum of the limits” in the determination of the limit.

To see the Review answers, open this PDF file and look for section 2.5.

3. Which is TRUE about the value of n in polynomial function.A.The value of n could be any real number.B.The value of n is limited to nonnegative integers only.C.The value of n is any integer except zero.D.The value of n is limited to positive real numbers only.​


A.The value of n could be any real number.

Which is TRUE about the value of n in polynomial function.

Ans: A.The value of n could be any real number.

Hope it helps ^-^

4. TRUE or FALSE 1.The domain of g(x)=x²+5 consist of a set of real numbers2.The function g(x)=x²-1/4 is a polynomial function,thus the domain is D(-infinite,+infinite In f(x)=1-x²,the domain is limited to positive numbers only3.The domain of f(x)=3x-8 is {x/x€R,x≤1}​


1 true 2 true 3false

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that's my answer





trast me

5. A. Multiple 1. It is a relation or rule of correspondence between two elements (domain and range) such that each element in the domain corresponds to exactly one element in the range. a. function b. inequality c. equation 2. It is an any function which can be represented by a rational fraction say, p(x )/q(x) in which numerator, p(x) and denominator, q(x) are polynomial functions of x, where q(x) + 0. a. rational function b. polynomial function c. quadratic function 3. It is called the set of all first elements of the ordered pair. a intercepts c. domain b. range 4. 7 = x2-16 classified as x+4 a, rational function b. rational inequality c. rational equation 5. 6x - x < 2 classified as 3 a. rational function b. rational inequality C. rational equation 6. f(x)=x2-7-3 classified as x+2 a. rational function b. rational inequality c. rational equation -7. It is an imaginary line to which a graph gets closer and closer as the x or y increases or decreases its value without limit. a. intercepts b. vertical line c. asymptote 8. This are the values of x which make the function zero. a. x-intercepts b. y-intercepts c. zeroes of the function 9. The a, domain of the graph of a rational function are the points of intersection of its graph and an axis. b. intercepts c. y-value 10. It is a line that is neither vertical nor horizontal. It occurs when the numerator of f(x) has a degree that is one higher than the degree of the denominator. a. horizontal asymptote b. vertical asymptote c. oblique asymptote​






C Baucus is a y_value 10

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Hets is helps

6. CAKE DESIGNS It’s your best friend’s birthday and you want to give a made-to-order cake as your present. 1. Design the cake and determine its dimensions. Your cake may have several layers and may not be limited to the rectangular shape. 2. Assign a dimension and represent it by x. 3. Write expressions in terms of x to represent the other dimensions. 4. Write a polynomial function for the cake’s volume. Sketch the graph and note its properties. 5. Look for a cardboard material that you may use to package your cake. Consider factors as stability, cost, and the cake size. 6. Write a polynomial function for the box’s volume in terms of its dimensions. 7. Sketch the graph and note its properties.Note: You have two polynomial functions, one for the cake and the other for the box.Ps. brainliest ko yung pinaka matino at maayos na sagot. thankyou!​

Answer: what do you believe in: Using diplomacy or force to solve a conflict to achieve peace and order? " A pen is mightier than the sword" Propaganda movement "Pag hindi nakuha sa santong dasalan sa santong paspasan" Active Revolution. Choose what do you prefer to use and why?​

Step-by-step explanation:

7. q Identification. Identify what is ask You may choose your answers on the box M11GM- 1-1 (Q1-19); M11GM- 10-2 (Q1-1610) X=0 lower o 1 x y asymptote 01 Intercepts Rational functions Rational Equations y=0 y=1 Zeroes higher true false Rational inequality -2 2 one 1. The point of intersection of the graph of a rational function and an axis. M11GM- lc-1 (Q1-449) 2. What is the horizontal asymptote if the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator? M11GM40-1 (Q1-419) 3. An oblique asymptote occurs when the numerator of f(x) has a degree that is than the degree of the denominator. M11GM-0-1 (Q1-19) 4. An equation containing at least one fraction whose numerator and denominator are polynomials. M11G-lc-2 (Q1-M10) 5. What is the zero/es of the given rational function f(x) = M11GM-0-1 (Q1-- M9) 6. The values of x which will make the function zero. M11GM-c-1 (Q1-49) 7. An inequality which contains a rational expression. M11GM40-2 (Q1-M10) 8. The zero of a rational function is the intercept of the function. M11GM-10-1 (Q1-19) 9. Determine if the statement is True or False. All rational functions has a vertical asymptotes. M11GM-0-1 (Q1-M9) 10. An imaginary line to which a graph gets closer and closer as the xor y increases or decreases its value without limit M11GM-Ic-1 (Q1-19)​



8. Identify your loved one whom you will surprise with a birthday cake 2) Create a sketch of your cake with complete label of its dimensions. You cake may have several layers and not limited to a circular shape. 3) In your sketch, write expressions in terms of x to represent each dimension of the cake. 4) Write the polynomial function that represents its volume 5) Interview a baker to show your design and ask for its cost. You may dopa help Po need ko na now​


hallo po good evening po at good night po

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