What Have You Learned In Oral Communication

What Have You Learned In Oral Communication

What have you learned in Oral Communication? Essay​

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1. What have you learned in Oral Communication? Essay​

Oral communication refers to the exchange of spoken words for information. It is a verbal type of communication where you can express your ideas, provide facts, and discuss your thoughts. Conversations with friends, relatives, or coworkers, as well as presentations and speeches, are examples of oral communication. Oral communication promotes reliability and confidence. Oral communication is more efficient than writing an email or sending a text. You may rely on oral communication to get your point through, avoid misconceptions, and cause the least amount of uncertainty during critical and sensitive meetings, such as pay negotiations and even dispute resolution.

In a professional setting, oral communication can take many various forms. For career advancement, you require a variety of oral communication skills. Let's examine many forms of oral communication:

1. Formal conversations - These occur frequently at work since you have to communicate with supervisors, coworkers, and stakeholders like clients and customers all the time. Formal exchanges are brief, concise, and direct. Everyone has a limited amount of time, so you must make your argument in a concise manner.

2. Informal conversations - These are the types of discussions you have with your coworkers, as well as your friends and family. The majority of them lack agendas. You can share your day's events, organize your lunch, or talk about your weekend plans. These are cordial discussions laced with light humor.

3. Speeches - Speeches are crucial in industries like event planning and community service. In a business setting, leaders and senior management are the only ones allowed to speak.

To know more about communication visit the link below:



2. what have you learned inapproapriate tools in orals communication​




In perspective of self, self-awareness is the experience of one's own personality or uniqueness. It isn't to be confused with comprehension in the sensation of qualia. While insight is checking one's present situation and body and lifestyle, self-awareness is the affirmation of that awareness. Self-awareness is the way an individual intentionally knows and grasps their own character, feelings, points of view, and needs. There are two general arrangements of self-awareness: internal self-awareness and outside self-awareness.

A living thing can be really unselfish without being self-careful, aware of any separation among selfishness and kindness, or aware of qualia in others. This by clear reactions to unequivocal conditions which winds up helping other people in the animal's ordinary territory. If self-awareness provoked a need of an energetic compassion part for selflessness and pride being default in its nonattendance, that would have hindered progression from a state without self-awareness to a self-careful state in each and every friendly animal.

Mam ano po ang self awareness paki paliwanag ... - Brainly.ph



3. what have you learned inapproapriate tools in orals communication​


wathing pang points 123

4. What did you learn in oral communication?​


You'll learn how to establish credibility in your speech using examples, statistics, quotations, images and explanations to support your argument. You'll learn how to articulate your main point clearly and memorably and why that matters.

5. for the entire quarter of oral communication what have you learned cite a specific topic and justify your answer ​




Communication is one of the huge instruments that help us with connecting with people. Whether or not you are a student or a working capable, smooth communication is something that will take you far ahead. The right communication can help you with handling different issues and resolve issues too. Whether or not you wish to convey on a singular level or a specialist one, extraordinary communication is the key. So it is better accepting you appreciate its importance soon and work on something basically the same. Truly around then you will really need to affect your life, get respect from people around and go crazy your insights in a more refined and better manner.

Communication is the ability to make words and deal them so all of the intricate get-togethers can show up at a commonplace arrangement. The meaning of communication is that it is considered on an exceptionally essential level key for the perseverance of humankind. Communication is the strategy associated with passing information beginning with one individual then onto the following. The justification behind communication appreciates of information. Anything one longings to impart to someone should be clearly seen by him else the real inspiration driving the communication would be squashed.

how important is communication - Brainly.ph



6. what did you expect to learn from this subject which is Oral communication?

Explanation: I expect to communicate, listen and to respond better with other people.

7. what you have learned about oral communication about types of speech context​

Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on something, what assumptions to draw (or not) about what is being communicated, and most importantly, it puts meaning into the message. ... The hardest thing about communicating effectively is knowing how to “set the context”.

8. what have you learned inapproapriate tools in orals communication​




 Addresses, presentations, discussions are all in all sorts of oral communication. Oral communication is talking with verbally communicated words. It's a verbal sort of communication where you convey your examinations, present considerations and proposition information. Cases of oral communication are conversations with colleagues, family or partners, presentations and talks.

Oral communication recommends communication through mouth. It fuses individuals talking with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. An oral communicator should have insightful interest. Examining is a way to the headway of good communication capacities. An educated mind would have the choice to convey better as content is the soul of the communication connection.

What is Oral Communication? - Brainly.ph



9. what are the difficulties you encountered while learning oral communication?​

pronunciation, limited vocabulary, lack of exposure to the target language, and L1 interference were amongst the main oral communication problems.


10. essay about what you have learned in Oral Communication​

In taking an Oral Communication course, I have learned a great deal about the importance of effective communication. I have learned that communication is not just about speaking, but it also involves listening and understanding. Effective communication requires the active participation of both the speaker and the listener. It is important to remember to be respectful and use appropriate language when communicating with others.

I have also learned about the different types of communication, such as verbal, nonverbal, and written. I have learned that each type of communication can be used to convey a message in a different way. I have also learned about the different strategies for effective communication, such as structuring a message, using appropriate language, and being aware of nonverbal cues.

Furthermore, I have learned about the importance of being an active listener. Active listening requires concentration, asking questions, listening to understand rather than to reply, and reflecting on what is being said. Active listening helps to ensure that both parties are able to effectively communicate their ideas and feelings.

Finally, I have learned the importance of using feedback. Feedback provides an opportunity for both the speaker and the listener to understand each other better. It allows for further clarification and helps to ensure that both parties understand what is being communicated.

Overall, I have learned a great deal about effective communication in my Oral Communication course. I have learned the importance of using different types of communication, being an active listener, and using feedback. These skills will help me to become a more effective communicator in all aspects of my life.

Teaching oral communication in schools is becoming more infrequent. The importance of oral communication should be no different than the necessity of math, reading, or writing. Oral communication by definition is communication by word of mouth. Children must be confident in their speaking abilities because many careers require this skill. Schools must reconsider how important it is to promote oral communication, examine why it has been limited in schools, and learn how to teach it more effectively. Oral communication skills are a necessity that every child will need as an adult.

Oral communication is an important skill because it promotes leadership and confidence. When children are confident in their abilities they will succeed academically and socially. It is important for students to generate their own ideas using outside references in the community (Joseph and Efron, pg 5-6). Oftentimes some students have trouble making friends. If they can learn to be more confident in their speaking abilities they will be more likely to approach their peers. On the other hand, when students feel comfortable expressing their ideas in front of people they will most likely contribute more to class discussions. Teachers always have difficulty with getting their students to participate constructively, so if the teacher spends more time teaching their students how to talk and respond coherently children will be more likely to contribute. It is important for teachers to create “academically responsive classrooms (Tomlinsen, pg 1)”. This feeling of confidence and increased leadership abilities will benefit the entire class because discussions will become more in depth and student generated. If students feel less apprehension about speaking in public they will be more likely to express their ideas. When oral communication is learned and perfected in students their success rate in academics will escalate especially when they are required to formulate ideas quickly in writing.

11. To sum up the oral communication lessons, what significant learnings you have gained?​


Talking is an inherent capacity given to most hesitant people. Since forever ago, it has been expected that we reserve an option to express and utilize words, hence we normally start our advancement of language during the beginning phases of live. Following quite a while of getting a handle on and idealizing our jargon and language, it appears to be superfluous to concentrate on the reason for our turn of events. Why, then, at that point, would it be advisable for us we study "oral correspondence?" There are many purposes, advantages, and foundations that branch from oral correspondence.

Obviously, correspondence is the premise of connection with others using articulations and words; nonetheless, through concentrating on oral correspondence, one can take the words and articulations being utilized and apply them to their own life. All things considered, the best and valuable information is applied information.

Oral correspondence permits a person to communicate feelings, thoughts, and sentiments; it enables individuals to enable, rouse, and inspire the individuals who tune in; and it permits individuals to share information and customs, just as construct their confidence.

Great correspondence empowers understudies to absorb more from the learning system by enabling them to pose important inquiries and talk about questions. Viable verbal correspondence supports the course of socialization by working with new fellowships and these thusly help the learning system.

what new or additional ideas did you learn after taking up this lesson oral communication



12. what have you learned in the lesson oral communication in the workplace?how can you use it in your future careers?​


The “new normal” is a fact of life. But it comes with a lot of questions:

How do I stand out for success and promotion while still working from home?

How can I help my kids prepare for and do well in this new world?

How do I win clients in this challenging environment? How can I get the job I want over a Zoom call?

Change is not easy. Sudden and rapid change—the kind we are all living through today—is hard.

But if we take action and train to improve ourselves, what was hard can become easy.


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13. What are the barrier/s you have witnessed? Is there a breakdown of communication? The question is about oral communication

Many barriers to effective communication exist. Examples include filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotional disconnects, lack of source familiarity or credibility, workplace gossip, semantics, gender differences, differences in meaning between sender and receiver, and biased language.

14. What have you learned or your favorite topic in your Oral Communication class? Why? *​


Oral communication is defined as communication that is carried out via the use of spoken words. It's a method of vocal communication in which you express yourself, communicate ideas, and share data. Oral communication includes conversations with friends, relatives, or coworkers, as well as presentations and speeches.

The building of trust and dependability is aided by oral communication. Effective oral communication is vital in a professional setting since it is based on transparency, understanding, and trust. Oral communication skills can raise employee morale, inspire better performance, and foster teamwork.

The following are some of the advantages of oral communication:

It saves time by allowing you to send a message straight to the recipient and receive a response very immediately.

It's the safest way to communicate crucial information and critical situations.

Face-to-face communication aids in the resolution of disagreements.

It's a more open method of communication since it allows you to see how people respond to your words.

How important is oral communication?



15. base on what you have learned from the previous activities define speech context in your own words. ORAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXT​


Speech context refers to the situation or environment and the circumstances in which the communication occurs. There are three types of speech context: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and public. Intrapersonal communication is simply communicating within oneself

16. what did you learn in oral communication

what I learn in oral communication is how to ba an effective communicator and how to properly communicate to other people.

17. what are you expecting on oral communication while we are blended learning​


We all know how hard it is to adjust due to pandemic. I expect to learn more about this subject because, as we all know Oral communication is a hard subject. I also expect the teacher to do their job and be fair for all student.

18. oral communication context? what concepts or skills did you learn well​


lahat po


lahat po lahat basta lahat

19. 1. What principles of effective oral communication have you learned from Book of Samuel? 2. What attributes of effective oral language have you learned from Bulan and De Leon?


1. When Samuel spoke he's following the rules below in order for him to deliver the message effectively.

• Simplify the message

• See the person

• Show the truth

• Seek response

2. Having a clear, accurate, simple, understandable and no redundant. Use shorter sentence length and use simple but graphic words. Use direct and rhetorical question and employ idiomatic expressions.

20. what I have learned about oral communication​


Oral communication really hepls me a lot because, by studying it, my stage fright problem can be solve. And there's no wrong answer when you're just giving your opinion

21. Have you learned new things about oral communication? Share your experiences, feelings and learning during your online classes in Oral Communication subject. Write your answers in SENTENCES/ a PARAGRAPH​


Oral communication helped my confidence boost up, especially in speaking with the right context, and diction in front of the crowd. It also helped me get through my social anxiety and the fear of speaking in front of many people.


22. Write a short paragraph about what you have learned in module 1,2 and 3.(oral communication subject po).​


yan lang sasagotan ha tanong kolang po

23. what have you learned in this subject oral communication in context​

What have you learned in oral communication in context?

You'll learn how to establish credibility in your speech using examples, statistics, quotations, images and explanations to support your argument. You'll learn how to articulate your main point clearly and memorably and why that matters.

24. A. Instructions: Complete the sentence based on what you have learned about the lesson. I learned that ... 1. Oral Communication is 2. Verbal Communication is 3. Non-verbal Communication is​


1. ORAL COMMUNICATION IS - communication through mouth.

2.VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS - the use of words to convey a message.

3.NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IS -the transfer of information through the use of body language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more.


25. what did you learn from this lesson? oral communication in context​


nasan po pic



26. what did you learn in this lesson of oral communication? speech pleasehelp​

You'll learn how to establish credibility in your speech using examples, statistics, quotations, images and explanations to support your argument. You'll learn how to articulate your main point clearly and memorably and why that matters.

27. what you learned about oral communication​

I learned that oral communication is very important,because it is the best way to know how to communicate to other in the right way

28. Make a reflection on what you have learned from your module 2, see the rubrics attached below for you to be guided.oral Communication ​


In finding the factors of the trinomial 4k² - k - 3, What factors are needed so the sun of these factors is equal to the middle term?In this article, we'll learn how to factor perfect square trinomials using special patterns. This reverses the process of squaring a binomial, so you'll want to understand that completely before proceeding.

29. explain what you have learned and realized in this module and how you will be able to apply your learnings into your life(minimum of 3 paragraph,300 words).oral communication toh


I learn this module doin read all the statement either its hard for me to understand but ill do it for my self ill study hard to get the point because its important to study i learn this every second cause i want to know what is the topic


30. what new learning you have gained from the week-long topic?in oral communication​


Oral communication is an important skill because it promotes leadership and confidence. When children are confident in their abilities they will succeed academically and socially. It is important for students to generate their own ideas using outside references in the community. Oftentimes some students have trouble making friends. If they can learn to be more confident in their speaking abilities they will be more likely to approach their peers. On the other hand, when students feel comfortable expressing their ideas in front of people they will most likely contribute more to class discussions. Teachers always have difficulty with getting their students to participate constructively, so if the teacher spends more time teaching their students how to talk and respond coherently children will be more likely to contribute. It is important for teachers to create “academically responsive classrooms. This feeling of confidence and increased leadership abilities will benefit the entire class because discussions will become more in depth and student generated. If students feel less apprehension about speaking in public they will be more likely to express their ideas. When oral communication is learned and perfected in students their success rate in academics will escalate especially when they are required to formulate ideas quickly in writing.Oral communication skills have been reduced in schools because the emphasis is on subjects in standardized testing. As Nell Noddings stated, “We should want more from our educational efforts than adequate academic achievement.

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