400 Degrees F To C

400 Degrees F To C

convert the following oven temperature from degree fahrenheit to degree celsius or vice versa.1. 375 °F =2. 400 °F =3. 350 °F =4. 160 °C =5. 180 °F =​

Daftar Isi

1. convert the following oven temperature from degree fahrenheit to degree celsius or vice versa.1. 375 °F =2. 400 °F =3. 350 °F =4. 160 °C =5. 180 °F =​


1. 190.56

2. 204.44

3. 176.67





2. Directions: Copy and answer this in your TLE notebook. Convert degree Celsius to Fahrenheit and degree Fahrenheit to Celsius and encircle the letter of the correct. Show your solutions for 5 points each. 1. 100 degree C = A. 2120 F C. 220° F B. 215 °F D. 230 ° F 2. 320-degree F = A. 150 °C C. 170 °C B. 160°C D. 180 °C 3. 200 degree C = A 390°F C. 3920F B. 400 °F D. 395° F 4. 230-degree F = A. 90°C C. 120 °C B. 110°C D. 130 °C 5. 250 degree C = A 1500F C. 350 F B. 300° F D. 482 ° F.​

Ans. 1.A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B

Sana makatulong

3. A 400 n body starts up a 30 degree incline (f

[tex] {500}^{ = 493} [/tex]

like 500 position in to 30

4. Convert 250 °F into Celsius.A. 110 °CB. 120°C10. Convert 150 °C into FahrenheitA 100 FB. 2007C. 130°CD. 140°CC. 300FD. 400° F​


1. B



Im not sure kung tama po yan


5. what is 0 degree of Kind of Polynamial According to Number of term and 400 degree and 70 degree and 8x degree and 94x degree ,


400 =Constant Polynomial ( degree =0)

70 =Constant Polynomial ( degree =0)

8x = Linear Polynomial ( degree=0)

94 = Linear Polynomial ( degree=0)

6. 3. In triangle FLY, what is mL to the nearest degree?a 62°C 26°b. 400d. 18°17Y15​



Step-by-step explanation:

yan po ang sagot and mark brainlist and stay safe po

7. The lowest possible temperature is called absolute zero and is equal to 0K. What is this temperature degrees Fahrenheit. a.-460°F b.-400°F c.-365.15 K d. -300°F​


a. 460°F

Step-by-step explanation:

8. Convert the following temperatures.1. 180°C °F2. 350°F °C3. 400°F → °C 4. 150°C°F 5. 375°F → °CSOLUTIONS​


1. 356°F

2. 176.667°C

3. 204.444°C

4. 302°F

5. 190.556°C



°C = (°F - 32) × 5/9

°F = (°C × 9/5) + 32

9. which is the equivalent of 230° c in fahreheit a.400°f b.450° f c.500° f d.550° f​


Letter b) 450°


To convert Celcius to Farenheit, use the formula:

°F = 1.8(°C)+32

The given is 230°C. So:

°F = 1.8(230°C)+32

°F = 446, rounded up is °F = 450°.


500° f

Hope it helps you

10. convert the following1. 54°C2. 50°C3. 400°F4. 453°F​​


11. B.Manually 8. What temperature is required for dropped cookies? A. 350°F to 400°F B. 375° C. 400°F to 425°F D. 425°F to 450°F​


C. 400°F to 425°F EXPLANATION:

correct me if i'm wrong

12. C. Convert the following1. 54°C3.400°F2.-50°C4.453°F​


192°F204.43°C82°F 233.89°C

13. c. Using the formula, change the following from Fahrenheit to Celsius:1. 105 °F 5o212 °F100C23.400° F4.150° F5.700° FCelsius to Fahrenheit.​


1. 105 °F = 40.56 °C

2. 212 °F = 100 °C

3. 400 °F = 204.44 °C

4. 150 °F = 65.56 °C

5. 700 °F = 371.11 °C

Step-by-step explanation:

To convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, do the following steps:

1. Use the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion formula: C = 5/9 (F - 32).

2. Substitute F with the given temperature value.

3. Observe PEMDAS. Solve the one in the open and close parentheses first. Subtract 32 from the given temperature value.

4. Whatever the difference or the result is from the subtraction in step #3, multiply it to the numerator which is 5.

5. Whatever the product or the result is from the multiplication in step #4, divide it by the denominator which is 9.

6. The Fahrenheit is now converted to Celsius. Add the proper unit at the end which is °C.

105 °F

C = 5/9 (F - 32)

C = 5/9 (105 - 32)

C = 5/9 (73)

C = 40.56°

212 °F

C = 5/9 (F - 32)

C = 5/9 (212 - 32)

C = 5/9 (180)

C = 100°


C = 5/9 (F - 32)

C = 5/9 (400 - 32)

C = 5/9 (368)

C = 204.44°

150 °F

C = 5/9 (F - 32)

C = 5/9 (150 - 32)

C = 5/9 (118)

C = 65.56°


C = 5/9 (F - 32)

C = 5/9 (700 - 32)

C = 5/9 (668)

C = 371.11°


14. 1.Convert 10°C to °F2. 400°K to °C​


1. To convert 10°C to °F, we can use the following formula:

F = (9/5)C + 32

Where F is the temperature in Fahrenheit and C is the temperature in Celsius.

Substituting 10 for C in the formula, we get:

F = (9/5) * 10 + 32

Solving this equation, we get:

F = 18 + 32

F = 50

Therefore, 10°C is equal to 50°F.

2. To convert 400°K to °C, we can use the following formula:

C = K - 273.15

Where C is the temperature in Celsius and K is the temperature in Kelvin.

Substituting 400 for K in the formula, we get:

C = 400 - 273.15

Solving this equation, we get:

C = 126.85

Therefore, 400°K is equal to 126.85°C.

Step-by-step explanation:

15. 400 degrees fahrenheit how many celsius​


204.444 Degrees Celcius;))

16. can someone help me?1, 289 ° F =______°c2, 400° F =______°c3, 356° F =______°​and can you show me how to solve this?


1. 142.78°c



17. If 400 g of water at 10 Degrees Celsius is poured into a 600 g pitcher [ c = 0.80 kJ/(kg ∙C) ] at 20 Degrees Celsius, the final temperature of water is:a. 12 Degrees Celsiusb. 17 Degrees Celsiusc. 14 Degrees Celsiusd. 11 Degrees Celsius​


a. 12 degrees Celsius


Qwater = Qpitcher

mC(T2-T1) = mC(T2-T1)

(0.4)(4.187)(T2 - 10) = (0.6)(0.8)(20-10)

T2 = 12.87 degrees Celsius

18. Athena and her friends are planning to bake Triple Chocolate Cake. As she reads thecooking procedures, it states that you need to pre-heat the oven at least 400°F. She thenremembered that her oven is only set for degree Celsius and doesn't have degree Fahrenheitindicator on it. As a baker, how would you help her convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius?​



Athena and her friends are planning to bake Triple Chocolate Cake. As she reads the

cooking procedures, it states that you need to pre-heat the oven at least 400°F. She then

remembered that her oven is only set for degree Celsius and doesn't have degree Fahrenheit

indicator on it. As a baker, how would you help her convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius?

But Athena and her friends can cook the Triple Chocolate Cake in 3 hrs. and 35 mins, and the cake is done.




19. A moderate oven temperature 300°F,400°F,450°F?

Moderate oven temp.: 350°F - 375°F

Moderately hot temp.: 375°F - 400°F

Maybe the answer: 400°F

20. D. 5814.) How many degrees needed tocomplete the rotation if Za = 400,Lb300, ZC = 80°? Use the figureon the right side.A. 200B. 300C. 400D. 500​



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is B.300 sana nakatulong po ako

21. .3. A moderate oven temperature:A. 300°FB. 400°FC.450°FD. 580°F​


A. 300°F

-A moderate oven has a range of 350-375 °F (180-190 °C), and a hot oven has temperature set to 400-450 °F (200-230 °C).

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helps ✨❤

22. 200degrees Celsius is equivalent to___degrees fahrenheita.350 degrees Fahrenheitb.375 degrees Fahrenheitc.400 degrees Fahrenheitd.450 degrees Fahrenheit​

[tex] \red{ \tt{{ \: Question: }}}[/tex]

[tex]{\implies}[/tex] 200degrees Celsius is equivalent to___degrees fahrenheit.

a.350 degrees Fahrenheitb.375 degrees Fahrenheitc.400 degrees Fahrenheitd.450 degrees Fahrenheit

[tex] \red{ \tt{{ \: Answer: }}}[/tex]

200 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 392 degrees fahrenheit.

[tex] \red{ \tt{{ \: Solution: }}}[/tex]

To convert temperatures in degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 (or 9/5) and add 32.

[tex]{\implies}[/tex] [tex] \tt{ \bold{{ \: \frac{9}{5} \: \times \: 200 \: + \: 32 \: = \: 392}}} \\ [/tex]


23. Test 1V. Complete the table belowCelsiusGas markFahrenheit275 °F300 °F325 °F350 °F375 °F135 °C149 °C163 °C177 °C191 °C204 °C218 °C232 °C246 °C400 °F425 F450 °F475 °Fthe following ingrediente:​









24. 400 degree c which state of mercury is


whisper withwings po ang sagot

25. 12. Which of the following is the oven temperature of muffin?a. 425°F to 4500Fc. 350°F to 375°Fb.400°F to 4250Fd. 400°F ​

D. Is right temperature


C po


350°F to 375°F to bake it 25-30 minutes

26. 6. Deposited Php 400a. 400b.-400C. 4 000. 12 degrees below Oa. - 12b. 12c. 120B. 16 steps backwarda. 16b.-16c. x16. 6 floor upa. 11b.-6C.61. Decreased by 10 pesosa. 10b.-10c. x 10​


Deposited Php 400⇒ B. -40012 degrees below O⇒ A. -1216 steps backward⇒ B. -166 floor up⇒ C. 6Decreased by 10 pesos⇒ B. -10

27. 8. Pandesal: 375°F, Cinnamon Roll: a. 375°F b. 350°F C. 450°F d. 400°F




diko Po sure kung Tama Po

28. Which of the following is the oven temperature of muffin? a. 425°F to 450°Fb. 400°F to 425°Fc. 350°F to 375°Fd. 400°F​


Letter C po


Because that is the standard temperature of baking finish products. Even if its a quick bread

29. What is the correct numerical symbol for the statement250 below sea level?*A. - 150 degreesB. 400 degreesC. +250 degreesD.-250 degreesOther:​


-250 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Yan po ate sana po makagelp

30. 230°C is equal to _____ FA.400°FB.450°FC.500°FD.550°F​

446 degrees fahrenheit




mas Maliit Yung Formula Nia

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