Essay About Yourself Tagalog

Essay About Yourself Tagalog

write an essay about yourself based on the dimensions of one's personality in tagalog

1. write an essay about yourself based on the dimensions of one's personality in tagalog


Hollistically healthy is very important to me to make better in physical activities,to feel better,happy,and connected to god..I realized that i have to develop those dimension of hollistichealth to help me improve myself and be a healthy person with positive attitude.


Pa-brainliest tenchuuuu


about yourself


ᕦ༼ ~ •́ ₒ •̀ ~ ༽ᕤ

2. Write a five -sentence essay about what or how are you proud of yourself being a part of Christian religion (Tagalog) ​


The Philippines proudly boasts to be the only Christian nation in Asia. More than 86 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, 6 percent belong to various nationalized Christian cults, and another 2 percent belong to well over 100 Protestant denominations. In addition to the Christian majority, there is a vigorous 4 percent Muslim minority, concentrated on the southern islands of Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan. Scattered in isolated mountainous regions, the remaining 2 percent follow non-Western, indigenous beliefs and practices. The Chinese minority, although statistically insignificant, has been culturally influential in coloring Filipino Catholicism with many of the beliefs and practices of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

3. Reflective essay: Write a 50-100-word essay in English or Filipino/Tagalog about your learning in doing your fitness exercise with yourself and with your family members​


As I sit down to reflect on my time in the English major at Berry, I’m roughly three

months removed from my last English class. At the moment, I’m in the middle of a semesterlong student teaching experience at Armuchee High School, finishing out my Secondary

Education minor and preparing for the “real world” of teaching that awaits me after May 10th


At this point, I’ve got some well-needed temporal, as well as practical, distance between myself

and the English classes that were a staple of my time at Berry. Truth be told, I miss them. On a

more relevant note, I’m thankful for them. In combination with my own extensive

extracurricular studies of literature – e.g. my annual summer reading and research projects

with books like Ulysses, Gravity’s Rainbow, and Infinite Jest – my English studies at Berry have

not only given me knowledge that I am using right now in the high school classroom but also

made me an overall better, more critical reader and writer. The discussions I’ve had (or rather,

given my introverted nature, mostly observed) in class have shown me how to engage with

others in good intellectual discussion and how a single text can be approached and analyzed

from a variety of angles. The connections I’ve made with professors, both in and out of the

classroom, have shown me much the same while giving me intellectual and personal role

models to look up to. In short, my experience as an English major at Berry has been an

enriching one, one that has prepared me both professionally and personally for the years after


Coming to Berry in the fall of 2010, I knew from the start that I was going to be an

English major and Secondary Education minor. It wasn’t until the spring of 2012, though, that I


4. Essay. Choose one (1) question below and answer truthfully. You may express your ideas in Filipino/Tagalog A. What is the most memorable thing or event that happened to you during the pandemic? Find the silver lining in your experience. B. What is the goal that you wanted to achieve? What are the steps that will lead you to your goal? C. How do you currently feel about yourself? Are you confident? Do you think that your perspective about yourself is the same as others? D. What valuable lesson in the past that you've learned and would want to apply in the future? E. If you can change one thing about your life what would it be? Why? If you are going to pursue college degree, what program/course you are going to enroll? What do you think will be your contribution on that field? ​



I felt really proud of myself because at the age 16 i became more independent, i became more mature enough to handle things. And i started to value the things my parents gave me. And of course im confident. I am confident to myself that i can do anyhing. I don't really have a idea if my perspective is the same as others but i  know that they a confidence, confidence to prove to other people that they can do anything they want, like, love, etc.


its just my opinion hope it helps.

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