Awareness Programs For School Students

Awareness Programs For School Students

Program in school community that will raise awareness of the students

Daftar Isi

1. Program in school community that will raise awareness of the students


Earthquake Drill


Sorry that's all i know


2. propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of the students​


dear all of you dont write the wall

3. economy frienly practice environmental awareness of senior high students and eco-friendy program in school​


This study was conducted to describe students' opinion of energy conservation and environmental issues during campus activities. It was a descriptive quantitative research using survey method. The subjects were 26 students of the first, second, and third-year students of Natural Science Department of Unesa. These students are pre-service teachers for senior high school level. The result shows that 43.75% students throw trash in different bins based on the material, 25% students take trash that is not thrown properly in campus area, and only 6.25% students clean their classroom after the class is over. This showed that their awareness of environmental condition is still low. Nevertheless, some students participated in weekly eco-campus activities. However, most of them join it involuntarily. The results also showed that they conserve the energy by turning-on lamp and air conditioner when it is needed only. It means that they know that they have to conserve although only some of students who doing that activities. In conclusion, some students are already aware about their environment and how to conserve the energy. So, they need more activities to enhance their awareness of environmental issues during campus activities, both in academic activities and non-academic activities.

4. 13. Your school always ensures a healthy environment by providing programs or organization EXCEPTFOR ONE.a. the school makes the students aware on domestic violenceb. the school makes the students aware on drug abusec. the school makes the students aware on emergency preparednessd. the school makes the students do whatever pleases them14. It is all of the physical and social conditions that surround a person and can influence that person's​


d. the school makes the students do whatever pleases them

5. Your school conducted a Science Program with the theme: Volcanic Hazard Awareness: Saving People Live. As a student, how are you going to do the awareness campaign. Suggest at least 3 activities to be done.


Listen To their instructions

Join more programs about it just incase there is a hazard like volcanic eruption.

Apply in your life what did you learned in the campaign

6. Creative Work: Propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of the students and to help eliminate sexually transmitted diseases especially among the youth.pls help me​




dito dito isinasagawa ng mga kabataan ang pagtutulungan sa kanilang barangay upang maiwasan ang awareness eliminate sexually transmitted disease especially among yout

7. III. Write YES if the statement tells the importance of health appraisal programs and NO if not. 16. It helps the pupils be aware of his/her health status. 17. It provides teachers ideas if the pupil is fit to participate in school programs. 18. Series of procedures done in school does not determine the health status of students. 19. It gives teachers ideas if they need to modify school activities so pupils could benefit from it. 20. It provides important information on the pupil's current health status.If you got this all right,ill make you the brainliest answer and rate 5 star,alam ko na mga sagot nito kaya titignan ko kung sino makakasagot ng tama at bibigyan ko ng reward, (good luck)​

16. Yes

17. Yes

18. No

19. Yes

20. Yes

8. 10. What type of control means changing a piece of machinery or a work process to reduce exposure to a hazard? A. Using PPE B. Substitution C. Engineering control D. Eliminating a hazard 11. Which of the following is crucial in deciding on the mode of hazard and risk control to be used? A. Eliminating the hazard B. Determining the effects of hazards and risks C. Preventing workers from any danger and injury D. Assessing and evaluating the hazards and risks 12. Which of the following programs is concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of workers in every occupation? A. Risk Control Program B. Preventive Maintenance C. Company Wellness Program D. Occupational Health and Safety Program 13. What control measure includes ear and eye protection, respirators, and protective clothing? A. Substitution B. Engineering control C. Eliminating a hazard D. Using Personal Protective Equipment 14. Rod Joseph wears a face mask, protective clothing, ear, and eye protection in his work every day. What control measure did Rod Joseph apply to protect himself from the hazards in the workplace? A. Substitution B. Engineering control C. Eliminating a hazard D. Using Personal Protective Equipment 15. Yvette saw a banana spill on the floor. She is aware that something might happen to anyone because of the presence of a hazard. What is the best control measure will she take to prevent a hazard? A. Using PPE B. Substitution C. Engineering control D. Eliminating a hazard 16. Mr. Evangelista found out that the chair in the office was broken. He replaced the broken chair with a new one. Which of the following control measures did Mr. Evangelista apply? A. Using PPE B. Substitution C. Engineering control D. Eliminating a hazard 17. Roderick requested his supervisor to change a piece of machinery in the laboratory room to prevent a hazard. What is the best control measure Roderick applied to prevent a hazard from occurring? A. Using PPE B. Substitution C. Engineering control D. Eliminating a hazard 18. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, medical and caregiving jobs became more stressful and demanding. As a student, what is the best way to help our medical front liners to control the spread of the virus? A. Have proper exercise outside and observe social distancing B. Bring alcohol and wear a face mask and face shield when going outside C. Staying at home, proper handwashing, and wearing of face mask in school and at home when necessarv​


10. C. Engineering control

11. D. Assessing and evaluating the hazards and risks

12. D. Occupational Health and Safety Program

13. D. Using Personal Protective Equipment

14. D. Using Personal Protective Equipment

15. D. Eliminating a hazard (by cleaning up the banana spill)

16. B. Substitution

17. C. Engineering control

18. C. Staying at home, proper handwashing, and wearing a face mask in school and at home when necessary. (Note: While exercise and social distancing are important, staying at home and following proper hygiene practices are the best ways to help control the spread of the virus.)




pa brainliest po sana thnks kung ayaw niyu po brainliest follow nlng po kyo saken..

pede din po both

9. Which of the following sentences observe the correct subject-verb agreement? A. The government, together with some non-government organizations, find ways on how to protect our forests. B. The call of the government and other volunteer groups to protect our forests move the entire nation. C. Our school, in cooperation with the student government, are launching a school-wide campaign to promote environmental awareness. D. Our class, together with some of our parents, support the environmental awareness program


C.Our school, in cooperation with the student government, are launching a school-wide campaign to promote environmental awareness.

10. SITUATION: Boyet who is now Grade 11 student came from a poor family, because of poverty he walks through 5 kilometers going to Masipag National High School almost every day. He and his younger brother works in the farmland every weekend to sustain not only their expenses in school but the expenses within their household as well. Things got even worse when his father was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and unable to work anymore. What is left for them is their overworked mom who will do everything for her family. Despite all the hardships and uncertainties, Boyet is determined to finish high school to go closer in achieving his dreams. You are aware with the situation of Boyet and his family, and the government through Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has a program - the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s) that aims to alleviate or reduce poverty among poor Filipino families. As a caring and loving citizen, you are willing to help Boyet and his family to go out of the situation they have right now. QUESTIONS: 1. How are you going to help Boyet and his family? 2. Why is it important for government institutions such as DSWD to implement anti- poverty programs?



2.The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) provides assistance to other national government agencies (NGAs), local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), peopleТs organizations (POs), and members of civil society in the implementation of programs, projects, and services that will




11. what kind of program can you propose in your school or community that will rise the awareness of the student and to help eliminate sexually transmitted disease especially among the youth?​


a dansing program or dance port program

12. creative work propose a program in a school community that will the awareness of the students and to help eliminate sexual transmitting diseases especially among the youth​


Waern, Knowledge of and attitudes to sexually transmitted diseases among Thai university students [The Bachelor Programme of Science in ...

13. Activity 1: Assessment Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper. 1. All of the following are the programs of DOH to prevent and control NCDs EXCEPT A Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program B. Diabetes Mellitus Prevention and Control Program C. Smoking Cessation Program D. Tree planting Program 2. To help the DOH to prevent and control NCDs, DepEd also implemented its own program. Which of the following programs is being implemented by DepEd? A Kontra paputok C. School Feeding Program D. Hypertension Day B. Cancer Awareness Month 3. As a Grade 7 student, what contribution can you give to decrease the cases of NCDs? A Leave the job to the government B. Actively join the program implemented by the government C. Do nothing because you're just a student D D. Let your parents do it for you 4. In 2009, the DOH revitalized and repackaged a healthy lifestyle campaign into new brand called. A HL to the max C. Anti-polio program B. Ke B. Kontra paputok D. Smoking cessation program 5. The Food and Drug Authority (FDA) Act of 2009 aims to A Advocating seven vital healthy practices B. Implements strict policies in food products C. Pushes to develop a national program to fight NCDs D. Requires public school to have a feeding program 6. What is the purpose of Administrative Order (AO) no. 3, Series of 2011? A Advocating seven vital healthy practices B. Implements strict policies in food products 5 C. Pushes to develop a national program to fight non-communicable diseases D. Requires public school to have a feeding program 7. All are programs of DepEd's Health and Nutrition Center related to NCDS EXCEPT B. Deworming D. Aids Prevention Month A Medical Check-up C. School Feeding 8. What program is implemented by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to suppor t the Presidential Proclamation 958? A Kontra Paputok Program C. Perfect 10 lifestyle program D. HL to the Max B. Anti-Polio Program 9. DOH implemented a program to fight malnutrition. What is the name of the said program? A Nutrition Month C. Poison Prevention Month B. Heart Month D. Drug Abuse and Prevention and Control Week 10. Lack of physical activities increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. What program of DOH is the best for this situation? A Cancer Awareness Month C. Ehersisyong Pang Kalusugan Para sa Lahat D. Burn Injury Awareness and Prevention Month B. No Smoking Month 11. All of the follo following are campaign materials developed by DOH to support the programs in prevention of NCDS EXCEPT C. Nutrition Month A Occupational Health Program B. No Smoking Month D. Cancer Awareness Month 12. The "HL to the MAX" is a campaign of Department of Health that advocates seven vital healthy practices. Which of the following is NOT included in the seven vital healthy practices? A No smoking B. Don't drink alcohol. C. Manage stress D. Deworming 13. The agency responsible for requiring health warning on cigarette packs is A DILG B. DepEd C. DOH D. FDA 14. All of the following are included in the Perfect 10 program of DILG EXCEPT A. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily B. Breath clean air and say no to smoking and prohibited drugs C. Avoid fire crackers (paputok) D. Manage stress, relax and pray 15. Health centers are designed to provide medical services nationwide. The following are the health services provided by the DOH EXCEPT A Physical Therapy C. Center for Cancer Control B. Nutrition Services D. Health Education and Man Power Services​
















15hope its help

14. Which of the following is a characteristic of a school health program? Select one: a. It should help promote safety and awareness among students. b. It should contain a set of organized, sequential and school-affiliated activities c. all of the choices d. It should be coordinated

C. All of the choices

Hope this helps!! :)

15. Let’s Apply Teenage Vaping It's no secret that vaping is growing in popularity across the nation and world. Kids and teenagers are exposed to these dangerous e-cigarettes at a young age, and an alarming percentage of students have vaped. Young people quickly become addicted to the chemicals in the liquids used in vaping, and in some unfortunate cases, some adolescents have died as a direct result of vaping. To solve this growing issue, students and parents must first be educated on the negative health effects. One answer is for schools to hold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-term and long-term health risks of vaping and e- cigarettes. It would also be a good idea to invite parents to this school-wide assembly so that they are also aware of the risks. Students need to understand the reality and seriousness of these health concerns so that they can make the smart decision not to vape. Questions: 1. What problem does this text indicate? 2. What solution(s) does this text provide? 3. What are examples of signal words from this text that help you recognize its problem/solution format?


1 About teenage vaping

2 To solve this growing issue, students and parents must first be educated on the

negative health effects. One answer is for schools to hold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-term and long-term health risks of vaping and e-


16. what i knowdirection read each item carefully write the letter of your answer in your activity notebook1. all of the following are the programs of DOH to prevent and control NCDs EXCEPT a. cardiovascular disease prevention and control programb. diabetes mellitus prevention and control programc. smoking cessation programd. tree planting program2. to help the DOH to prevent and control NCDs, DepEd also implemented its own program. which of the following programs is being implemented DepEd? a. contra paputokb. cancer awareness monthc. school feeding programd. hypertension day3. As a Grade 7 student, what contribution can you give to decrease the cases of NCDs? A. Leave the job to the government B. Actively join the program implemented by the government C. Do nothing because you're just a student D. Let your parents do it for you 4. In 2009, the DOH revitalized and repackaged a healthy lifestyle campaign into a new brand called A. HL to the max B. Kontra paputok C. Anti-polio program D. Smoking cessation program 5. The Food and Drug Authority (FDA) Act of 2009 aims to A. Advocating seven vital healthy practices B. Implements strict policies in food product C. Pushes to develop of a national program to fight NCDs D. Requires public school to have a feeding program 6. What is the purpose of Administrative Order (AO) no. 3, Series of 2011? A. Advocating Advocate seven vital healthy practices B. Implements strict policies in food products C. Pushes to develop Push the development of a national program to fight NCDs D. Requires public school to have a feeding program 7. All of the following are programs of DepEd's Health and Nutrition Center related to NCDs EXCEPT A. Medical Check-up B. Deworming C. School Feeding D. Aids AIDS Prevention Month 8. What program is implemented by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to support the Presidential Proclamation 958? A. Kontra Paputok Program B. Anti-Polio Program C. Perfect 10 lifestyle program D. HL to the Max 9. DOH implemented a program to fight malnutrition. What is the name of th said program? A. Nutrition Month B. Heart Month C. Poison Prevention Month D. Drug Abuse and Prevention and Control Week 24 Health 710. lack of physical activities increases the p risk for heart disease, diabetes and certain parts of cancer. what program of doh is the best for this situation?A. cancer awareness monthb. no smoking month c. paris isyung pangkalusugan para sa lahatd. born in injury awareness and prevention month11. all of the following are campaign materials developed by the doh to support the support the programs in prevention of ncds excepta. occupational health programb. no smoking monthc. nutrition month d.cancer awareness month12. the "hl to the max"is a campaign of the department of health that advocate is seven vital healthy practions. which of the following is not included in the seven vital healthy practices?a. no smokingb. don't drink alcoholc. manage stressd. deworming13. the agency responsible for requiring health warning on cigarette backs isa.DILGb.DepEdc.DOHd.FDA14. all of the following are included in the perform 10 program of DILG EXCEPTa. drink 8 to 10 glasses of water dailyb. birth clean air and say no to smoking and prohibited drugsc. avoid firecrackers (paputok )d. manage stress,relax and pray15. health centers are designed to prove medical services nationwide. the following are the health service by the doh excepta. physical therapyb. nutrition survicesc. center for cancer controld. health education and manpower services ​

















17. make a propose program for school or community that will raise the awareness of the students and help eliminate sexually transmitted diseases especially among the youth.​

Raising Awareness for Eliminating Sexually Transmitted Diseases to the Youth

Some of the programs for the school or community:

I could propose a seminar and public talks to the school or community to address the awareness. These programs will help many people, especially the youth, to know about sexually transmitted diseases. Also, I could conduct role-playing concerning safe sex and even train resistance skills to overcome peer pressure in this situation.

In these current times, unsafe sex is a primary route of this disease, and it is increasing. This disease has surged many people; most are diagnosed younger than 19. We should take action on this issue and raise awareness so that the youth would benefit and know the essence of it. Do not delay this since the lives of the youth depends on here.

Example of a slogan about raising awareness to eliminate sexually transmitted diseases in the youth:


18. Most teenagers spend their time online. It is vital to consider what information you share because the internet is a public place. There are several ways to stay secure online and it is essential that we know and apply them. As a student, in your own creative way, how will you promote the "Think before you click" in your school or in your online-community. How will you raise a campaign or awareness program for the younger batches of your school.


That is true indeed.


I will create a short film about how important it is to think before you click and how the information they share online could be used against them hence many teenagers will know the consequences if not doing so. Since teens are exposed to Social Media I will upload this film on Facebook and YouTube and promote it so that it will raise awareness for everyone and not just teenagers but the Netizens in the Online Commutinity.

19. Creative Work.Propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of the student and help eliminate sexually transmitted diseases especially among us​


Program about the safest way to have sex, about contraceptives and self-discipline.

20. Your school conducted a Science Program with the theme: Volcanic Hazard Awareness: Saving People Live. As a student, how are you going to do the awareness campaign. Suggest at least 3 activities to be done.


Battery powered radio

First aid kit

21. 1. Which best describes a community health program?A. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organizedand sustained community efforts.B. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized andsustained community efforts.C. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized andsustained community efforts.D. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community.2. Which does not describe a healthy community?A. A clean and safe environment.B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needsC. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyoneD. An environment that is fully not aware of its daily opportunities3. Which best describe the benefits of a healthy environment?A. Less disease, less health care costsB. Active community involvementC. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicinesD. More community projects for community development4. Which of the following programs of Department of Health promotes communityhealth?A. Maternal HealthB. Primary Health CareC. Child Health CareD. Control of Communicable Diseases5. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for communitydevelopment?A. To attain luxury of lifeB. To keep the safety of the communityC. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable homeD. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle6. What is the main role of teachers as members of the school community?A. Help students attain educational goalsB. Help students have a good relationship with their parentsC. Help students attain business goalsD. Help students have a good relationship with neighborhood7. What is the main role of students as members of school community?A. Help the school get recognitionB. Help teachers work harderC. Make the school a community of learnersD. Make the school a community of organizers8. Which of the following is NOT a member of the school community?A. ParentsB. AdministratorsC. BusinessesD. Community colleges9. Why is it important to promote community involvement in schools?A. Students benefit from the positive involvement of a variety of stakeholdersB. Districts are limited in what can be provided when the neighbors and citizens are not supportive ofthe neighborhood schoolC. If the school fails to work at positive self-promotion, important opportunities for interaction,extracurricular activities, and financial support are lost. D. All of the answers are correct10. What is meant by “community” when discussing community involvement in schools?A. The building, grounds, and neighborhood surrounding the schoolB. All of the different levels of real and potential stakeholder involvement at the schoolC. All the money raised during any one school yearD. The people who work within the school buildingpa Answer po pls!! Need po Serious Answer (Thank You!)​












I hope it help for all love you


22. b.a.a.a.a.7. What is the job of the retroactive drugs in HIV?a speeds up the production of HIV cellc. nourishes the HIV cellslows down the production of HIV celld. weakens the HIV cell until it dies8. What country in the world does HIV & AIDS considered to be as the leading death reason?Africab. PhilippinesC. Americad. Thailand9. How many death cases were recorded under Acquire Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS)?69 Millionb. 59 Millionc. 49 Milliond. 49 Million10. In a study conducted in 2013, How many percent Senior High School graduates admitted to havingengaged in premarital sex?40%b. 42%c. 44%d. 46%11. What is the republic Act No. of Comprehensive Dangerous Act & Tobacco Regulation act?Republic Act 9165 & 9211c. Republic Act 8504 & 10175b. Republic Act 8423 & 7394d. Republic Act 9775 & 894912. As an adolescent, what benefits do you get from Responsible Parenthood & Reproductive Health Act?You are able to cope up with the ideas.b. You are able to follow the necessary thing to be happen.C. You are able to do the exact opposite of the act.d. You are able to neglect the act.13. Which educational agency supports the National Awareness & Educational Act which promotesenvironmental awareness?a. DOSTb. DENRc. DSWDd. DPWH14. What does it mean NSTP that implemented by the government in every college student?a. National Standard Training Programc. National Service Training Programb. National Service Tradition Programd. National Service Training & Practices15. What is the Republic Act number for the National Environmental Awareness & educational Act?a.d. R. A 9165b. R.A 9512R. A 7719c. R. A 1058616. Under social health which talks about the advancement of technology with various platforms whereyou may express yourself?d. hazingb. child pornography c. cyberbullyinga. blood donation17. How does a person feel upon reading the warnings in the package of the cigarettes?b. encouragea. Depressd. unconcernc. fear​


7. B.

8. A

9. C

10. D

11. A

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. A

16. D

17. C

23. Activity 3Write Fact if the sentence is a claim of fact, Value if it is a claim of value, and Policy if it is a claim ofpolicy.1. The death penalty should be abolished.2. Parents should be aware of how their children are using social media.3. The speed limit on Samar's highways must be lowered.4. Students' cellphones should be collected by office personnel when they enterschool.5. The right thing to do is to support this year's school fundraiser.6. The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.7. The death penalty does not deter crime.8. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk factor for violentbehavior9. Cellphones pull students away from learning.10. Zoos help save endangered species with captive breeding program​


1.claim of fact

2.claim of fact

3.claim of policy

4.claim of policy

5.claim of fact

6.claim of value

7.claim of fact

8.claim of fact

9.claim of value

10.claim of value



#pa follow and brainliest^_^

24. Propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of students Ang help eliminate sexually transmitted disease


about aids awareness by teach them, how to prevent aids or not getting aids to other by proper hygiene.

25. 2. Maria a high school student and wants to help the clean and green program of the hercommunity, what will be best thing she will do?A. Advertise through social media the awareness of the said programB. helping household choresC. manage a simple backyard flower gardenD. educate through cooking​


C or B


That is the best thing to do helping house hold chores and manage a simple backyard flower garden but the B i my answer




for me-i think the best answer is helping household chores because when you want to help something, you should start it at home or with yourself. You can't help others or rather the program if you can't even help yourself.

(lol hope it helps :)

26. Teenage VapingIt's no secret that vaping is growing in popularity across thenation and world. Kids and teenagers are exposed to these dangerouse-cigarettes at a young age, and an alarming percentage of studentshave vaped. Young persons quickly become addicted to the chemicalsin the liquids used in vaping, and in some unfortunate cases, someadolescents have died as a direct result of vaping.To solve this growing issue, students and parents must first beeducated on the negative health effects. One answer is for schools tohold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-termand long-term health risks of vaping and e-cigarettes. It would also bea good idea to invite parents to this school-wide assembly so that theyare also aware of the risks. Students need to understand the realityand seriousness of these health concerns so that they can make thesmart decision not to vape.Questions:A. What problem does this text convey?B. What solutions do this text provide?C. What are examples of signal words from this text that helpyou recognize its problem solution format?​


It's no secret that vaping is growing in popularity across the nation and world. Kids and teenagers are exposed to these dangerous e-cigarettes at a young age, and an alarming percentage of students have vaped. Young persons quickly become addicted to the chemicals in the liquids used in vaping, and in some unfortunate cases, some adolescents have died as a direct result of vaping.

To solve this growing issue, students and parents must first be educated on the negative health effects. One answer is for schools to hold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-term and long-term health risks of vaping and e-cigarettes. It would also be a good idea to invite parents to this school-wide assembly so that they are also aware of the risks. Students need to understand the reality and seriousness of these health concerns so that they can make the smart decision not to vape.

A. What problem does this text convey?The problem the text convey is how teenagers and youths vape or how these teenagers are exposed to dangerous e-cigarettes that affects their health.

B. What solutions do this text provide?The solutions the text provide are as given: Be educated on the negative health effects, schools to hold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-term and long-term health risks of vaping and e-cigarettes, invite parents to this school-wide assembly so that they are also aware of the risks, and how students need to understand the reality and seriousness of these health concerns so that they can make the smart decision not to vape.

C. What are examples of signal words from this text that help you recognize its problem solution format?The examples of signal words from the text are so that, one answer, to and to solve. These signal words help me recognize the problem and solution format easily since they are connected and the flow of the text is understandable of what the problem is and how it can be solved.


27. Propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of the students about sexuality; these programmed may have the following topics early pregnancy and avoidance of sexually transmitted disease.​


Solution, suspension, colloids

21. Sugar with water

22 Bread

23. Vinegar in water

24. Muddy water

25. Air

26. Smoke

27. Blood

28. Milk

29. Orange juice

30. flour in water

28. propose a program in school or community that will raise the awareness of the students and to help eliminate sexuality transmitted disease especially among the youth.​


new work is the new lie

f teo

29. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.Teenage VapingIt's no secret that vaping is growing in popularity across the nation and world. Kids and teenagers are exposed to these dangerous e-cigarettes at a young age, and an alarming percentage of students have vaped. Young persons quickly become addicted to the chemicals in the liquids used in vaping, and in some unfortunate cases, some adolescents have died as a direct result of vaping.To solve this growing issue, students and parents must first be educated on the negative health effects. One answer is for schools to hold assemblies or prevention programs that discuss the short-term and long-term health risks of vaping and e-cigarettes. It would also be a good idea to invite parents to this school-wide assembly so that they are also aware of the risks. Students need to understand the reality and seriousness of these health concerns so that they can make the smart decision not to vape.19. What problem does this text outline?________________________________20. What solution does this text provide?________________________________​

19. The growing popularity of vape across the world resulting to dangerous casualties.

20. Holding orientations or assemblies among schools regarding the issue.

Pls heart, follow and brainliest if you are satisfied.

30. The Grade 12-Einstein with the track General Academic Strand will bestarting their Work Immersion program ornext monthfor them to be exposed to the employment world and prepare them for theirfuture careers. The 2) are students of Lapu-Lapu NationalHigh School that were seen greatwhich will make themgood employees someday. Their immersion teacher organized anorientation seminar for these students so that they will be aware of theguidelines and theof the Work Immersion ProgramMs. Cruz, their Work Immersion Teacher has already crafted a(3)on how she will monitor her student trainees.​







that's my answer

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