Question About Advocacy

Question About Advocacy

3 questions about ADVOCACY​

1. 3 questions about ADVOCACY​


Questions to advocacy

What is your ultimate goal? ...

Will advocacy help achieve this goal? ..

What are your specific objectives?


thank me later

2. Questions about discrimination and advocacy



Discrimination occurs when a person is unable to enjoy his or her human rights or other legal rights on an equal basis with others because of an unjustified distinction made in policy, law or treatment. Amnesty International's work is rooted in the principle of non-discrimination.

3. question about sport advocacy project


Sports advocacy

Sport Advocacy means that coaches, parents, athletes, and sports organizations “act on behalf of the athletes' rights and responsible practices” (Heil, 2016, pg. 3).

4. advocacy about technology​


ADVOCACY. POLICY. WITNESS engages technology companies, creates applications and supports digital policies that help human rights advocates safely, securely and ethically document human rights abuses and expose them to the world.


I hope it's help

5. advocacy about amazon?


Our environment is a treasure because it is what helps us live, breathe, and experience the good God has given us. The Amazon Forest has been burning, and that is because of us. Instead of being good stewards, we chose to destroy the environment. Although we are just students, and we can't do much about it, what we can do is protect what we have.

6. advocacy about covid 19​


Stop the discrimination against the people who suffered from the Covid-19 virus.

7. introduction about self advocacy​

Self-Advocacy is learning how to speak up for your self,making your own decisions about your own life, learning how to get information so that you can understand things that are of interest to you,finding out who will support you in your journey, knowing your rights and responsibilities,problem solving,listening and learning, reaching out to others when you need help and friendship and learning about your self-determination.

8. give an advocacy about racism

Anti-Racist Alliance (ARA)
Designed for individuals, educators, activists and trainers who are interested in being part of a national movement for racial justice.  With a curriculum designed to create change, ARA holds to the vision that the will of White America can be transformed for racial justice, and the transformation will take place one person at a time. It can be accomplished through organized action for reparations and racial justice.

9. advocacy about communication. Filipino ​


Di ba Filipino dapat ang tanong?

go off see go free ho few will ask do

10. advocacy campaign about discrimination​

proper law enforcement in our society to reduce the case of discrimination and abuse.

11. give me one question about advocacy, and answer that question​


What is your ultimate goal?


The ultimate goal behind every goal is happiness. Without question, the most productive attitude to hold if you are to achieve any goal, including the ultimate goal of happiness, is one embracing positive thinking and happiness. In order to achieve your goal, you need to be able to choose to be in a happy state.

12. advocacy about culture​


Cultural Survival’s Advocacy Program supports Indigenous Peoples around the globe by amplifying grassroots movements to bring awareness and international pressure to their struggles while enhancing Indigenous communities’ capacity, always at the invitation of community leaders, to demand and assert their rights outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Brainliest?? :)))

13. Advocacy about environmental issues


Advocacy is about influencing people, policies, structures and systems in order to bring about change. It is about communicating with those in power and persuading them to act in more just and equitable ways. ... be appropriate to address the problem through advocacy work.

14. Advocacy about Environment​


Planting trees and flowers

Reduce the use of public transportation


Planting more trees and flowers, reduce the use of public transport to prevent pollution..Protecting our environment needs to be implemented because if I had to choose I would prefer to live in an area surrounded by trees and colorful flowers and breathe fresh air rather than surrounded by large buildings. By doing this our environment will become more beautiful and peaceful.

Just my Opinion

15. advocacy or essay about garbage​


to prevent clean and safety hazard world wide

16. advocacy about environment​


advocacy about environment is the importance of the earth system is down to common characteristics of my definition


nakakaloka talaga to

17. advocacy about smoking?​

stop smoking

smoking is not good to our health

18. advocacy about baranggay??​

Barangay advocacy refers to the promotion and support of community development in the barangay level. It aims to empower local communities and strengthen their capacity to address issues and concerns within their neighborhoods. This advocacy can involve promoting good governance, culture, environmental stewardship, and social welfare programs. The goal is to promote community participation and empowerment, ensuring that the voice of the people is heard and their needs are addressed. Overall, barangay advocacy aims to make communities more resilient and sustainable, with residents working together for the common good.

19. Question 1 What is the advocacy of this picture about bully?​


it's a not a good idea to bullying someone


because every needs a freedom

20. advocacy about tourism​



It sees tourism as a good thing and celebrates tourism's positive impacts on the economy, environment, and society


hope it's help u

21. advocacy about drugs abuse​


Prevention works. Treatment is effective. Recovery is possible for everyone.


Drug advocacy groups are important to the mission we all share: to save lives through recovery. To bring the anti-drug advocacy to the children, the DDB participates in the annual celebration of the Children’s Month every October. The DDB conducts the Kids Against Drugs program, a primary prevention activity that aims to inculcate the skills of “Saying ‘No’” to children as a firm foundation for preventive education.

22. advocacy about dengue?​


Wearing insect repellent, covering sleep areas with netting, and avoiding the outdoors at dusk and dawn (when mosquitoes are most active) can help lower the chances of infection.


23. advocacy about human transcendence​


Transcending; surpassing; excelling; extraordinary. ... The definition of transcendent is extraordinary or beyond human experience. Talking to God is an example of a transcendent experience.

24. give me a three question of advocacy​

1.What communication channels and/or platforms should we be using?

2. Will advocacy help achieve this goal?

3. What is your ultimate goal?


25. if you will given a chance to campaign about your own advocacy, what will your advocacy will be?​


a normal advocy


because a normal advocacy require teamwork kindness and facts

26. 3 question and answer about discrimination and advocacy ​


Advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others

1 : the practice of unfairly treating a person or group differently from other people or groups of people The law prohibits discrimination against the disabled. 2 : the ability to see differences Police use a dog's discrimination of smells.discrimination. noun.


27. Advocacy about Education ​


To provides students who have motivitional or attitudinal difficulties in completing homework with support to improve academic performance and promote the importance of school.

the island and god bless you

28. 3 questions and answer about discrimination/advocacy ​


1.Were there valid reasons for your employer taking action against you?

2.Were similarly situated employees who were not members of your protected class treated differently?

3.Is your protected class statistically underrepresented at the company?

29. Yes or No about Advocacy​








hope it helps:))

30. advocacy campaign about marriage?​


advocacy campaign about marriage?

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