Lead Up Games Examples

Lead Up Games Examples

give three examples of lead-up games

Daftar Isi

1. give three examples of lead-up games


Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.

Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.

Crazy 8s. Short-Court Mini Tennis. Alleys Tennis. Aerobic Tennis. Toss & Catch Tennis.

2. give 5 examples of lead up game​


•Golf. Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.

•Golf. Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.•Bowling. Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.

•Golf. Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.•Bowling. Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.•Tennis. Crazy 8s. Short-Court Mini Tennis. Alleys Tennis. Aerobic Tennis. Toss & Catch Tennis.




Lead-up Games

Golf. Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.

Bowling. Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.

Tennis. Crazy 8s. Short-Court Mini Tennis. Alleys Tennis. Aerobic Tennis. Toss & Catch Tennis.

Hope I helped you :)

3. A. Give three (3) examples of lead-up games:


Lead-up GamesGolf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.Crazy 8s. Short-Court Mini Tennis. Alleys Tennis. Aerobic Tennis. Toss & Catch Tennis.


hope it helps :3

A lead-up games isolates one or more of the abilities, regulations, and/or strategies employed in the actual sport it is modeled after. Lead-up games are a fun method to learn these components.


golf.slide bowling.golf around the clock.slide bowling.tennis.


4. ACTIVITY 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE Direction: Write the letter of the best answer. 1. Which is an unintentional injury? a. Vehicular Accidents c. Fraternity Hazing b. Suicide Attempts d. Bullying 2. It is a group of people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interests or tastes. a. Extortion c. Gang b. Fraternity d. Kidnapping 3. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. What will you do? a. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer. b. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you. c. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker. d. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you. 4. Which of the following can lead to violence? a. anger c. lack of conflict resolution b. graphic games and movies d. all of these 5. Ed and Nicky have been friends for years and finally decided to go on a date. After having a few drinks, they go back to Nicky’s apartment and begin kissing on her bed. Nicky is quite intoxicated but tell Ed that she doesn’t want things to go any further. Ed throws Nicky back on the bed, hikes up her dress and forcefully penetrates her against her will. What is this an example of? a. Suicide c. Accidents b. Assault d. Rape​








yung no. 5 assault yung sagot.correct me if I'm wrong nalang

5. Ano po yung mga examples Lead-up games?​


-beach volleybal

-catch and score

-catch, toss, set and over





6. 1. It is known as the Southeast Asia’s leading exporter of handcrafted and contemporary world class furniture. * 1 point A. Panay Island B. Negros island C. Cebu D. Basey, Samar 2. If Bontoc. Mt. Province has their kadangyan burial cloth what is the burial cloth of Banton, Romblon? * 1 point A. Romblon Cloth B. Banton Cloth C. Burial cloth D. Island cloth 3. Which of the following is used to elevate the house of Mangyans? * 1 point A. Wooden posts B. Metal posts C. Cemented posts D. Limestone posts 4. Which of the following is an example of vernacular architecture? * 1 point A. Church Ruins of Bancuro B. House of Taut’ Bato C. Camiña Balay na Bato D. The Ruins 5. Which element is distinct in the “banig” of Basey, Samar? * 1 point A. Line B. Color C. Shape D. Texture 6. What specific part of the Iwahig Main Building did not show colonial architecture? * 1 point A. Stairs up to the entrance B. Verandah C. Standard columns D. Glass windows 7. Pintados is best known for its flowing lines and shapes. What principle is highlighted in it? * 1 point A. pattern B. rhythm C. movement D. variety 8.The two towers of Miag-ao Church are balanced in nature. Since they are different towers commissioned by two different priests, what type of balance is portrayed? * 1 point A. Symmetrical B. asymmetrical C. radial D. perfect 9.What is the significance of the staple material used in making biningkit by the Panay- Bukidnon women? * 1 point A. to denote the wealth of a person’s family B. to portray popularity and prominence C. to symbolize fertility of the one wearing it D. to express the extent of one’s love for another person 10. What primary material is being used by the Guimaras weaving community? * 1 point A. buri leaves that are grown by native people B. nito vines that are grown and found in the wild C. baryos leaves that are grown in nearby plantations D. baging vines that are collected from hundred- old trees Multiple Choice (PE) 1. Type of service made by a quick flip of wrist and bird travels in a direct line. * 1 point a. drive serves b. long high serve c. long short serve 2. Any shot that drops immediately after crossing the net. * 1 point a. Net shot b. drop shot c. smash 3. It is the vital factor in Badminton and in winning matches. * 1 point a. grip b. service c. stroke 4. Stand straight while legs are wide apart is * 1 point a. Bow b. open stance c. open leg stance 5. Striking technique number 2 * 1 point a. right temple b. left temple c. right chest 6. Arnis de mano was originated from Spanish word meaning * 1 point a. Strike b. defensive armor c. offensive strike 7. It is a dual sport popularly known as “Ping-Pong”. * 1 point a. Badminton b. lawn tennis c. Table Tennis 8. If Table Tennis is played by two opposing pairs, the game is * 1 point a. single event b. doubles event c. mix doubles 9. It is the start of the playing game in table tennis. * 1 point a. Toss coin b. rally game c. service 10. It is a state of being flexible to a certain task. * 1 point a. Balance b. flexibility c. coordination Please answer it correctly haha wag random












7. Directions: Please read the statement below and re-arrange thescrambled letters to form the correct word/s. Write your answer inside the box1. Any body movement that leads to developing muscles and requires moreenergy expenditure rather than resting. Here are a few examples. swimmingplaying games, yoga, and even gardening.LACSIPHY ACVIITYT2. It can make your heart beat faster than the usual and makes your lungs andheart work better and strongerROAEBIC TYACTIVI3. It improves power, strength, and endurance of the muscles. Examples aredoing push-up, sit-up, weight lifting and training, and climbing.USMCLE STRENGTHENING4. Walking, jumping rope, running, and weight training are examples of thisactivity with your feet, legs, or arms to support your body weightENOB STRENGTHENING5. This helps improve your flexibility and your ability to fully move your joints.Side stretch, toe touch and doing yoga exercises are best examples of it.CHINGTRETS​






8. 1. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.1. Which of the following is true?A. Each person has the same way of sharing one's viewpoint.B. Your viewpoint is stronger when there is evidence to support it.C. Skills is not necessary in expressing your point of view in a good manner.D. All of the above.2. Which of the following is not necessary in presenting ones viewpoint?A. Read the topic sentence.B. Look for facts and figures.C. Listening to others is a waste of time in presenting your viewpoints.D. Look for specific words or key words that strengthen one's viewpoint.3. Is writing an outline helpful in presenting a clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoints?A. NoC. YesB. MaybeD. Possibly4. Which of the following is not useful in preparing a clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoints?A. making assumptionsC. researchB. listeningD. stating facts5. How should one prepare a clear, coherent and comprehensive viewpoints? Arrange the following steps into itsright order.1. Know and research about the topic/main idea.2. Present two or more point of views. Provide support, reason or basis to these views.3. Bring out the strong points of your viewpoint using all the information as your basis for you to persuadeyour audience.4. You can also pose a question or a statement leaving your audience to decide for themselves which pointof view they would choose to take.A. 2-1-3-4C. 2-4-3-1B. 2-4-1-3D. 2-3-1-46. The Department of Education prohibits the selling of junk foods in school canteens. What should be your point ofview?A. It should not be allowed in campus of schools as junk foods are unhealthy.B. Students will gain heavy weight, leading to obesity and blood sugar as they eat junk foods.C. Junk foods provide greater availability and affordability in cafeteria of schools.D. Fast food should be allowed as every individual or a student has a fundamental right to choose.7. Should children be given an allowance? Why or why not?A. An allowance may open the door to kids making poor financial decisions when spending their money.B. An allowance can teach children about finances, responsibility and the consequences of poor financialdecisions.C. Kids may not be motivated to do their chores when they do not need the money or they have saved upenough.D. It gives kids spending money for non-essential items such as toys and video games. This way, they do notalways have to ask you for money when they want something.8. The writer's position or opinion on an issue.A. reasonsC. counterclaimB. claimD. evidence9. Why the writer believes his or her claims.A. reasonsC. counterclaimB. claimD. evidence10. Support reasons and include examples, anecdotes, statistics, and facts.C. counterclaimA. reasonsD. evidenceB. claim​







9. General Direction: Read each item carefully write the letter of your answer on the line 1 Walls multimedia als aree video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos It is a combination of text, audio still images, animation video and interactivity c. is a powerful service that helps you unleash your best ideas get things done and stay connected on the 90 It is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online 2 What are some examples of multimedia? Digital pictures c Computer-generated graphics Television series d Video games movies and television 3 What multimedia resource can best present if you were tasked to explain the photosynthesis through a demonstration? 2. Audio b. Text c Video d. Power Point 4. How does multimedia resources help learners? at allows students to control all their learning bit leads to a deeper understanding which interferes with the transfer of learning It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledge creatively d Students can identify and solve problems more difficult compared to the scenario where teaching is made possible only by textbooks 5 The functions of language include communication the expression of identity play imaginative expression and emotional release What is Language? a. Conveying a message not through words but through bodily action It is the means to transfer messages verbal or non-verbal to another person it is a symbol system composed of sounds that can stir up meanings in people who use it d. It is the expression of ideas and thoughts by means of articulate vocal sounds or the faculty of thus expressing ideas and thoughts What is Narration? a. The process of creating a story by recounting a sequence of events Explaining a process that influences the feelings and attitudes of others c. A npe of statement that gives instruction or advice and expresses a commend an order or request d. A set of statements usually constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the cause content and sequences of the facts​











hope it helps:)

10. 1. Evelitually I didn't like to spend time reading in class, buil enjoy IL HUW. A Next B. eventually C. overall D. initially 2. Billy is poor, he does not resort to begging to survive. A despite B. however C. because D. although 3 the more educated a person is, the more choice he or she will have in a career. A Otherwise B. Meanwhile, C. In conclusion, D. Likewise, 4 Jean painted her room. Then, she bought a new dresser A. Specifically B. First C. Truly D. So 5. Most animals sleep like people do, they lie down birds and horses sleep while standing up! A. For example B. Likewise C. However D. Where 6. A good homework space is well-lit, with paper and pencils it is quiet and distraction free A. However B. In addition C. All in all D. Although 7. My brother is my best friend. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help me the other day he helped me study until 1:00 AM A. For example B. Additionally C. As a result D. Furthermore 8. There are other factors that could lead to violence besides video games. poor mental health could cause violence behavior. A for instance B. So C. however D. in addition 9. Mother didn't have time to go to the store, there was no milk in the refrigerator A. Nevertheless B. although C. consequently D. however 10. There is no homework tonight there has been no homework all week. A. in fact B. as a result C. therefore D. consequently 11. You can come with us if you are ready, you will have to ride the bus. A. Nevertheless B. similarly C. moreover D. otherwise 12. It is important to complete your homework, it should be turned in on time. A. Furthermore B. nevertheless C. otherwise D. although 13. The rhino in Africa is threatened with extinction, many species of gorilla are also endangered, B. nevertheless A. Consequently D. SO C. similarly 14. It is used to present the main points or topics of a given subject and each item may be divided into additional sub-items. B. Summary A. Outline C. Source D. Topic 15. This represents original thinking, reports on discoveries or events to share new information. A Secondary Source B. Primary Source D. Outline C. Topic 16. It helps explain new or different positions and ideas about primary sources. It describes, interprets and synthesizes. B. Primary Source A. Secondary Source D. Outline C. Topic 17 means learning from what you read and adding new ideas to what you already know C Summa D. Outlining pa sagot plssss​


1 a

2 b

3 b

4 a

5 d

6 c

7 d

8 a

9 d

10 c

11 b

12 a

13 a

14 a

15 c

16 b

17 d


kaytagal kong natapos basahin

tama yan

paki brainliest po

11. 1. Which is an unintentional Injury? a. Vehicular Accidents c. Fraternity Hazing b. Suicide Attempts d. Bullying 2. It is a group of people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interests or tastes a. Extortion c. Gang b. Fraternity o. Kidnapping 3. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don't know. What will you do? a. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer. b. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you. c. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker. d. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you. 4. Which of the following can lead to violence? a. anger c. lack of conflict resolution b. graphic games and movies d. all of these 5. Ed and Nicky have been friends for years and finally decided to go on a date. After having a few drinks, they go back to Nicky's apartment and begin kissing on her bed. Nicky is quite intoxicated but tell Ed that she doesn't want things to go any further Ed throws Nicky back on the bed, hikes up her dress and forcefully penetrates her against her will. What is this an example of a. Suicide c. Accidents b. Assault d. Rape​

pa sagot po plssss hehehwhe

12. Ano Po yung mga examples ng Lead-up games?​


Lead-up Games

Golf Around the Clock. Partner Putting Challenge. Putt-Putt Golf.

Beanbag Bowling. Bowl Ball. Slide Bowling. Team Bowler-Rama.

Crazy 8s. Short-Court Mini Tennis. Alleys Tennis. Aerobic Tennis. Toss & Catch Tennis.

13. 1. You come with us if you are ready; ______, you will have to ride the bus. a. nevertheless b. moreover c. similarly d. otherwise 2. My brother is my best friend. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help me. ________, the other day he helped me study until 1:00 AM. a. for example b. as a result, c. additionally d. furthermore 3. Since, next, however, therefore, similarly are all examples of __________. a. Pronouns b. antecedents c. ordering principles d. transition words 4. ____________ you put the cheese on the crust, don’t forget to lather it with marinara sauce. a. next b. initially c. before d. later 5. ____, Jean painted her room. Then, she bought a new dresser. a. specifically b. truly c. first d. so 6. A speech type that intends to convince others to believe on what the speaker believes in. a. descriptive speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. entertainment speech 7. (at the end of the essay) _____________ the educated a person is, the more choice he or she will have a career. a. otherwise b. in conclusion c. meanwhile d. likewise 8. There are factors that could lead to violence besides video games. _______ poor mental health could also cause violent behavior. a. for instance b. however c. so d. in addition 9. A type of speech that intends to give information about a certain topic/issue. a. descriptive speech b. persuasive speech c. informative speech d. entertainment speech 10. Which is an example of coherence? A. Sentences that flow together and make sense when side by side. b. Words that cause a reader to have to use a dictionary to understand them. c. author paying attention to how the organization of an essay that makes it more understandable to the reader. d. An author using word choices that describe an image or scene 11. ___________ I didn’t like to spend time reading in class, but I enjoy it now. a. next b. overall c. eventually d. initially 12. Why do we use transition words? a. To make us mess up b. to be mean c. to make the writing flow d. because we want to 13. Most animals sleep like people do; they lie down. __________ birds and horses sleep while standing! a. for example b. however c. likewise d. where 14. There is no homework tonight; _________, there has no homework all week. a. in fact b. therefore c. as a result d. consequently 15. What is coherence? a. Coherence introduces new ideas in a text that have never been discussed or introduced. b. Coherence is the sound a speech makes when it is read aloud. C. Coherence is a writer's way of making a text less understandable to the reader. d. Coherence is how easily the entire text is understood by the reader.


1. d

2. a

3. d

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. c

9. b

10. a

11. a

12. a

13. b

14. d

15. a

14. Which type of propaganda uses regular people to promote their products and services? *Glittering GeneralitiesPlain FolksTransferCard-stackingRona won the contest because her father is one of the judges. *BIASPROPAGANDAWhat does it mean to show bias? *to be conceitedto show selfishnessto refuse to take a sideto favor one side over another“Politician A calls Politician B as snob, lazy and incompetent.” *Plain FolksName-callingTestimonialCard-stackingWhich of the following makes up an editorial story? *IntroductionBodyConclusionAll of the aboveReporting news from a one-sided point of view. *PROPAGANDABIASStarbucks: The best coffee, For the best YOU. *PROPAGANDABIASA part of an editorial page that contains a list of all the members of the editorial board and significant policies. *CartoonMastheadStaff EditorialStaff ColumnAsking shoppers at a store where their favorite place to shop is. *BIASPROPAGANDAThis is an example of _________________________. *Editorial of CommendationEditorial of InformationEditorial of InterpretationEditorial of Special OccasionDaniel Padilla is spotted on a magazine ad promoting a shoe brand. *PROPAGANDABIASWhich kind of editorial points out the good or bad features of a problem and suggests a solution? *Editorial of CommendationEditorial of CriticismEditorial of InformationEditorial of InterpretationPropaganda is: *inform or explainInformation, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread wisely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.telling a storyform of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of languageNewspaper Advertisement: A message that appeals to ordinary people, like you and me. *BIASPROPAGANDAAll of the following are the tips on structuring an opinion story, EXCEPT ONE. *Don’t preach to the reader.Make an unclear and illogical argument.Lead with an objective explanation of the issue and include the five W’s and H.Research your topic and find out what is happening and what went in the past.Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because of their color of skin or race. *BIASPROPAGANDAWhich part of an editorial page represents the opinion of the editorial board? *Letters to the EditorStaff ColumnStaff EditorialGuest ColumnAn ad that reads "9 out of 10 dentists prefer Listerine Mouth Wash." *BIASPROPAGANDA“A survey is conducted to know how all grade 6 students feel about the upcoming basketball game but only asking the basketball players what they think”. The statement above is an example of which type of bias? *Information BiasConvenience BiasSelection BiasMembership BiasA type of bias that arises when key study variables are inaccurately measured or classified. *Information BiasConvenience BiasMembership BiasSelection BiasThe students that the teacher like get better grades. *BIASPROPAGANDAWhat part of the editorial page shows an illustration containing a political or social message, that usually relates to current events or personalities? *Staff ColumnEditorial CartoonMastheadGuest ColumnIt is a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue. *BiographyEditorialNewsPoemMcDonald’s Hamburger: Over 95 billion served. This ad uses which type of propaganda? *BandwagonCard-stackingGlittering GeneralitiesTransferBackSubmit​



to favor one side over another


all of the above



staff editorial


editorial interpretion

editorial criticism

Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread wisely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc


Make an unclear and illogical argument


letters to the editor


membership bias

information bias


editorial cartoon


band wagon

Explanation: correct me if some of my answers are wrong

15. 1. Other citizens that say no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life or rehabilitated and given second chance in society.. Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed.A. Killing criminals will set an example for others.B. The punishment of criminals has always been a problem to society.C. Improper punishment to the criminals will cause other burden to society.D. Killing the criminals do not solve problems.2.The non-biodegradable plastic we use reach water systems and choke up marine life. Illegal logging causes deforestation that leads to soil erosion and flashfloods. • Using crude oil and petroleum to run factories and transportation releases harmful pollutants.A. Humans cause many environmental woes.B. Illegal activities cause land and water pollution.C. Improper waste disposal also causes pollution. D. Unclean sources of energy harmthe environment.3.Many kids get addicted to computers, cellphone, and other gadgets. • Children lack exercises since they just sit in front of the TV, listen to the radio, and play computer games. They have very little face-to-face socialization since they communicate with their friends online. *A. Children enjoy using the social media a lot.B. Kids grow stouter because of lack of exercise.C. Gadgets like cellphones and tablets can be addictive.D. Some technologies pose harmful effects on children.4.Baldo loves to play catch. He loves it when I pretend like I'm falling dead, and he runs over to lick me.. He follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot. *A. Baldo is a trained dog.B. Baldo is a player.C. Baldo can catch anything.D. Baldo is so much fun to play with.5.Which of the following details provides evidence to the general statement below? GENERAL STATEMENT: A clean community means a healthy and productive citizenry.A. People work in the fields and yield a bountiful harvest.B. Sick people spread the disease to other people in the community.C. Clean surroundings prevent diseases and keep people productive.D. Productive people clean their workplaces and other surroundings.​







hope it helps tysm!!

16. General Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the line.1. What is multimedia?a. It is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos.b. It is a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity.c. It is a powerful service that helps you unleash your best ideas, get things done, and stayconnected on the go.d. It is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family andfriends online.2. What are some examples of multimedia?a. Digital picturesc. Computer-generated graphicsb. Television seriesd. Video games, movies, and television3. What multimedia resource can best present if you were tasked to explain thephotosynthesis through a demonstration?a. Audiob. Text c. Videod. PowerPoint4. How does multimedia resources help learners?a. It allows students to control all their learning.b. It leads to a deeper understanding which interferes with the transfer of learning.c. It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledgecreativelyd. Students can identify and solve problems more difficult compared to the scenario whereteaching is made possible only by textbooks.5. The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play,imaginative expression, and emotional release. What is Language?a. Conveying a message not through words, but through bodily actionb. It is the means to transfer messages, verbal or non-verbal, to another person.c. It is a symbol system composed of sounds that can stir up meanings in people who use it.d. It is the expression of ideas and thoughts by means of articulate vocal sounds, or the facultyof thus expressing ideas and thoughts.6. What is Narration?a. The process of creating a story by recounting a sequence of events.b. Explaining a process that influences the feelings and attitudes of others.c. A type of statement that gives instruction or advice and expresses a command, an order orrequest.d. A set of statements usually constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the cause,context, and sequences of the facts.C.7. What is the proper posture and gesture that could help you appear open andsincere to your audience and give the impression that you are in control of thesituation?a. Shrug your shoulders.b. Stand with confidence.Use your hands to emphasize your message when speaking.d. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up.8. Why is delivery essential in effective communication?a. It can communicate your confidence and preparedness to your audience.b. Body language conveys feelings, even when you are not actually experiencing them.c. You send messages through your body language even before you open your mouth to saythe first word.d. All of the above​












Hope it helps

17. Complete each sentence with the correct transitional device. Select your answer from the choices given.1. I drove to the library instead _____ I was too lazy to walk.a. howeverb. whilec. despited. because2. There are other factors that could lead to violence besides video games. _____ poor mental health could cause violence behavior. a. in additionb. soc. howeverd. for instance3. The students ran to the field _____ they heard that there was a Nescafe truck giving away free ice cold coffee.a. despiteb. unlessc. whend. although4. The rhino in Africa is threatened with extinction; ________, many species of gorilla are also endangered.a. neverthelessb. soc. similarlyd. consequently5. You can come with us if you are ready; ______, you will have to ride the bus.a. otherwiseb. neverthelessc. moreoverd. similarly6. You will not succeed _______ you try harder.a. whenb. althoughc. sod. unless7. We expected him to admit that he stole the money at the library, _______ he did not.a. butb. indeedc. althoughd. so8. Many students complained that the test was difficult, ______ many students managed to score full marks.a. yetb. soc. thend. because9. Most animals sleep like people do; they lie down. ________ birds and horses sleep while standing up.a. Whereb. Likewisec. For exampled. However​










18. g in ets o. 's) a. Farmer's Walk b. Dead Lift d. Bench Press 23. A strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up. a. Farmer's Walk c. Squat b. Dead Lift d. Bench Press a ow in m be he en 24. It is a set of activities that people engage in during free time - activities that are not work-oriented or that do not involve life maintenance tasks such as housecleaning or sleeping. a. Play c. Walking b. Recreation d. Leisure 25. An eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating and purging in an attempt to lose weight and/or maintain low body weight. a. Anorexia Nervosa c. Bulimia Nervosa b, Eating disorders b. Binge eating 26. Generally considered a moderate physical activity, but it effectively promotes metabolic fitness and overall health, a, Walking c. Running b, Brisk Walking d. Sprinting 27. Dances performed on the street, in the yard, at the park or any open space outside of the dance studios, a. Break Dance c. Modern Dance b. Hip-hop Dance d. Street Dance 28. The following are examples of different Hip-hop dance styles EXCEPT? a, B-Boying c. Waacking b. Tutting d. Punk Dance 29. It is the performance of a routine, usually dominated by gymnastic skills such as jumps, tumbling skills, li and tosses combined with shouting of cheers and yells to lead the crowd to cheer for a certain team during a game or sport a, Cheerleading c. Street dancing b. Breakdancing d. Cheering 30. A twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon - a cord of tissue connecting muscle to bone. a, Sprains c. Fracture b. Strains d. Knee Injury​













i read it properly pa brainliest po sana makatulong correct me if i'm wrong

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