Ball Netball

Ball Netball

Importance of invasion and Netball Games to me​

Daftar Isi

1. Importance of invasion and Netball Games to me​

1.invade the opponent's territory or zone to score goals or points. 2.will improve their knowledge, understanding and execution of regaining possession. //Carry on learning//

2. Measurements of a netball pitch


A netball court is 30.5m long and 15.25m wide. The longer sides are called the side lines and the shorter sides the goal lines. The court is divided into three equal parts, a centre third and two goal thirds.


3. Which of the following motor skills is often used for active leisure activity?A Netball passC RunningB Hockey flick D. Triple jump​

(C) Running

Running develops the muscles needed for all gross motor movements. It improves motor preparation. We can maneuver our environment securely thanks to motor planning. Running helps to hone this ability since it forces kids to think rapidly about their motions to prevent injuries.

Benefits of Running: Running Enhances Cardiovascular Health Running Strengthens Muscles Running Boosts Bone Density Running Enhances Markers of Health Running Reduces Stress Running Boosts Confidence Running Burns Calories Running Is Accessible Running Improves Your Mood Running Can Connect You to NatureRunning Can Be Social

Cooling Off:

Your heart rate is frequently greater and your extremities are more swollen after activity. During the cool down, your heart rate should decrease to a point that is almost at rest. Stopping suddenly without a cool-down could result in hotheadedness, and/or fainting. A great cool-down after jogging is to go for a walk. It should take between two and five minutes to cool down.

Learn more about FITT here:


4. Hashim jogged around a rectangular field once. The length of the field was twice its breadth. Hashim jogged a total distance of 480 m. What was the breadth of the field? Ans. _____ m A netball match between Sunshine Primary School and Rainbow Primary School lasted 1 h 15 min. The match ended at 3.55 p.m. What time did it start? Express your answer using the 24-hour clock. Ans. _____ Mrs Lim bought 8 boxes of chocolates. She gave 12 chocolates to each of her students and had 16 chocolates left. If she had 40 students, how many chocolates were there in each box at first? Ans. _____ chocolates Find the value of 6.17 × 9. Ans. __________ The figure below is made up of 6 identical squares and Rectangle B. The breadth of Rectangle B is 10 cm. Find the area of the figure. Ans. _____ cm²

1. 80 meters

2. 14:40

3. 62 chocolates

4. 55.53

5. 300 cm²

hope it helps


its a 9×9+9 it's good

Step-by-step explanation:


5. Learning Task 1Directions: Identify the conjunction used in each sentence. Write your answers on the space provided. _____________1. I like ice-cream and I also like sweets._____________2. I like ice-cream if I have a cone._____________3. My mom likes netball but I like football._____________4. My dad likes netball as well as football._____________5. Mom cooked chips because she cooked fish._____________6. I like to play the piano so I practise every day._____________7. I have to wear trousers as it is cold._____________8. The ducks are fed until they are full._____________9. The ducks will not eat apples nor do they like bananas._____________10. I like roller-skating for it is fun​




1. and

2. if

3. but well as





6. 29. Which is NOT a rule to improve safety in sport a. Under 18’s in cricket must wear a helmet b. No high tackles in rugby c. Playing netball with earrings d. No two footed tackles in football high tracles in rugby

7. The____ girl always wants either her mother or father to play with her A. Excitable B. Demanding C. Angry D. Upset My mother was my____ when i first started playing netball. She taught me many things about the game A. Coach B. Player C. Gang D. Companion Kung di alam sagot sabihin niyo thanks sa point auto report


A. Exitable

A. Coach


Hope it helps



[tex]\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}[/tex]





I hope it helps ❤❤❤

#Compassion Squad ❤❤❤

#Carry on learning ❤❤❤


8. Read the story. Playtime At playtime all the children leave their classroom and go outside onto the playground. We play different games with our friends. We play football using coats goalposts and practice our netball. We have to be careful though because the neighbor has a green house. We have markings on the ground, like hopscotch, that we can play on. Sometimes, we see birds in the school garden, like blackbirds, but they soon fly away. When the whistle is blown everyone stops what they are doing and stands still, nobody should move. Then we line up, so we are ready for our lessons. 1. What is the title of the story? 2. Where did the children play? 3. What do they see around? 4. What are the underlined words in the story?5. Give example of compound sentence.​


i think,my opinion:

1.playtime at playtime



4.(were are the uderlined words)

5. the pirate captain lost her treasure map, but she's still found the buried treasure.


# hopeithelps

# carryonlearning

pa brailiest naren

thnks!!(* ̄︶ ̄*)

9. Write IG I Is Invasion Game and NG if it Is Netball or Net wall Game. 1. Volleyball 2. Agawang Base 3. Badminton - 4. Agawang Panyo 5. Luksong Tinik - 6. Sepak Takraw​


1. NG







Pa brainliest plss

10. on what netball or netwall game can you associate the following terms:1. Kick2. Server3. Block4. Drop Shot5. Offense/Defense​

You can associate the following terms with volleyball.

11. MODERATE OR VIGOROUSRunning swimming lapsSkipping yogaDancingGymnasticsRiding a bike fast or on hillsMartial artsDoubles tennis Walking up the stairs footballBrisk walkingPushing a lawnRugby, Netball and hockeyRiding a bikeRollerblading ​




because dance is my favorite

Pa brainliest godbless

12. Activity 3 - Match my SkillsInstructions: Assess your ability to perform the Badminton skills listed below out of 10 (1 -poor, 5-average, 10- excellent) before and after a netball gameBefore MatchAfter MatchSkillsForehand High ServeBackhand Flick ServeOverhead ClearForehand Drive​


Before Match=10

After Match=5


Forehand High Serve=10

Backhand Flick Serve=10

Overhead Clear=5

Forehand Drive=5


My Answer is based on me if I play, if you want to copy it. it's okay

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Kategori physical_education