Ad Hominem In Tagalog

Ad Hominem In Tagalog

Ad hominem in tagalog?​

Daftar Isi

1. Ad hominem in tagalog?​


"Hominem" sa Tagalog ay "personal na pag-atake". Ito ay isang uri ng argumentong nagpapakonsentra sa pag-atake sa tao sa halip na sa kanilang argumento o posisyon.

2. Examples of ad hominem​


In a debate about legalizing abortion, one debater told his opponent, "No wonder you are anti - abortion. You look like your mother tried to have you aborted."

Or, in a political debate,

"Why should we believe Mr. X when he did not even finish college?"


Why this is classified as ad hominem is because instead of trying focus on the topic or issue at hand, the debater tried to instead attack the person (his/her looks and/or his wducation).

3. example of Ad hominem​


A classic example of ad hominem fallacy is given below: A: “All murderers are criminals, but a thief isn't a murderer, and so can't be a criminal.” B: “Well, you're a thief and a criminal, so there goes your argument.”


PA brainliest ty


Ad hominem is a Latin word that means “against the man.” As the name suggests, it is a literary term that involves commenting on or against an opponent, to undermine him instead of his arguments.

Examples of Ad Hominem

“How can you argue your case for vegetarianism when you are enjoying that steak?”A: “All murderers are criminals, but a thief isn’t a murderer, and so can’t be a criminal.” B: “Well, you’re a thief and a criminal, so there goes your argument.”“He’s not a great athlete; he’s a fraud, a cheat and a liar. That’s why not everybody is ‘happy for Lance.'”

4. This is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. * -Propaganda -Ad nauseam -Ad hominem -Appeal to fear


The answer is propaganda

5. which of the following argument is used by people who want to win conflict by using threat to their opponentsA. Argumentum ad baculum B. Arguentum ad hominem C. Argumentum ad misericordiamD. Argumentum ad populum ​




dont ask the expmanation (-_-)

6. Tungkol saan ang Ad Hominem fallacy?​


Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments, some but not all of which are fallacious.

7. 41. Ang sabong ito ay mabisang pampaputi sapagkat ito ang ginagamit ng mga artistaEquivocationb. ad populum c. ad hominem d. ad baculum​





8. what is the example of ad hominem

Ad hominem (Latin for 'to the person'), short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments, some but not all of which are fallacious.

9. ad hominem examples and meaning ​



All murderers are criminals, but a thief isn't a murderer, and so can't be a criminal.Well, you're a thief and a criminal, so there goes your argument


This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.


10. good example of argument ad hominem

You are a single mom so I won't believe any if your relationship adviceA lawyer attacking a defendant’s character rather than addressing or questioning based on the case, e.g., in a case of theft pointing out the defendant’s level of poverty.

11. 1.Politicians are corruptad hominemhasty generalizationbegging the questionweak analogy2.My cousin gave me and advice how to solve my problem when she cannot even solve hominemhasty generalizationbegging the questionweak analogy3.The Giver" by Lois Lowry is the best book for college students to read to cope with their hominemhasty generalizationbegging the questionweak analogy​

sorry I don't know the answer plus there is no even instructions

12. A. Write an example for the given types of fallacies. 1. APPEAL TO EMOTION2. AD HOMINEM3. TRADITIONAL WISDOM​



Daughter: “Mom, I'm too full, I can't eat anymore.” Mother: “You have to eat everything on your plate; think of all the children in Africa who are starving every day.”


Someone: I am for raising the minimum wage in our state.


The cheerleaders should be allowed to wear their uniforms to school on Fridays because that's the way we have always done it.



13. halimbawa ng Argumentum ad hominem?

Ang argumentum ad hominem ay latin na salitang nangangahulugang “sa tao.” Isa itong uri ng argumento na siyang ginagamit ng mga tao tulad ni Mocha Uson, Pangulong Duterte, Vitaliano Aguirre, at iba pang tao sa gobyerno, laban sa mga kaaway at tinuturing nilang kaaway ng pamahalaan. Inaatake nila ang pagkatao ng isang tao, totoo man ito o usap-usapan lamang, upang ipangsagot sa mga paratang sa kanila upang maiwasan ang pagsagot sa paksa o usapin.




Unang sitwasyon, naglabas ng mga ebidensya laban sa kanila ang isang grupo o tao.


Ang magiging reaksyon ng kabilang panig ay, imbes na sagutin ang mga paratang at dumaan sa tamang proseso, sisiraan ang naglabas ng mg ebidensya.

14. limang halimbawa ng argumentum ad hominem​


Ang argumentum ad hominem ay latin na salitang nangangahulugang “sa tao.” Isa itong uri ng argumento na siyang ginagamit ng mga tao tulad ni Mocha Uson, Pangulong Duterte, Vitaliano Aguirre, at iba pang tao sa gobyerno, laban sa mga kaaway at tinuturing nilang kaaway ng pamahalaan. Inaatake nila ang pagkatao ng isang tao, totoo man ito o usap-usapan lamang, upang ipangsagot sa mga paratang sa kanila upang maiwasan ang pagsagot sa paksa o usapin.

15. Cite examples of an ad hominem fallacy?Present an accurate response​


accurate to examination you have dispose to asin

16. Why are argumentum ad hominem, ad verecundiam, ad misericordiam out of place in moral response?brainly


Because they are irrelevant. They shift the focus of the argument away from the central concern to peripheral considerations that have no substantive bearing on that concern. In a moral question, we consider the intent and the outcome for a given circumstance. Emotional invocations (via personal attacks, evoking pity, or invoking authority) distract us from being able to clearly and carefully weigh observations and evidence regarding intent and outcome. They are effective tools to persuade or excite a shift in judgement…but they are deceptive. Morality may not always be black-and-white, but nuanced grey areas quickly become muddy and occluded when these emotional distortions are employed.


I hope it helps!

Hi i know its long but its the correct answer

i did make sure of it bcs i did a lot of research

do you mind if pa brainliest? tysm

17. own definition ang exaple of ad hominem​


A classic example of ad hominem fallacy is given below: A: “All murderers are criminals, but a thief isn't a murderer, and so can't be a criminal.” B: “Well, you're a thief and a criminal, so there goes your argument.




18. 1. Advertisements and posters of products fall under what fallacy?a. Argumentum ad hominem c. Argumentum ad misericordiamb. Argumentum ad popolum d. post hoc​




Correct me if I were wrong

19. Why ad hominem become effective in pushing a particular bias or agenda in a message?​




Its in the answer key..HAHA

20. 2. An argument that involves an irrelevant or highly exaggerated appeal to pity or sympathy.A. Ad HominemB. Ad MisericordiamC. BandwagonD. Begging Question​


B. Ad Misericordiam


Ad misericordiam is an argument based on a strong appeal to the emotions. Also known as argumentum ad misericordiam or appeal to pity or misery. When an appeal to sympathy or pity is highly exaggerated or irrelevant to the issue at hand, ​ad misericordiam is regarded as a logical fallacy.

21. Give me examples of ad hominem

---------------------- QUESTION -----------------------

•Give me examples of ad hominem


✨ Answer ✨

>A classic example of advert hominem fallacy is given below: A: “All murderers are criminals, however a thief isn't a assassin, and so cannot be a criminal.” B: “well, you're a thief and a crook, so there is going your argument.”

>brainliest this answer


22. halimbawa ng Argumentum ad hominem?

Ang argumentum ad hominem ay latin na salitang nangangahulugang “sa tao.” Isa itong uri ng argumento na siyang ginagamit ng mga tao tulad ni Mocha Uson, Pangulong Duterte, Vitaliano Aguirre, at iba pang tao sa gobyerno, laban sa mga kaaway at tinuturing nilang kaaway ng pamahalaan. Inaatake nila ang pagkatao ng isang tao, totoo man ito o usap-usapan lamang, upang ipangsagot sa mga paratang sa kanila upang maiwasan ang pagsagot sa paksa o usapin.




Unang sitwasyon, naglabas ng mga ebidensya laban sa kanila ang isang grupo o tao.


Ang magiging reaksyon ng kabilang panig ay, imbes na sagutin ang mga paratang at dumaan sa tamang proseso, sisiraan ang naglabas ng mg ebidensya.

23. argumentum ad Hominem​

uuhm nasan po yung pic


An "argument ad hominem" (or argumentum ad hominem, to use the full New Latin phrase) was a valid method of persuasion by which one took advantage of an opponent's interests or feelings in a debate, instead of just sticking to general principles.



24. example, explanation and meaning ofFalacy-ad hominem- hasty generalizationFact OpinionBias​


1. Ad Hominem Fallacy: Ad Hominem is a Latin term which means "against the man". This fallacy occurs when an argument is attacked by attacking the person making the argument, rather than addressing the argument itself. For example, if someone says that smoking causes cancer and another person responds by saying "Well, you're a smoker, so you can't be trusted", that is an ad hominem fallacy. The argument is not addressed, but instead, the person making the argument is attacked.

2. Hasty Generalization: Hasty generalization is a fallacy that occurs when a conclusion is drawn based on insufficient evidence or a small sample size. For example, if someone says "All dogs are aggressive" because they were bitten by a dog once, that is a hasty generalization. The conclusion is drawn based on a single experience, rather than considering a larger sample size or more evidence.

3. Fact: A fact is a statement that can be proven or verified through evidence. For example, "The Earth revolves around the sun" is a fact that can be proven through scientific evidence.

4. Opinion: An opinion is a view or judgement that is not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. For example, "Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor" is an opinion, as it is a personal preference and not a statement that can be proven or verified.

5. Bias: Bias refers to a preference or prejudice towards a particular point of view or opinion. It can be conscious or unconscious and can influence the way someone interprets or presents information. For example, a news organization may have a political bias that leads them to present news in a way that favors one political party over another.

25. alin sa sumusunod ang isang halimbawa ng argumentum ad hominem​


Argumentong Komposisyon <ul><li>Mabisang panghikayat at di mapasusubaliang pagsisiwalat ng mga prinsipyo o paninindigan. </li></ul><ul><li>Pagbibigay ng sariling pagtitimbang hinggil sa isang paksa. </li></ul>


that is correct answer

sana makatulong

26. define and example of argumentum ad hominem

that is a type of FALLACIES on debate it means
(attacking the person directly instead of Arguing)

27. Activity 3: "it's Fallacious"Give example for the following types of fallacy1. Argumentum ad baculum2. Argumentum ad hominem3. Argumentum ad Misericordiam 4. appeal to tradition 5. Fallacy of Division ​


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28. halimbawa ng Argumentum ad hominem?

Ang argumentum ad hominem ay latin na salitang nangangahulugang “sa tao.” Isa itong uri ng argumento na siyang ginagamit ng mga tao tulad ni Mocha Uson, Pangulong Duterte, Vitaliano Aguirre, at iba pang tao sa gobyerno, laban sa mga kaaway at tinuturing nilang kaaway ng pamahalaan. Inaatake nila ang pagkatao ng isang tao, totoo man ito o usap-usapan lamang, upang ipangsagot sa mga paratang sa kanila upang maiwasan ang pagsagot sa paksa o usapin.




Unang sitwasyon, naglabas ng mga ebidensya laban sa kanila ang isang grupo o tao.


Ang magiging reaksyon ng kabilang panig ay, imbes na sagutin ang mga paratang at dumaan sa tamang proseso, sisiraan ang naglabas ng mg ebidensya.


29. why ad hominem used by filipinos​


An ad hominem (Latin for “to the person”) argument is an attempt to discredit an argument by labeling or attacking the person making it. Deliberately or otherwise, people resort to them when they don't want to do the hard work of challenging an idea on its merits.

30. which fallacy literally hitting the person below the belt instead of focusing on the issue at hand?a. mora licensingb. equivocationc. argumentum ad baculumd. ad hominem​


d. ad hominem po ang sagot

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