Organization Games For Students

Organization Games For Students

Organize the data in a frequency distribution table. 2. How many students play online games 5 hours a day? 3. Which number of hours spend playing online games is least common? 4. For how many hours do most students spend playing online games? 5. How many students were surveyed?​

Daftar Isi

1. Organize the data in a frequency distribution table. 2. How many students play online games 5 hours a day? 3. Which number of hours spend playing online games is least common? 4. For how many hours do most students spend playing online games? 5. How many students were surveyed?​


Nasan Po Yung Data?

Step-by-step explanation:

Baka sakaling alam ko po Yung sagot

2. Directions: Compose a persuasive essay using the outline or graphic organizer you made on one of these topics. •E-Cigarette Smoking in Public • Students' Addiction to Internet Gaming •Recycling​


yan den kailangan ko eh



3. The following data was collected when a group of students were asked how many hours do they spend playing online games. 6, 2. 8. 6, 5. 2. 5. 5, 8, 5, 5, 6. Questions: 1. Organize the data in a frequency distribution table. 2. How many students play online games 5 hours a day? 3. Which number of hours spend playing online games is least common? 4. For how many hours do most students spend playing online games? 5. How many students were surveyed? 6,​


[tex]\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\small \\ \colorbox{red}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{orange}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{yellow}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{green}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{blue}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{magenta}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\colorbox{purple}{\boxed{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}[/tex]

4. Search on the internet or interview some people to gather relevant information on the topic "How does online games addiction affects students in their studies?" . Using the graphic organizer below, write down all the details you have collected before writing your exposition​


1.Various studies show that playing too much computer games causes physical damages and increases anxiety and depression in players. Many studies show that most adolescents who are addicted to computer games have high heart beat and blood pressure due to too much excitement and stress.


5. Identify which type of sampling is used: random, stratified, cluster, systematic, or convenience._________1. A psychologist selects 12 boys and 12 girls from each of 4 Math classes._________2. When he made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 10,000 responses, from 100,000 questionnaires distributed to students._________3. A biologist surveys all students from each of 15 randomly selected classes._________4. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards and draws 5 names._________5. Family planning polls 1000 men and 1000 women about their views concerning the use of contraceptives._________6. A hospital researcher interviews all diabetic patients in each 10 randomly selected hospitals._________7. Smart selects every 100th cell phone from the assembly line and conduct a thorough test of quality.​


1. Stratified Sampling


The whole population is divided into subgroups (math classes). This could also be called stratum and the sample size is chosen from each of the subset of the population.

2. Random Sampling


From the 100,000 questionnaires, only 10,000 are chose by chance. So this is considered to be random sampling.

3. Cluster Sampling

Explanation: The whole population is divided into different clusters (classes) then all the elements per cluster are studied. That is, the classes are randomly selected but the elements in each cluster is included in the sample size.

4. Random Sampling

Explanation: All the names of the contestants have equal chances of being chosen. This is a sampling by chance.

5. Convinience Sampling

Explanation: The polls itself is most often a sign that the sampling is Convinience. There are 1000 slots each for men and women for polls which also hints accidental sampling or similar to convinience sampling.

6. Cluster Sampling

Explanation: Like number 3, the clusters are randomly selected but all the elements in each cluster is included in the sample size and there is no need to choose from each group.

7. Systematic Sampling

Explanation: Smart conducts a thorough test of quality in every 100th cellphone. This is systematic since there is a fixed interval for the desired sample size.

Read more about these sampling methods on this link:


6. Directions: Choose five (5) words from the table below and give their roles (at least 3roles in each word) in the society. Tell how they can influence you through theirleadership or fellowship. Do it in your journal.*Police*Priest*Parents*Pres. Duterte*Teacher*Front liners*Principal*Barangay. Captain*Celebrity actor/actress*Your coach (any sports related/game event)*Your boss (if you are working students)*Your head/president (if you are involved in any organization)Example:1. My coach in basketball (trainer, influencer, and good leader). He influenced mebecause (state yourof leadership/ fellowship with him/her)story of​


trainer or leader



what you think that there was a explanation?

7. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the paragraph, and then answer the questions below. Write onthe letter of the best answer.There are five teams of students in the fifth grade. The blue team has math first period,and the red team has science. The yellow team gets to go outside early in the morning, whilethe green team goes to music. Only students on the orange team get to play games first period.Each student wears a nametag with his or her color, so that the teachers and students all knowwhere a student should be.1. The best summary of the paragraph isa. Nametags are important.b. he blue team has math first.c. The yellow team has the best schedule.d. Students are organized by teams with color names.2. What is a summary?a theme or universal lessonb. a short explanation of a textc. a persuasive argument about a textd. holds the most important information in a paragraph3. Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is true?a. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.b. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage.c. The Summary is a thought that is not true but is not in the passage.d. The Summary is specific, detailed information contained in the passage.Please pakisagutan po agad ​




number 1 and 2 lang po ang kaya ko ma answer

8. MATHB. Directions: Identify which type of sampling is used: RANDOM, STRATIFIED RANDOM, CLUSTER, SYSTEMATIC, or CONVENIENCE.____________ 1. A psychologist selects 5 boys and 5 girls from each of 4 Special Science classes.____________ 2. When the made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 5 000 responses from 50 000 questionnaires distributed to students.____________ 3. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards, and draws 6 names.____________ 4. Globe selects every 50th cellphone from the assembly line and conduct a thorough test of quality.⚠️NONSENSE = REPORTED⚠️​

STRATIFIED 1. A psychologist selects 5 boys and 5 girls from each of 4 Special Science classes.

RANDOM 2. When the made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 5 000 responses from 50 000 questionnaires distributed to students.

RANDOM 3. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards, and draws 6 names.

SYSTEMATIC 4. Globe selects every 50th cellphone from the assembly line and conduct a thorough test of quality.

Hope it helps #CarryOnLearning

9. search on the internet or interview some people to gather relevant information on the topic How does online games addiction affects student to their studies? Using the graphic organizer below, right down all the details you have collected before writing your exposition. brainlyPAHELP PO​


since d ko kita ung graphic organizer sasagutan ko nlng ung question, kaw na maglagay sa graphic organizer.

1) Being addicted to online games can cause the student to have his/her focus on the game instead of school.

2) Most people would stay up playing games, this results to loss of sleep which can damage ones studies.

3) Online games and platforms can cause having mental problems because of the people in the internet which can lead to less energy and motivation to study.


sorry un lng ung nasa utak ko


1.a sport tournaments

2.d events

3.b games

4.c talks,seminars or conferences

5.c. university athletic association of the Philippines

6.a. sport tournament

7.c.talks,seminars or conferences

8.d. events run or d. hiking events,competition,or marathons


sana nakatulong

11. 1. the administrators asked some faculty members to coordinate with the Parish of the Immaculate Conception so that said activities could be done at regular intervals during the year. 2. A continuing commitment to the culture of quality research was realized with the holding of the first UB Research Forum on December 12, 2002. Two faculties from the College of Education received an award for the papers they presented. Prof. Lionel Buenaflor won the Best Paper Award and Prof. Ramil Marquez received the Best Presenter Award. 3. The President called for a series of meetings with the academic groups so that he could request for a renewed commitment toward quality education. 4. The College of Law responded to the call of the President for quality education when the 3rd and 4th year Law students implemented the Legal Aid Program. Those who enrolled in Practice Court I and Practice Court II would be receiving training in the limited practice of Law. 5. the UB students who would be competing in the Mathematics Quiz Shows did not lag behind. 6. The graduates of the UB High School of 1987 to 2001 organized on May 26, 2002, a Grand Alumni Homecoming. 7. the subjects offered during the curricular programs of SY 2002-2003 had been made well-structured. 8. Student representatives were sent to participate in the English competition in Switzerland, in TESDA competition in Jakarta, in AFS competition in Japan, and the BCPRISAA games. pa paraphrase pooo


yes..because important the tesda..

12. 3. There are five teams of students in the fifthgrade. The blue team has math first period andthe red team has science. The yellow teamgets to go outside early in the morning, whilethe green goes to music. Only students on theorange team get to play games firstperiod. Each student wears a name tag with hisor her color, so that the teachers and studentsall know where students should be,The summary of this passage is:a. Students are organized by teams with colornames.b. The blue team has math first.c. Students wear nametags.​




Because the teams has specific colors


The answer is A! :D

13. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. 1.Increasing drowsiness is the symptoms of hypothermia. 2.A fitness event can come in the form of a short, single training or exercise session, a group or batch of sessions extended over a period of time.3 The first thing to do in order to organize a Fitness event is to identify a location or venue.4. Documentation is not important in organizing a fitness event. 5.In organizing a fitness event, having in mind your health concern and being familiar with your topic or issue is important in order to plan for an activity. 6.Players need to warm up before games. 7.Mouth guards can help protect your teeth while you play sports.8.Wearing the right equipment with the right fit decreases your chances of getting hurt. 9.Student athletes should check with their doctor before taking any supplement or over-the-counter medicine.10. If you’ve been injured or hurt and you try to come back soon, you run the risk of re-injuring yourself, maybe even more seriously than before. PARA SA EXAM PA HELP PO​


1.) True

2.) True

3.) True

4.) False

5.) True

6.) True

7.) True

8.) True

9.) True

10.) True

14. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct; if it is false change the underlined phrase to make the statement correct. _______________1. Recreation is performed during leisure time, fits individual differences, involuntary, flexible and a must for all the balance growth. _______________2. Hobbies may be defined as those activities which an individual is not bound to do, but instead are chosen from his establishment of values. _______________3. Dancing, singing, and acting are forms of visual art. _______________4. Domino is a block luck game that originates in China. _______________5. In the early 18th century, the game domino made its way to Europe, specifically in Greece. _______________6. Outdoor recreation involves a lot of physical activity, but one does not need to have athletic level of skills and fitness to be able to participate. However, one needs to be physically fit to be able to carry out the activity. _______________7. Outdoor recreation has negative effects on the general wellness of an individual, most especially if it is done with regularity. _______________8. Outdoor recreation does not have formal rules and is not competitive in nature which makes it different from outdoor sports. _______________9. Reasons for engaging in outdoor recreation vary from person to person. ______________10. Outdoor Recreations are organized activities done during subsistence time for the students’ own personal reasons, where an interaction between man and an element of nature is.​

pabrainly po mark











15. 1. In the level of measurement, Economic Status is classified as _____________ data. A. interval B. nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio 2. It is concerned with the formulation of conclusions or generalizations about a population based on the information contained in a sample drawn from the population. A. Descriptive Statistics C. Inferential Statistics B. Qualitative data d. Quantitative data 3. It refers to the scientific body of knowledge which deals with the collection, organization, presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data. A. Algebra B. Geometry C.Parameter D. Statistics 4. Which of the following is a Quantitative Data and at the same time Continuous Variable? A. House number B. Telephone number C. Heights of Grade 7 Students D. Number of modules distributed per quarter. 5. Identify the population in the research, “The effect of Online Games in the Study Habit of Grade 7 Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High School”. A. All Online Gamers of Kalayaan national High School B. All Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High school C. All Junior High School Teachers of Kalayaan National High School D. All Grade 7 Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High Schoo


1. A

2. B

3. D

4. B

5. A

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest po thankyou : )

16. Ulound interesting about the divitiesane question I still have in mind1e content ofusing notesy andsourcesINTRODUCTIONLearning Task 1: Collect information from the various sources like news reportinetc. regarding the disadvantages of teenagers being addicted to online games Webanacollected information then answer the questions that followProcess Questions:1 Is it difficult to collect information from various sources? Why?2 Do you it is important to know the different sources of informatiou? Why?3. Do you think knowing the different sources of information will help you organ your desHow?As a student, do you think it is important to organize and summary the infomationdifferent sources? Why?Weekly Home Learning Plan in English 8 Quarter A Page 4 of 20Weekly Home Learning Plan in English 8uome​


1.) It is somehow difficult to collect in the collecting processes from various sources, because you will be verifying the consistency and validity of the information, to compare and contrast the information given and stated in the different sources

2.) Yes it is very important because different various sources will help you validate and make your write ups credible and are consistent to all sources

3.) Yes, information sources will help in the organization by means of proper order and data for better organize things

17. A. Directions. Write SG if the statement is a Short-term Goal andLG if the statement is a Long-term Goal. Write your answer in aseparate sheet of paper.1. Produce a fitness plan for the coming month.2. Know the possible intervention to avoid injuries.3. Set time duration for aerobic exercises.4. Watch video presentation for first aid.5. Walk around the Zambales Sports Complex Track Oval.6. Play basketball and other ball games after quarantine.7. Ask advice from a health practitioner on your physical fitness.8. Buy a mountain bike to start your biking activity.9. Attend of fun run organized by the Local Government.10. Know your fitness boundaries and limitations as student.paki sagot po to please Po need ko na po bukas please​












18. B. Directions: Identify which type of sampling is used: random, stratified random, cluster, systematic, or convenience.4. Globe selects every 50 ^ (th) cellphone from the assembly line an conduct a thorough test of quality.s2. When he made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 5,000 responses from 50,000 questionnaires to students.1. A psychologist selects 5 boys and 5 girls from each of Special Science classes.3. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards, and draws 6 names.​

[tex]\large\color{black}{\boxed{\rm\color{white}{Im \: A \: Simp \: For \: Roshica}}}[/tex]

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19. Identify which type of sampling is used: random, stratified, cluster, systematic, or convenience._________1. A psychologist selects 12 boys and 12 girls from each of 4 Math classes._________2. When he made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 10,000 responses, from 100,000 questionnaires distributed to students._________3. A biologist surveys all students from each of 15 randomly selected classes._________4. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards and draws 5 names._________5. Family planning polls 1000 men and 1000 women about their views concerning the use of contraceptives._________6. A hospital researcher interviews all diabetic patients in each 10 randomly selected hospitals._________7. Smart selects every 100th cell phone from the assembly line and conduct a thorough test of quality.​


1. stratified

2. random

3. cluster

4. random

5. convenience

6. cluster

7. systematic

Step-by-step explanation:

Sampling Methods

Sampling methods are the ways on selecting members from the population to be in the study. Researchers select samples rather than working with the overall population because most of the times, population involved in the study is large and it is impossible for them to gather the needed data for every object in the study. There are five ways to select a sample and they are as follows:

Random Sampling

In this method, everyone in the population has an equal chance to be chosen. It is like everyone's name is in a box and researchers draw out several names.

Systematic Sampling

In systematic, the list of elements in the study is "counted off". Meaning the members of the population are put in order and every nth member is selected to be in the sample.

Convenience Sampling

The readily available sample is used in the study. Researchers poll people as they walk by on the street.

Sfratified Sampling

For stratified, the population is split into groups, then from each group samples are selected.

Cluster Sampling

In this method, population is also split into groups. The difference from stratified is that samples in cluster consist of every member of the selected groups.

For the definition of statistics:

For the application of statistics in education:


20. Identify which type of sampling is used: random, stratified, cluster, systematic, or convenience.1. A psychologist selects 12 boys and 12 girls from each of 4 Science classes.2. When he made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 10 000 responses from 100 000 questionnaires distributed to students.3. A biologist surveys all students from each of 15 randomly selected classes.4. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffles the cards, and draw 5 names.5. Family Planning polls 1 000 men and 1 000 women about their views concerning the use of contraceptives.​







Step-by-step explanation:

21. 1. In the level of measurement, Economic Status is classified as_______ data A.interval B. nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio 2. It is concerned with the formulation of conclusions or generalizations about a population based on the information contained in a sample drawn from the population. A. Descriptive Statistics B. Qualitative data C. Inferential Statistics D. Quantitative data 3. It refers to the scientific body of knowledge which deals with the collection, organization, presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data. A. Algebra B. Geometry C.Parameter D. Statistics4.Which of the following is a Quantitative Data and at the sane time Continuous Variable? A House numberB. Telephone number C. Heights of Grade 7 Students D. Number of modules distributed per quarter. 5. Identify the population in the research, "The effect of Online Games in the Study Habit of Grade 7 Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High School”. A. All Online Gamers of Kalayaan national High School B. All Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High schoolC. All Junior High School Teachers of Kalayaan National High SchoolD. All Grade 7 Junior High School Students of Kalayaan National High School​







Step-by-step explanation:

sa tingin ko yan yung sagot


Abdcbc yan po sorry kung mali

22. 20 MATHEMATICS 7 QUARTER 4 WEEK 3 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLE GRADE&SECTION: 7 Amity AME: Henry James C. Remedio A. UNGROUPED DATA Directions. Study the given data below and answer the questions that follow. The following data was collected when a group of students were asked how many hours do they spend playing online games 2, 7 2. 6 8 6. 8. 2 9. 7. 5. 5. 6. 2 5. 6. 6. 2 4. 5. 2. 5. 5. 9. 3. 6. 8 6 4 stions: Organize the data in a frequency distribution table. Use the table on the right. Which number of hours spend playing online games is least common? 3 hours How many students were surveyed? 9 GROUPED DATA Complete the table then answer the questions that follow. Hours Tally 2 3 4. 5 6 SCORE 7 8 741-1 1 111 774-1 KH-11 111 11 Total 35 Frequ 6 1 3 6 2 3 2​


iyan po yung sagot

Step-by-step explanation:

pa follow po

23. A. Directions. Write SG if the statement is a Short-term Goal andLG if the statement is a Long-term Goal. Write your answer in aseparate sheet of paper.1. Produce a fitness plan for the coming month.2. Know the possible intervention to avoid injuries.3. Set time duration for aerobic exercises.4. Watch video presentation for first aid.5. Walk around the Zambales Sports Complex Track Oval.6. Play basketball and other ball games after quarantine.7. Ask advice from a health practitioner on your physical fitness.8. Buy a mountain bike to start your biking activity.9. Attend of fun run organized by the Local Government.10. Know your fitness boundaries and limitations as student.paki sagot naman Po to please​













nagtanong din po ako nang ganyan tapos po yan po ung cnagot saakin

24. For each giver sentence, fill in the blank with a linking verb11 We going to the game tonight12. Yougoing to buy me a Christmas gift.13. Theya good group of students to take on a field trip14. Shethe one who organized the birthday party.15. The three playersfriends16. The crowdvery loudly.17. The studentshappy18. The dayperfect for soccer19. Mr Johnny a teacher20.1going to SM​


11 We ARE going to the game tonight

12. You ARE

going to buy me a Christmas gift.

13. They

ARE a good group of students to take on a field trip

14. She IS

the one who organized the birthday party.

15. The three players ARE


16. The crowd IS

very loud.

17. The students ARE


18. The day IS

perfect for soccer

19. Mr Johnny a IS teacher

20. I AM

going to SM

25. 1.Your English teacher assigned you the story Jack and the Beanstalk to read and name the characters and setting, and identify the important events that happened in the story. What graphic organizer are you going to use? A. Story MapB. Cause-Effect ChartC. Venn Diagram2.Your Science teacher asked the class to read the text “How to Stop Global Warming?” You have listed some ways to stop global warming, such as the use of renewable energy, promoting public transportation, and carpooling that can definitely help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and thus fight global warming. A. TimelineB. Story MapC. Problem-Solution3.Your Arts teacher asked you to give the similarities and differences between traditional and digital arts. A. Cause-Effect ChartB. Venn DiagramC. Concept Map4.Your P.E. teacher demonstrated how to play Batuhang Bola or dodgeball. After the game, he asked you to write the steps in playing the game. A. Sequence ChartB. Problem-SolutionC. Main Idea details5.Your Araling Panlipunan teacher asked you to read and take note of the important events that highlighted the EDSA People Power Revolution. What graphic organizer will you use to get the information? A. TimelineB. Cause-Effect ChartC. Venn Diagram6.A visual display that shows the relationships between facts or ideas in a text. It is used to organize information to easily understand the text. A. Graphic OrganizerB. Teaching ChartC. Mathematical Sentence7.A type of graphic organizer that helps to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts. A. Cause-Effect ChartB. Main Idea DetailsC. Venn Diagram8.It shows relationships between the main idea or main concept and other information. A. Concept MapB. TimelineC. Story Map9.It is used to visualize the cause-and-effect relationships clearly. A. Concept MapB. TimelineC. Cause-Effect Diagram10.It is used to help students learn the elements of a story (characters, setting, plot, problems, and solutions). A. Story MapB. TimelineC. Cause-Effect Diagrampatulong po pls ❤❤❤​


1. a

2. c

3. b?

4. c

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. a

pa-tama nalang po sa comments kung mali

ngayon lang po ako nag ayos ng sagot sa tanong

pa brainliest nalang po please


( •.•) ❤

( / /)

26. Mario went to the hospital. He had with him a basket of fruits and some flowers. *1 pointA. Mario visited a sick friend in the hospital.B. Mario is in the hospital because he is sick.C. Mario worked in a hospital.There are balloons all around. Lots of food are on the table. Children come with gifts. After eating, they sang and played parlor games. *1 pointA. The children are in a birthday party.B. The children are in the library.C. The children are in the church.The lion roared at the mouse, put his paw over her and said, "I will eat you." Thelion was______*1 pointA. playfulB. powerfulC.terrifiedThe lion tried to break the net, but the rope was strong. The lion felt_______ *1 pointA. carelessB. friendlyC. helpless"You saved my life. Thank you," said the lion to the mouse. The lion was_______________. *1 pointA. cheerfulB. thankfulC. angry"Thank you for helping me. Thanks for being a shoulder to lean on. You are an angel sent by God from heaven" *1 pointhelpfullystubbornlygratefully"Oh, God I pray that you take care of her. She is the only one I have"1 pointthrilledlonelyanxiousIt is a person or animal who takes part in the action in a story. *1 pointSettingPlotCharactersIt is the time and place wherein the story happens. *1 pointSettingPlotCharacterIt is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central topic. *1 pointSettingPlotCharacterThey are visuals charts and tools used to represent and organize a student’s knowledge or ideas. They’re often used as part of the writing process to help students map out ideas, plots character details and settings before beginning to write. *1 pointStoryGraphic OrganizersSequencingIt is a reading comprehension strategy that helps students identify the components in a story, including the beginning, middle, and end. *1 pointStoryGraphic OrganizersSequencing​












Graphic Organizers



I don't have to explain coz' it will waste my time, i hope it helped.

27. Series the students do the exercises very19 Cats and dogs are my best friends at homespecificHumans anosible for the care natureIconll the lulloning and write the letter of your answer on the space providedTihaboneGraphic Organizerb. Venn Diagramd Semantic Weberte1. It is a cause and effect organizerIt is use to compare two or more items23. It is a visual thinking tools that make pictures of thoughts24. It is an overlapping circles that illustrate similarity and diffe25. It is a side-by-side graphical representation about the key 1d the paragraph and answer the question that follows.26. It was the first football game for the Gators. The coach askedtumped and replied, "Yes!" In what tone did the Gators's reply?calmb) serious e happy d. enthusiasticing)​





28. details.CLASSIFICATION: Classify the following statements according to the type of sampling (randomstratified cluster or systematic) they belong. Write your answer on the space provided before thenumber.1.When he made an important announcement, he based conclusion on 10000 responses, from 100 000 questionnaire distributed to students.2.Mrs. Reyes gets samples from her class by selecting every third person onher class list.3.Ms. Hermosa gets samples from her class by selecting all the studentssitting at group 2 and group 3 in her classroom.4.Ms. Ferrer gets samples from her class by picking 10 numbers from herhat and each number is assigned to a student.5.A farmer separates his banana farm into 10 regions. He counts the numberof bananas produced in just one of the regions and uses that estimate topredict the number of bananas produced on the whole farm.6.A hospital researcher interviews all diabetic patients in each of 10randomly selected hospital.7. The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on aseparate card, shuffles the cards, and draw 5 names.8.Globe telecom selects every 100th user to give a special Boucher.9. Suppose we wish to conduct a clinical trial of a new vaccine for COVID-19. A small study of this type will be conducted on 100 patients. Fiftypatients will be chosen to use the new vaccine.10. In a class of 43 students 5 boys and 5 girls will be selected to representtheir class for incoming school intersection.​

sesend ko na lng sayo hghavs

29. 1.a psychologist select 12 boys and 12 girls from each of four science classes2. When he made an important annoucement, he based his conclusion on 10 000 responses, from 100 00 questionnaires distributed to students.3.A biologist surveys all students from each 15 randomly selected classes 4.The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card,shuffles the cards, and draws five names.5. Family planning polls 1 000 mean and 1 000 women about their views concerning the use of contraceptives .A.random b.sratified c.cluster d.systematic e. convenience​


1. stratified

2. random

3. cluster

4. random

5. convenience

6. cluster

7. systematic

Step-by-step explanation:

Sampling Methods

Sampling methods are the ways on selecting members from the population to be in the study. Researchers select samples rather than working with the overall population because most of the times, population involved in the study is large and it is impossible for them to gather the needed data for every object in the study. There are five ways to select a sample and they are as follows:

Random Sampling

In this method, everyone in the population has an equal chance to be chosen. It is like everyone's name is in a box and researchers draw out several names.

Systematic Sampling

In systematic, the list of elements in the study is "counted off". Meaning the members of the population are put in order and every nth member is selected to be in the sample.

Convenience Sampling

The readily available sample is used in the study. Researchers poll people as they walk by on the street.

Sfratified Sampling

For stratified, the population is split into groups, then from each group samples are selected.

Cluster Sampling

In this method, population is also split into groups. The difference from stratified is that samples in cluster consist of every member of the selected groups.

For the definition of statistics:

For the application of statistics in education:


30. Identify which type of sampling in used:RANDOM, STRATIFIED, SYSTEMATIC, or CLUSTER____________1)He selected every 5th students in every year level. ____________2)The game show organizer writes the name of each contestant on a separate card, shuffled the cards, and draw 5 names. ____________3)Smart selects every 100th cellphone front the assembly line and conduct a thorough test quality. ____________4)Family planning polls 1000 men and 1000 women about their views concerning the use of contraceptives. ____________5)A psychologist selects 12 boys and 12 girls from each of four science class. ____________6)A researcher surveyed people from each town in the province cavite for his research on Statistic. ____________7)The secretary gave a list of 200 Grade 11 students. The researcher selected every 9th name on the list. ____________8) A teacher surveyed about the effects the using of gadgets to their students. She decided to divide her students into male and female and then she selected students from each gender group. ____________9)A researcher surveyed all Covid-19 survivors In each of the 20 randomly selected hospitals in Manila. ____________10)The game organizer put all the names of the participants in a box and picked the 5 winners at random​


1) Systematic sampling

2) Random sampling

3) Systematic sampling

4) Stratified sampling

5) Stratified sampling

6) Cluster sampling

7) Systematic sampling

8) Stratified sampling

9) Cluster sampling

10) Random sampling

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