Importance Of Evaluation In Teaching And Learning Process

Importance Of Evaluation In Teaching And Learning Process

1. Which statement about technology in teaching and learning is FALSE? a. Technology has modernized teaching and learning b. Use of technology promotes higher order thinking c. Millenial teachers are not ready to use of technology in teaching d. To teach in the 21st century, technology use is indispensable 2. How did technology open new fields of educational research? I. Enabled researchers to process data faster and more accurate II. Created reseach tools with rigor to collect data III. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I, II, and III 3. What value does the use of technology give teachers? I. Provides support classroom as facilitators of learning II. Transforms passive classroom to interactive classrooms III. Enhance learners' communications skills a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I, II, and III 4. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology? I. Enhance global awareness and citizenship II. Enables the students to participate in the on-line gaming III. Increases addiction in internet games a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I and III 5. In which area of learning has technology given the most influence? a. Distance learning c. On the job learning b. Face-to-face learning d. Blended learning 6. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning? a. It provides a road map in education where ICT is utilized b. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be unifom in ICT c. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Which statement about technology in teaching and learning is FALSE? a. Technology has modernized teaching and learning b. Use of technology promotes higher order thinking c. Millenial teachers are not ready to use of technology in teaching d. To teach in the 21st century, technology use is indispensable 2. How did technology open new fields of educational research? I. Enabled researchers to process data faster and more accurate II. Created reseach tools with rigor to collect data III. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I, II, and III 3. What value does the use of technology give teachers? I. Provides support classroom as facilitators of learning II. Transforms passive classroom to interactive classrooms III. Enhance learners' communications skills a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I, II, and III 4. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology? I. Enhance global awareness and citizenship II. Enables the students to participate in the on-line gaming III. Increases addiction in internet games a. I only b. II only C. III only d. I and III 5. In which area of learning has technology given the most influence? a. Distance learning c. On the job learning b. Face-to-face learning d. Blended learning 6. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning? a. It provides a road map in education where ICT is utilized b. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be unifom in ICT c. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines​

Here are the answers to the questions dealing with technology and education

The ever growing feat of technology in recent years has brought about numerous changes. And one of these changes happens in the field of education and teaching. Nowadays, it is relatively easy to make use of technology in aiding the teaching process. To understand better, please read the following answers to the original question

C. Since the question is the false statement, we can easily notice that the correct answer would be the one that is in contrast with the benefits of utilizing technology in teaching context. As the remaining choices already mention the facts and benefits of technology, then the answer is C.D. All of the above mentioned statements are included as benefits of applying technology in education scope. Researchers' job in terms of data processing and research process in general is helped a lot thanks to technology.D. All of these statements are great ways to incorporate technology in learning context, hence the answer being D. Conventional classrooms are still present, but are enhanced and made more fun by technology use.A. Statement II and III are examples of detrimental effects of technology towards students. Though, online gaming is actually fine as long as the one playing is not addicted.A. Distance learning has been the highlight of technology utilization, and this is more prevalent with the pandemic happened sometime ago. Meanwhile, the last remaining choices have existed even since technology is used in education landscape.A. ICT Policy provides the upmost benefits when properly applied. Road map is one example of such practice in ICT Policy. By having a proper road map with ICT utilization, students will benefit even more from the use of technology in the classroom and their learning process.

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