Poverty And Unemployment In The Philippines Essay

Poverty And Unemployment In The Philippines Essay

Explain the relevance of high poverty rate in the Philippines to the issue in low wages and unemployment?​

Daftar Isi

1. Explain the relevance of high poverty rate in the Philippines to the issue in low wages and unemployment?​


Why does Philippines have high poverty rate?

The Philippines has a fairly high poverty rate with more than 16% of the population living below the poverty line. Because of the many people reliant on agriculture for an income and inequality in wealth distribution, about 17.6 million Filipinos struggle to afford basic necessities.

2. Poverty essay in the Philippines


“Poverty is the worst form of violence”. – Mahatma Gandhi.

We can define poverty as the condition where the basic needs of a family, like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, etc. A poor person is not able to get education due to lack of money and therefore remains unemployed. An unemployed person is not able to buy enough & nutritious food for his family and their health decline. A weak person lacks the energy required for the job. A jobless person remains poor only. Thus we can say that poverty is the root cause of other problems.

Having poverty is unfair, unethical, and dangerous. The Philippines should abolish poverty because its people deserve to be free of it. Poverty in the Philippines is one of the most serious problems that the government must deal with. In relation to its nature, poverty in the Philippines arose from the rapid population growth in the country. The effects of it are very visible in nature. Poverty causes many Filipinos to not pursue their education. Others seem to be contented of their lives as poor. Many parents cannot afford to send their children to school because, of the financial problem.

More Having poverty is unfair, unethical, and dangerous. The Philippines should abolish poverty because its people deserve to be free of it.

Poverty in the Philippines is one of the most serious problems that the government must deal with. In relation to its nature, poverty in the Philippines arose from the rapid population growth in the country.

The effects of it are very visible in nature. Poverty causes many Filipinos to not pursue their education. Others seem to be contented of their lives as poor. Many parents cannot afford to send their children to school because, of the financial problem. The majority who are affected of this problem are those who are living in the mountain areas because, some of them are lived in miles away from schools.

With poverty taking a toll on Filipinos, parents often can't make enough money to support their families; children then have to be taken out of school to work in harsh conditions. Statistics show that around 3.6 million children, from ages 5-17, are child laborers in the Philippines.

What are solutions to poverty?

Improve food security and access to clean water

Simply eating three meals a day and getting a healthy amount of calories and nutrients can go a long way to addressing the cycle of poverty. When a person doesn't have enough to eat, they lack the strength and energy needed to work.


3. essay about poverty in the philippines

POVERTY IN THE PHILIPPINES ESSAY Even though Philippines has an improved economy today, majority of the people living there is still struggling in poverty. People living in the Philippines are not enjoying the equal distribution of wealth, once they become poor, they will become so very poor, once they become rich, they will become so very rich. What is poverty? Economically, poverty happened when people does not meet all of their basic needs, they don’t meet the basic requirements to live better. It is the state that a person has a little or no money at all or few or no material possessions. These people encountered struggles in life and probably cannot eat every day or every meal, can’t afford to buy clothes as protection to their body. They have no shelter to live. Poverty is visible on how do the people live and how much the money they have. Not all people do not understand the true meaning of poverty, some people are not aware of the condition. Factors that can contribute to poverty are as follows:

1. unemployment

2. lack of education

3. disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flood, landslides, garbage landslide and war

4. corruption.

If the person is unemployed or no job, he cannot buy anything that they want because they have no money to use to meet the basic needs, therefore they will feel so poor and can cause depressions which can also cause complicated diseases. One of the reason why people become poor is the uneducated, these people tends to become a construction worker or will belong to the lowest paid individual in the society, thus their salary cannot support the needs of their families. Other problem that can cause poverty are the disasters. Many people lose their source of living and income. They are then left without anything. Corruption is also another reason of poverty. How can we prevent poverty? Philippine can prevent poverty my looking a job or by engaging themselves in entrepreneurship. People should strive to go to school because if the people in the Philippines are educated they can compete to other nations, there are lots of opportunities knocking elsewhere that can contribute to income generation. If the people in the Philippines are earning, economic would also be able to stand better. Corrupt should be punish and people should take good care the environment.

About poverty in the Philippines read more on:




4. If you were to advise the president of the philippines on how to cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment to improve the live if the filipino people what would you tell bim and why?


If I will be given the chance to give an advice to the president, I will advice him the following:

To cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment, he should focus on monitoring the implementations of the program that was funded if it was really funded in the program

To cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment, he should initiate and or strengthen the livelihood programs for the people

To cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment, he should continuously negotiate to the neighboring countries for possible job openings for Filipinos to other countries

Read more here:

What is unemployment?


Cyclical unemployment


Philippines facing unemployment



5. Anong ibig sabihin ng Poverty and Unemployment​




English meaning-the state of being extremely poor.


Tagalog:Walang Trabaho

English meaning-(of a person) without a paid job but available to work.


Among the factors that often contribute to poverty are unemployment and underemployment. Put simply, many people live in poverty because they are unable to find a job that pays a living wage—or to find a job at all. ... Poverty and unemployment do not affect everyone


I dont think so if this is correct eheh!

6. the higher the unemployment rate, the higher will be the poverty and crime rate.​


creat a slogan base on the drug scenario in the epecifecaly in Occidental mindoro issue

7. Directions: Read the viewpoint about unemployment in the Philippines. Present through writing, a coherent and comprehensive report on this viewpoint. Copy in your notebook the template of writing your report. Be guided with the rubries provided. Unemployment in the Philippines the Philippines is attributed reasons including overpopulation, oversupply of labor force on certain industries and the inability to take on available jobs. It has also been shown that crime rates in the Philippines is related to funemployment. Moreover, high poverty rates and hunger rates may be caused by unemployment too. Philippines is generally mors socially affected by unemployment and less economically affected.​


nasan po yung pic patingin po


paano ko po sasa gutan kung wala yung picture

8. Is the title of the essay " Fighting poverty in the Philippines " appropriate?

It should be a perfect title if it could describe all poverty matters very well. Poverty in the Philippines is more pervasive and chronic than in surrounding ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) t nations. While the Philippines' poverty rate has fallen over the previous quarter century, the decline has been slower than in other ASEAN nations. Past economic policies that slowed growth by discriminating against agriculture and discouraging investment in human capital are partially to blame for the Philippines' sluggish progress in lowering the incidence of poverty.  These policies reinforced powerful interest groups that prevented or delayed economic progress.

In contrast, the Philippines initiated political and economic reforms in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and since 1994, annual GDP growth has increased to approximately 5 %.  With quicker growth, the proportion of Filipinos living below the poverty line is dropping, but agricultural reform and higher investment in human capital would allow for a more significant decline.

Learn More about the essay title:



9. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of Filipino people , what would you tell him and why?


If I could advice our President, His Excellency the President of the RP, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, I would impose my beliefs into my advice for the president. I am an authoritarian capitalist who advocates for laissez-faire markets, strong statism, a delicate balance of tradition and progress and proud nationalism.

10. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues of poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the people, what would you tell him and why?


do innovative work that the people need today


in order to provide more jobs to the people even if the wages are low as long as they can support their families, this is a big help, and more attention will be paid to the Filipinos who are addicted to poverty.

11. important details in the essay "fighting poverty in the philippines" written by Fr. Emeterio barcelona, SJ ​


the fact is that 40% of our people live below the poverty line and 20% suffer food hunger

12. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues of poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the people, what would you tell him and why? ​


i need answers on this too

13. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the Filipino people, what would you tell him and why?​


Abolish the provincial minimum wage rate - the reason why it was put it place no longer reflects reality and is the biggest reason why people are encouraged to move to Manila to find jobs. Allowing people to be paid the same wage they would get in the capital encourages them to stay and further develop their own areas.


sana makatulong

14. Explain the interrelationship of poverty,unemployment and population growth ?


Poverty & Unemployment is the Aftercome of Population Growth (and Faltering Economy)


In society, as the government handles situations such as these, they may not all be solved in such an instant thus creating a loop of the three topics. As Population Growth increases and the economy is starting to decrease, unemployment & poverty will be its effect. More and more of the population growth increasing while the economy slowly falters, both povert and unemplyoment will arise.




Opposing viewpoint 1: Poverty is not solely the result of economic factors, but rather a combination of individual choices and circumstances. Individuals who are living in poverty are often blamed for their situation, and it is assumed that they are lazy or not motivated to improve their situation. Opponents of poverty reduction programs argue that these programs create a culture of dependence, discouraging individuals from taking responsibility for their own lives.

Opposing viewpoint 2: Poverty reduction programs are not effective in addressing the root causes of poverty. These programs provide temporary relief for those in need, but do not address the structural inequalities that create and perpetuate poverty. Opponents argue that poverty reduction programs are a Band-Aid solution that does not lead to long-term change.


Opposing viewpoint 1: Unemployment is a natural part of a market economy and is necessary for economic growth. Unemployment creates a pool of available workers, which allows employers to hire workers at a lower cost, leading to lower prices for goods and services. Opponents of unemployment benefits argue that they create a disincentive for individuals to seek work, leading to increased unemployment in the long term.

Opposing viewpoint 2: Unemployment benefits create a culture of dependency that discourages individuals from seeking work. Opponents of unemployment benefits argue that these programs create a disincentive for individuals to seek work, as they are able to rely on government assistance instead. Additionally, opponents argue that unemployment benefits create a burden on taxpayers, leading to increased government spending and a larger national debt.


Opposing viewpoint 1: Corruption is a necessary part of doing business in some countries, and is not necessarily a negative thing. In some cases, corruption can be used to expedite bureaucratic processes, leading to increased efficiency and economic growth. Opponents of anti-corruption measures argue that they are overly burdensome and create unnecessary barriers to doing business.

Opposing viewpoint 2: Anti-corruption measures are ineffective and create unnecessary barriers to economic growth. Opponents of anti-corruption measures argue that they are overly complex and difficult to enforce, leading to increased bureaucracy and decreased economic efficiency. Additionally, opponents argue that anti-corruption measures can be used to unfairly target businesses and individuals, leading to a negative impact on economic growth

16. what is the effect of unemployment to poverty​


Unemployment lies at the core of poverty. For the poor, labour is often the only asset they can use to improve their well-being.


When living in impoverished areas individuals experience low-quality housing, underfunded schools and restricted access to public transportation and services. These outcomes reduce an individual’s chances of finding employment again.While unemployment can create poverty, poverty also reduces the chance of being employed.




17. 3. What is the fundamental economic problem encountered in the Philippines?Scarcityc. Unemploymentb. Povertyd. Unlimited wants​


lahat ata kasi naman ang daming kurapsyon

18. in the essay "fighting poverty in the Philippines', why is our country suffering from poverty?​


-Maybe the lack of opportunity ,or low salary ,and economic development here in the Philippines. That's why the big percentage of Filipinos want to immigrate to other country.

-The corrupt officials in the government. The supposed allocated funds , sometimes corrupted by the higher positions. For example, in ayuda. etc.

-The people itself— their bad habits.

19. . If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the Filipino people, what would you tell him and why?


I will advise him that if we are some vacant work tell to the people who need that work .

He will make a organisation that can help people that they need.

I tell this to him because I have a suggestion that what we can help Manny people do not have a work .


@Carry on learning paki brainliest nalang po

20. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues on poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the Filipino people, what would you tell him and why?


If I could advice our President, His Excellency the President of the RP, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, I would impose my beliefs into my advice for the president. I am an authoritarian capitalist who advocates for laissez-faire markets, strong statism, a delicate balance of tradition and progress and proud nationalism.

I. Let the Markets Free

I would encourage the president to impose a laissez-faire policy when dealing with economic markets. Government regulation always leads to more obstacles for business owners and often prevents entrpreneurs from making their ideas come to market because the government always taxes them too much, imposes restrictions on where they can operate, force them to pay massive fees for registration and much more. And if entrepreneurs cannot get past these bureaucratic hurdles and establish their business or company, they cannot make jobs and people will not get employed. Government regulation will keep people from getting employed easily because fewer business owners and entrepreneurs can get past their hurdles. If the government will remove its bureaucratic red tape, the markets shall be opened for limitless business growth that will drive economic growth. The Government should be encouraging native entrepreneurship, not shutting them off.


hope it helps^-^

21. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to address the issueson poverty and unemployment to improve the lives of the Filipino people, what wouldyou tell him and why?​


If I were to advise the President of the Philippines regarding  the issues about poverty and unemployment of the Filipino people then I would advise him to :

Create Awareness. Social media has become an integral part of daily life, and now is the time to use it as a voice of social good. Sharing links on platforms will allow people to learn more about global poverty and will increase the general consciousness of the issue.

Increase Employment. According to the International Labour Organization, 197 million people are without work worldwide. More employment options in a country mean more ways of how to stop poverty. To increase employment, non-literate people can be taught a few skills to make them employable.

Increase Access to Proper Sanitation and Clean Water. Access to clean water and sanitation directly affects health and education. Currently, 800 million people live without access to safe water and 2.5 billion live without adequate sanitation. Lack of clean water spreads diseases like diarrhea and cholera, which take the lives of more than one million children each year.

End the poverty tax. People living in low-income neighborhoods pay extra for most everything, from food to car loans, and are dependent upon high-interest “pay-day loans” because many banks won’t serve poor neighborhoods.  

Educate Everyone. Education helps increase individual earnings for every member of a family. UNESCO points out that basic reading skills can lift 171 million people out of extreme poverty, ultimately reducing the world’s total poverty by 12 percent. UNESCO also mentions there are currently about one billion illiterate adults in the world.

While the issue about the unemployment of Pilipino's especially during this pandemic can be resolved by:

Bringing up the importance to employment programs.  In five year plans more importance should be given to employment. The programs like irrigation, roads, flood control, power, agriculture, rural electrification can provide better employment to people.

Reducing Occupational Immobility. the government can provide retraining programs for the unemployed, so that they can improve their skills or gain new skills necessary to ensure their employment.

Employment Subsidies. Employment subsidies can be provided by the government for firms who hire workers that are unemployed. With a subsidy, costs of production for firms go down since the price of each unit of labour resource decreases. Hence, employers will be more willing and able to hire more workers and increase the number of workers that they are willing to hire. This increases the size of the workforce and the number of job vacancies, hence helping to reduce unemployment.

And the final step must be done to eradicate the issues by Taking Action.

There's no shortcuts to success. That's why I would also advise the President of the Philippines to don't lose hope because if you want to achieve something in life, you need to work hard. you need to live with determination, you need to have patience, and we must keep in mind that experiences help us to grow and currently what you are experiencing is not a permanent situation but a temporary state of mind or being.  The future is unknown and instead of feeling fear of the unknown, try to embrace it.

22. 250 essay of poverty in the Philippines​


Hope it helps:) po pa brainliest na lng heheh:)

23. Give me some suggestions to fix poverty and hunger in the Philippines(for an essay)


Narito ang ilang mga mungkahi upang malunasan ang kahirapan at gutom sa Pilipinas:

Pahusayin ang Edukasyon: Ang edukasyon ay mahalaga sa pagbuwag sa siklo ng kahirapan. Sa pagbibigay ng access sa dekalidad na edukasyon ay makatutulong upang madagdagan ang mga oportunidad sa trabaho at mapalakas ang kita. Maaring mamuhunan ang pamahalaan sa edukasyon at magbigay ng mga programa na libre o subsidayado ang edukasyon.

Palakasin ang mga Agrikultura at Magsasaka: Mahalaga ang mga sektor ng agrikultura at magsasaka upang maibsan ang kagutuman at kahirapan sa Pilipinas. Sa pagtutulungan ng pamahalaan at mga pribadong sektor, maaring magbigay ng suporta at serbisyo sa mga magsasaka upang mapalakas ang kanilang mga produkto at makapagbigay ng sapat na pagkain sa bansa.

Magbigay ng Skills Training at Livelihood Programs: Sa pagbibigay ng mga training at programa na magtuturo ng kasanayan sa mga taong nangangailangan ng trabaho at hanapbuhay, ay maaaring magkaroon ng mas maraming oportunidad para sa kanila na magkaroon ng maayos na trabaho at mapalakas ang kanilang kita.

Pagpapakalat ng kaalaman tungkol sa Nutrisyon: Mahalaga ang pagpapalaganap ng kaalaman tungkol sa nutrisyon at kalusugan upang mapalakas ang kalagayan ng mga mamamayan. Ang pagbibigay ng edukasyon at serbisyo tungkol sa tamang nutrisyon at kalusugan ay magdudulot ng mas malusog na tao at mapapababa ang bilang ng mga taong nagugutom.

Pagpapaunlad ng Infrastraktura: Mahalaga ang mga kalsada, tulay, at iba pang imprastruktura upang mapabilis ang paglago ng ekonomiya at maibsan ang kahirapan sa bansa. Ang pamahalaan ay maaring magbigay ng suporta sa pagpapaunlad ng mga imprastruktura na magbibigay ng mas maraming oportunidad sa mga mamamayan na makapagtrabaho at magkaroon ng maayos na buhay.


24. . Is the title of the essay “Fighting Poverty in the Philippines” appropriate? Why?


Yes because filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such difficult condition, and more are falling extreme poverty


hope it helps :)

25. ESSAYas a student in what ways can you help solve unemployment in the philippines? give concrete examples​


use the example and make your own essay


Solving the unemployment problem

Full development of small-scale, labor-intensive industries.

Choosing appropriate labor -intensive technologies of production.

Creating a more direct link between education and employment.

Reduce rural migration.

Remove capital intensive bias.

Employment strategy package

26. is the title of the essay fighting poverty in the Philippines appropriate why​


Yes it is appropriate, because striving towards financial stability should be encouraged

27. Is the title of the essay fighting poverty in the philippines appropriate why

Essay: Fighting Poverty in the Philippines

Yes, the title is appropriate because it is currently happening here in the Philippines. Poverty is the number one issue here, and many people suffer. Also, we can see in reality that the prices of different products are now increasing. A lot of us are affected directly, which gives us a headache on how we could overcome this. Poverty is spreading throughout the whole country, giving us sadness and anxiety.

There are a lot of causes of poverty now. Here are some of them:OverpopulationUnemployment rateLack of educationHigh inflation rate

The causes above are examples of poverty. That is now happening not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. It affects the way we live, and that makes other people saddened. And it is alarming now, and we should take action on this issue.

Essay regarding the poverty here in the Philippines:




28. If you were to advise the President of the Philippines on how to cope with the issues of poverty and unemployment and improve the life of the Filipino people, what would you tell him and why?​


Addressing poverty and unemployment requires a multi-faceted approach that includes policies to promote economic growth, job creation, social protection, education and skills training, and sustainable development. By working together with the private sector, civil society, and international partners, the government can create an environment that supports the growth and development of the Filipino people, leading to a brighter future for all.


Implement policies that promote inclusive economic growth - This includes investments in key sectors such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and small and medium-sized enterprises. By focusing on these areas, the government can create job opportunities and increase the income of Filipinos, which can help alleviate poverty.

Create more job opportunities - The government can work to create more job opportunities by providing incentives for businesses to invest in the country and promoting the growth of emerging industries. This can be achieved through targeted tax policies, regulatory reforms, and streamlined bureaucratic processes that can help businesses grow and thrive.

Provide social protection programs - The government can provide social protection programs such as cash transfers, food assistance, and healthcare subsidies to help the poorest Filipinos meet their basic needs. This can help alleviate poverty and reduce income inequality.

Invest in education and skills training - Education and skills training programs can help improve the employability of Filipinos and enable them to secure better-paying jobs. The government can invest in vocational training, apprenticeships, and other programs that can help Filipinos develop the skills needed to compete in the global marketplace.

Focus on sustainable development - The government can promote sustainable development by investing in renewable energy, environmental protection, and conservation efforts. This can help reduce the impact of climate change and ensure that the benefits of economic growth are shared by all Filipinos, including future generations.

29. Using economic words, how are you going to advise to the president about how to cope up with the issues on poverty and unemployment in the Philippines to improve people’s lives?


do innovative work that the people need today


in order to provide more jobs to the people even if the wages are low as long as they can support their families, this is a big help, and more attention will be paid to the Filipinos who are addicted to poverty.

30. essay about what will happen to poverty rate in the philippines if there will be many job offerings to come​


The country is well-placed to end the vicious cycles of unequal opportunity that trap people in poverty, set in place measures to improve service delivery, and boost job opportunities.


Hard work and efforts will pave the way inside the door the more you sweat the luckier you get, Never give up.


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