1 Bushel To Kg

1 Bushel To Kg

A 20 pecks of cooking ingredients is equivalent to ____ bushel.A. 2 BUSHELB .3 BUSHELC. 4 BUSHELD. 5 BUSHEL​

Daftar Isi

1. A 20 pecks of cooking ingredients is equivalent to ____ bushel.A. 2 BUSHELB .3 BUSHELC. 4 BUSHELD. 5 BUSHEL​




correct me if i'm wrong

2. Us Grovers harvested 11 billion of bushels of corn in 2005. About 1.9 billion bushels were exported and 1.6 billion bushels were used for ethanol. Choose one bushel of corn at random. What is the probability that it was either for export or for ethanol



3. Mariz picked nine and seven-elevenths bushels of apples on Friday and four and a half bushels of apples onSaturday. How many bushels of apples did she pick altogether?​


Mariz need helps for your module infact his/her right.

4. 7. the number of bushels of apples per hectare this year 8. the number of patient arrivals per hour at a medical clinic​


7.Apples are discrete*, but the old obsolete bushel, that is no longer used in civilised countries is a measure of volume. Volumes are usually treated as continuous. Even if you only count whole numbers of bushels, I presume numbers are so large that we can treat them as continuous.

8.The number of people arriving for treatment at an emergency room can be modeled by a Poisson process with a rate parameter of five per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

5. ano ang ibig sabihin ng bushels​


di ko din alam ehh sorry


isang sukat ng kapasidad na katumbas ng 64 US pints (katumbas ng 35.2 liters), na ginagamit para sa mga dry goods.

6. three friends went tigether to pick a total of 5 1/2 bushels of apples. if each persin took home 1/3 ifvthe apples, how many bushels did each person get​


4 or 3 Persons i think i hope my answer is correct

7. A fall in the price of cabbage from $10.50 to $9.50 per bushel increases the quantity demanded from 18,800 to 21,200 bushels. the price elasticity of demand is



Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps you thank me later

A fall in the price of cabbage from $10.50 to $9.50 per bushel increases the quantity demanded from 18,800 to 21,200 bushels. the price elasticity of demand is


» $1.20 «


8. You are a farmer about to harvest the crop. To describe the uncertainty in the size of the harvest, you feel that it may be described as normal distribution with a mean of 80,000 bushels with a standard deviation of 2500 bushels. Find the probability that your harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels. ​

The probability that the the harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels is 3.92%.


Step-by-step explanation:Given:  






Probability that the harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels.  




where: z - z-score  

x - value  

μ - mean

σ - standard deviation  


Solution:  Solve for z-score






Find the area that corresponds to a z-score of 1

Note: Please refer to the illustration

Using the Standard Normal Distribution Table, the area from the left end of the curve up to when z = 1.76 is 0.96080

P(z < 1.76) = P(x < 84,400) = 0.96080


But since what is being asked is the probability that the harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels, the area will be from z = 1.76 onwards (right of z = 1.76).


The total area of the curve is 1 so subtract 0.96080 from 1.

= 1 - 0.96080

= 0.0392


The new area will be 0.0392, or this is also the probability that the the harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels

P(x > 84,400) = P(z > 1.76) = 0.0392 or 3.92%

Final answer:  

The probability that the the harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels is 3.92%.




9. 76 quarts = _______ bushel. (english system of measurement)


2.041 us bushels

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

10. how many pecks are in a bushel​


1 US bushel =

4 US pecks

11. What does this abbreviation mean,lb? A. Bushel B. liter C. ounce D. pound​

[tex] \huge\bold \pink { \boxed{ \colorbox{black}{answer}}}[/tex]

Lb in abbreviation is ; D. Pound


[tex]\bold \pink { \boxed{ \colorbox{black}{juu}}}[/tex]


lb is a written abbreviation for pound, when it refers to weight.

12. 11 bushel=-------pieks​


11 bushel= 8 pieks


13. Give the equivalent of the following measurement. Write the number only.1 gallon = _____ quarts 1 bushel = _____ pecks1 cup = _____ Tablespoon16 ounces = _____ pound(Tle)​



1 gallon = 4 quarts

1 bushel = 4 pecks

1 cup = 16 Tablespoon

16 ounces = 1 pound

Sana makatulong ;)

1 gallon=4 quarts

1 bushel=4 pecks

1 cup=16 tablespoon

16 ounces=1 pound

14. it takes jungkook 10hours to pick forty bushels of apples.jimin can pick the same amount in 12hours.how long would it take them if they worked together?​


5 5/11 hr and 27.3 min


it takes jungkook 10hours to pick forty bushels of apples.jimin can pick the same amount in 12hours.how long would it take them if they worked together?


10 HOURS12 HOURS40 bushels of apples


How long would it take them if they worked together?


If Jungkook can pick 40 bushels of apples in 12 hours we can define "picking 40 bushels of apples" as 1 whole job. He does 1/12 of the job per hour.

Jimin can do the job in 10 hours. He does 1/10 of the job per hour.

x = number of hours working together to do the job

[tex]\large\left(\frac{1}{12} +\frac {1}{10}\right) \times x\: hrs\: = \:1 \:whole \:job[/tex]

[tex]\large\left(\frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{10}\right) \times x\: =\: 1[/tex]

[tex]\large\frac{22}{120} \times x \:=\: 1[/tex]

22x = 120

x = 120/22 = 60/11

60/11 = 5 5/11 hours

5/11 hr × 60 min/hr = 300/11 = 27.27272727272727 or about 27.3 min.

So Jungkook and Jimin can do the job in 5 5/11 hr or about 5 hr and 27.3 min

[tex]\begin{gathered}\gamma \\ \huge\boxed {\ddot \smile}\end{gathered}[/tex]



15. What is the solution of the"7 bushels = 260.657 quarts"Solution:​

Step-by-step explanation:

bushels * 37.236712




16. Convert the equivalent of following: Show your solution.1. 32 tablespoon =cups2. 50 kgpounds3. 4 cupspint4. 9 teaspoontablespoon5. 3 ouncegrams6. 8 pecksbushel7. 2 cupsegg yolks8. 3 pintsII II IIquarts9. 2 gramsounce10.2 quartscups​


[tex] \frac{3164}{.7?} [/tex]


17. Answer the following problemsShow your solution1. 15 teaspoon =________ tablespoon 2. 10 cups =_________tablespoon3. 5 pounds=__________ounces4. 24 quarts=__________ gallon5. 30 bushels=___________pecks​






18. 8 egg whites 1 bushel 1 peck 1 gallon 1 quart 1 teaspoon 1 tablespoon 15 ounces raisins 1 pound dates a pint whipping cream Lup 1 cup COMMON UNITS OF VO​


1 pint whipping cream=¼ cups

11 bushel=44 packs

4 quarts=3785.41 milimiters

45 ounce rainsins=⅛ cups

4 gallons=16 quarts

19. A farmer sells 6000 bushels of cotton for Php 3.55 a bushel. How much did the farmer receive? ​


6000 x 3.55 = pakicalcu nalang final answer



Step-by-step explanation:

20. Convert the following measurements26. 2 cups = ______ tsp27. 6 pint = ______ quarts28. 4 bushel = ______ tsp29. 10 tbsp = ______ tsp30. 5 kg ______ pounds​


26. 96Tsp

27. 3.60285 quarts

28. 28597.802 tsp

29. 30 tsp

30. 11.023 pounds




21. how many pcks in a bushel


4 l don't

sorry need ko point


1: 1 bushel = 4 packs

Explanation:mark me as a brainliest

22. what is the symbol of bushel​


"bu" po

huhu kelangan 20 characters eh


hope it helps


bu is the symbol for bushel

23. What things cause Christians to lose taste or be hidden under a bushel?​

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says: In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says: "Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."


24. A fall in the price of lemons from $10.50 to $9.50 per bushel increases the quantity demanded from 19,200 to 20,800 bushels. the price elasticity of demand is



Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps you to do your midule faster

A fall in the price of lemons from $10.50 to $9.50 per bushel increases the quantity demanded from 19,200 to 20,800 bushels. the price elasticity of demand is


» 0.80 «


25. Isn't Bushel is Weight or Volume.?​


The answer is volume




Yah it's volume

26. You are a farmer about to harvest the crop. To describe the uncertainty in the size of the harvest, you feel that it may be described as normal distribution with a mean of 80,000 bushels with a standard deviation of2500 bushels. Find the probability that your harvest will exceed 84,400 bushels.​


25 yan na po sagot 25

Step-by-step explanation:

hhaaha yan po sagit

27. It is to separate or strain the finer from the coarser particle of a material.*. bushelB. lumpC. siftD. peck​


c. siftㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

28. Wheat sold for ₱ 1.68 per bushel for 6 months and for ₱ 1.80 during the next 6 months. What was the average price per bushel for the year?


In order to find the average price of wheat per bushel for the year, we need to first find the total amount that was earned from selling wheat at ₱ 1.68 per bushel for 6 months and at ₱ 1.80 per bushel for the next 6 months. We can do this by multiplying the number of months by the price per bushel for each period.

For the first 6 months, the total amount earned would be 6 * ₱ 1.68 = ₱ 10.08.

For the next 6 months, the total amount earned would be 6 * ₱ 1.80 = ₱ 10.80.

We can then add these two amounts together to find the total amount earned for the year: ₱ 10.08 + ₱ 10.80 = ₱ 20.88.

We can then divide this total amount by the number of months in a year (12) to find the average price per bushel for the year: ₱ 20.88 / 12 = ₱ 1.74.

Therefore, the average price of wheat per bushel for the year was ₱ 1.74.

29. Suppose a rise in the price of peaches from $5.50 to $6.50 per bushel decreases the quantity demanded from 12,500 to 11,500 bushels. the price elasticity of demand is


$1.00 dollar has ben added to the price of the peaches and $1.00 is the decreases of the price of the bushels

Step-by-step explanation:

because when you subtruct $5.50 to $6.50 you will get the price of $1.00

and same for $12,500 subructed to $11,500

youl get the same answer $1.00

hope my answer helps

(heart,rate stars,and pabrainliest po)thank you:)

30. a little used dry measure,one quarter of a bushel for measuring grainKCEPARRANGE THE SCRAMBLED LETTER​




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