Electromagnetic Waves Comic

Electromagnetic Waves Comic

Choose one of electromagnetic waves and make a short comic strip on how it is applied.

Daftar Isi

1. Choose one of electromagnetic waves and make a short comic strip on how it is applied.


it says here to draw a comic strip I suggest you will have to commission or draw it yourself find something on Gogle that can help you

Here, I have some my own comic about microwave factions

Though, You can just search it there is many other good comic about microwave


Hope it helps:))

2. Activity 1 Behind the Electromagnetic Theory Read the article and create a comic strip about the significant contributions of the scientist to the Electromagnetic Wave Theory. ​

Michael Faraday: "I demonstrated how a changing magnetic field may cause an electric current to flow through a nearby circuit, indicating that mechanical energy can be converted into electric energy, and this discovery of induction in 1831 gave rise to electromagnetic technology."

Luigi Galvani: "I am largely responsible for the discovery of the voltaic pile, or battery, as a source of constant current power. Its operating principles combine chemistry and physics. The modern era of electricity was inaugurated by this discovery."

Alessandro Volta: "I developed the voltaic pile in 1799, and in 1800, I wrote a two-part letter to the president of the Royal Society outlining the results of my research. My breakthrough disproved the widely held notion that only living things could generate electricity and demonstrated that electricity could be generated chemically."

André-Marie Ampère: "After reading about the experimental results of the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted, I tried to give an integrated explanation of electricity and magnetism in the early 1820s. I developed a circuit force law and explained magnetism by supposing that the magnetized material contains tiny closed circuits."

Georg Simon Ohm: "I am well known today for inventing Ohm's law, which explains the mathematical relationship between electrical current, resistance, and voltage. Georg Simon Ohm-I came from humble roots and experienced financial struggle for the majority of his life."

What is electromagnetic wave theory?

In accordance with the definition of electromagnetic radiation given by classical physics, electromagnetic radiation is the movement of energy at the speed of light through a solid or an empty space in the form of the electric and magnetic fields that make up electromagnetic waves like radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays. In such a wave, time-varying magnetic and electric fields are coupled to one another at right angles and perpendicular to the direction of motion. An electromagnetic wave can be recognized by its power and the frequency v of the time variations of the electric and magnetic fields.

To learn more about electromagnetic wave theory, just click the link below:




3. create your own comic strips citing the scientist contribution to the development of the electromagnetic wave theory​


Generator built by Francis Hauksbee.Although he died young,he made major contributions to the development of the kinetic theory..

4. BRIANLIST KO MAKASAGOT(need Kona po ngayun)1). Create your own comic strips citing the scientists' contribution to the development of the Electromagnetic Wave Theory​


sana tama God bless


ganyan ba? sana makatulung

5. 2. Planck's constant and the frequency of an electromagnetic wave are used todetermineA. the energy of an electromagnetic waveC. the amplitude of the electromagnetic waveB. the wavelength of an electromagnetic waveD. the number of photons in a wavelength of the electromagnetic wave​




electromagnetic wave are used to determine

6. B. Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves Mechanical Waves Similarities Electromagnetic Waves


Unlike mechanical waves, which require matter, electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space, as well as through liquids, solids, and gases. There are many similarities between light waves and mechanical waves. They can both be measured by their amplitude, wavelength, and frequency.


Please correct me if I'm wrong! If you would please mark this as the Brainliest :) Thank you very much!

7. Make a Comic Strip about the scientist contributions on the development of electromagnetic wave theory. Refer to the rubric below for your guidance in making your output​


yan drawing mo madali lang yan


hope it helps sh3eesh

8. Electromagnetic waves are __________ waves.


EM waves

po sagot



Answer:EM waves are transverse waves


9. story about electromagnetic waves in comics strip? pahelp po kailangan ko na pi ngayon thanks in advance​


ok tysm yun lng po pa braliest

10. Are electromagnetic waves a wave or a particle? a .electromagnetic waves are particles b, electromagnetic waves are both particle and waves c. electromagnetic waves are sometimes waves and sometimes particle d. electromagnetic waves are waves




In physics, electromagnetic radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

11. .Which of the following is a TRUE statement about electromagnetic waves?A. People emit electromagnetic waves in the form of infrared energy B. A vibrating electric field is an example of an electromagnetic wave. C. Sound waves are electromagnetic waves with very low frequencies. D. The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on its frequency and wavelength.​




vibrating electric field is an example of an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields.

12. Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Their Similaritiesmechanical Electromagnetic waves waves their similarities ​

The only similarity is that in both mechanical and electromagnetic waves, each is as oscillation where each point of the wave can act as an independent source of a spherically propagating waves that add together (or a circular wave on water, or a linear wave in a string).

13. B. Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves Mechanical Waves Similarities Electromagnetic Waves​


mechanical wave is something that we use to make waves and electromagnet you need to use electromagnetic u need a electro magnet to make a wave similarities there waves


14. Which of the following statement is NOT true aboutelectromagnetic waves? *Electromagnetic waves have constantvelocityElectromagnetic waves are composed ofvibrating electric and magnetic fields.Electromagnetic waves can travel throughvacuum.Most electromagnetic waves are visible anddetectable.​


Most Electromagnetic waves are visible and detectable


sana makatulong

pa follow po

15. Complete the concept map about electromagnetic waves.Electromagnetic Waves.Magbigay ng 5 Electromagnetic Waves.​


there are several different types of electromagnetic waves

1. radio wave

2. microwave

3. infrared

4. visible light

5. ultra violet

6. x-rays

7. gamma rays

16. Create simple comic strip,spoken poetry,or jingle piece that will show the relevance of the scientist's contribution in electromagnetic waves​.


create simple comic strip,spoken poetry,or jingle piece that will show the relevance of the scientist's contribution in electromagnetic waves. my

17. TRUE OR FALSE 1. Electromagnetic waves travel in a transverse form.2. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves only.3. Electromagnetic waves do not require any medium for propagation.4. Electromagnetic waves are not deflected by electric or magnetic fields.5. Electromagnetic waves travel with a constant velocity of 3 x 108 m/s in a vacuum.6. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber.7. Electromagnetic waves are propagated by electric and magnetic fields oscillating atright angles to each other.8. Electromagnetic waves have extensive range of waves that differ in thefrequencies and the wavelengths called electromagnetic spectrum.​










18. B. Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic Waves Similarities​


Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum, that is an empty space, whereas mechanical waves cannot. They need a medium to travel such as water or air. Ripples in a pond are an example of mechanical waves whereas electromagnetic waves include light and radio signals, which can travel through the vacuum of space.


19. 1. describe the energy of all the spectrum electromagnetic waves in yhe electromagnetic spectrum?2. describe the relationship between frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic waves3. describe the relationship between energy and wave speed of electromagnetic wave? 4. what can you say about the wave speed of all the electromagnetic waves in the electromagnetic?​



20. electromagnetic waves are ______ waves​


'transverse' waves

EM waves are 'transverse' waves. This means that they are measured by their amplitude (height) and wavelength (distance between the highest/lowest points of two consecutive waves).




21. Which is true about mechanical and electromagnetic waves? Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave is not Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave both need medium to travel. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave can travel in a vacuum. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave are both product of vibrating matter.


Electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum whereas mechanical waves do not. The mechanical waves need a medium like water, air, or anything for it to travel. While mechanical waves are caused by wave amplitude and not by frequency, electromagnetic waves are produced by the vibration of the charged particles.


I hope it's help

22. Which is true about mechanical and electromagnetic waves?A. Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave are not.B. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave both need medium to travel. C. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave can travel in a vacuum.D. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave are both product of vibrating matter.​

the answer is


mechanical waves use medium to travel

while electromagnetic uses a medium to travel using electromagnetic field


Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave are not.

Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave are not.B. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave both need medium to travel.

Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave are not.B. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave both need medium to travel. C. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave can travel in a vacuum.

Mechanical wave is caused by the vibration of matter, while electromagnetic wave are not.B. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave both need medium to travel. C. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave can travel in a vacuum.D. Mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave are both product of vibrating matter.

23. What is the primary source of Earth’s electromagnetic radiation? What type of waves are electromagnetic waves? What speed do electromagnetic waves travel at? ​


The sun

Transverse wave

Speed of light



The Sun is the primary source of electromagnetic radiation on Earth. But before the electromagnetic energy from the Sun reaches the Earth's surface, it must pass through the atmosphere.


Electromagnetic (EM) waves are Transverse Waves. All electromagnetic waves: transfer energy as radiation from the source of the waves to an absorber.


All electromagnetic waves travels at the same speed which is about 3.0 * 108 meters per second through a vacuum. We call this "speed of light".


Pabrainliest nga at sna nakatulong

24. What is an electromagnetic wave and a non-electromagnetic wave?


Radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves that differ from each other in wavelength. (a) Longer wavelength; (b) shorter wavelength. Electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles and Some waves are not electromagnetic in nature, like, Ultrasonic wave, Sound wave, Alpha rays, beta rays, Cathode rays and Canal rays.


25. MECHANICAL WAVES ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. Direction: Classify whether the wave is mechanical or electromagnetic.1. Water waveA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave2. radio waveA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave3. earthquake A. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave4. infraredA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave5. ultraviolet rayA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave6. waves on a ropeA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave7. sound A. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave8. gamma rayA. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave9. microwave A. mechanical WaveB. Electromagnetic wave​


1. A

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. B


Hope it helps!

Brainliest please












hope it helps

26. Al are TRUE statements about electromagnetic waves, EXCEPT one. Which one is it? A. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through a vacuum, B. Most electromagnetic waves are invisible and undetectable. C. Electromagnetic waves are mechanical waves. D. Electromagnetic waves travel equal to the speed of light in a vacuum.




In a vacuum, electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light.




Electro Magnetic Waves are detectables.

27. what is electromagnetic wave?2. what are the characteristics of electromagnetic wave?3. 3 examples of electromagnetic waves?4. 3 examples of non electromagnetic waves?​​


1.)Electronic wave, is a wave that is created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and magnetic field

2.)electro magnetic waves are arranged according to frequency and wavelength in a continuum called the electromagnetic spectrum


3.)Radio waves

Gamma rays



28. What are the HAZARD of electromagnetic waves?What are the BENEFITS of electromagnetic waves?​


1.) microwaves cause internal heating of body tissues

infrared radiation is felt as heat and causes skin to burn

X-rays damage cells causing mutations (which may lead to cancer) and cell death - this is why doctors and dentists stand behind protective screens when taking lots of X-rays

gamma rays also damage cells causing mutations and cell death

2.) The killing and destructive power of electromagnetic radiation can be used constructively for curing the incurable diseases by eradicating the disease producing pathogens and micro organisms like bacteria, virus & fungi.


can you brainliest this answer?

29. Arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to photon energy, wave frequency, and wavelength.  a. Electromagnetic radiation b. Electromagnetic wave c. Electromagnetic wheeld. Electromagnetic spectrum ​


d. electromagnetic spectrum



B. electromagnetic wave


The wave front of electromagnetic waves emitted from a point source (such as a light bulb) is a sphere. … In order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength these are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays

Pa brainliest po

30. Are electromagnetic waves a wave or a particle?a. electromagnetic waves are particlesb. electromagnetic waves are both particle and wavesc. electromagnetic waves are sometimes waves and sometimes particled. electromagnetic waves are waves​


Electromagnetic radiation behaves like waves of energy most of the time, but sometimes it behaves like particles. From the 1600s until the early 1900s, most scientists thought that electromagnetic radiation consists either of particles or of waves but not both.


Are electromagnetic waves a wave or a particle?b. electromagnetic waves are both particle and waves


In 1905, the physicist Albert Einstein developed a new theory about electromagnetic radiation.

The theory is often called the wave-particle theory.it explains how electromagnetic radiation can behave as both a wave and a particle.

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