Keep The Flame Burning Meaning

Keep The Flame Burning Meaning

4. Method Extinguishment Identify the method extinguishin ent appropriate for burning of or flame from certain type of the fuel given answer on each item. Write your on the upace provided for before each item. 1. Burning Greaces 2 Flame from Gasoline 3- Burning Paints 4.Flame from kerosene 5. Burning Large Timbers 6. Flame from Electric shock 7. Burning Truck Tires 8.LPG Flames 9. Burning Plastic Containers10. Fire from Cooking Oil ​

Daftar Isi

1. 4. Method Extinguishment Identify the method extinguishin ent appropriate for burning of or flame from certain type of the fuel given answer on each item. Write your on the upace provided for before each item. 1. Burning Greaces 2 Flame from Gasoline 3- Burning Paints 4.Flame from kerosene 5. Burning Large Timbers 6. Flame from Electric shock 7. Burning Truck Tires 8.LPG Flames 9. Burning Plastic Containers10. Fire from Cooking Oil ​








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2. Fire or flame will stop burning in the absence or _____ of oxygen.


Fire or flame will stop burning in the absence of a fuel source or oxygen



3. Why does toluene burn with a sooty flame?


light is better




If there is incomplete combustion of saturated hydrocarbons due to limited supply of air, a sooty flame will be observed. A lot of carbon remains unburnt due to the high concentration of carbon, which escapes as small particles called soot.


that's only my opinion but hope it helps you

4. If you touch a flame, _______________. * burn would burn will not burn would have burn yourself​




The others just sound wrong to me

5. for the brief time the flame is put on the tight part of the cloth did it burn the cloth entirely​


All fabrics will burn, but some are more combustible than others. Heavy, tight weave fabrics will burn more slowly than loose weave, light fabrics of the same material. The surface texture of the fabric also affects flammability.

6. Why do saturated hydrocarbons burn with a clean flame?


Blue and clean flame: The carbon content in alkane is low, so it gets completely oxidized in the air. That's why it burns with a clear flame in the sky.

known to self and known to others

7. what happened to the fire in the burning stick and paper when it was covered by the drinking glass? why did the flame stop burning?​


The fire went out because the glass blocked off the oxygen required for combustion.


Sana makatulong. :)

8. material that ignites easily and burns rapidly with aflame or combustible substance​

it is a Flammable Materials


Flammable Materials


Flammable materials are capable of being easily ignited and of burning quickly and/or of catching or being set on fire.

9. 10. Fire or flame will stop burning in the absence or ______ of oxygen.​


Fire is made by three things. Heat, Oxygen, Fuel. Losing one of the three will stop the fire

I hope this helps.

10. What is the reason why the candle's flame did not continue to burn?​


Because it continue in flAme it drops the smelt candle



11. Air hole closed means _______ safety flame and air hole open means ________ heating flame


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12. Fighting flames of fireHang onto burning wiresWe don't care anymore… Are we fading lovers?We keep wasting colorsMaybe we should let this gogaling q char​


ano title


btw baka naman internet friends lang


Alam ko yan.


Tittle ng song ay

All We Know

Pa Brainliest ASAP!

13. 10. Fire or flame will stop burning in the absence or ______ of oxygen.​


10. Fire or flame will stop burning in the absence or (water)) of oxygen


D ko po maintindihan sorry po kong mali

14. 11. burning of paper when put into a flame is it a heat transfer or not?​


There is no net heat transfer once the temperatures are equal because the amount of heat ... Know the location of fire safety equipment in the laboratory.


jope it helps


It is a heat transfer. Yan po tamang sagot

15. Oxygnrustingburning/oxidationOxygnheatfuelflamerust​


anong insruction diyan

16. 10. Fire or flame will stop burning in the abssnce or ______ of oxygen.​


a fire cannot begin, and it cannot continue.


Without sufficient oxygen, a fire cannot begin, and it cannot continue. With a decreased oxygen concentration, the combustion process slows. Oxygen can be denied to a fire using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, a fire blanket or water.


Answer:Without sufficient oxygen, a fire cannot begin, and it cannot continue. With a decreased oxygen concentration, the combustion process slows. Oxygen can be denied to a fire using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, a fire blanket or water


17. what is the meaning of a flame?

Flame is a region where the burning or combustion of gaseous substances take place.


18. paper burns when put in the flame physical changes/property or chemical changes/property​


how the hell did I tell my day is good and 5 y yo I got it force the person's life is the best way possible to have a health consumer forum and I got the person's life I love songs to sing in may sagut kan po box and the person's name and number and u t and sir I am sending have been a bit of even if it has two kids and a half hours away from each other all may be applied to be a health product comparing the results

19. arange the words from weakest to strongest 1.sorching,flaming,boiling,burning,warm​


arange the words from weakest to strongest 1.sorching,flaming,boiling,burning,warm



Correct me if im wrong

20. why did the flame of the candle B die out while the flame of candle A is still burning​


Malabo po yung pic hindi po makita sorry kung hindi ko masasagutan

because running out of oxygen makes the flames out


I hope it help you

21. why do you think are there different color emitted when flame burn

The color of the light emitted depends on the energies of the photons emitted, which are in turn are determined by the energies required to move electrons from one orbital to another. Depending on the element you put in the flame, various different energies of photons (colors) will appear. Those colors are as distinctive to each element as fingerprints are to people.

22. What happened to the fire in the burning stick and paper it was covered by the drinking glass? Why did the flame stop burning? ​


sorry kailangan ko points eh



The fire went out since the oxygen needed in the combustion process is cut off by the glass.

23. which among the three subtances burned what was the color of the flame produced​


what kind of substances ba?

24. Meaning of No Flaming​


hope it helps e


Flaming is the act of posting or sending offensive messages over the Internet. These messages, called "flames," may be posted within online discussion forums or newsgroups, or sent via e-mail or instant messaging programs. Flaming often leads to the trading of insults between members within a certain forum. ...


Wlang apoy?


Sana makatulong

25. the candle flame is yellow due to un burned carbon​

Answer: Yellow flames such as those from a campfire or candle, come from the burning of relatively "dirty" fuels, in the sense that the fuel is not completely converted into carbon dioxide and water, but leaves little bits of unburned carbon. Those bits of carbon get hot and glow, making the yellow light that you see

Explanation: For sure im wrong but, so, very sorry, glad to help anyways :>

26. why was covered the flame was put off and not continue burn​


because the pressure of the fire will slowly decreases so that the fire didn't continue to grow

27. Fighting flames of fireHang onto burning wiresWe don't care anymore...:(​


Thank you for the points

God Bless and Stay Safe


28. What is needed to keep the flame in the candle​


oxygen (O²) ‍⚖️‍⚖️‍⚖️


for a candle to burn, a heat source

(commonly a naked flame from a match or lighter)

is used to light the candle's wick, which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel(the wax).Once voprized,the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to ignate and form a constant flame



29. and Easter2. It reminds us that the light of Christ has entered our lives and the flamesymbolizes the flame of faith which should burn throughout our lives.​


The Holy Ghost.

God said!

30. What is needed to keep the flame in the candle?​


For a candle to burn, a heat source (commonly a naked flame from a match or lighter) is used to light the candle's wick, which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel (the wax). Once vaporized, the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to ignite and form a constant flame.

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