85 Celsius To Fahrenheit

85 Celsius To Fahrenheit

1. 85 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit and Kelvin​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. 85 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit and Kelvin​


85 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit and Kelvin


85°C to Fahrenheit = 185°F

85°C to Kelvin = 358.15 Kelvin

#Carry On Learning

Sana Makatulong

2. 1. 45° celsius to fahrenheit2. 50° fahrenheit to celsius3. 28° celsius to fahrenheit4. 116° fahrenheit to celsius5. 0° celsius to fahrenheit6. -4° fahrenheit to celsius 7. -10° celsius to fahrenheit8. 77° fahrenheit to celsius 9. -25° celsius to fahrenheit10. 68° fahrenheit to celsiuspakisagot please​


1. 113f

2. 10c

3. 82.4f



Step-by-step explanation:

6. -20c

7. -14f

8. 25c

9. -13f

10. 20c

3. the following measurements of temperature. write your solution and answer. 1convert 40 degreecelsius °C to degree Fahrenheit °F2.convert 100 degree Fahrenheit °F to Celsius °C 3 convert 50 degree Celsius °C to degree Fahrenheit °F 4convert 85 degree Fahrenheit °F to Celsius °C 5convert 50 degree Celsius °C to d degree Fahrenheit °F​

1. 104

2. 37

3. 122

4. 29

5. 122

4. Convert the following1. 40 degree Celsius to Fahrenheit2 41 degree Fahrenheit to Celsius3 100 degree Celsius to Fahrenheit50 degree Celsius to Kelvin77 degree Fahrenheit to Kelvin​


1. 40°C = 104°F

2. 41°F = 5°C

3. 100°C = 212°F

4. 50°C = 323.15K

5. 77°F = 298.15K

5. 1. Convert 53 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.2. Convert 75 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.3. Convert 84 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.4. Convert 165 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.​


1. 127.4

2. 167

3. 183.2

4. 329

6. 12 Celsius to Fahrenheit =25 Fahrenheit to Celsius =​


12 Celsius = 53.6

25 Farenheit = -3.88


12 Celsius to Fahrenheit =




25 Fahrenheit to Celsius =



= -7/1.8


7. Convert each1).110° Fahrenheit to Celsius 2).4.1° Fahrenheit to Celsius 3).-22° Fahrenheit to Celsius 4).7/18° Fahrenheit to Celsius 5).-3 1/4° Fahrenheit to Celsius ​








8. Write an algorithm and pseudocode that will convert from either Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Celsius into Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Celsius.​


What is a pseudocode and flowchart that converts temperature entered in Fahrenheit by an end-user to Celsius? [Hint formula that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius: C = (F-32) * 5/9].


paki follow

9. 10°C celsius to fahrenheit45°f fahrenheit to celsius​


10°C celsius to fahrenheit

45°f fahrenheit to celsius



10. 1. Convert 53 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Convert 75 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Convert 84 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 4. Convert 165 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. -With Computation-T.L.E​

1. Given: 53°C

F=1.8 (°C + 32)

F=1.8 (53) + 32

F= 95.4 + 33

F= 127.4°F

2. Given: 75°C

F= 1.8 (°C + 32)

F= 1.8 (75) + 32

F= 135 + 32

F= 167°F

3. Given: 84°C

F= 1.8 (°C + 32)

F= 1.8 (84) + 32

F= 151.2 + 32

F= 183.2°F

4. Given: 165°C

F= 1.8 (°C + 32)

F= 1.8 (165) + 32

F= 297 + 32

F= 329°F

11. 1. Convert 232 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius2.Convert 24 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius​


1. 111.111 degrees celsius

2. -4.444 degrees celsius

12. convert the following: 72 degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius 90 degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius 5 degrees celsiusto degrees fahrenheit -1 degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit

72- 22.222 Celsius
90- 32.222 Celsius
5 C- 41 Fahrenheit
-1 C- 30.2 Fahrenheit

13. celsius to fahrenheit 87 degree celsius​


188.6 °F

Step-by-step explanation:

(87°C × 9/5) + 32 = 188.6°F

156.6 + 32 = 188.6°F

14. convert the following into celsius to fahrenheit and fahrenheit to celsius1. 100 celcius to Fahrenheit 2. 15 celcius to Fahrenheit 3. 5 celcius to Fahrenheit 4. 50 fahrenheit to celcius5. 75 fahrenheit to celcius​


1. 212

2. 59

3. 41

4. 10

5. 23.89

15. Short Quiz Direction: Convert the given temperatures 1. 110 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 2. 120 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 3. 150 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 4. 200 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 5. 78 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 6. 300 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. 7. 220 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. 8. 430 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. 9. 100 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. 10. 130 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.


1.230 degrees Fahrenheit

Solution:(110°C × 9/5) + 32 = 230°F

2.248 degrees Fahrenheit

Solution:(120°C × 9/5) + 32 = 248°F

3.302 degrees Fahrenheit

Solution:(150°C × 9/5) + 32 = 302°F

4.392 degrees Fahrenheit

Solution:(200°C × 9/5) + 32 = 392°F

5.172.4 degrees Fahrenheit

solution:(78°C × 9/5) + 32 = 172.4°F

6.148.889 degrees Celsius

Solution:(300°F − 32) × 5/9 = 148.889°C

7.104.444 degrees Celsius

Solution:(220°F − 32) × 5/9 = 104.444°C

8.221.111 degrees Celsius

Solution:(430°F − 32) × 5/9 = 221.111°C

9.37.7778 degrees Celsius

Solution:(100°F − 32) × 5/9 = 37.778°C

10.54.4444 degrees Celsius

Solution:(130°F − 32) × 5/9 = 54.444°C



16. How do a Celsius and a Fahrenheit degree compare?A.) Celsius degree is 5/9 of a Fahrenheit degreeB.) Celsius degree is 9/5 of a Fahrenheit degreeC.) Celsius degree is 9/10 of a Fahrenheit degreeD.) Celsius degree is 1/10 of a Fahrenheit degree​




Formula: (0°C × 9/5) + 32 = 32°F

17. What’s the Answer Instructions: convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Round of decimal answers to nearest tenths. 1.) 185 Fahrenheit to Celsius 2.) 200 Fahrenheit to Celsius 3.) 120 Fahrenheit to Celsius 4.)80 Fahrenheit to Celsius 5.) 54 Fahrenheit to Celsius Please help, thanks.


1.)185 farenheit=82.2222 celsius

2.)200 farenheit=93.3333 celsius

3.)120 fatenheit=48.8889 celsius

4.)80 farenheit=26.6667 celsius

5.)54 farenheit=12.2222 celsius

Step-by-step explanation:


18. Celsius to Fahrenheit32 °C=0 Fahrenheit​


32 °C= 0 F

Step-by-step explanation:


= 89.6°F

19. Convert 113 Degrees Fahrenheit =Degrees Celsiusconvert 65 degrees celsius= degrees fahrenheit​


1. 45 Celsius

2. 149 Fahrenheit

Step-by-step explanation:

Just used the calculator ;-;

20. what is the answer:Convert celsius to fahrenheitCELSIUS=200FAHRENHEIT=???​



Step-by-step explanation:

Divide by 5, then multiply by 9, then add 32


Step-by-step explanation:DIVIDE BY5, THEN MULTIPLIED BY 9, THEN ADD 32 yan lang sagot ko hope makatulong sainyo

21. Find the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings. 23oF Answer: Find the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings.45oFFind the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings.85oF Find the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings.33oF Find the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings.98oF Find the corresponding Celsius reading for each of the following Fahrenheit readings.Find the corresponding Fahrenheit reading for each of the following Celsius readings.22oC Find the corresponding Fahrenheit reading for each of the following Celsius readings.22oC​


akin nalang Po points nyo at pa brainlest

Eiko Alam pero pre Lamar sa point

22. 14 degree Celsius to Fahrenheit Celsius​


57.2 degrees fahrenheit

Pa Brailest po kung tama po!

23. 39. What is the equivalent 30 degree Celsius todegree Fahrenheit?a.84 °Cc. 86 °Cb.85 °Cd. 87 ​

86 degrees fahrenheit


(30°C × 9/5) + 32 = 86°F




(30°C × 9/5) + 32 = 86°F

24. 1.convert 400 Fahrenheit into Celsius​2.convert 150 Celsius into Fahrenheit

1) 204.44



0 Fahrenheit = -17.77

0 Celsius = 32 Fahrenheit

25. The formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit is given as F=(9/5)C+32 where C is the temperature in Celsius and F is the temperature in Fahrenheit. (a) Find the Formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. (b) If the temperature in a thermometer reads 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit, what is that in degrees Celsius?​


A. (°F − 32) × 5/9 = 0°C

B. °C = (101.3 - 32)x 5/9

= 69.3 x 5/9


=38.5 °C

26. 34. What are the three temperature scales? A. Kelvin, Celsius, and Einstein B. Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Mendeleev C. Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Einstein D. Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin​




hope it helps

brainliest please

27. indentify fahrenheit to celsius and celsius to fahrenheit ​


Formula for conversion formula

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Multiply the °C temperature by 1.8. Add 32 to this number. This is the answer in °F.

Formula for converting

Fahrenheit to Celsius

The formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius is C = 5/9(F-32). Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same at -40°.

28. 3.The day's temperature is said to be 85°. What scale is being used?Celsiusa.b.KelvinC.Fahrenheitd.cannot be determined​

The answer is Fahrenheit. The atmospheric temperature cannot be 85 degrees Celsius, because everyone should be dead right now due to immense heat. It can't be in Kelvin too, since 85 Kelvin is literally colder than the coldest place in Antartica.

29. convert each1) 75° celsius to fahrenheit 2) 50° celsius to fahrenheit3) 20° celsius to fahrenheit4) 16° celsius to fahrenheit5) 33° celsius to fahrenheit6) -44° celsius to fahrenheit Answer only... ​


1) 167°F

2) 122°F

3) 68°F

4) 60.8°F

5) 91.4°F

6) -47.2°F

30. Convert each1).25° Celsius to Fahrenheit 2).3.5° Celsius to Fahrenheit 3). -23° Celsius to Fahrenheit 4).3/20° Celsius to Fahrenheit 5).1 2/3° Celsius to Fahrenheit ​



2.38. 3°F


4.32. 27°F



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