Flowchart Array

Flowchart Array

Create a java program that will store and display values in Array. flowchart and code​

Daftar Isi

1. Create a java program that will store and display values in Array. flowchart and code​


ano pong subject yan


2. Give a definition and an example syntax for each topic: 1. Declaration of Array 2. Initializing Array 3. Assigning an Array Element 4. Accessing an Array Element 5. Using the Array Length 6. Sorting elements of an Array 7. Creating Single Dimensional Array​


Declaration of Array: This is the process of defining the data type of an array, as well as the name of the array that will be used to refer to it in the program.

Syntax: dataType[] arrayName;

Example: int[] numbers;

Initializing Array: This is the process of setting the initial values for an array at the time of its creation.

Syntax: dataType[] arrayName = {value1, value2, value3, ...};

Example: int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Assigning an Array Element: This is the process of setting the value of a specific element in an array.

Syntax: arrayName[index] = value;

Example: numbers[0] = 10;

Accessing an Array Element: This is the process of retrieving the value of a specific element in an array.

Syntax: arrayName[index];

Example: int x = numbers[2];

Using the Array Length: This is a property that returns the number of elements in an array.

Syntax: arrayName.length;

Example: int length = numbers.length;

Sorting elements of an Array: This is the process of arranging the elements of an array in ascending or descending order.

Syntax: Arrays.sort(arrayName);

Example: Arrays.sort(numbers);

Creating Single Dimensional Array: This is an array that contains a list of values of the same data type.

Syntax: dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[arraySize];

Example: int[] numbers = new int[5];

3. what is the shortcut command for extend? a.round array b. l rectangular array c. polar array d. circle array​




Try lng HAHQHQ(✿^‿^)

4. What is flowchart?What are the elements of the flowchart?

A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process. The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem.

Standard Flowchart Symbols. Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different types of actions or steps in a process. Lines and arrows show the sequence of these steps, and the relationships between them.

5. defind the process to be flowcharted and the following for flowcharting it


_2_define the process to be flowcharted, and purpose for flowcharting it

_4_establish the process boundaries- the starting and the ending point.

_7_arrange the steps in chronological sequence. Sometimes it is easier to start with the late step and work back to the first step.

_5_assign flowchart symbols such as boxes, diamond, and triangles

_6_review and and give a tittle to the flowchart.

_3_assemble the right people to develop the flowchart----these are operator, technician, or office workers who are actually involved in the process

_1_list the steps, activities, and decisions to be charted. If your team is not sure about the step, mark it to be investigated later


Hope this helps you

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6. Write true on the blank provided if the statement is true, otherwise, write false 1. Arrays can be used to group similar data together. 2. An array can be declared by providing only the data type and the number of elements it contains. 3. Array elements can be given initial values when array is declared. 4. Individual elements of an array can be addressed by appending an array index enclosed in curly brackets at the end of the array name. 5. A variable with int data type can be used as a subscript to address individual array element. 6. The elements of arrays can only have primitive data types. 7. The individual elements of one array can have different data types. 8. The array indices should be whole numbers. 9. Sequentially accessing individual array elements can be simplified using loops. 10. All arrays have a property named size that contains the number of elements in the array.


Write true on the blank provided if the statement is true, otherwise, write false

TRUE 1. Arrays can be used to group similar data together.

TRUE 2. An array can be declared by providing only the data type and the number of elements it contains.

FALSE 3. Array elements can be given initial values when array is declared.

TRUE 4. Individual elements of an array can be addressed by appending an array index enclosed in curly brackets at the end of the array name.

TRUE 5. A variable with int data type can be used as a subscript to address individual array element.

FALSE 6. The elements of arrays can only have primitive data types.

TRUE 7. The individual elements of one array can have different data types.

TRUE 8. The array indices should be whole numbers.

TRUE 9. Sequentially accessing individual array elements can be simplified using loops.

TRUE 10. All arrays have a property named size that contains the number of elements in the array.


7. a _______ array is an array containing true or false values.

a _______ array is an array containing true or false values.


boolean array


A boolean array is a numpy array with boolean (True/False) values. Such array can be obtained by applying a logical operator to another numpy array: import numpy as np a = np.

8. A _______ array is an array containing true or false values.


true because they were all in a auto correct ka ng kabiguan I have to get my friend

9. Which of the following if-clauses verifies that the array subscript stored in the x variable is valid for the sales array?


oɹqᴉl ɐs oʞ ɐsɐqɐu ƃlʇ unʎ ǝsɐʞ ɟɾs ʎɐ ƃqᴉʌɐɥ ƃuᴉuɐǝɯ˙ sᴉ ʎɐɹɐ

10. Which of the following is false about arrays on java A. A java is always an object allocated on heap B. Length of array can be changed after creation of array C arrays in java are always D none of the above

B the correct answer

#carry on learning

11. Select True on the choices if the statement is true, otherwise, select False. 1. Arrays can be used to group similar data together.2. An array can be declared by providing only the data type and the number of elements it contains.3. Array elements can be given initial values when array is declared.4. Individual elements of an array can be addressed by appending an array index enclosed in curly brackets at the end of the array name.5. A variable with int data type can be used as a subscript to address individual array element.6. The elements of arrays can only have primitive data types.7. The individual elements of one array can have different data types.8. The array indices should be whole numbers.9. Sequentially accessing individual array elements can be simplified using loops.10. All arrays have a property named size that contains the number of elements in the array.​


1true2.false 3.false 4false 5.true 6.true 7. false 8. false 9. true 10false

12. 5The following are the 3 main types of flowchart, excepta linear flowchartc. symbolb. opportunity flowchartd. deployment flowchart​


C. Symbol


Linear Flowchart, Opportunity Flowchart, Deployment Flowchart are the 3 main types, EXCEPT SYMBOL.

13. Select True on the choices if the statement is true, otherwise, select False. 1. Arrays can be used to group similar data together. 2. An array can be declared by providing only the data type and the number of elements it contains. 3. Array elements can be given initial values when array is declared. 4. Individual elements of an array can be addressed by appending an array index enclosed in curly brackets at the end of the array name. 5. A variable with int data type can be used as a subscript to address individual array element. 6. The elements of arrays can only have primitive data types. 7. The individual elements of one array can have different data types. 8. The array indices should be whole numbers. 9. Sequentially accessing individual array elements can be simplified using loops. 10. All arrays have a property named size that contains the number of elements in the array.











14. Given an array with elements that contains the first five alphabets and print the data from the array.​


Input : arr[] = {6, 5} Output : A In this example, we can take 6 and 5 as 65 that gives us A. Input : arr[] = {5, 6, 6} Output : A B Here we can take 6 and 5 as 65 to make A. And 6 and 6 as 66 to make B. Input : arr[] = {1, 0, 1, 0} Output: d e n Here we can take 1, 0 and 0 as 100 to make d. 1, 0 and 1 as 101 to make e. And 1, 1, and 0 as 110 to make n.


Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on the solution.


an array is an ordered linear data structure consisting structure of element (values, variables, or references) each identified by one more indexes. when asking about specific variants of arrays, use this related tags instead [vector], [array list], [matrix]. when using these tags, in a question that is a specific programming language, tag the question with the programming language being used.

15. [tex]A=\left[[tex]\begin{array}{lll}3 & 4 & 7\end{array}\right] \quad B=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}4 & 6 & 5 \\ 2 & -3 & -7 \\ 1 & 0 & 9\end{array}\right] \quad C=\left[\begin{array}{lll}-2 & 0 & 5\end{array}\right] \quad D=\left[\begin{array}{c}2 \\ -4 \\ 5\end{array}\right] \quad E=\left[\begin{array}{c}15 \\ 10 \\ -5\end{array}\right][/tex] Solve: 3D - E A. [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}-9 \\ -22 \\ 20\end{array}\right][/tex] B. [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}21 \\ -2 \\ 10\end{array}\right][/tex] C. [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}17 \\ 6 \\ 8\end{array}\right][/tex] D. [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}-21 \\ -22 \\ 10\end{array}\right][/tex][/tex]




16. Write a function called arraySum() that takes two arguments: an integer array and the number of elements in the array. Have the function return as its result the sum of the elements in the array.

Here is one possible implementation of the arraySum() function:

int arraySum(int arr[], int n) {

 int sum = 0;

 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

   sum += arr[i];


 return sum;


This function takes an integer array and the number of elements in the array as its arguments. It then loops through the array and adds up all the elements, storing the result in the sum variable. Finally, the function returns the value of sum as its result.

Here is an example of how the function could be used:

int main() {

 int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

 int n = 5;

 int sum = arraySum(arr, n);

 printf("Sum of the elements in the array: %d\n", sum);

 return 0;


This code defines an array of integers with 5 elements and passes it along with the number of elements to the arraySum() function. The function returns the sum of the elements in the array, which is printed to the console.

17. Answer the following questions using the given array declaration. int [] hours = new int [20];1. What is the array name? 2. What is the data type of each element of the array? 3. What is the maximum number of elements the array can contain? 4. How can you access the first element of the array? 5. How can you access the last element of the array? ​


papicc ho d ko ma gets, balikan kita mamaya tnx

18. The method arraycopy( ) does what?Select one:a. Copies the contents of an array and deletes the old one.b. Create multiple array duplicates.c. Copies the contents of an array and makes a new one.d. Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.​


D. Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.​Explanation:An arraycopy() method copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array. A subsequence of array components are copied from the source array referenced by src to the destination array referenced by dest.

19. Write a function called arraySum() that take two argument: an integer array and the number of element in the array. Have the function return a it reult the um of the element in the array.


def arraySum(arr, n):

 result = 0

 for i in range(n):

   result += arr[i]

 return result


This function takes in an array arr and the number of elements in the array n. It then iterates through all the elements in the array, adding each element to the result variable. Finally, it returns the result.

You can use this function like this:

# Test the function with an example array

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

n = len(arr)

result = arraySum(arr, n)

print(result)  # Outputs 15

I hope this helps!

20. 1. Given the following array declaration: int hours[20]; a. What is the array name _____________________________________________ b. What is the data type of each element of the array ________________________ c. What is the maximum number of elements the array can contain?_____________ d. How can you access the first element of the array?_________________________ e. How can you access the last element of the array?__________________________


a. hours

b. int

c. 21

d. hours[0];

e. hours[20];

21. 1. Create a program that will do the following operations using a single dimensional array. a. Insert an element in the array. b. Update an element in the array. c. Delete an element in the array. d. Search an element in the array. e. Sum two elements in the array given their indices. f. Subtract two elements in the array given their indices. g. Multiply two elements in the array given their indices. h. Divide two elements in the array given their indices. 2. Create the same specs of program, but this time use pointers instead or array in doing the above operations.


B.Update an element in the arrayG.Multiply two elements in the array given their indices


Hope it's help

22. make a flowchart following delinear and deployment flowchart​


Delinearization and Deployment Flowchart


1. Plan and design the system

2. Convert the design into code

3. Test the code and fix issues

4. Modularize the code

5. Refactor the code

6. Package the code

7. Deploy the package and monitor

8. Run acceptance tests

9. Go-live


23. Difine the process to be flowcharted, and the purpose for flowcharting it​


A flowchart is a formalized graphic representation of a logic sequence, work or manufacturing process, organization chart, or similar formalized structure. The purpose of a flow chart is to provide people with a common language or reference point when dealing with a project or process.


hope it helps

24. Find the rectangular arrays of the given below in the array sheet.​

yun pung sa unang picture Yan po Yung 1 to 8

Yan po sa ibaba Yung 9 tapos 10


25. Subtract. [tex]\large \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}4 & 5 & 6 \\ 2 & 3 & 4 \end{array} \right] - \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}2 & 4 & 6\\ 1 & 2 & 3\end{array} \right][/tex]​

Step-by-step explanation:

gamit ko Jan ay gauthmath, bigyan kita ng libreng code ticket gamit to 8NRTSF para dun ka na sasagot, hope it helps

26. Assigning initial values to an array is often referrred to as populating the array.


An array is a collection of variables that can be called as a single variable. It helps reusability in your code.

For example, you can have an array of all your classmates name rather than declaring them one by one. You can use this array when selecting/filtering a specific name that you might need in the future.

27. show your flowchart flowchart below​


Huhhh Anong flowchart ang tinutukoy mo

Anvil ohFrodoDieNudel478868574082066804

28. What is flowchart? What are the elements of the flowchart?

A flowchart is a type of diagram, it represents an workflow or process.

The Elements of Flowchart are
Activities, Participants, Order, Input, Output and Standardization. 

29. Array of numbers with array size of 9, series of even numbers​


0, 2, 4, 6, 8


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 pick the even numbers only

30. These show “the controls placed internally to a program within a system.A. Data FlowchartB. documents flowchartC. program flowchartD. system flowchartpa helpp!


D.systrm flowchart


[tex]\sqrt{tine \: x \: gorya} [/tex]


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