Effective School Environment Poem

Effective School Environment Poem

ACTIVITY 2: Nay or Yay?Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether each sentence has parallelstructure. Write YAY if the sentence has a parallel structure and NAY if it has faulty parallelism.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet provided.1. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories and poems.2. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and to behave nicely duringthe webinar.3. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test.4. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect.5. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating.6. Everyone's dreams are to finish school and to become successful.7. To see is to believe, while to do is believing.8. The school provides an environment of leaming, fun and discovering,9. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones.10. Laughter and crying are good for the heart,​

Daftar Isi

1. ACTIVITY 2: Nay or Yay?Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether each sentence has parallelstructure. Write YAY if the sentence has a parallel structure and NAY if it has faulty parallelism.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet provided.1. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories and poems.2. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and to behave nicely duringthe webinar.3. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test.4. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect.5. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating.6. Everyone's dreams are to finish school and to become successful.7. To see is to believe, while to do is believing.8. The school provides an environment of leaming, fun and discovering,9. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones.10. Laughter and crying are good for the heart,​












2. ACTIVITY 2: Nay or Yay? Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether each sentence has parallel structure. Write YAY if the sentence has a parallel structure and NAY if it has faulty parallelism. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet provided. 1. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories and poems. 2. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and to behave nicely during the webinar. 3. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test. 4. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect. 5. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating. 6. Everyone’s dreams are to finish school and to become successful. 7. To see is to believe, while to do is believing. 8. The school provides an environment of learning, fun and discovering. 9. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones. 10. Laughter and crying are good for the heart.





3. ACTIVITY 2: Vay or Yay?Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether each sentence has parallelstructure. Write YAY if the sentence has a parallel structure and NAY if it has faulty parallelism.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet provided.1. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories and poems.2. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and to behave nicely duringthe webinar.3. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test.4. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect.5. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating.6. Everyone's dreams are to finish school and to become successful.7. To see is to believe, while to do is believing8. The school provides an environment of leaming, fun and discovering.9. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones.10. Laughter and crying are good for the heart.​












4. V.Direction: Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether eachsentence has parallel structure. Write PS if the sentence has a parallelstructure and FP if it has faulty parallelism. Write your answer on the AnswerSheet1. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories and poems2. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and tobehave nicely during the webinar3. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test.4. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect5. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating6. Everyone's dreams are to finish school and to become successful7. To see is to believe, while to do is believing8. The school provides an environment of learning, fun and discovering9. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones10. Laughter and crying are good for the heartGood Luck and God Bless​













plss dont hate me kung may mali sa sagot ko..

5. 1.What are the causes or effects of planting trees and fruit bearing-trees to the environment? A. All of the above B. Vacant lots will be more productiveC. The place will be cooler D. Soil nutrients will be enhanced when taken care of 2.What benefits will this whole word gets when all of the people value planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?A. All of the above B. Less people will get sick C. The whole world will become a better place to live for all living things D.Hunger will be aredicated3.What is the most valuable thing that trees provide?A. Oxygen B. ShelterC. Food D. Livelihood4.Which of the fallowing is produced by trees that give freshness and coolness in our surroundings?A. Carbon DioxideB. XygenC. WaterD.Hydrogen 5.Which of the words bellow would complete the last line of the famous poem entitled "Trees"? But only A. YouB. HimC. NatureD. God6.What benefits will our country get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?A. All of the above B. Almost all of the populace will be healthy C. Food security will not be a problem D. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country will be stable or get higher 7.Who is the famous poem writer who composed the poem entitled "Trees"?A. Ernest Hemingway B. Alfred Joyce Kilmer C. Mark TwainD. William Shakespeare8.What will I get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?A. I can make use of my leisure time productivelyB. It could serve as my daily exercise by planting and taking care of themC. All of the above D. I can eat fruits that my body needs for nourishment9.The fallowing contributes in promoting planting trees. Which one is not?A. School tree planting program B. Social networkC. Environmental organizationsD.online gaming10.What benefits will a family and community get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?A. Bad vices will be avoided when people are busy planting and taking care of the orchard garden B. All of the aboveC. Scarcity of fruits and lumber will be avoided D. Planting could be a means of income for the family​


1.d 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.c. 6d 7.d. 8.c. 9.d 10.d

6. III. Read the sentences below carefully. Determine whether each sentence has parallel structure. Write PS if the sentence has a parallel structure and FP if it has faulty parallelism. 24. Alphonse loves reading novels, short stories, and poems. 25. The students are required to listen attentively, taking down notes and to behave nicely during the webinar. 26. The teachers drafted the outline, wrote the essay and prepared the test. 27. To write poetry and composing music have a relaxing effect. 28. The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debating. 29. Everyone's dreams are to finish school and to become successful. 30. To see is to believe, while to do is believing. 31. The school provides an environment of learning, fun and discovering. 32. Weekends are for resting and for bonding with loved ones. 33..Laughter and crying are good for the heart. 34. The mother buys her lad new toys, socks, and shirts. 35. Giving alms and bought him a pack of Jollibee foods made her feel good. 36. I like to spend my summer vacation by skating, skiing, and I also enjoy snowboarding. 37. My cat not only likes to play, but he also likes to chase bugs. 38. The CEO Director is looking for a candidate who is friendly, organized, meticulous, and punctual.\​



24. PS (has parallel structure)

25. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "required to listen attentively, take down notes, and behave nicely during the webinar.")

26. PS (has parallel structure)

27. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "writing poetry and composing music has a relaxing effect.")

28. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "The class was assigned to deliver a speech and debate.")

29. PS (has parallel structure)

30. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "Seeing is believing, while doing is believing.")

31. PS (has parallel structure)

32, PS (has parallel structure)

33. PS (has parallel structure)

34. PS (has parallel structure)

35. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "Giving alms and buying him a pack of Jollibee foods made her feel good.")

36. FP (faulty parallelism - should be "I like to spend my summer vacation by skating, skiing, and snowboarding.")

37. PS (has parallel structure)

38. PS (has parallel structure)

7. 1.What is the most valuable thing that trees provide?○Oxygen○Shelter○Food○Livelihood2.What will I get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?○I can eat fruits that my body needs for nourishment○I can make use of my leisure time productively○All of the above○It could serve as my daily exercise by planting and taking care of them3.What benefits will our country get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?○Almost all of the populace will be healthy○Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country will be stable or get higher○Food security will not be a problem○All of the above4.What benefits will this whole world gets when all of the people value planting trees and fruit-bearing trees ○Less people will get sick○Hunger will be eradicated○All of the above○The whole world will become a better place to live for all living things5.Which of the following is produced by trees that gives freshness and coolness in our surroundings?○Carbon Dioxide○Oxygen○Water○Hydrogen6.Which of the words below would complete the last line of the famous poem entitled "Trees"? But only _____ can make a tree.○You○Him○Nature○God7.Who is the famous poem writer who composed the poem entitled "Trees"?○Ernest Hemingway○Alfred Joyce Kilmer○Mark Twain○William Shakespeare8.The following contributes in promoting planting trees. Which one is not?○School tree planting program○Social network○Environmental organizations○Online gaming9.What are the causes or effects of planting trees and fruit bearing-trees to the environment?○All of the above○Vacant lots will be more productive○The place will be cooler○Soil nutrients will be enhanced when taken care of10.What benefits will a family and community get from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?○Bad vices will be avoided when people are busy planting and taking care of the orchard garden○Planting could be a means of income for the family○All of the above○Scarcity of fruits and lumber will be avoided​


1. Oxygen

2. All of the above

3. All of the above

4. All of the above

5. Oxygen

6. You

7. Alfred Joyce Kilmer

8. Environmental organizations

9. All of the above

10. All of the above

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