Social Objectives

Social Objectives

the objective of social media ​

Daftar Isi

1. the objective of social media ​


its effects on your body

2. What is the objectives of social mobilization?


Social mobilization is the process of bringing together all societal and personal influences to raise awareness of and demand for health care, assist in the delivery of resources and services, and cultivate sustainable individual and community involvement.

In order to employ social mobilization, members of institutions, community partners and organizations, and others collaborate to reach specific groups of people for intentional dialogue. ... Social mobilization aims to facilitate change through an interdisciplinary approach

[tex] \bold \pink{thank \: you}[/tex]

3. 3 objective of social welfare​


helping the indigents

giving small help by giving financial assistant

trusting the social helper

4. what are the primary objectives of studying and historical background of social studies​

The primary purpose of social studies is :

to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.


5. Give 2 examples of Objective, Social, and Personal Domain of truth​


3since questions concerning the rational justification and cognitive merits. Remains true regardless of who is viewing them. The usual examples are feeling pain, felling pleasure, feeling being convinced by an argument, remembering personal memories (the smile . There are 3 domains of truth which are the objective o scientific truth, the social domain .

The usual examples are feeling pain, felling pleasure, feeling being convinced by an argument, remembering personal memories (the smile . If you disagreed with it, . Domains of truth, according to which the unified notion of truth as correct . This domain is distinct from the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in that all of its process areas and specific skills involve interpersonal . Truths in this domain are mostly . 3since questions concerning the rational justification and cognitive merits. Remains true regardless of who is viewing them. Truth is analogous with a general statement or consensus on what is right as opposed to what is wrong. The truth about chess, for example, is most obviously true by convention, but it is perfectly objective. There are 3 domains of truth which are the objective o scientific truth, the social domain .

6. what is the main objective of dance as a form of social recreation?​


the goal is for dancers to focus less on form and technique and more on the joy they feel from dancing.

7. 12. social awareness and involement as dictated by an objective analysis of social issues and problems is best manifested in What?​


Social awareness is being aware of societal problems that affect society, including individuals and groups. Explore the concept of social awareness, examine examples of The relation between objective and subjective social class is an interesting issue in its own right. Objective social class is generally operationalized in terms of wealth and income

Social problems include health problems, crime , deviance, violence , poverty , inequality, population problems, delinquency, and institutional instability. Social forces such as

8. give your 7 objectives as a social work​


yan po answer ko



pabrailess nalang po

9. give your 7 objective as a social work​

1.) Empathetic and caring individual with 10 years experience searching for the position of Social Worker with ABC Company in an effort to use acquired skills set to help people improve and live more productive lives.

2.) State licensed Social Worker seeking a position with Sheryl Care Company in an effort to utilize degree in social work and 6 years of working as social worker to help improve the lives of others.

3.) To obtain a position as Social Worker out of the passion to help other; to use organizational and active listening skills along with a degree in social work, to help individuals lead more balanced lives.

4.) Dedicated individual looking for Social Worker position with XYZ Company in order to utilize educational achievements, listening skills, and compassionate nature to help individuals coming to the company for help.

5.) Looking for work as a Social Worker in a people oriented organization where 10 years experience can be used to help individuals in the community achieve better mental, physical, and emotional health.

6.) Experienced individual seeking the role of a Social Worker; willing to help those in need and are facing medical difficulties; possess the ability to provide psychological, physical, social, and emotional support to patients’ health challenges.

7.) Social Worker with patience, compassion, empathy, and excellent people and communication skills; ability to help determine problems, assist people to find help, and advice patients on financial and legal issues, desirous of a position at Care Givers Co.


10. What is the main objective of users of social media?


People are using social media for a variety of purposes. The four main uses of social media form the acronym SLIM: sharing, learning, interacting, and marketing.

11. What are the examples of Social Inequality Projects in the Philippines and what are their objectives?​

nasa pic po yung sagot

hope It's Help


heart and follow..

12. what object describes communication as a social context and why?


what what ok I do no what is the answe

13. The Effect of Social media on Adolescent Development? (Objective po niya) ​

the use of social media during adolescence can also negatively impact the health and development... because teenagers have nearly unlimited access to peers through mobile technologies, social media use may result in changing sleep cycles for adolescents,which may contribute to depression.

14. the best means of achieving the highest social and political objectives.​


Political decision making

Political decision making is one of the most important research domains in political psychology, and rational choice theory is the most commonly used theoretical framework to explain decision-making processes. Basic assumptions of (normative) rational choice theory are that individuals have a coherent set of preferences, gather the necessary information to reach an informed decision, evaluate alternative actions, and choose actions that are optimally related to their beliefs and values. Such decisions are expected to further individuals' self-interest and are therefore deemed rational. However, the rational choice approach is confronted to a paradox, since research has amply shown that in practice political decision-making virtually never follows these principles. People lack consistency in their opinions, use information incorrectly, are overconfident in their own choices, fail to adapt existing evaluations in light of new information, draw unwarranted conclusions from insufficient data, and express prejudiced opinions. Moreover, political decision making, in particular voting, is only weakly related to actual self-interest.

Following the implausibility of a ‘full’ rational choice model, researchers have developed models of ‘bounded’ rationality that are based on similar assumptions as rational choice theories, but that recognize individual and contextual variation in decision-making processes and outcomes (Kahneman, 2011). To compensate limited information, cognitive biases and lack of motivation, bounded rationality models such as behavioral decision-making theory describe a number of cognitive strategies that help individuals to make ‘good enough’ decisions: simplifying the decision task, selectively filtering new information, interpreting information as a function of preexisting ideological predispositions, and making sense of political issues through evaluations of social groups involved in the decision (e.g., beneficiary groups of welfare programs). Individuals also refer to opinions of others to make up their mind, for example, by relying on expert judgments, by socially validating their opinion through comparisons of opinions with those of relevant others (informational influence), or by aligning their opinion with the perceived majority opinion in their community to avoid marginalization (normative influence). Finally, they may also defend the interest of their group (collective self-interest) rather than only their individual self-interest.

Nevertheless the amount of factual knowledge citizens possess does make a difference for the decision-making process (Delli Carpini and Keeter, 1996). High levels of knowledge are, for example, likely to increase the alignment of one's decision with one's beliefs and preferences. Yet, while many studies highlight low levels of political knowledge and lack of political sophistication of citizens, the actual implications of this general lack of knowledge remain debated.

15. Specific Objectives of social media: 1. 2. 3. 4. ​


sana maka tulong


To increase brand awareness and reach a larger audience

To generate leads and drive website traffic

To facilitate customer service and support

To gather market intelligence and insights

16. objective: compare and contrast social science, natural science, and humanities​


The differences between Humanities and Social Science is that the study of humanities mainly focuses on the evaluative and analytic study of the cultural factors of mankind and society in a more subjective manner whereas Social Science analyses the scientific study of the relationship of humans within their community.


That's my answer

17. What are the specific objectives of social mobilization?​


In order to employ social mobilization, members of institutions, community partners and organizations, and others collaborate to reach specific groups of people for intentional dialogue. Social mobilization aims to facilitate change through an interdisciplinary approach.

18. identify social development objective? ​



The main objective of social development would be bring about qualitative growth and development of society. - It would be no discrimination on any basis and equal opportunities for all. - Social development would also include good quality dignified life with good education, health facilities.

19. in your perspective, what are could be the objectives of social workers?​


Social workers help individuals, children and families manage challenges such as divorce, illness, abuse, mental health issues and unemployment. They are uniquely qualified through their education and experience to assess clients' needs and create plans to help them resolve or cope with problems in their lives.



Social worker help people what they need like children, Families, etc. They are Unique qualified through their education and experience

20. What are the examples of social, objective and personal domain?

The domains of learning were first developed and described between 1956-1972. The ones discussed here are usually attributed to their primary author, even though the actual development may have had more authors in its formal, complete citation (see full citations below). Some web references attribute all of the domains to Benjamin Bloom which is simply not true. While Bloom was involved in describing both the cognitive and the affective domains, he appeared as first author on the cognitive domain. As a result this bore his name for years and was commonly known among educators as Bloom’s Taxonomy even though his colleague David Krathwohl also a partner on the 1956 publication. When publishing the description of the affective domain in 1964 Krathwohl was named as first author, but Bloom also worked on developing this work. Krathwohl’s involvement in the development of the cognitive domain will be become important when you look at the authors of the 2001 revisions to this taxonomy.

Sana makatulong..

21. 3 objectives of social welfare​


To preserve and strengthen the family as a unit, To develop caring interpersonal relationships, to enable individuals and family members to prevent personal and family problems and to deal with them when they arise, and to provide suitable services to meet needs


The objectives of social welfare are to preserve and strengthen the family as a unit, to develop caring interpersonal relationships, to enable individuals and family members to prevent personal and family problems

22. what are goals and objectives of social studies education​


Social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to become competent and responsible citizens who are informed, thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic virtues.

23. Humanities deal with object Social Sciencedeal with more of a scientific approachSocial SciencesDeals with subjectNatural SciencesDeals with object​


Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. In the Renaissance, the term contrasted with divinity and referred to what is now called classics, the main area of secular study in universities at the time. Today, the humanities are more frequently defined as any fields of study outside of professional training, mathematics, and the natural and social sciences.[1]

24. What are the soecific objectives social mobalization


Social mobilization is the process of bringing together all societal and personal influences to raise awareness of and demand for health care, assist in the delivery of resources and services, and cultivate sustainable individual and community involvement.


don't forget to vote my answer;)


In order to employ social mobilization, members of institutions, community partners and organizations, and others collaborate to reach specific groups of people for intentional dialogue. Social mobilization aims to facilitate change through an interdisciplinary approach.


hope it helps

25. discuss Explain and give sample situation about the general development objectives of physical education; physical development objectives,social development objectives,emotional development objectives and mental development objectives.​


Rastaman for President.


Rastaman for President.

26. can social sciencetist can be objective on there work​


Science is a particular way of knowing that attempts to systematically collect and categorize facts or truths. A key word here is “systematically,” because it is important to understand that conducting science is a deliberate process. Scientists gather information about facts in a way that is organized and intentional, usually following a set of predetermined steps. More specifically, social work is informed by social science, the science of humanity, social interactions, and social structures. In sum, social work research uses organized and intentional procedures to uncover facts or truths about the social world and it also relies on social scientific research to promote individual and social change.

27. Social Development Objectives in midst of pandemic?


Always follow the health protocol, do not leave the house unnecessarily and study hard because we can also overcome the pandemic

28. Expresses the artist's role in social reform​A. Surrealism B. Social RealismC. Futurism D. Non-Objectism


the answer is B I think ,social realism or maybe letter A. a surrealism

29. objective of study to body shaming through social media.​


Just be nice to others :/

30. what are goals and objectives of social studies education​


Social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to become competent and responsible citizens who are informed, thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic virtues.

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