Use Of Gas Chromatography In Pharmaceutical Industry

Use Of Gas Chromatography In Pharmaceutical Industry

8. Chromatography is useful in a pharmaceutical industry. Which of the following instances best support to this statement? A. It helps in determining the amount of each chemical present in the product. B. It helps in determining the number of quantities of product to be distributed to the pharmaceutical industry. C. It helps the pharmaceutical industry distribute and sell products to the consumers. D. It helps the pharmaceutical industry in determining the pH content in the mixture.​

Daftar Isi

1. 8. Chromatography is useful in a pharmaceutical industry. Which of the following instances best support to this statement? A. It helps in determining the amount of each chemical present in the product. B. It helps in determining the number of quantities of product to be distributed to the pharmaceutical industry. C. It helps the pharmaceutical industry distribute and sell products to the consumers. D. It helps the pharmaceutical industry in determining the pH content in the mixture.​

Chromatography is useful in a pharmaceutical industry. Which of the following instances best support to this statement?

A. It helps in determining the amount of each chemical present in the product.

B. It helps in determining the number of quantities of product to be distributed to the pharmaceutical industry.

C. It helps the pharmaceutical industry distribute and sell products to the consumers.

D. It helps the pharmaceutical industry in determining the pH content in the mixture.

Chromatography is an experimental technique that is used to seperate the chemicals present in a certain serum. Chromatography is crucial in pharmaceutical industry because it helps to determine and analyze the innate properties of the products and undestand its processess on a molecular level.

2. 20. Which of the following benefits of separating mixture is very useful in a pharmaceutical industry in determining the amount of each chemical in each product. A. Distillation B. FiltrationC. DryingD. Chromatography​


D. Chromatography

sana makatulong ^^

A. Distillation

yan po nxjsja

3. are largely used in pharmaceutical industry.Estersvolatile and with characteristic odors are used​

Esters are polar molecules, but their boiling points are lower than those of carboxylic acids and alcohols of similar molecular weight because there is no intermolecular hydrogen bonding between ester molecules.

The odors of esters are distinctly different from those of the corresponding acids. Acids have unpleasant smells, but esters have fruity smells. In fact, esters are responsible for the odors of many fruits.

4. starch cannot be used in manufacturing industries like construction, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.true or false?​




5. how microscope significantly aid in scientific breakthrough in the field of medicine and pharmaceutical industry​


Microscopes are fantastically versatile tools. When we are children, they open our eyes to secret worlds within a drop of water or reveal the alien-looking structure of a fly’s eye. In university settings, they help students identify the parts of a cell or examine tissue samples. Hobbyists and researchers alike can take handheld digital microscopes out into the field to conveniently analyze plant, animal or mineral matter on the go. Microscopes cast a wide net in their usefulness, but one of the most important ways in which they touch our lives is in medicine. In this article, we explore how microscopes have greatly impacted the healthcare field through the ages.

6. _____5.)Which is the Biotechnology type? a. Food Industry, Mining Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Energy Obtainment, Environmental Industry b. Food Industry, Mining Industry, Pharmaceutical Obtainment, Energy Obtainment, Environmental Industry C. Food Industry, Mining Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Energy Industry, Environmental Industry d. All of the above



7. List down five products that you were using that are classified among the following industries a. Food b. Pharmaceutical c. Apparel d. Electronics


a. Food


stay at home

stay safe

8. Which of the following is a universal detector in gas chromatography?


thermal conductivity is a commonly detector for gas chromatography

9. 5. Which is not the use of colloids. A. Used in the pharmaceutical industry B. Used in artificial fiber industry C. Used in mining industry D. Used in dialysis.​




na answer ko Nayan tama sagot ko

thank you for brainly points

10. Colloids play an important role in our daily life. Give at least two importance and use of colloid in pharmaceutical industry and explain each use


Colloids play an important role in the transfer of nutrients and pollutants in the environment over short and long distances.

Food colloids give structure, texture, and mouth-feel to many different food products; for example, jam, ice cream, mayonnaise, etc. Food colloid contains hydrocolloid that provides thickening, gelling, emulsifying, and stabilizing properties in food products [5].

11. Discuss the case presented in systematic manner? Pharmaceutical industry


It is recommended that the literature would invest more in the area of application and significance of guidelines and practices. New case studies should be done to prove the feasibility of such practices.

12. It is used to determine the flammable materials. A. gas chromatographyB. thermal analysisC. spectrographic testD. x-ray diffraction​



sana po makatulong

paki rate nlng kung mali o rltama

13. It is used in a variety of other industries, such as personal care, agricultural,food, pharmaceutical, and electroplating industries, In addition to its use in cleaning products.​




hope it helps

pa brainliest

14. what can detect in bloodstream using chromatography?what can detect in the water supply using chromatography?thanks❤️​


1.Drug testing As chromatography can accurately identify substances within the bloodstream.

2.Spectroscopy and chromatography are employed in water-quality determinations to ascertain the levels of constituents such as nitrogen, phosphorus, gross minerals, organic content, and pesticides with the use of existing methods and modified or new methods developed in the Federal Water Pollution Control


15. Determine the best technique to be used to separate the components of mixtures in the following situation1.Coffee machines use to separate the coffee granules from the liquidA. DistillationB. Chromatography C. Decantation D. SievingE. Filtration2. Separating the finer sand from stone/pebbles in construction works.A. DistillationB. Chromatography C. Decantation D. SievingE. Filtration3.Pharmaceutical industries were able to determine the amount of each chemical in each product through color separation.A. DistillationB. Chromatography C. Decantation D. SievingE. Filtration4. Pure and clean water for our consumptionA. DistillationB. Chromatography C. Decantation D. SievingE. Filtration5. Removing oil from an oil spill caused by a ship wreckA. DistillationB. Chromatography C. Decantation D. SievingE. Filtration​


The answers for tye given questions are:

1. E

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

16. identify whether the example companies are oligopolies or not , write yes if it is and No if not1.Automobile industry2.Bubble Tea shop3.Snack house4.Mass Media company5.oil and gas industry6.cellular phones company7.taco stall8.pharmaceuticals company9.poultry shop10.aluminium and steel company​


1. Yes

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. No

8. Yes

9. No

10. Yes

17. 6. It separates liquids or gas mixture.a. Chromatography b. Sublimation c. Magnetization d. Centrifugation​


Seperates liquid or gas mixture

D. Centrifugation

18. In production of distilled water and ethanol what technique of separation is used in pharmaceutical industries.

distillation, process involving the conversion of a liquid into vapour that is subsequently condensed back to liquid form. It is exemplified at its simplest when steam from a kettle becomes deposited as drops of distilled water on a cold surface. Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile solids, as in the separation of alcoholic liquors from fermented materials, or in the separation of two or more liquids having different boiling points, as in the separation of gasoline, kerosene, and lubricating oil from crude oil. Other industrial applications include the processing of such chemical products as formaldehyde and phenol and the desalination of seawater. The distillation process appears to have been utilized by the earliest experimentalists. Aristotle (384–322 BCE) mentioned that pure water is made by the evaporation of seawater. Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE) described a primitive method of condensation in which the oil obtained by heating rosin is collected on wool placed in the upper part of an apparatus known as a still.

Most methods of distillation used by industry and in laboratory research are variations of simple distillation. This basic operation requires the use of a still or retort in which a liquid is heated, a condenser to cool the vapour, and a receiver to collect the distillate. In heating a mixture of substances, the most volatile or the lowest boiling distills first, and the others subsequently or not at all. This simple apparatus is entirely satisfactory for the purification of a liquid containing nonvolatile material and is reasonably adequate for separating liquids of widely divergent boiling points. For laboratory use, the apparatus is commonly made of glass and connected with corks, rubber bungs, or ground-glass joints. For industrial applications, larger equipment of metal or ceramic is employed.

19. All are uses and application of colloids except? a. colloids used for pottery b. colloid used in pharmaceutical industry c. colloids used in dialysis d. colloids used for natural fiber industry​


B colloid used in pharmaceutical industry

20. A pharmaceutical company is using blockchain

Pharma giants are looking to streamline the process of developing and testing new drugs by using blockchain technology. They believe that the collaboration with blockchain technology may help to increase efficiency, accelerate the R&D process, and reduce drug development costs.


21. What is chromatography? Describe one way in which chromatography can be used to solve a crime?

Chromatography is a technique used to separate and identify different substances in a mixture. It is based on the fact that different substances have different chemical and physical properties, and these properties can be used to separate the substances from each other.

There are several different types of chromatography, including paper chromatography, gas chromatography, and liquid chromatography. Each of these techniques uses a different method to separate the substances in a mixture.

One way in which chromatography can be used to solve a crime is through forensic analysis. For example, if a crime scene has a mixed stain on a piece of evidence, a forensic scientist can use chromatography to separate and identify the different substances in the stain. This can help to identify the presence of specific substances, such as drugs, explosives, or other illegal substances, which can be used to help build a case against a suspect. Chromatography can also be used to identify and match specific substances found at a crime scene with substances found on a suspect or in their possession, which can help to establish a link between the suspect and the crime.

22. 1. Why extraction is well suited in petroleum industry? 2. Why extraction is well suited in pharmaceutical industry? ​


1.Petroleum reservoirs can be found beneath land or the ocean floor. Their crude oil is extracted with giant drilling machines.

2.The purposes of standardized extraction procedures for crude drugs are to attain the therapeutically desired portion and to eliminate the inert material by treatment with a selective solvent known as menstruum.


23. It is used in a variety of other industries, such as personal care, agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and electropating industries, in addition to its use in cleaning products.​

SODIUM HYDROXIDE is the answer.


24. ammonia is an important compound and useful to industries such as agricultural, pharmaceuticals, textile, plastics, petroleum, mining, and commercial. in the ammonia production haber process is utilized and it is shown as, Na2(g)+3H2(g)->2NH3(g)guide questions:1. if there are 10.0 moles of ammonia produced, how many moles of nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas react?2. how many grams of ammonia will be produced if there are 500.0 moles of nitrogen gas?how many grams of hydrogen gas are needed to produce 10000.0 g of ammonia?​



2. 10,500.0g


i hope it work

25. 3. This method is utilized in industries like junkyards to remove metal scraps from othermaterials.a. chromatographyc. decantationb. use of magnetd. distillation​

C. is the answer and why are the letters is a, c, b, d?

26. Pharmaceutical Industry. what are there trying to tell the author


Pharmaceutical products are indispensable for improving health outcomes. An extensive body of work on access to and use of medicines has resulted in an assortment of tools measuring various elements of pharmaceutical systems. Until now however, there has been little attempt to conceptualize a pharmaceutical system as an entity and define its strengthening in a way that allows for measuring systems strengthening. The narrow focus of available tools limits their value in ascertaining which interventions result in stronger, more resilient systems. We sought to address this shortcoming by revisiting the current definitions, frameworks and assessment tools related to pharmaceutical systems. We conducted a comprehensive literature review and consulted with select pharmaceutical experts. On the basis of our review, we propose that a pharmaceutical system consists of all structures, people, resources, processes, and their interactions within the broader health system that aim to ensure equitable and timely access to safe, effective, quality pharmaceutical products and related services that promote their appropriate and cost-effective use to improve health outcomes. We further propose that pharmaceutical systems strengthening is the process of identifying and implementing strategies and actions that achieve coordinated and sustainable improvements in the critical components of a pharmaceutical system to make it more responsive and resilient and to enhance its performance for achieving better health outcomes. Finally, we established that, in addition to system performance and resilience, seven components of the pharmaceutical system are critical for measuring pharmaceutical systems strengthening: pharmaceutical products and related services; policy, laws and governance; regulatory systems; innovation, research and development, manufacturing, and trade; financing; human resources; and information. This work adds clarity to the concept of pharmaceutical systems and their strengthening by proposing holistic definitions on the basis of systems thinking. It provides a practical starting point for measuring the progress of pharmaceutical systems strengthening.

27. Which of the following is NOT true about Benzene? a. a. Benzene is primarily used as a feedstock, or raw material, to make other industrial chemicals, such as ethylbenzene, cumene and cyclohexane. b. a. Benzene is a colorless, sweet-smelling chemical that can be derived from natural gas, crude oil, or coal. c. a. Benzene is also used as a solvent in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. d. a. Has double bond structure




The most commonly encountered aromatic compound is benzene. The usual structural representation for benzene is a six carbon ring (represented by a hexagon) which includes three double bonds. Each of the carbons represented by a corner is also bonded to one other atom.


C. Benzene is also used as a solvent in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.


Because chemical and pharmaceutical is not true about Benzene.

#hope it's help

#Mark me a brainlist please

# Dive lunox

28. Which of the following processes involves evaporation of a liquid to gas and condensation of gas to liquid? A. Distillation B. Decantation C. Chromatography D. Centrifugation

c. chromatography is the answer because the fistern lane is the same as chromosomes

29. Are used in the pharmaceutical industry to assess the risk of introducing a new drug.




because the pharmaceutical industry not risk of introducing a new drug

30. It is used in a variety of other industries, such as personal care, agricultural,food, pharmaceutical, and electroplating industries, In addition to its use in cleaning products. ​


SODIUM HYDROXIDE is the answer.


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