Activity For Storytelling

Activity For Storytelling

Why storytelling is an important activity in a literature class?​

Daftar Isi

1. Why storytelling is an important activity in a literature class?​


Because in every story there is a moral and you can improve your reading skills.


In my opinion

2. According to Achebe,why are storytellers a threat? Who sees storytellers as threats?why are they afraid of storytellers?if such is the case, are storytellers just "mere" storytellers? Explain.​


This book demonstrates the importance of storytelling

as an aspect of language arts programs. The book contains stories

contributed by teachers from elementary through university levels. It

also describes many of the ways storytelling can be woven into the

fabric of the classroom curriculum. The collection is divided into

three sections. The first section, which recounts how storytellers

get started, contains the following selections: (1) "The Story's the

Thing" (Jeanne Smith); (2) "The Strolling Storytellers" (Karen P.

Durand); (3) "'Do It Again, Dwayne': Finding Out about Children as

Storytellers" (Kerry Mallan); (4) "Tell Me That One; Now Let's Tell

It Together: Sharing Stories with Tim" (Ann M. Trousdale); (5) "The

Journey of One Young Storyteller" (Marni Schwartz); and (6) "Tap Your

Storytelling Roots" (Joe Yurkish). The second section, which tells

how teachers have connected storytelling to the teaching of

traditional school subjects, contains the following selections: (7)

"May I Tell You My Story?" (Ruth Merrill); (8) "Who Needs a

Storyteller for Freshman Comp?" (Sharon Kane); (9) "Andrew Joins the

Storytelling Club" (Barbara A. Connelly); (10) "Edmund's Story" (May

Murphy); (11) "Telling the Tare" (Syd Lieberman); (12) "Family

Stories, Images, and the Fictional Dream" (Tom Romano); and (13)

"Telling Tales from Schooi" (Barbara Lipke). The third section, which

shows how storytelling can serve to build communities of listeners

and learners, contains the foll.)wing selections: (14) "Story Quilt: A

Student Teacher's Mythic Journey" (Anne Vilen); (15) "Stories,

Readers, and a Community of Learners" (Julia Hamilton); (16) "Let

Them Tell Their Stories" (Brian Conroy); and (17) "Teachers' Tales as

Texts: Folklore and Our Profession" (Bonnie S. Sunstein). An 85-item

annotated bibliography which provides resources for storytellers is



3. 4. Magical characters and places are created by storytellersa ACTIVE VOICEb. PASSIVE VOICE​


Passive voice




4. Storytelling devices.​


cellphone, laptop,at speaker


Sana tama


Narrative devices, also known as narrative framing devices, are the method which a story is narrated. Narrative devices involve who is narrating the story and how they're narrating it. The narrative device becomes the guideposts by which you tell your story. If that sounds abstract, it's because it is!


Anagnorisis: See Discovery.

Analepsis: See Flashback.

Aside: Speaking to the audience.

Back Story: The context that gives the story sense.

Character Shield: Makes the character invulnerable.

Chekhov's Gun: Initially insignificant then important.

Cliffhanger: Ending with incomplete excitement.


Here are seven storytelling techniques:Have an Enemy and a Hero. Stories need a good guy and a bad guy – also called a hero and an enemy. ...Use Conflict. ... Omit any Irrelevant Detail. ... Tell the Story Like You Talk. ... Make It Visual. ... Make It Personal & Easy to Relate To. ... Add Surprise. ... Your Blog.


The 7 story archetypes are:

Overcoming the Monster.Rags to Riches.The Quest.Voyage and Return.Comedy.Tragedy.Rebirth.


5. As a future teacher what will you do to your learners, so that they will have an active participation during your storytelling activity?​


If they still don’t understand, you have to think of another way so as not to lose the energy of the class. Each lesson must be clear and interesting, with a lot of different activities. It should go from a writing exercise, to a speaking session, then to a listening practice, again back to writing to ensure students do not lose interest.


6. was jesus a good storyteller?​


yes cause people can understand it than the teachings of the other teachers that time.


7. Who is the storyteller being referred to in the title of the story “The Storyteller”?​




Sana makatulog sayo

8. contextualize digital storytelling​


Contextualized learning is an approach utilized in many programs, including adult professional training. Several frameworks and approaches exist in the literature for designing contextualized training programs. In this chapter, a multilevel contextualization procedure is discussed, based on the examination of a training program about digital storytelling as a teaching methodology. Several variations of this training program were realized and a discussion is raised, based on the experience gained through them. Overall, this chapter aimed at demonstrating how easy it is to contextualize educators’ professional training by operating as a guide for designing similar programs. This multilevel approach seems worth examining further in a more systematic way, but also within the different contexts in order to build a concrete theoretical framework.

hope it helps


-pa brainliest po-

Contextualized learning is an approach utilized in many programs, including adult professional training. Several frameworks and approaches exist in the literature for designing contextualized training programs. In this chapter, a multilevel contextualization procedure is discussed, based on the examination of a training program about digital storytelling as a teaching methodology. Several variations of this training program were realized and a discussion is raised, based on the experience gained through them. Overall, this chapter aimed at demonstrating how easy it is to contextualize educators’ professional training by operating as a guide for designing similar programs. This multilevel approach seems worth examining further in a more systematic way, but also within different context in order to build a concrete theoretical framework

Edges7gsm your helper

9. 3. Storytellers create magical characters and placesa ACTIVE VOICEb. PASSIVE VOICE​


A. Active voice


Active: Storytellers create magical characters and places

Passive: Magical characters and places was created by storytellers.

10. Give one basic feature each for oral poetry, storytelling and songs. a. Oral poetry: b. Songs: c. Storytelling:


Oral Poetry- composed and Delivered by word of mouth

Songs- also tells story, express emotions, or convey a belief in faith

Telling stories- telling stories and passes on personal, hi-stoical, or cultural events or experiences so they transcend to shared experiences

11. Give one basic feature each for oral poetry, storytelling and songs.a. Oral poetry: __________b. Songs: __________c. Storytelling​


A rhymes

B tune

C feelings while binabasa ng teller

12. importance of Greek storytelling

It is where most of the history of specific subject is written or based

13. the summer solstice storytelling ka help need ko i-storytell ang the summer solstice wala akong ideaa​


The Summer Solstice by Nick Joaquin

The last day of Tatarin is the same day as St John's Day. The story is set on St John's Day in the 1850s in the Philippines. Entoy tells Dona Lupeng that Amada has participated in the ritual. While they are onboard a carriage, Dona Lupeng talks about why Amada still believes in the ritual. The carriage comes to a halt and everyone watches a procession taking place. Dona Lupeng mocks the arrogance of the men taking part in the procession. When they arrive at a house Dona Lupeng discovers that Guido, Don Paeng's cousin, had taken part in both the procession they have just witnessed and in the Tatarin ritual.

Guido lifted Dona Lupeng's skirt whilst she was looking for her children. Dona Lupeng then tells Don Paeng about the incident and tells him that Guido had even kissed her feet. Don Paeng is disgusted that the woman has been shown adoration, as he feels that love and respect are more befitting. Dona Lupeng and Don Paeng go to witness the ritual and Dona Lupeng joins in with the ceremony.Once home, Dona Lupeng makes Don Paeng tell her that he adores her. He submits by kissing her feet.


The Summer Solstice is a short story written by Nick Joaquin. The book tells the story of a ritual performed by women to call upon the gods to grant fertility. The ritual they perform is to dance around a century-old Balete tree. The ritual was known as Tatarin and lasted for three days during the summer months.

The Summer Solstice was classed as controversial because of the mix of Pagan ritual and Christian rites of passage. The story was later adapted into a play and this was itself adapted into a film.

14. Where is the setting of the storyteller


the main setting of the storryteller is in a carriage

15. participating in the declamation oration debate or storytelling activity is an example of small group communication *true or false*​


True yata haha nakakalito

16. social condition of the storyteller​


Story in a Story

Can you think of any stories where one of the characters told a story of their own? This ''story within a story'' is a common thing to see in novels or short stories. Stories that use this method are particularly interesting with regards to their setting, or the time and place where the story occurs. If there is a story within the main plot, then there can be multiple settings even if the characters technically don't move. One example of this is ''The Storyteller'' by Saki.


''The Storyteller'' opens in a railway carriage, also known as a train car. A woman is traveling with three small children: two girls and a boy. She is their aunt. The only other person in their car is an unrelated man, referred to as ''the bachelor.'' The children are very bored, and the aunt is trying unsuccessfully to keep them calm and quiet so that they do not bother the bachelor.

The children continually ask questions the aunt cannot answer to their satisfaction. For example, the boy wants to know why the man in the field is moving his sheep if there is still grass in the original field. One of the girls repeats the first line of a song over and over. The aunt can see that the bachelor is annoyed, and so she tries to occupy the children by telling them a story. She tells them about a girl who is so good that everyone loves her, and they save her from a bull because she is so good and loved.


b.story telling

hope its help

18. it means the art of storytelling ​


Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener's imagination.



Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener's imagination.

19. storytelling of kkk tagalog​

The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan ("Supreme and Venerable Association of the Children of the Nation", Spanish: Suprema y Venerable Asociación de los Hijos del Pueblo), also known as Katipunan or KKK, was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish colonialism Filipinos in Manila in 1892; its primary goal was to gain independence from Spain through a revolution.

Documents discovered in the 21st century suggest that the society had been organized as early as January 1892 but may not have become active until July 7 of the same year; that was the date that Filipino writer José Rizal was to be banished to Dapitan.

Founded by Filipino patriots Andrés Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Ladislao Diwa and others, the Katipunan was a secret organization until it was discovered in 1896. This discovery led to the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution.

The Katipunan being a secret organization, its members were subjected to the utmost secrecy and were expected to abide by the rules established by the society. Aspiring applicants were given standard initiation rites in order to become members of the society. At first, membership in the Katipunan was only open to male Filipinos; later, women were accepted into the society. The Katipunan had its own publication, Kalayaan (Liberty) which issued its first and last printing in March 1896. Revolutionary ideals and works flourished within the society, and Filipino literature was expanded by some of its prominent members.

In planning the revolution, Bonifacio contacted Rizal for his full-fledged support for the Katipunan in exchange for a promise to rescue Rizal from his detention. In May 1896, the leadership of the Katipunan met with the Captain of a visiting Japanese warship in an attempt to secure a source of arms for the revolution, but without success. The Katipunan's existence was revealed to the Spanish authorities after a member named Teodoro Patiño revealed the Katipunan's illegal activities[clarification needed] to his sister, and finally to the mother portress of the Mandaluyong Orphanage. Days after the Spanish authorities learned of the existence of the secret society, in August 1896, Bonifacio and his men tore up their cédulas during the Cry of Balintawak that started the Philippine Revolution of 1896.

20. what were use to introduce a storytelling activity in africa because they usually catch the attention of the audience​

what is the I'm so cute because I'm cute

21. african storyteller are called?​




a griot a west african historian

storyteller praise singer,poet ,or musician

22. It means the art of storytelling


A statement by the National Storytelling Network defines Storytelling as an ancient art form and a valuable form of human expression. Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener's imagination.



sana makatulong ❤



23. These are storytelling devices


Yan po picture ng sagot ko


Hope it helps pa brainliest po thanks

24. describe the character's; the storyteller, the aunt, the bachelor and the children from the story “THE STORYTELLER"


. The Storyteller is narrated by four characters: Sage, Leo, Josef, and Minka. Each character's narrative is told using a different font.

25. a haliotictubric for storytelling​


Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.

Try different keywords.

Try more general keywords.

Try fewer keywords.


(this is not a joke promise)

26. Storytellers use setting to indicate or describe the time, place and occasion of an event. (Transform into active voice or passive voice)


. try


Rules for changing Active voice to Passive voice: Simply exchange the places of the subject and the object. The subject should become the object and vice-e-versa while changing a sentence from Active to Passive voice or reverse

27. what is storytelling

Your telling/sharing a story

I hope this helps :-D


Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories.

Storytelling is about telling a story .

28. what is the theme of the storyteller​


The theme of this story teller are "pride and good ness,curiosity,and story telling"


29. why the storytelling is interactive??​

Answer: The objective of the question is to determine the reason why storytelling is interactive or allowing the storyteller and the listener to affect each other. The reason is that the storyteller is narrating the story with proper use of communication skills such as tone, voice, volume, etc. in order for the listener to feel the story. On the other hand, the listener needs to be attentive while listening for him/her to effectively follow the story very well.


Let's say for example, in a courtroom, in order to determine whose guilty and not, the jury and the judge need to listen carefully to the witnesses and lawyer. In that case, the story that is being told makes the storytelling an interactive phase.

30. what is multimedia storytelling

Multimedia storytelling is the art of conveying a narrative through multiple forms of media, such as text, audio and video. ... Multimedia stories are also interactive in a way that single-medium stories aren't. By incorporating various types of media, you are creating a story that your readers can explore.


Multimedia story is some combination of text, still photographs, video clips, audio, graphics and interactivity presented on a Web site in a nonlinear format in which the information in each medium is complementary, not redundant.


stan enhypen char

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