Make A Conclusion Based From The Given Problem

Make A Conclusion Based From The Given Problem

Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem.​

Daftar Isi

1. Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem.​


sorry po need lang nga points :<

2. Make a conclusion based from the given problem?​


therefore i conclude that water and oil will never be as one even if you stir them all day.


I hope it's help.

3. Make a conclusion based from the given problem.​


base on my mind i think you can work harder jan eh.

4. Formulating a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a tentative answer or explanation of something that needs to be proven hrough scientific investigation. When an experiment fails to support the hypothesis, the hypothesis should be rejected. A hypothesis has condition and prediction. The condition may be the observation, and the prediction is the inference. When you combine hem, you have your hypothesis. Perform the activity below. Make your own observation, inference, and hypothesis. Problem: What is a hypothesis? What you need: a glass jar What to do: 1. 2. What have you found out: Observation: Inferences: Activity 5 Formulating Hypothesis Light the candle. Let it stand on the table. Cover the lighted candle with a glass of jar. Observe. Hypothesis: matches a small candle onclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem.​


anong gagawin jan?

5. Make a conclusion based from the given problem. respect my question^^ ​


Nasan po ang given problem?


Good luck


opo nasan yung problem ng tanong mo

6. please please please please pleaseplease please please please please please please please pleaee please please please pleaee please please please pleae please please 3. Think about what might happen in response to certain inputs or assumptions. It is an educated guess and must be based on information from past research or literature studies. __________4. The issues or problems you want to work on. _________5. To make sure that the findings are conclusive, repeat the experiment using the same procedure and conditions._________ 6. The results have been achieved so far in relation to the problem with the given facts relevant and measurable.________​


goodnight do ur modules tom.

7. Activity 2. Directions: From the given answers above, identify which ones aboutquantitative research are described below. Write your answers on the blank providedbefore each number.1. Examples of these are the standardized or researcher-madequestionnaires, surveys, and observations.2. These are information which are expressed in numbers.3. These are presumptions to be computed before accepting it as true.4. The relevance of the outcome is more important than the process ofthe research.5. This is the ability of the data to be counted.6. It denotes the unbiased representation of the total population.7. It starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examinesthe possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion,8. It is meant to provide information that is useful in reachingconclusions or decision-making.9. The results and conclusion are based on relevant facts, not onpersonal perception.10. Quantitative research focuses on a specific research problem toyield specific outcomes.​


Survey research a research method involving the use of standardized questionnaires or interviews to collect data about people and their preferences, thoughts, and behaviors in a systematic manner. Although census surveys were conducted as early as Ancient Egypt, survey as a formal research method was pioneered in the 1930-40s by sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld to examine the effects of the radio on political opinion formation of the United States. This method has since become a very popular method for quantitative research in the social sciences.

The survey method can be used for descriptive, exploratory, or explanatory research. This method is best suited for studies that have individual people as the unit of analysis. Although other units of analysis, such as groups, organizations or dyads (pairs of organizations, such as buyers and sellers), are also studied using surveys, such studies often use a specific person from each unit as a “key informant” or a “proxy” for that unit, and such surveys may be subject to respondent bias if the informant chosen does not have adequate knowledge or has a biased opinion about the phenomenon of interest. For instance, Chief Executive Officers may not adequately know employee’s perceptions or teamwork in their own companies, and may therefore be the wrong informant for studies of team dynamics or employee self-esteem.

Survey research has several inherent strengths compared to other research methods. First, surveys are an excellent vehicle for measuring a wide variety of unobservable data, such as people’s preferences (e.g., political orientation), traits (e.g., self-esteem), attitudes (e.g., toward immigrants), beliefs (e.g., about a new law), behaviors (e.g., smoking or drinking behavior), or factual information (e.g., income). Second, survey research is also ideally suited for remotely collecting data about a population that is too large to observe directly. A large area, such as an entire country, can be covered using mail-in, electronic mail, or telephone surveys using meticulous sampling to ensure that the population is adequately represented in a small sample. Third, due to their unobtrusive nature and the ability to respond at one’s convenience, questionnaire surveys are preferred by some respondents. Fourth, interviews may be the only way of reaching certain population groups such as the homeless or illegal immigrants for which there is no sampling frame available. Fifth, large sample surveys may allow detection of small effects even while analyzing multiple variables, and depending on the survey design, may also allow comparative analysis of population subgroups (i.e., within-group and between-group analysis). Sixth, survey research is economical in terms of researcher time, effort and cost than most other methods such as experimental research and case research. At the same time, survey research also has some unique disadvantages. It is subject to a large number of biases such as non-response bias, sampling bias, social desirability bias, and recall bias, as discussed in the last section of this chapter.

Depending on how the data is collected, survey research can be divided into two broad categories: questionnaire surveys (which may be mail-in, group-administered, or online surveys), and interview surveys (which may be personal, telephone, or focus group interviews). Questionnaires are instruments that are completed in writing by respondents, while interviews are completed by the interviewer based on verbal responses provided by respondents. As discussed below, each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, in terms of their costs, coverage of the target population, and researcher’s flexibility in asking questions.


hope it helps,mark me as your brainliest

8. make a conclusion based from the given problem. problems: do the tendons in your wrist work? does the tendons in your wrist differ from the tendons in your ankle? will you describe a tendon


1. Tendons helps our wrisk bend forward or backward.

2. Tendons in the ankle is thicker than tendons on wrisk because it perform harder activities.

3. A tendon is a fibrous cords that connects muscle to bones.

9. 1.) How does your brain function in the activity? 2.)Which part of the brain functions when you draw the illustrion?3.)How does your brainstem function while doing activity? Conclusion:Make a conclusion based from the given problem​


1. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals such as dopamine and endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy.

2. The left side processes information in a linear manner, analyzing and drawing conclusions based on any information it is given.

3. Your brainstem helps regulate some body functions, including your breathing and heart rate. The brainstem also controls your balance, coordination and reflexes.

#carry on learning

10. What have you found out:1. What happens to the layers of the clay after they were pushed at bothends?2. What type of plate boundary is shownwhen both ends are pushed?3. What happened to the clay when both ends were pulled?4. What type of plate boundary is shown where both ends of the clay arepulled?Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem​


1. The clays were compressed firmly as they were pushed from both ends.

2. Convergent Boundary

3. When the strips of clay are pushed from opposite ends then they buckled upwards a little bit which raises the surface a little bit forming like a mountain on the land.

4. Transform.

1. When two continental plates converge, a collision zone is formed. Unlike the other two types of convergent boundaries, subduction ceases for this particular type of convergence. No trench, no volcano, and definitely no island arc is created during this process.

2.A transform fault or transform boundary is a plate boundary where the motion is predominantly horizontal.

3. When the strips of clay are pushed from opposite ends then they buckled upwards a little bit which raises the surface a little bit forming like a mountain on the land. Explanation: The pushing of the clay from the contrary sides is an environmental change which results in the development of the plates.


11. make a conclusion based from the given problem​


asan po yung problem?



12. conclusion:Make a conclusion based from the given problem._____________________________________________________________________________pasagot po plsss kailangan ko napo ngayon​

A distinct layer between two liquids will not form when you have a solution that is labeled miscible. When a distinct layer does form in a mixed solution, this is called immiscibility. For example, a type of immiscible liquid is oil and water.

13. 1.what kind of mixture do you have?2.what are the different components of your did you seperate the components of mixture?describe the process4.give other examples of mixtures that can be seperated by hand picking Ang magnetism5.make conclusion based from the given problem?Help me​


1.A substance made by mixing other substances together.

"form the mixture into a manageable dough"

the process of mixing or being mixed.

a combination of different qualities, things, or emotions in which the component elements are individually distinct.

2.The components of a mixture are the items that are mixed together. This can include a wide variety of substances. For example, a combination of sugar.

3.Mixtures can be physically separated by using methods that use differences in physical properties to separate the components of the mixture, such as evaporation, distillation, filtration and chromatography.

4.Magnetic Attraction

Separates magnetic materials, such as iron, steel, nickel or cobalt, from non-magnetic materials in a mixture.

Example: separating iron filings from sand.

Think of another example of a mixture that can be separated by using a magnet

5.Where is the problem?

14. Make a conclusion based from the given problem components of the ecosystem


can we get a example or picture manlng po

Make a conclusion based from the given problem components of the ecosystem

All species and the physical environment they interact with make up an ecosystem (or ecological system), 458 These biotic and abiotic components are connected via nutrient cycles and energy flows. Photosynthesis provides energy into the system, which is then absorbed by plant tissue. Animals, through consuming plants and each other, play an essential role in the transfer of resources and energy through the system. They also have an impact on the amount of plant and microbial biomass present. Decomposers release carbon into the environment and plants, and they aid nutrient cycling by converting nutrients stored in dead biomass into a form that plants and microbes can use.

Ecosystem exhibits the interaction of component


15. make a conclusion based from the given problem please answer this​

The difference between a solution and a suspension is in the particle sizes involved. A solution is a mixture of ions or molecules (very, very small). Solutions are transparent, meaning that you can see through them. A suspension has bigger particle sizes and so it may look cloudy or murky.

Solution :

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

The particles of a solution are smaller than 1 nm (10-9 metre) in diameter. So, they cannot be seen by naked eyes.

Due to small particle size, they do not scatter a beam of light passing through them. Thus, the path of light is not visible in a solution.

The solute particles do not settle down when left undisturbed, i.e., a solution is stable.

The solute particles cannot be separated from the mixture by the process of filtration.

Suspension :

Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture.

The particles of a suspension can be seen by the naked eye. Their size is larger than 100 nm in diameter.

The particles of a suspension scatter a beam of light passing through it and make its path visible.

The solute particles settle down when a suspension is left undisturbed, i.e., a suspension is unstable.

They can be separated from the mixture by the process of filtration.

16. Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem. About earthquakes


Earthquakes shake the ground surface, can cause buildings to collapse, disrupt transport and services, and can cause fires. They can trigger landslides and tsunami. Earthquakes occur mainly as a result of plate tectonics, which involves blocks of the Earth moving about the Earth's surface.

17. 1.fill the baker with water add several milliliters of liquid milk stir thoroughly. 2. darken the room use laser pointer or flashlight as light source and point it to the Beam of light travels through the mixture. 3.look the beaker through the side and note the cone of light.What have you found out make a conclusion based from the given problem.please answer it serious : ) advance thanks you nalang po Kung sino maka answer nito : )​


I found out that the beam reflected into the water grows brighter while the beam is being transmitted into the air as it becomes dimmer. I also noticed the transmitted beam is bent, or refracted. I also found an angle where the transmitted beam completely disappears.

18. Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem. the problem is how is chicken similar to human skin​





19. Components of Tropical Rainforest Problem: What are the components of a Tropical Rainforest? What you need: Picture of a Tropical Rainforest mage Source: Note: Biotic and Abiotic factors An ecosystem includes all living things (biotic factors) and their non-living environment (abiotic factor) in a given area interacting with each other. What to do: List down any biotic and abiotic factors in the given picture. ABIOTIC What have you found out: 1. What are the biotic factors in the Tropical Rainfo Jorest? 2. What are the abiotic factors in the Tropical rainforest? Conclusion: 3. What factors compose the tropical Rainforest? Make a conclusion based from the given problem. BIOTIC​


Components of Tropical Rainforest Problem: What are the components of a Tropical Rainforest? What you need: Picture of a Tropical Rainforest mage Source: Note: Biotic and Abiotic factors An ecosystem includes all living things (biotic factors) and their non-living environment (abiotic factor) in a given area interacting with each other. What to do: List down any biotic and abiotic factors in the given picture. ABIOTIC What have you found out: 1. What are the biotic factors in the Tropical Rainfo Jorest? 2. What are the abiotic factors in the Tropical rainforest? Conclusion: 3. What factors compose the tropical Rainforest? Make a conclusion based from the given problem. BIOTIC

Biotic factors:

Trees, including tall canopy trees and smaller understory trees

Vines and lianas

Epiphytes, such as orchids and bromeliads

Ferns and mosses

Animals, including monkeys, birds, butterflies, frogs, and insects

Abiotic factors:


Water, including streams and rivers

Climate, including high humidity and high rainfall

Light, including dappled light and shade

Topography, including hills and valleys


The tropical rainforest is composed of a diverse array of biotic and abiotic factors that interact with each other to create a unique ecosystem. The biotic factors include a wide variety of plant and animal species, while the abiotic factors include physical and environmental factors such as soil, water, climate, light, and topography. Together, these components create a complex and diverse ecosystem that is essential for the survival of many species.

20. make a conclusion based from the given problem about homogeneous mixture


the given about homegeneous mixture

21. S to asp tof What's More on ole Directions: Distinguish holistic from a partial point of view by completing the matrix using the statements below. Write your answer on your notebook (20 points) PARTIAL POINT OF VIEW HOLISTIC POINT OF VIEW Statements: 1. Conclusions are made based on considering some, but not all, sides of the problem or situation 2. Looks at all aspects of the given problem or situation 3. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions 4. All aspects are tied in together to form a general overview of the problem or situation 5. Looks only at a limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation​

A and B


why me ask your mom

22. 3. Think about what might happen in response to certain inputs or assumptions.It is an educated guess and must be based on information from past researchor literature studies.4. The issues or problems you want to work on.5. To make sure that the findings are conclusive, repeat the experiment usingthe same procedure and conditions.6. The results have been achieved so far in relation to the problem with thegiven facts relevant and measurable.​



think about what might happen

23. make a conclusion based from the given problem small rockspring​


Identify the problem in the given situation and give a conclusion using the steps of Scientific MethodsYou buy one dozen of pandesal bread in the nearby bakeshop from your house. Have two pieces of the leftunconsumed or not being eaten and keep them inside the paper bag. The two unconsumed pandesal bread were left insidethe paper bag over the next three days. During the fourth day, try to look at the bread and see what happened whatConcluinon


i hope is help carry on learning

24. make a conclusion based from the given problem...Why are mixture important?​


Mixtures are just as important as elements, compounds or alloys. In fact, the air that you are breathing right now is a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and some lesser gases! Mixtures are used in many processes, including steel manufacturing, the chemical industry and many others.

25. * Observation Note: from based the given Make conclusion problem. a​


Asan po ang given Problem?

26. make a conclusion based from the given problem?please answer this ​


1.Ball and Socket Joint

2.Hinge Joint

3Condyloid Joint

4.Pivot Joint

5.Gliding Joint

6.Saddle joint

27. What have you found out: 1. What happened to the books on the pile when the book at the botton was removed? 2. What do the spaces between the books in the pile represent? 3. What happened to the objects on the cardboard when the book was removed? 4. Compare the activity to an earthquake. Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem.​


#1 ANSWER : It will all fall base on physics.

#2 ANSWER : It's Japanese and means a reading pile. As in, acquiring reading material and letting it pile up without reading it.

#3 ANSWER : When the cardboard was thumped, it moved out from under the coin, but because of inertia, the coin had a tendency to remain at rest instead of moving forward with the cardboard.

#4 ANSWER : Earthquakes shake the ground surface, can cause buildings to collapse, disrupt transport and services, and can cause fires. They can trigger landslides and tsunami.




28. make a conclusion based from the given problem.PROBLEM:How are plants classified?​


Based on the problem statement, it can be concluded that the question is asking for information on how plants are classified. This likely means that the person wants to know about the different ways in which plants are organized and grouped, and the criteria that are used to determine these classifications. There are many different ways to classify plants, and different systems have been developed by scientists over the years to help understand and organize the vast diversity of plant life on Earth. Some common ways to classify plants include based on their evolutionary relationships, their physical characteristics, and their ecological roles

29. Make a conclusion based from the given problem​


Where's the conclusion? And please enter the problem...

30. Conclusion make a conclusion base from the given problem Problem:can you recognize the substances when forming mixture?


pa brainliest kung tama

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