Differentiate Program And Programming

Differentiate Program And Programming

Differentiate program, programmer and programming.

Daftar Isi

1. Differentiate program, programmer and programming.


program - application

programmer - people

programming - language such c#, python or a course

2. differentiate computer program, computer programming and programming languages​


the differentiate between program and programming is like the difference between carpenter and hand makin a chair and the chair once it is made,or a chef cooking meal vs a meal that has been cooked for particularly if they are inventing it as they go rather mass producing a result;programming is the art/science of making programs that do something hopefully usefull.a program is the result of one or more people doing that activity

3. Differentiate between program programming and programmer

Programming is the process of writing an algorithm into a sequence of computer instructions. Or you can simply say it is the process of writing programs.

Programmers are the person who writes programs in a specific computer programming language.

4. Which element differentiates distance education from extension programs?


physical separation of teacher and learner most of the time



5. In a Venn Diagram, differentiate Scholarship and SHS Voucher Program.


Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistant wherien subsides in the form of vouchers are provide or equalified SHS learners in participating  private or non-DepEd public SHSs.


6. differentiate the symbolic and non-symbolic programming


Non-symbolic AI systems do not manipulate a symbolic representation to find solutions to problems. Instead, they perform calculations according to some principles that have demonstrated to be able to solve problems. ... Examples of Non-symbolic AI include genetic algorithms, neural networks and deep learning.


Hope it helps to your question

7. Differentiate program symphony from symphonic poem.


The structural elements of the programmatic symphony were largely freë of Classic predictabilityThe symphonic poem was the invention of Franz Liszt and was sometimes called a Tone Poem, especially when it was based on a poetic idea.

8. What are the three different approaches in implementing programming languages and differentiate it.​


What are the three general methods of implementing a programming language?

Three general methods of implementing a programming language are compilation, pure interpretation, and hybrid implementation.

9. what is the differentiate program from a project?​


A project represents a single, focused endeavour. A program is a collection of projects – together all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives.



10. differentiate python and pycharm programming languages​


PyCharm is an integrated development environment or IDE. While you don't compile Python code the same way you do Java or C sharp, PyCharm acts like a true IDE for Python, but unlike Visual Studio, PyCharm is geared specifically and only for Python development.

11. differentiate the two approaches to the physical education program​

maghanap po kayo ng paraan

12. enumerates and differentiates the forms of community based correction program​

Types of community based programs covered are probation, parole, work release, study release, furloughs, and halfway houses. Each program is discussed in terms of definition, history, purpose, administration, problems, cost effectiveness, and applicability to juvenile programs.


kaya mo yan lods


Sorry Lods✌

13. differentiate programming tool and software tool?​

you cant differentiate them coz they are the same completely the same

14. Differentiate symbolic and non-symbolic programming. entravel the key phrases of each type and use them in a sentence. (1.) symbolic programming: sabnpulation al mstractopo fmybos (2.) non-symbolic programming: tolatheulatiac scammlcaon​

Answer: Symbolic refers to the fact that all steps are based on symbolic human readable representations of the problem that use logic and search to solve problem.

               Non-symbolic Number understanding helps students explore the concept of number by estimating, comparing, and combining sets of visuals, such as dots.

15. differentiate the start menu from All Programs​


When you click Start, choose "All Apps" at the bottom-left of the start menu. This should include all Windows programs and programs you have installed yourself. Some of the basic Windows programs from Windows 7 are located in the "Windows Accessories" folder or the "Windows System" folder, among others.

pa brainliest salamat

16. differentiate the two advertisement on how you promote fitness program​


sana po may maka sagot.


need ko din po


Creating or modifying environments to make it easier for people to walk or bike helps increase physical activity and can make our communities better places to live. Communities designed to support physical activity are often called active communities.

17. Differentiate the certification programs to Common body language?


• Understand the range of nonverbal behaviors that comprise 'body language'

• Understand the nuances of handshakes and touch

• Understand how your personal style influences your body language

• Match body language to words

• Know how to read facial expressions

• Interpret common gestures

• Interpret eye contact

• Understand power poses

• Know the sign of a fake smile and when someone is lying to you

• Understand the differences in body language across cultures


This course on 'Body Language' is designed to help you understand the different aspect of body language so that you are able to use the information to your personal and professional advantage.

18. Differentiate courses from programs​

Answer:Key Difference: When used in higher studies (College) in United States or Canada, course refers to a class that usually lasts a semester or one academic term. On the other hand, programme is another term that is used for the degree.


Hope it helps for you❤️❤️❤️

19. 3. Differentiate all the NSTP Programs.​


the answer is wala akong alam






20. explain Differentiate between programmed and nonprogrammed decisions​


Programmed decisions are those that are based on criteria that are well understood, while nonprogrammed decisions are novel and lack clear guidelines for reaching a solution. Managers can establish rules and guidelines for programmed decisions based on known fact, which enables them to reach decisions quickly.


Paki brainliest Answer naman po. Thanks

21. Differentiate between Sequential and Selection when it comes to Program Structure.


Sequence control structure executes the statements one by one in consecutive order. It refers to the linear execution of a code within a programme. Selection control structure enables a programme to execute different statements for different conditions. ... Execute statement one by one in linear or consecutive order.


22. differentiate and explain the types of incentive program​


1. Monetary or Financial Incentives

The reward or incentive which can be calculated in terms of money is known as monetary incentive. These incentives are offered to employees who have more physiological, social and security need active in them. The common monetary incentives are:

Pay and allowances. Profits sharing. Co-partnership/stock option. Bonus. .CommissionSuggestion systemProductivity linked with wage incentivesRetirement benefits. Perks/ fringe Benefits/ perquisites.

2. Non-Monetary/Non-Financial Incentives

Money is not the only motivator, the employees who have more of esteem and self actualization need active in them get satisfied with the non-monetary incentives only. The incentives which cannot be calculated in terms of money are known as non-monetary incentives. Generally people working at high job position or at high rank get satisfied with non-monetary incentives. The common means or ways of non-monetary incentives are:

Status refers to rank, authority, responsibility, recognition and prestige related to job. By offering higher status or rank in the organization managers can motivate employees having esteem and self- actualization need active in them.Organizational climate. It refers to relations between superior/ subordinates. These are the characteristics which describe and organization. These characteristics have direct influence over the behavior of a member. A positive approach adapted by manager creates better organizational climate whereas negative approach may spoil the climate, Employees are always motivated in the healthy organizational climate.Career advancement. Managers must provide promotional opportunities to employees. Whenever there are promotional opportunities employees improve their skill and efficiency with the hope that they will be promoted to high level. Promotion is a very big stimulator or motivator which induces people to perform to their best level.Job enrichment/ assignment of challenging job. Employees get bored by performing routine job. They enjoy doing jobs which offer them variety and opportunity to show their skill. By offering challenging jobs, autonomy to perform job, interesting jobs, employees get satisfied and they are motivated. Interesting, enriched and challenging job itself is a very good motivator or stimulator.. Recognition means giving special regard or respect which satisfies the ego of the subordinates. Ego-satisfaction is a very good motivator. Whenever the good efforts or the positive attitudes are show by the subordinates then it must be recognized by the superior in public or in presence of other employees. Whenever if there is any negative attitude or mistake is done by subordinate then it should be discussed in private by calling the employee in cabin. Examples of employee’s recognition are congratulating employee for good performance, displaying the achievement of employee, giving certificate of achievement, distributing mementos, gifts etc. Job security means life time bonding between employees and organization. Job security means giving permanent or confirmation letter. Job security ensures safety and security need but it may have negative impact. Once the employees get job secured they lose interest in job. Of example government employees do not perform efficiently as they have no fare of losing job. Job security must be given with some terms and conditions.Employee’s participation. It means involving employee in decision making especially when decisions are related to workers. Employees follow the decision more sincerely when these are taken in consultation with them for example if target production is fixed by consulting employee then he will try to achieve the target more sincerely.Autonomy/ employee empowerment. It means giving more freedom to subordinates. This empowerment develops confidence in employees. They use positive skill to prove that they are performing to the best when freedom is given to them.

23. differentiate the BTVTED from BTELed program​

BTVTED program​, is a program that gives students the knowledge and skills to be able to teach technical-vocational courses like Food and Service Management, Automotive, Electrical, Civil, and Drafting Technology, and other courses while the BTLED program, aims to develop highly competent and motivated teachers in Technology and Livelihood Education for Grades 4-8.




mag aral ka po

24. differentiate program outcome from program outcome? ​


The program outcomes are specific enough to explain how those broad expectations are accomplished within a given program, and course outcomes will specify what expectations an instructor has for the course, which are related to one or more program outcomes.


Sana makatulong.

25. differentiate program from project


A project represents a single, focused endeavour. A program is a collection of projects – together all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives.

26. Differentiate Computer Application Software and Program Application Software?.


System software serves as the interface between the application software and the hardware of the computer. It manages the computer resources and enables the computer to function smoothly. On the other hand, the application software serves as an interface between the system software and the end-user

27. differentiate python and pycharm programming languages​

don't know eh sorry :( :(

28. differentiate a sequence guide from a program​


The ability to sequence events in a text is a key comprehension strategy, ... Differentiate which sequence chart to give to which students.

29. differentiate programs and application​

As mentioned earlier, an app is developed with the end-user in mind. As such, it is structured to help users complete a given function, task, or activity. A program, on the other hand, is created to help a computer execute a specific purpose, and it can run on the background without the end-users intervention

An app is developed with the end-user in mind. As such, it is structured to help users complete a given function, task, or activity. A program, on the other hand, is created to help a computer execute a specific purpose, and it can run on the background without the end-users intervention

30. In a Venn Diagram, differentiate Scholarship and SHS Voucher Program.


Senior High School Voucher program (SHS VP) is a program of financial assistance wherien subsides in the form of vouchers are provide ro equalified SHS learners in participating private or non-DepEd public SHSs.


Hope it helps

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Kategori computer_science