Caveat Venditor

Caveat Venditor

what is the meaning of Caveat?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning of Caveat?​


a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.


cut in soft rock

cut in soft rock : excavated cavate cliff dwelling.

2. This tells about purpose and caveat the information


In health terminology, DISCLOSURE tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

3. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information

The answer is disclosure.

4. Activity 2: While electricity has many benefits, it must be used with caveats. Proper use of electricity must be followed for protection. Enumerate ways of proper usage of electricity.​


To play it safe around your home, remember the rules for using electricity the right way.

1.DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord. It could damage the electrical system in your house or even cause a fire.

2.DO make sure all electric cords are tucked out of the way. Pets might chew on electrical cords, and people might trip and fall.

3.DON'T ever play near or on a green transformer box or climb the fence around an electrical substation. If a ball or pet gets inside the fence, ask an adult to call Alliant Energy or your electric company - they'll come and get it out for you.

4.DON'T yank an electrical cord from the wall. Instead, pull from the plug. Pulling on a cord can damage the appliance, the plug or the outlet.

5.DON'T fly anything like drones or kites near power lines or substations. A kite and its string may conduct electricity - sending it right through you to the ground.

6.DO ask an adult for help when you need to use something that uses electricity.

7.DO look up and look out for power lines before you climb a tree. The electricity can go right through the tree branch - and right through you.

8.DO have an adult put safety caps on all unused electrical outlets. Covering outlets will also help save energy by stopping cold drafts.

9.DO watch out for power lines when using a ladder, chainsaw or other outdoor equipment.

10.DO keep electrical stuff away from water. Most electrical accidents around the house happen when people use electricity near water.


Why electricity is dangerous?

The main hazards with electricity are: contact with live parts causing shock and burns. faults which could cause fires; fire or explosion where electricity could be the source of ignition in a potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere, e.g. in a spray paint booth.

5. D _ S C _ _ S _ R _ This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

In health terminology, DISCLOSURE tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

It gives the purpose of the product as well as telling why a producer supplied a certain information along with the product. Moreover, this part discloses if its claims of benefits are true or just part of a marketing strategy.

6. this tells about the source and recency of the information? this tells about the accuracy,disclaimer,and completeness of information? this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information? this tells about the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between the source and the consumer?

Answer for the first question is CREDIBILITY

7. 1. What to think of when buying a secondhand mobile phone a. The impeccable maintenance of the former owner b. The principle caveat emptor C. To read tomes prior to purchase 2. An object or body you can watch the trajectory of a. A comet in the solar system b. A plane in the hangar C. A ball thrown to a baseball player​





Pa brainliest pls

8. D_S_L_S_R_1. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the informationC_N_ET2. This tells about the accuracy, disclaimer, and cominformationIN_T_R_CT_V_T3. This is a feedback mechanism and means of informationbetween the source and consumer.C_R_D_B_L_T4. This tells about the source and recency of the information​




this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information

9. 18. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.A, decision makingC. disclosureB. extended Healthcare FacilityD. content need help​


18. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

A. decision making

C. disclosure

B. extended Healthcare Facility




10. this tells about the source and recency of the information? this tells about the accuracy,disclaimer,and completeness of information? this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information? this tells about the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between the source and the consumer?

The first question's answer is CONTENT. I'm not really sure with the second question but my answer id DISCUSSER. The third question's answer is INTERACTIVITY.

11. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.___

 The purpose of the caveat is to warn the registered owner, and all people who might deal on the faith of the Certificate of Title, that the caveator claims an interest which is not disclosed on the title. It is only a notice of claim which may or may not be a valid one. 

12. One of the few caveats on concept selection process is: oranking the concepts carrectly selecting one or more concepts where to incluade cost preparing the selection matrix

One of the few caveats on concept selection process is where to include cost.

Concept Selection is process evaluate draft with notice needs customers, comparing the advantages/disadvantages of each concept and then select one or more concepts for further developed.

Concept Selection Method

1. External decision: the concept is returned to the customer or external party to selected

2. Featured product: an influential member of the design team chooses at the concept he likes (personal preference)

3.Intuition: Concepts are selected based on 'feeling'. The chosen concept looks better than other concepts.

4.Multivoting: concept selection is done by voting for each team member. the concept that getting the most votes is the chosen concept

5. Pros and cons: the team lists the pros and cons of each concept. Furthermore, the selection is made based on opinions or opinions

6. Prototyping and testing: Each concept is prototyped and tested. election the concept is based on the data obtained during testing

7. Decision matrices: concept assessment is carried out against the established selection criteria

Benefits of a structured concept selection

- Customer-focused products

- Competitive design

- Better product-process coordination

- Shorter product introduction time

- Effective decision making

- Documentation of the decision-making process

learn more about concept selection at


13. To explain the following criteria for evaluating health information, match column A with column B. Write the letter on the space provided for you. ____1. Credibility ____2. Content ____3. Disclosure ____4. Links ____5. Interactivity ____6. Design A. It tells about the purpose and caveat of the information. B. It tells about the feedback mechanism. C. It tells about the source and recentness of the information. D. It tells about accuracy, disclaimer and completeness of information. E. It is used to verify content on the site. F. It describes the process imaging.




they are you doing well and

14. To explain the following criteria for evaluating health information match column A with column B write the letter on the space provided for you. Column A___1.credibility ___2.content Column BA. It tells about the purpose and caveat the information. B. It tell about the feedback mechanism. C. It tell about the source and recentness of the information. D. It tell about accuracy, disclaimer and completeness of information. E. It is used to verify content on the site. F. It describes the process imaging. ​


#To ecplain the following criteria for evaluating a health information, match Culomn A to Culomn B . write the letter on the Space







15. this tells about the source and recency of the information? this tells about the accuracy,disclaimer,and completeness of information? this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information? this tells about the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between the source and the consumer?​


First question-Credibility

Second question-Content

Third question-Disclosure

Fourth question-Interactivity

16. 1.Inviduals who are licensed to practice medicine.2.tells about the source and recency of the informatio 3.tells about the purpose and caveat of the information 4.caters services to a specific population with a various health needs.5.tells about the accuracy,disclaimer and completeness of insurance​


1.Health Professional



4.Health Center


17. what is the meaning of the word1.Postcard2.Shabby3.Whim4.Ajumma5.Immersive6.Caveat7.Blunt​


1.Postcard-a piece of thick paper or thin cardboard, typically rectangular, intended for writing and mailing without an envelope.

2.Shabby-in poor condition through long or hard use or lack of care.

3.Whim-a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.

4.Ajumma-sometimes spelled ajoomma, is a Korean word for a married, or middle-aged woman. It comes from the Korean word Ajumeoni.

5.Immersive-(of a computer display or system) generating a three-dimensional image which appears to surround the user.

6.Caveat-a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.

7.Blunt-having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.


Hope it helps

18. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information. o What is the purpose of giving the information/product? o Is it for marketing purposes? o Is it for selling products or for disseminating information? I N _ _ R _ C T _ _ _ T Y




because it is

19. this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information/ D_SC__S_R_

DISCUSSERS tells about the purpose and the caveat of the information.

20. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.​




In health terminology, DISCLOSURE tells about the purpose and caveat of the information. It gives the purpose of the product as well as telling why a producer supplied a certain information along with the product.

21. This tells about the porpose and caveat of the information


Disclosure tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.


It gives the purpose of the product as well as telling why a producer supplied a certain information along with the product.

22. D_SC_S_R_o3. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.What is the purpose of giving the information/product?Is it for marketing purposes?Is it for selling products or for disseminating information?​




In health terminology, DISCLOSURE tells about the purpose and caveat of the information. It gives the purpose of the product as well as telling why a producer supplied a certain information along with the product.

23. When can a consumer determine whether the content of health information or product is reliable?A. If it tells about the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between the source and the consumer.B. It this tells about the accuracy, disclaimer, and completeness of information.C. If it tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.D. If it tells about the source and regency of the information​




24. 9. When can you tell that if the product is bound for disclosure?A. The information disseminated is wrong.B. The marketing purpose gets sloppy.C. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.D. This tells that the product is available and you at your own volition.​




This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

25. what tells about the purpose and caveat of the information?

Caveat is a statutory notice that is registered against the Certificate of Title for the land which serves as a notice that the caveator, the one that lodges the caveat is very much interested of the land. The purpose of this is to prevent the land from being transferred without the knowledge of the caveator. This serves as a controlling factor of the caveator. A caveat can only be lodged by the owner of the land or by someone who has interest of the land. The right to lodge a caveat to the borrower's land will not be given to the lender even if the owner owes money to the lender.

26. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information I N _ _ R _ C T _ _ _ T Y

Insection watttttttttttttta jvhvfjschchfhfh is a very good friend and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much

27. this tells about the purpose and caveat of the information

Jun 29, 2015 - The purpose of the caveat is to warn the registered owner, and all people who might deal on the faith of the Certificate of Title, that the caveator ...

28. D_SC__S_R_ this tells about the purpose and caveat of the informattion

disclosure ...........

29. A. It tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.B. It tells about the feedback mechanism.C. It tells about the source and recentness of the information.D. It tells about accuracy, disclaimer and completeness of information.E. It is used to verify content on the site.F. It describes the process imagination.1) credibility.2) content.3) disclosure.4) links.5) interactivity.6) design.thanks! ​


1 A 2B 3D 4E 5C 6F Yun lang

30. D_SC_S_R_OThis tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.What is the purpose of giving the information/product?o Is it for marketing purposes?o Is it for selling products or for disseminating information?​

disclosure po yan kulang lang po yan

pa follow po

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