Straight Inclined

Straight Inclined

what is the similarities and differences of straight inclined and multi inclined roof​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the similarities and differences of straight inclined and multi inclined roof​


Three main types of roofs are found:

Straight inclined: Roofs with a single incline. These are the most economical type of roofing and are most prevalent in commoner architectures.

Multi-inclined: Roofs with 2 or more sections of incline. ...

Sweeping: Roofs with a sweeping curvature that rises at the corners of the roof.



2. 18. Chinese architecture traditionally classifies structures according to type,ranging from pagodas to palaces. What are the traditional Chinesearchitectures that influenced other Asian architectures?A. Flat roofs, Roof guards and SweepingB. Roof guards, Straight-inclined, and SweepingC. Straight-inclined, Multi-inclined and Roof guardsD. Straight-inclined, Multi-inclined and Sweeping​


Mobile art as know mobilw


Yan po aLam lko pero sana nakatulong

3. 18. Chinese architecture traditionally classifies structures according to type,ranging from pagodas to palaces. What are the traditional Chinesearchitectures that influenced other Aslan architecturesA. Flat roots, Roof guards and SweepingB. Roof guards, Straight-inclined, and SweepingC. Straight-inclined, Multi-inclined and Roof guardsD. Straight-inclined, Multi-inclined and Sweeping.Plsss pahelp​




My angela (っ◕‿◕)っ

4. a type of roofing that is more budget - friendly and common Chinese architectureA. Multi - inclined B. Sweeping C. Straight inclined D. Roof gruads ​


Question:A type of roofing that is more budget - friendly and common Chinese architecture

A. Multi - inclined

B. Sweeping

C. Straight inclined

D. Roof gruads

Answer:C. Straight inclined

#carry on learning#hope it helps#brainly fast

5. 4. It is more economical for common Chinesearchitecture.a. straight inclinedsweepingb. multi-inclinedc.sweepingd. linear focus​


It is more economical for common Chinese architecture.


a. straight inclined

Hope it helps:)


6. A ball rolling straight down an incline has a velocity that is _____, and an acceleration that is ____

A ball rolling straight down an incline has a velocity that is increasing as the object moves downward, and an acceleration that is constant and downward.


7. Pag pipilian : Calligraphy Straight inclined Logo graphs Multi inclined Canjie Jiaguwen Roof gaurds


roof guards it's the have curves that rise at the corners

8. which of the following roof design is not belong to the groupA.) Hip RoofB.)SweepingC.)straight inclinedD.) multi-inclined​


B. Sweeping


pa brainlest po


which of the following roof design is not belong to the group

A.) Hip Roof


C.)straight inclined

D.) multi-inclined

9. Give the definition of the following words:1. Hanamusubi2. Calligraphy3. Straight inclined4. Muti - inclined5. Texture6. Line7. Origami8. Tal9. Sweeping10. Landscape painting​


1.HANAMUSUBI-Flower-like patterns made by interlacing rattan, hanamusubi are a secret technique being passed down from father to son. ... The Nagasaki family, who served the Matsue clan in the Edo period (1603-1868), has been using rattan to make Tea Ceremony utensils such as suimori (charcoal-scuttles) since the late Edo period.

2.CALLIGRAPHY-decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.

3.Straight inclined-Roofs with a single incline. ... This type of roof construction is usually reserved for temples and palaces although it may also be found in the homes of the wealthy.

4.Muti - inclined-Roofs with 2 or more sections of incline. These roofs are used in higher class constructions. Sweeping: Roofs with a sweeping curvature that rises at the corners of the roof. The types of roof construction are usually reserved for temples.

5.Texture - the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance.

6.Line-In geometry, the notion of line or straight line was introduced by ancient mathematicians to represent straight objects with negligible width and depth.

7.Origami-Origami is the art of paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture. In modern usage, the word "origami" is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin.

8.Tal-Thanks a Lot is the definition of TAL

9.SWEEPING-extending or performed in a long, continuous curve.

10.Landscape painting-a painting representing a view of countryside.Landscape painting, also known as landscape art, is the depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view



10. 12. Which of the following roofs have curves that rise at thecorners of the roofs usually reserved for temples andpalaces?a. Straight inclinedC. Multi-inclinedb. Sweping roof (sweeping)d. Roof guards​


D is the answer in my opinion only

11. Activity 3 On the table below, identify and describe the elements and principles used on the above mentioned three types of roofs in their architecture Principles Elements Straight Inclined Multi-inclined Sweeping​


ICT has changes the lives of people their habitat and their surrounding. In your experience what benefits od ICT are you enjoying? specify these areas where these banefits are being enjoyed.

12. The following are the main types of roots in traditional Chinese architecture that influenced other Asian architecture, Except One. A. Multi-inclined. B. Right inclined. C. Straight inclined. D. Sweeping​


B. Right inclined.

13. Which of the following describes a screw a.A modified wheel an axleb.A straight rigid barc.A spiral inclined planed.A double inclined plane​




because of the gravity of the earth

14. for a car park on an inclined straight the gravitational force on it is direct


How do you find the gravitational force of an object on an incline?

1. The normal force of an object placed on a sloping surface is always perpendicular to the surface. ...

2. mgsinθ ...

3. Take g = 9.8ms-2. ...

4. (a) Σ F = ma = mg sin θ where mg sin θ is the component of the force parallel to the slope.


carry on learning

15. what happens to the acceleration of the ball rolling straight down an incline ?A.increase D.zerosan po ba jan?​


what happens to the acceleration of the ball rolling straight down an incline ?

A.increase B.Decreases


b. decreases


godbless you

hope it help

correct me if I am wrong

carry on learning

16. is horizontal line,inclined lines,and vertical lines is straight lines​

Hmm correct me if im wrong







17. A ball rolling straight down an incline has a velocity that is _____, and an acceleration that is ____


A ball rolling straight down an incline has a velocity that is increasing, and an acceleration that is constant.


18. 9. These are the figures at the tip of the sweeping roofs found in East Asian temples and houses.A. Straight inclined B.Multi-inclined C. SweepingD. Roof guards​



The figures at the tips are called roof guards.

19. 12. East Asian temples and houses have sweeping roofs because they believe that it willprotect them from thea. Ancient creatures c. Evil Spiritsb. Elements of fire, water & windd. None of the above13. This style of roof is usually reserved for temples and palaces although it may also be found in the homes of the wealthy.a. Multi- Inclinedc. Straight Inclinedb. Roof Guardd. Sweeping14. What style of roof with two or more sections inclined?a. Multi-Inclined c. Straight Inclinedb. Roof Guardd. Sweeping15. This roof is more economical for common Chinese architecture.a. Multi- Inclined c. Straight Inclinedb. Roof Guardd. Sweeping​





payu kolang Na magaral ng mabuti

20. Also called inclined lineA. Straight B. SlantC.OutlineD. Horizontal ​


The answer is letter B. Slant

21. 20. Which of the following types of roofs in Chinese architecture is used for residences of wealthyChinese?A. Straight Inclined B. Multi - Inclined C. Sweeping D. Roof Guards​


B. Multi-inclined


Roofs having two or more inclination portions. These roofs are seen in higher-class structures ranging from affluent commoners' homes to palaces. This sort of roof architecture is often seen in temples and palaces, but it may also be found in rich residences.

22. straight inclined roof elements of arts used​


Straight inclined: Roofs with a single incline. These are the most economical type of roofing and are most prevalent in commoner architectures. Multi-inclined: Roofs with 2 or more sections of incline. These roofs are used in higher class constructions, from the dwellings of wealthy commoners to palaces.


mark me

Mark me as Brainly ❣️ Thanks

23. 11. Also called inclined line a. straight b. slant c. vertical d. horizontal​




An inclined plane, also known as a ramp, is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load.




basta rump yan haha

24. Development:Learning Task 1: Define the following word/s.1 Lascaux Paintings2 Hand scroll Painting3. Straight inclined-4. Sweeping5 Multi inclined​


1.Lascaux is famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings, found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of their exceptional quality, size, sophistication and antiquity. Estimated to be up to 20,000 years old, the paintings consist primarily of large animals, once native to the region.

2.The handscroll is a long, narrow, horizontal scroll format in East Asia used for calligraphy or paintings. A handscroll usually measures up to several meters in length and around 25–40 cm in height. Handscrolls are generally viewed starting from the right end.

3.Straight inclined: Roofs with a single incline. These are the most economical type of roofing and are most prevalent in commoner architectures. Multi-inclined: Roofs with 2 or more sections of incline. These roofs are used in higher class constructions, from the of wealthy commoners to palaces.

4.di ko alamm

5.Multi-inclined: Roofs with 2 or more sections of incline. These roofs are used in higher class constructions, from the dwellings of wealthy commoners to palaces. ... This type of roof construction is usually reserved for temples and palaces although it may also be found in the homes of the wealthy.



25. 4. Which type of roof is used for residences of wealthy Chinese with two or more sections incline?B. SweepingA. Multi-inclinedD. Straight inclinedC. Vertical inclinedask lang poh;)​


the answer is letter A



Resting hill' or Xie Shan roofs (歇山顶 xiēshāndǐng)


with two curving sides, were second in importance to hip roofs. They were mainly used for important halls, temples, gardens, and other official buildings. There were two styles of Xie Shan roof: mono-eave and double-eave.

Hope it helps

26. A. Drawing B. Painting C. Origami D. Cutting 6. Chinese Architecture which is more economical for common people. A. Straight inclined C. Sweeping B. Inclined D. Multi-inclined idorod a one of the oldest and most highly refined among the arts of Japan.​


6. D Multi-inclined idorod


yan po ung sagot hope it's help po

27. 11. A Chinese architectuteserved for temples and palaces y decorated with ceramic figureA Straight inclined B Multi-inclined C. SweepingD. Roof ghards​


A. Straight inclined

po ang sagot

28. 10. Roofs with two or more sections inclined usor forsidence of wealth ChineseA. Straight inclinedB Multi-inclined C.SweepingD. Roof ghands​




kase kailangan ng sweep

29. In flying upward for 1260 yards along a straight inclined path an airplane rises 156 yards. Find the climbing angle​.

In flying upward for 1260 yards along a straight inclined path an airplane rises 156 yards. Find the climbing angle.


Climbing angle = 7.11°

30. The intercept of a straight line on the y-axis is -3. if (5, 2) is a point on the straight line, what is the inclination of the line


[tex]m = 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

When we say inclination of line, it refers to slope of line. The formula for slope is...

[tex]m = \frac{ y_{2} - y_{1} }{ x_{2} - x_{1} } [/tex]

Given the two points (0,-3) and (5,2)

Substitute them to the formula

[tex] x_{1} = 0 \\ y_{1} = - 3 \\ x_{2} = 5 \\ y_{2} = 2[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{2 - ( - 3)}{5 - 0} \\ m = \frac{2 + 3}{5} \\ m = \frac{5}{5} \\ m = 1[/tex]

Therefore the slope is 1.

The inclination of the line to the x-axis is 45°.

Let [tex]\theta[/tex] be the inclination of the line. See attached file, through tangent function, we can get that

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta=\frac{opposite}{adjacent}[/tex]

Notice that the opposite side is actually [tex]\Delta y[/tex] (rise) and the adjacent side is [tex]\Delta x[/tex] (run). Thus

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta =\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

Because the line passes through (0, -3) and (5, 2), then we can replace

[tex](x_1,y_1)= (0,-3) \quad \quad (x_2,y_2)=(5,2)[/tex]

Substitute the values

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta =\frac{2-(-3)}{5-0}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta =\frac{5}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \tan \theta =1[/tex]

Solve for [tex]\theta[/tex]:

[tex]\theta=\arctan 1[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\theta =45^{\circ}}[/tex]

Therefore, the inclination of the line is 45°.

Hope it helps.

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