Science Passages With Questions And Answers

Science Passages With Questions And Answers

SCIENCEAnswer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don't forgetto go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm youranswers.he cellsreceivethingse theastesyouraretheof1) In your own words, explain why the excretory system is important toyourbody.2) Why is it dangerous to be unable to sweat?Јуd3) What substance does the liver change into urea?4) Which organs turns liquid into urine?5) What happens if waste builds up in our body?[tex]pasagut \: po \: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]​

Daftar Isi

1. SCIENCEAnswer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don't forgetto go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm youranswers.he cellsreceivethingse theastesyouraretheof1) In your own words, explain why the excretory system is important toyourbody.2) Why is it dangerous to be unable to sweat?Јуd3) What substance does the liver change into urea?4) Which organs turns liquid into urine?5) What happens if waste builds up in our body?[tex]pasagut \: po \: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]​


1. The excretory system is important because it helps the body eliminate metabolic waste, maintain a balance of salt and water, and control blood...

2. Anhidrosis is the inability to sweat normally. When you don't sweat (perspire), your body can't cool itself, which can lead to overheating and sometimes to heatstroke — a potentially fatal condition

3. The liver cells convert ammonia to a much less toxic substance called urea, which is released into the blood. Urea is then transported to the kidneys and passes out of the body in urine.

4. kidneys: two bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood and produce urine. ureters: two thin tubes that take pee from the kidney to the bladder. bladder: a sac that holds pee until it's time to go to the bathroom. urethra: the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body when you pee.

5. When nitrogen waste products, such as creatinine and urea, build up in the body, the condition is called azotemia. These waste products act as poisons when they build up. They damage tissues and reduce the ability of the organs to function.


2. Read the passage about Pedro and answer the questions that follow. My name is Pedro Cruz. I am a grade six pupil at Mahalimuyak Elementary School. I love to learn English and Science. My mother helps me answer my assignments and my father helps me make my outputs. Questions: 1. What is Pedro's family name? 2. What is the name of Pedro's school? 3. What are the two subjects does Pedro love to learn? 4. Who helps Pedro in his assignments? 5. Who helps Pedro in his outputs? ​


Pedro Cruz Mahalimuyak ElementaryEnglish and ScienceHis Mother His father


Sana makatulong:)

3. Activity 3 "Thinking Visually" Directions. Read a short passage below then complete the idea of the concept map by filling out the boxes with correct word/s. After completing the concept map, answer the guide questions on the space provided. How Theory Develops? As evidence from numerous investigations builds up, a particular hypothesis may become so well supported that scientists consider it a theory. That is what happened with the hypothesis that new organisms come from existing organisms. This idea is now considered one of the major ideas in science. In science, the word theory applies to a well- tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations. I Supported with observation​

just watch the answer key

4. 2. How can you use your summarizing skills?3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history?4. What does the research say about writing things down?5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to go bacand define or explain later?7. What are the steps for you to summarize?8. What would be the best title for the passage?a. Difficulties in Summarizingb. Learning to Summarize Science and HistoryC. Summarizing; Its Importance and Processesd. The Meaning of SummaryIf you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite thein paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passainto at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your parAlthough the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be writon the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below.​


ko and I don't have any friends in a country that I don't like and the other people I don't want them on or are not a fan or not the only ones I don't want them out there but they

5. ad the passage. Then, in your paper, answer the questions that follow.You have probably written a summary of a story you have read from theprevious grade. You may have identified the characters. You may have toldwhen and where is the setting. You probably told me what is the problem andhow it was solved. But did you know that it is not only the stories you cansummarize? You can use summarizing skills to be prepared and have a betterunderstanding of all your subjects.Some pupils are having a hard time reading two to three pages of stories.Some are having difficulty in learning science because there are lots ofunfamiliar new words and history because of information to remember.Research shows that writing things down will help you to remember them.easier. it works even better if you read again what you have written. WowlThat's the process of taking notes.Did you know that taking notes is a process of summarizing? When you arestudying Science or Araling Panlipunan, your teacher is usually asking you toread long texts. But, when you are about to write the key points on yournotebook, you are not writing the entire texts you have read. When you readyour textbooks, keep a notebook or a paper close to you. As you read, jot downthe keywords, dates, names, and important details so that you can go back anddefine or explain them later,For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully and find outwhat's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main ideas,and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying tounderstand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideasusing your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.1. Is summarizing done only with stories?, No, youcal also sumrkinds of group2.slip Fault3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history? identifyElementbites good to help to your Brain4. What does the research say about writing things down?5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?​


ad the passage. Then, in your paper, answer the questions that follow.

You have probably written a summary of a story you have read from the

previous grade. You may have identified the characters. You may have told

when and where is the setting. You probably told me what is the problem and

how it was solved. But did you know that it is not only the stories you can

summarize? You can use summarizing skills to be prepared and have a better

understanding of all your subjects.

Some pupils are having a hard time reading two to three pages of stories.

Some are having difficulty in learning science because there are lots of

unfamiliar new words and history because of information to remember.

Research shows that writing things down will help you to remember them.

easier. it works even better if you read again what you have written. Wowl

That's the process of taking notes.

Did you know that taking notes is a process of summarizing? When you are

studying Science or Araling Panlipunan, your teacher is usually asking you to

read long texts. But, when you are about to write the key points on your

notebook, you are not writing the entire texts you have read. When you read

your textbooks, keep a notebook or a paper close to you. As you read, jot down

the keywords, dates, names, and important details so that you can go back and

define or explain them later,

For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully and find out

what's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main ideas,

and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying to

understand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideas

using your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.

You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.

1. Is summarizing done only with stories?, No, you

cal also sumr

kinds of group


slip Fault

3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history? identify


bites good to help to your Brain

4. What does the research say about writing things down?

5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?


the passage. Then, in your paper, answer the questions that follow.

You have probably written a summary of a story you have read from the

previous grade. You may have identified the characters. You may have told

when and where is the setting. You probably told me what is the problem and

how it was solved. But did you know that it is not only the stories you can

summarize? You can use summarizing skills to be prepared and have a better

understanding of all your subjects.

Some pupils are having a hard time reading two to three pages of stories.

Some are having difficulty in learning science because there are lots of

unfamiliar new words and history because of information to remember.

Research shows that writing things down will help you to remember them.

easier. it works even better if you read again what you have written. Wowl

That's the process of taking notes.

Did you know that taking notes is a process of summarizing? When you are

studying Science or Araling Panlipunan, your teacher is usually asking you to

read long texts. But, when you are about to write the key points on your

notebook, you are not writing the entire texts you have read. When you read

your textbooks, keep a notebook or a paper close to you. As you read, jot down

the keywords, dates, names, and important details so that you can go back and

define or explain them later,

For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully and find out

what's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main ideas,

and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying to

understand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideas

using your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.

You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.

1. Is summarizing done only with stories?, No, you

cal also sumr

kinds of group


slip Fault

3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history? identify


bites good to help to your Brain

4. What does the research say about writing things down?

5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?

6. Directions: Read the passage and provide an answer to the question below. PASSAGE: Study : Teenage brain lacks empathy By Sara Goudarzi If you ever sense teenagers are not taking your feelings into account, it's probably because they're just incapable of doing so. The area of the brain associated with higher-level thinking, empathy, and guilt is underused by teenagers, reports a new study. When considering an action, the teenage medial prefrontal cortex, located in front of the brain, doesn't get as much action as adults. "Thinking strategies change with age," said Sarah Jayne Blakemore of the University College London Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. "As you get older you use more or less the same brain network to make decisions about your actions as you did when you were a teenager, but the crucial difference is that the distribution of that brain activity shifts from the back of the brain (when you are a teenager) to the front (when you are an adult)." Teen thinking In the study, teens and adults were asked how they would react to certain situations. As they responded, researchers imaged their brains. Although both adults and teens responded similarly to the questions, their brain activity differed. The medial prefrontal cortex was much more active in the adults than in the teens. However, the teenagers had much more activity in the superior temporal sulcus, the brain area involved in predicting future actions based on previous ones. Adults were also much faster at figuring out how their actions would affect themselves and other people. "We think that a teenager's judgment of what they would do in a given situation is driven by the simple question: 'What would I do?'" Blakemore said. "Adults, on the other hand, ask: 'What would I do, given how I would feel and given how the people around me would feel as a result of my actions?'" Developing sensitivity Children start taking into account other people's feelings around the age of five. But the ability develops well beyond this age, the new research suggests. And while some of this sensitivity could be the result of undeveloped regions in the brain, the experience that adults acquire from social interactions also plays an important role. My purpose in reading this: Reading Strategy I will use: 12 "Whatever the reasons, it is clear that teenagers are dealing with, not only massive hormonal shifts, but also substantial neural changes," Blakemore said. "These changes do not happen gradually and steadily between the ages of 0–18. They come on in great spurts and puberty is one of the most dramatic developmental stages." The results of the study were presented today at the BA Festival of Science in the UK. Question: Why did the author mention ‘hormonal shift’ in the article? Select one: a. to make fun of the teenagers b. to validate the claim of the research on teens’ behavior in relation to their brain development c. to persuade us to conduct research on teens’ behavior. d. to present the conclusion of the article.

b. to validate the claim of the research on teens’ behavior in relation to their brain development

b. to validate the claim of the research on teens’ behavior in relation to their brain development

7. QUESTIONS: 1. Which is the topic sentence? a. Sentence 1 b. Sentence 2 c. Sentence 3 2. What is the topic of the paragraph? a. The paragraph talks about Environmental Education as an additional subjec b. The paragraph talks about the K-12 curriculum c. The paragraph talks about the elementary and secondary curriculum 3. What supports the topic sentence? a. There are environmental education activities that students can do as part of Environmental education plays an important role in the curriculum b. c. All activities in the school support the K-12 Program 4. What specific details or examples are given? a. Sciences as a part of student interest groups b. Environment Education takes the form of participation in outdoor science sch c. Science enrichment curriculum, natural history field trips, community service participation in outdoor science schools, as a separate course 5. What is the main topic of the paragraph? a Environmental Education cuts across year levels b. Environmental Education is the core of K-12 curriculum Each year level offers varied activities c. BR.. Read the short passage below and give your answers to the question ACTIVITY​








Hope it goes well ☺️ ☺️ ☺️

8. what's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the mainideas, and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying tounderstand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideasusing your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.1. Is summarizing done only with stories?2. How can you use your summarizing skills?3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history?4. What does the research say about writing things down?5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to go backand define or explain later?7. What are the steps for you to summarize?8. What would be the best title for the passage?a. Difficulties in Summarizingb. Learning to Summarize Science and Historyc. Summarizing; Its Importance and Processesd. The Meaning of SummaryIf you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite themin paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passageinto at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your paper.Although the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be writtenon the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below.healdindcantter​


what's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main

ideas, and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying to

understand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideas

using your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph.

You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.

1. Is summarizing done only with stories?

2. How can you use your summarizing skills?

3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history?

4. What does the research say about writing things down?

5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?

6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to go back

and define or explain later?

7. What are the steps for you to summarize?

8. What would be the best title for the passage?

a. Difficulties in Summarizing

b. Learning to Summarize Science and History

c. Summarizing; Its Importance and Processes

d. The Meaning of Summary

If you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite them

in paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passage

into at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your paper.

Although the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be written

on the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below.






9. Directions: Read the paragraph carefully then answer the questions below The Moon The moon is the only natural satellite that the Earth has. A satellite is an object that revolves around a larger object. The moon does not produce its own light. It only reflects the light coming from the sun During the ancient times people believed that the moon has a big influence in their lives. They used the moon as their guide. The moon gives signs about the weather. A lot of superstitious beliefs and practices were passed on from generation to generation. Now, some of these beliefs and practices are still part of the life of some people (Sorte (2016) Science Beyond Borders 5. vibal Group Inc. for the Department of Education Answer the following questions: What is the paragraph all about? Which sentences in the text are facts? How did you know? Which statements in the text are opinions What signal words are used? 8. Directions: Read again the passage about the moon. Provide the evidencessana po may makasagot need ko lang po ngayon​


It appears that your answer contains either a link or inappropriate words. Please correct and submit again!

10. please someone help: What is astronomy and why is it important? Why do we have to learn about astronomy and who discovered\founded astronomy? who are the major astronomers in the 16th century all the way to the 21st century? And how much is a pro astronomers salary? (sorry if this is to much to ask for I just really really need to know all of these questions) I also need to know who Nicolaus Copernicus was and I also need to know who Galileo Galilei was, and you may be wondering why I need all of this info and that I need this info and i need all of this info because I am currently studying for a science\astronomy test and I needed to know all of this so that I can prepare, also when whoever is ready to answer these many questions please explain the answers as specific and as good as you can. take your time because I am currently needing to study all of this and I am not currently taking a test. so please someone help me with all of this and please could someone also write an 12 sentence passage explaining who Albert entasin was? please, I hope I am not asking for to much and if you don't want to help that is absolutely fine because i do not want to stress anyone if I am. thanks in advance and I promise I will give a brainly to the person who explained it the best because I want to be nice. thank you for being so sweet to whoever is reading and thank you to whoever is about to write a very long explication and answer and if you want I will even be your friend if you want,


Astronomy is a science that seeks to explain everything that we observe in the Universe, from the comets and planets in our own solar system to distant galaxies to the echoes of the Big Bang. The importance of astronomy are on a more pressing level, astronomy helps us study how to prolong the survival of our species. For example, it is critical to study the Sun's influence on Earth's climate and how it will affect weather, water levels etc.

who discovered\founded astronomy?

Galileo Galilei

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei popularized the use of telescopes to study and discover celestial objects, including Jupiter's four biggest moons.

who are the major astronomers in the 16th century all the way to the 21st century?

William A. Bradfield

Tycho Brahe

John Alfred Brashear

William Robert Brooks

And how much is a pro astronomers salary?

It's hard to get rich by being an astronomer, but most astronomers make enough money to live comfortably. The amount astronomers are paid depends on where the astronomer is working, how much experience the astronomer has, and even how prestigious the astronomer is.

11. Directions: Answer the questions that follow.Peter rushed out of the class as soon as the bell rang. He had basketball practice for an hour. Afterthe practice, he biked over to Tony's house. Tony had the flu, so Peter took the homework assignments tohim every afternoon. He also had to get to the hardware store to buy the materials he needed for ascience fair project. At dinner, he finally had a chance to relax. When Peter's father asked him about hisday, Peter just laughed and said, "You know, the usual."1. The best title for this passage isA. Peter's Busy Afternoon(B) Rush to the Hardware StoreC. Tony's Homework Assignments2. Which of the following statements best summarizes Peter's day?A. Peter is a good friend to Tony.® After school, Peter had a baseball practice.C. Peter did some things before going home from school.Directions: Read the text below and make a generalization. Write the letter of your answer.3. Ariane showed her report card to her friend, Kyle. Ariane received all As. On her report card,Her teacher said that she enjoys having Ariane in her class.A. Ariane is a girl.8. Ariane enjoys going to school.C. Ariane received A's in all of the subjects.4. The canteen servers have noticed that when they serve green beans, the green beans oftenremain uneaten. When they serve squash, however most squash are gone when the students returnedtheir lunch trays.A. Squash is a vegetable.linearnan beans​


1. a

2. a

3. c

4. ?


is this incomplete?

12. 9-12. Read the passage shown below and answer the questions that follow. June 29, 2016 Today, in Science, we made a little bug zoo. We went for a nature walk, and I found a beetle while Joel found a cicada. Anna ran back to the classroom and got a note card and a clean jar. I put the jar over the beetle and slipped the note card under it. Joel added his cicada and we got some damp grass and put it in the jar. For the top, we fastened a piece of screen with a rubber band. Right after putting the insects in the jar, we had fun watching and listening to our bugs. Tomorrow, we will put them back outside. I’m planning to make a bug zoo of my own. 9. The text above is an example of a/an___________________. A. experiment B. journal C. news D. police report 10. Which of the following the text mainly demonstrates by the text? A. It explains a process. C. It gathers information. B. It gives instructions. D. It narrates an event. 11. What is the general mood of the passage? A. anxious B. gloomy C. jubilant D. pleasant 12. “I’m planning to make a bug zoo of my own”. This implies that the writer_______ A. enjoyed the experience. C. wanted to collect more insects. B. would sell the insects. D. did not like the bug zoo in school.


9. B

10. D

11. B

12. C

13. Directions: Read the passage and provide an answer to the question below. PASSAGE: Study : Teenage brain lacks empathy By Sara Goudarzi If you ever sense teenagers are not taking your feelings into account, it's probably because they're just incapable of doing so. The area of the brain associated with higher-level thinking, empathy, and guilt is underused by teenagers, reports a new study. When considering an action, the teenage medial prefrontal cortex, located in front of the brain, doesn't get as much action as adults. "Thinking strategies change with age," said Sarah Jayne Blakemore of the University College London Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. "As you get older you use more or less the same brain network to make decisions about your actions as you did when you were a teenager, but the crucial difference is that the distribution of that brain activity shifts from the back of the brain (when you are a teenager) to the front (when you are an adult)." Teen thinking In the study, teens and adults were asked how they would react to certain situations. As they responded, researchers imaged their brains. Although both adults and teens responded similarly to the questions, their brain activity differed. The medial prefrontal cortex was much more active in the adults than in the teens. However, the teenagers had much more activity in the superior temporal sulcus, the brain area involved in predicting future actions based on previous ones. Adults were also much faster at figuring out how their actions would affect themselves and other people. "We think that a teenager's judgment of what they would do in a given situation is driven by the simple question: 'What would I do?'" Blakemore said. "Adults, on the other hand, ask: 'What would I do, given how I would feel and given how the people around me would feel as a result of my actions?'" Developing sensitivity Children start taking into account other people's feelings around the age of five. But the ability develops well beyond this age, the new research suggests. And while some of this sensitivity could be the result of undeveloped regions in the brain, the experience that adults acquire from social interactions also plays an important role. My purpose in reading this: Reading Strategy I will use: 12 "Whatever the reasons, it is clear that teenagers are dealing with, not only massive hormonal shifts, but also substantial neural changes," Blakemore said. "These changes do not happen gradually and steadily between the ages of 0–18. They come on in great spurts and puberty is one of the most dramatic developmental stages." The results of the study were presented today at the BA Festival of Science in the UK. Question: Why did the author mention ‘hormonal shift’ in the article? Select one: a. to validate the claim of the research on teens’ behavior in relation to their brain development b. to persuade us to conduct research on teens’ behavior. c. to present the conclusion of the article. d. to make fun of the teenagers


Identify from the given choices the best reason why did the author mention ‘hormonal shift’ in the article.


The best answer from the given choices is Option A - To validate the claim of the research on teens’ behavior in relation to their brain development.


Option A is the best among the choices simply because it points out the truth about the use of the terminology 'hormonal shifts'. The passage talked about changes or imbalances faced by teenagers and using the terminology 'hormonal shift' validates those changes or imbalances and also summarizes everything.

Read more here:

Why do teenagers smoke?

Why teenage life is the best?


14. Directions: The questions below are all factual; they can be answered by merely scanning the passage below looking for clue-words from the questions, Sixty-five million years ago the Cretaceous period ended. Many believe it ended abruptly. Sources vary widely regarding the changes that occurred, but on average they state that between 50 and 75% of all plant and animal life perished at this time. Of the animals, only amphibians and mammals survived. Fossilized dinosaur remains were first discovered in the mid-1800s. Since then, the reason for their demise has intrigued both scientists and lay- people. The most reliable testable hypothesis concerning their extinction was proposed by Alvarez and Alvarez in 1980. Walter Alvarez, a geologist, was collecting sedimentary samples near Gubbio, Italy, working as part of a team measuring iridium. Not commonly found in Earth's crust and mantle, iridium has been regularly detected in scientific samples from other parts of the solar system; in other words, the team was searching for cosmic dust. Alvarez discovered - again, sources vary a layer between 1 and 2 centimeters thick at the point believed to mark the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. This layer had an iridium content 30 times higher than its surrounding layers. 1. Who proposed the most recent testable hypothesis concerning the extinction of the dinosaurs? A. a geologist C. Popular Science Magazine B. Alvarez and Alvarez D. National Geographic Magazine. 2. What is iridium? A, cosmic dust C. fossilized dinosaur remains B. common Earth element D. an element found only on Venus 3. According to the passage, which of the following is widely believed of the Cretaceous period? A. Between 50 and 75% of all plant and animal life appeared at that time. B. Everyone agrees what happened at the time. C. It was the period before the Tertiary period. D. It ended suddenly. E. It is the current geological period. 4. During Tertiary period, when were the fossilized dinosaur remains first discovered? A. doing the pre- Cretaceous period C. in the mid-1800s B. during the Cretaceous period D. during the post-Cretaceous period 5. Who was the geologist collecting sedimentary samples near Gubbio, Italy? A. Walter Alvarez C. Walter Iridium B. Alvarez Gubbio D. Wensley Italy​








yun lang po salamat sa question

15. Activity 4. Sean and Find Directions: The questions below are all actual, they can be answered to merely weaning the passage below looking for clue words from the questions Sixty-five million years ago the Cretaceous period ended Many believe it under abruptly. Sources vary widely regarding the changes that occurred, but on average state that between 50 anul 76% of all plant and arumal e perished at this time of the arumals, only amphibians and mammals survived Fossilised dinosaur remains discovered in the mid-1800s. Since then the reason for their derde has intrigued both scientists and loy people. The most reliable restable hypothesis concerning their extinction was proposed by Alvarea arud Alvaren in 1980. Walter Alvares, a geologist, un collecting sedimentary samples near Cubbio, naty, working as part of a team measuring iridium Not commonly found in Earth's crust and mantle, tratum has been regularly detected in scientific samples from other parts of the solar system, in other words, the team was searching for cosmic dust. Aluaren discovered again, sources vary between 1 and 2 centimeters thick at the point believed to mark the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods This layer had an Iridium content 30 times higher than its surrounding layers 1. Who proposed the most recent testable hypothesis concerning the extinction of the dinosaurs? A. a geologist C. Popular Science Magazine B. Alvarez and Alvarez D. National Geographic Magazine. 2. What is iridium? A cosmic dust C. fossilized dinosaur remains B common Earth element D. an element found only on Venus 3. According to the passage, which of the following is widely believed of the Cretaceous period? A. Between 50 and 75% of all plant and animal life appeared at that time. B. Everyone agrees what happened at the time. C. It was the period before the Tertiary period. D. It ended suddenly. E. It is the current geological period. 4. During Tertiary period, when were the fossilized dinosaur remains first discovered? C. in the inid - 1800s A. doing the pre-Cretaceous period D. during the post - Cretaceous period B. during the Cretaceous period 5. Who was the geologist collecting sedimentary sardples near Gubbio, Italy? C. Walter Iridium A. Walter Alvarez B Alvarez Gubbio D. Wensley Italy​









16. Independent Practice Work with a partner. Read each passage, note the underlined science and technology words, and answer the questions that follow. Do this on your paper. 1. A. B. 2. The meaning clues such as synonyms, antonyms, and word par 3. A country inspector came over to check on the mechanical teacher. This teacher had been giving the students test after test in Geography, and they had been doing badly in their scores. a. b. C. a. b. C. My school offers robotics, and I am enrolled in it. My interest in robotics began when I was five years old and I was able to fix my broken toy dump truck and made it work again. What is the root word of robotics? What is a robot? Why is the word mechanical used to describe the teacher? What does the word mechanical mean? a. b. The word mechanic is from the Greek word mechane which means machine. What does the word mechanic refer to? C. d. Computers can do millions of calculations; they can add, subtract, and compare one number with another in just a second or few seconds. Is the word calculations a noun, verb, or adjective? What does the ending -s in the word indicate? What is the root word? What does calculations mean? How did you know? If robots are machines designed to resemble a person and perform human tasks, what does robotics refer to? Copy on your notebook the problem-and-solution text. Encircle the problem and underline the solution or solutions. nupy from Mother's Day and Angelie had not decid-​

Thank Independent Practice Work with a partner. Read each passage, note the underlined science and technology words, and answer the questions that follow. Do this on your paper. 1. A. B. 2. The meaning clues such as synonyms, antonyms, and word par 3. A country inspector came over to check on the mechanical teacher. This teacher had been giving the students test after test in Geography, and they had been doing badly in their scores. a. b. C. a. b. C. My school offers robotics, and I am enrolled in it. My interest in robotics began when I was five years old and I was able to fix my broken toy dump truck and made it work again. What is the root word of robotics? What is a robot? Why is the word mechanical used to describe the teacher? What does the word mechanical mean? a. b. The word mechanic is from the Greek word mechane which means machine. What does the word mechanic refer to? C. d. Computers can do millions of calculations; they can add, subtract, and compare one number with another in just a second or few seconds. Is the word calculations a noun, verb, or adjective? What does the ending -s in the word indicate? What is the root word? What does calculations mean? How did you know? If robots are machines designed to resemble a person and perform human tasks, what does robotics refer to? Copy on your notebook the problem-and-solution text. Encircle the problem and underline the solution or solutions. nupy from Mother's Day and Angelie had not decid-

17. Directions: Read each item. Identify if the example given is SCANNING or SKIMMING. Write your answer before each number. _______________6. Looking for a specific information within a text to answer an exam question. _______________7. Looking at chapters and sub-headings to get an idea of what a text is about. _______________8. Looking for the author of the textbook you are using _______________9. Going through several newspapers, locating its date of issue _______________10. Reading through to find the purpose of the author ______________11. Surveying the text to know the point of view and tone of the text ______________12. A specific data in a graph ______________13. Reading a timetable to find out what are the exams for the Day 1 and Day 2 ______________14. Researching for a topic for your Science assignment ______________15. Determining the tone of a passage


18. Activity 1.6 The Cosmic Connection Read some of the paragraphs taken from Carl Sagan's “The Cosmic Connection” below. After reading, answer the questions and write your insights on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Find the meanings of the underlined words in the passage. 2. Astrology and astronomy both deal with the stars and planets. List at least two differences between them. 3. Why did human beings invent astrology? How do we know astrology is not a real study? 4. How does science say we are connected with the universe?​


•nasa pic po

•Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe.

•What I will state is somewhat condensed and very much over simplified.

The very beginning of this universe was marked by rapid expansion and cooling. As the infant universe expanded and cooled different windows opened for the formation of different sub atomic particles, the building blocks of matter, namely quarks and electrons. Further expansional cooling allowed the quarks to embrace one another forming larger sub atomic particles, protons and neutrons. More cooling allowed the positively charged protons and the negatively charged electrons to slow enough to a point where they could no longer resist the electrostatic attraction and hydrogen atoms were born.

As the universe continued to expand and cool the hydrogen began to clump and the first stars were born. Stars are the ultimate alchemists. Thermonuclear fusion in the core of stars takes the hydrogen and creates larger elements up to iron-sized. The death of the largest of stars is a violent explosion known as a supernova. Conditions are so extreme that even larger elements can be created.

I hope it's help

19. Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. WATCHING TOO MUCH One of the physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts is eyestrain. There are guidelines that one can follow in watching TV to protect one's eyes. First, the television should be 5 meters away from the eyes. Next, the room should be adequately lit. Also, the TV should be placed at the same height with our eyes. While these may be helpful, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV for a long time. Source: Manzanilla, Shiela Department of Languages, Literature and Humanities of the College of Arts and Sciences, Southern Luzon State University (SLSU), 2021 Process Questions: 1. What transitional devices are used in the paragraph? 2. What pattern of paragraph development is observed in the passage? 3. What is the main topic of the paragraph? 4. Do you think the main topic is written using different sources?​


1.After, However and likewise





20. 1. Directions: Read and understand the sentences and questions. Write the letter of the correct answer1. What might happen if a tropical rainforest receives little rain for a long period of time?A. Abundance of oxygenB. Flood might occurC Increase population of both plants and animalsd. Plants will wither which cause shortage of food to lower form of animals2. In which instances do coral reefs become beneficial to marine life?1. It provides rich sources of marine foodII. Protect the coastal areas from strong wavesIII. Provide passage for strong currents to coastal areasIV Serve as breeding ground of fishes and other forms of marine lifeA. I and IIB. II and IIIC.I and IV DIV3. How do forests help in maintaining global climate?A. Plants soak up large amounts of rainfallB. Plants provide a habitat for plants and animals.C. Plants provide materials for constructions and other needs of people.D. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthes4. Which type of relationship is shown in coral reef ecosystem where clowr ishes and sea anemones found living togetherA. commensalism B. mutualismC. parasitismD. predation5. You heard about a plan to convert the nearby mangrove swamp to comm rcial area because they believed it has toeconomic value. In your science class you have learned a lot about manc oves. Which statement will you use toconvince your neighbors not to agree with the plan? Mangrove swampsA. protect shorelines from damage from stormB. help prevent soil erosionC. serve as breeding places of fishesD. filter pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land​




Hope it helps

21. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the paragraph, and then answer the questions below. Write onthe letter of the best answer.There are five teams of students in the fifth grade. The blue team has math first period,and the red team has science. The yellow team gets to go outside early in the morning, whilethe green team goes to music. Only students on the orange team get to play games first period.Each student wears a nametag with his or her color, so that the teachers and students all knowwhere a student should be.1. The best summary of the paragraph isa. Nametags are important.b. he blue team has math first.c. The yellow team has the best schedule.d. Students are organized by teams with color names.2. What is a summary?a theme or universal lessonb. a short explanation of a textc. a persuasive argument about a textd. holds the most important information in a paragraph3. Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is true?a. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.b. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage.c. The Summary is a thought that is not true but is not in the passage.d. The Summary is specific, detailed information contained in the passage.Please pakisagutan po agad ​




number 1 and 2 lang po ang kaya ko ma answer

22. Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Then answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. _1. The principal has been observing students who will be nominated for an academic scholarship. He noticed the janitor's son who looks determined and is industrious. He thought he is the best student for the scholarship. In this passage, the author shows bias against A. the principal B. the janitor C. the other students D. the son _2. Liezel is the class' top student. She has never used the pen given by her classmates as a gift last Christmas. She thinks it would affect her performance and grade in class. The author shows bias against A. the pen B. the grades C. her teacher D. her classmate 3. Diana got high scores in her Science class. However, her Math scores were the lowest. She got so mad because she thought it is because of her teacher's teaching qualities. It shows bias against A. her teacher B. her Math teacher C. herself D. her Science teacher 4. Teacher Connie really likes the penmanship of Gelai Marie. It is neat and clear. She gives her high scores in essay without reading her work. What type of bias does the passage show? A. Halo Effect B. Self-Serving C. Hindsight D. Confirmation 5. Myko is making a research on whether more boys or more girls are likely to excel in Math class. He has prior belief that more boys really excel in Math class and it is according to what she had read from his favorite site. What type of bias does the passage show? A. Halo Effect B. Self-Serving C. Hindsight D. Confirmation





23. Directions: Read the passage and provide an answer to the questions below. PASSAGE: Study : Teenage brain lacks empathy By Sara Goudarzi If you ever sense teenagers are not taking your feelings into account, it's probably because they're just incapable of doing so. The area of the brain associated with higher-level thinking, empathy, and guilt is underused by teenagers, reports a new study. When considering an action, the teenage medial prefrontal cortex, located in front of the brain, doesn't get as much action as adults. "Thinking strategies change with age," said Sarah Jayne Blakemore of the University College London Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. "As you get older you use more or less the same brain network to make decisions about your actions as you did when you were a teenager, but the crucial difference is that the distribution of that brain activity shifts from the back of the brain (when you are a teenager) to the front (when you are an adult)." Teen thinking In the study, teens and adults were asked how they would react to certain situations. As they responded, researchers imaged their brains. Although both adults and teens responded similarly to the questions, their brain activity differed. The medial prefrontal cortex was much more active in the adults than in the teens. However, the teenagers had much more activity in the superior temporal sulcus, the brain area involved in predicting future actions based on previous ones. Adults were also much faster at figuring out how their actions would affect themselves and other people. "We think that a teenager's judgment of what they would do in a given situation is driven by the simple question: 'What would I do?'" Blakemore said. "Adults, on the other hand, ask: 'What would I do, given how I would feel and given how the people around me would feel as a result of my actions?'" Developing sensitivity Children start taking into account other people's feelings around the age of five. But the ability develops well beyond this age, the new research suggests. And while some of this sensitivity could be the result of undeveloped regions in the brain, the experience that adults acquire from social interactions also plays an important role. My purpose in reading this: Reading Strategy I will use: 12 "Whatever the reasons, it is clear that teenagers are dealing with, not only massive hormonal shifts, but also substantial neural changes," Blakemore said. "These changes do not happen gradually and steadily between the ages of 0–18. They come on in great spurts and puberty is one of the most dramatic developmental stages." The results of the study were presented today at the BA Festival of Science in the UK. Question: Which statement best describes the author’s attitude toward teenagers? Select one: a. Teens don’t think things out clearly and therefore they are unable to make logical decisions. b. Teens are careless about other’s feelings. c. Teens should be given a break because it is clear that teenagers are dealing with, not only massive hormonal shifts, but also substantial neural changes d. Teens today are lazy and have little respect for their elders.

b. Teens are careless about other’s feelings.

24. Directions: Read the passage below. Answer the questions that follow in complete sentence. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer. Your sister asked a favor from you to buy art materials needed in doing her project in Science subject. While going to market, you smelled a barbecue being grilled and started to salivate. You realized that you haven't eaten your lunch, so you bought barbecue before buying art materials. 1. What was the stimulus in this situation? 2. What was the response in this situation? a You were playing basketball in the school gym. After an hour, you got tired and thirsty. Consequently, you ran to a store and bought a bottle of water, then you looked for a shady and cool place to relax, 3. What was the stimulus in this situation?​


Yung may underline po yung sagot <3

25. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. You have probably written a summary after the completion of a book you have read. You may have told about the characters. You may have told about the setting. You probably told about how a problem was solved. But did you know that summarizing is not just for stories? You can use your summarizing skills to be better prepared in all your subjects. Some students have a hard time with science and social studies because there are lots of new words There is also a lot of information to remember. Research shows that just writing things down will help you remember them. It works even if you never read what you wrote again. Wow! That’s a great reason for taking notes. Did you know that taking notes is summarizing? When you read your science and social studies textbooks, keep a notebook with lined paper close to you. Most textbooks are divided into sections that have headings. Headings are like titles in darker letters. Write down the headings of each section before you read the selection. As you read, jot down the big ideas. Look for the new words. You can also use your summary to study! Answer the following questions based on the reading passage. 1.Why are science and social studies hard for some people? 2. What does research say about writing things down? 3.What is heading in your textbook? 4. Based on the other information in the last paragraph, what do the words jot down mean? 5. What can you use when you study? 6. Write a summary of the given text. please answer it


1. because there are lots of new words and informations to remember

2. writing things down can help you remember what you wrote even without reading it again

3. heading were like titles that are written with a dark letters

4. jot down means to write briefly or hurriedly

5. a summary

26. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet. v and answer the question Four Science journal. on can write and talk but rt of the nervous system Bence Module 2 2 1. Why is respiratory system very important to the body? a. It enables carbon dioxide to get into the body. b. It consists of body parts that help the body receive oxygen. c. It helps distribute carbon dioxide to the blood. d. It enables the blood to circulate in your body. 2. How does oxygen in the air get into the blood? a. though the nose b. though the throat c. though the mouth d. though the tiny capillaries 3. What will happen to the cells of the body when there is absence of oxygen? a. The cells will continue to grow and multiply. b. The cells will be inactive. c. The cells will survive. d. The cells will die. 4. How can you keep your heart strong? a. eating heart-shaped candy b.doing activities like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming c. smoking d. sleeping 18 hours a day . 5. What are tubes that carry blood back to the heart? a. arteries b. veins c. pipes d. tubes 6. Which of the following describes the correct passage of blood originating from the left leg? a. Vena cava + left atrium → > right atrium lungs → left ventricle right ventricle → aorta 24​

b. It consists of body parts that help the body receive oxygen. d. though the tiny capillariesd. The cells will die.b. doing activities like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimmingb. veins

27. For you summarize, first, you must read the text carefully and find out what's more important. Then, identify the various elements, find the main ideas, and supporting ideas. This implies that you are thinking and trying to understand what you have read. Finally, you must write down those ideas using your own understanding in a few sentences or a paragraph. You may go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers. 1. Is summarizing done only with stories? 2. How can you use your summarizing skills? 3. Why some are having difficulty in learning science and history? 4. What does the research say about writing things down? 5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage? 6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to go back and define or explain later? 7. What are the steps for you to summarize? 8. What would be the best title for the passage? a. Difficulties in Summarizing b. Learning to Summarize Science and History c. Summarizing; Its importance and Processes d. The Meaning of Summary you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite them in paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passage into at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your paper. Although the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be written on the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below. ________________________________________________________________________ CORRECT Answer = Brainliest,Heart,Five Star Non-sense = Report


1 No

2 By Summarizing A Story

3 Because Some Is Just Beginner

4 Where Writing Texts Or Information About A Story

5 In The Passage Way It Can Summarize A Story Or A History

6 By Summarizing It To 4-6 Sentences

7 Sometimes It Can Be 3-4 Or 4-5

8 D


Brainliest Pls :(

Correct Me If I'm Wrong...

H0pe I Helped You

28. Science Direction: Read and understand the following passage. Answer the questions that follow. Shade the letter of the correct answer. 1. If a boy will have to kick one object, which one from the list below will move the upon kicking? A shut put ball B. golf ball farthest C. tennis ball D. basketball 2. Magnets have force that attracts materials made of A rubber B. wood D. iron C. plastic 3. What will happen to a liquid when heated? A. It will increase in temperature. B. It will increase its water level. C. It will remain the same. D. It will increase in volume. 4. Which is NOT belong to the methods of heat transfer? A conduction B. convection C. reflection D. radiation 5. How does light travel? A light does not travel B in a straight line until it hits an object C light travels slow D light travels in curvy surfaces only.​




Thx me later or Brian less

29. What I KnowDirections: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.Write your answer in your Science activity notebook.1. Which of the following bodies of water is at the eastern part of the Philippines?A. Celebes SeaC. Philippine SeaB. Indian SeaD. South China Sea2. What do you call a continuous body of salt water that covers most of theEarth?A. CanalB. Lake C. Ocean D. River3. Which of the following covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface?A. LandB. Salt C. Sand D. Water4. What bodies of water is considered free flowing?A. CanalB. Lake C. Ocean D. River5. What body of freshwater is surrounded by land?A. IslandB. Lake C. Ocean D. River6. Which of the following is NOT considered as bodies of water?A. CanalB. Lake C. Mountain D. River7. Which of the following bodies of water can be found at the northern part of thePhilippines?A. Bashi ChannelC. Pacific OceanB. Indian OceanD. South China Sea8. What do you call a narrow passage of water that connects two large seas?A. LakeB. Ocean C. River D. Stralt9. Which of the following is entirely surrounded by water?A. IslandB. Lake C. Ocean D. River​


1. a












1. D









30. 3. Why some are havingSettis4. What does the research say about writing things down?place5. What is the process of summarizing mentioned in the passage?backevent6. As you read, what are you going to do so you can have something to goand define or explain later?Mood7. What are the steps for you to summarize?feelir8. What would be the best title for the passage?reada. Difficulties in Summarizinglisteb. Learning to Summarize Science and HistorychoiC. Summarizing; Its Importance and ProcessesThed. The Meaning of SummarymesIf you have answered all the question incomplete sentences, you may rewrite them conin paragraph form. Through that, you can now summarize a four-paragraph passage hurinto at least seven sentences in your own words. Try rewriting them on your paper.Although the title is asked on the last number, be sure that the title should be written toleson the upper center part of your summary. Follow the format below.staсо. pa answer​


we are not the same people as we do but they do have the life and that they have a problem and that they don't know how they can do that they can do that to them in a relationship with their parents or to the unformation and to make it was a little bit more


add nia and that is a good thing for sale in a way to get the right amount for the price plus a man of the year and the price of the money that is worth it is worth it for the money to get the best money to

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