Big Bang Theory Thesis Statement

Big Bang Theory Thesis Statement

1. What are the three parts of an introduction? (In the correct order)a. Thesis, big idea, specific statementb. Thesis, specific statement, big ideac. Transition, specific statement, big idead. Big idea, specific statement, thesis​

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1. 1. What are the three parts of an introduction? (In the correct order)a. Thesis, big idea, specific statementb. Thesis, specific statement, big ideac. Transition, specific statement, big idead. Big idea, specific statement, thesis​

B) thesis,specific statement, big idea


thank you

2. What are the three parts of an introduction? a. Thesis, big idea, specific statementb. Thesis, specific statement, big ideac. Transition, specific statement, big idead. Big idea, specific statement, thesispa help po, brainlest ko yung matinong sagot... ayusin nyo ha exam to​








because u need to think more before do u speek specific statement then do the thesis

hope it helps

3. 2. What is the most important part of an introduction?a. Big ideab. Specific statementc. Thesisd.Transitions​


C. Thesis


The introduction has five important responsibilities: get the audience 's attention, introduce the topic, explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or purpose, and outline the main points. By the end of the introduction, you should provide a road map that outlines your main points.


A. Big idea

A Big Idea refers to core concepts, principles, theories, and processes that should serve as the focal point of curricula, instruction, and assessment. Big Ideas reflect expert understanding and anchor the discourse, inquiries, discoveries, and arguments in a field of study.

4. Pls help asap Write your own thesis statement on the topic below. Make sure that the thesis statement is strong following the key elements of an effective thesis statement. Topic: Ban on Motorcycle Backriding Thesis Statement:

Motorcycle backriding in this time of pandemic increases the risk of acquiring the coronavirus disease and therefore should be banned.

5. Shopping Continuum Theory Patronage Theory Revealed Preference Theory.need lng ng information about Jan, thesis purpose ​


The Shopping Continuum Theory is a model that explains the process of shopping and consumer decision-making. According to this theory, consumers go through a series of steps when shopping, starting with the decision to shop and ending with the actual purchase. These steps include problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation.

The Patronage Theory is a model that explains the factors that influence a consumer's decision to shop at a particular store. According to this theory, consumers choose stores based on a variety of factors, including convenience, location, price, selection, and service.

The Revealed Preference Theory is a model that explains consumer behavior by examining the choices that consumers make. According to this theory, consumers reveal their preferences through their actions and the choices they make, and these preferences can be used to predict future behavior.


6. what is thesis statement and what makes make a strong thesis statement ​


It usually comes near the end of your introduction. Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you're writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across



A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay. It usually comes near the end of your introduction. Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you're writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across.


7. what is the thesis statement why it is important to identify the thesis statement of the lesson​

Answer:The thesis statement is important because it tells the audience what they will be reading about.



The thesis statement sets the reader up for the rest of the essay. Usually at the end of the introduction paragraph, the thesis leads into the body paragraph, which provides evidence and ideas to back up the thesis. The thesis statement is important because it tells the audience what they will be reading about


8. What is explicit thesis statements and implicit thesis statements in your own words​


noticeable and definable thesis statements


Explicit arguments contain noticeable and definable thesis statements and lots of specific proofs. Implicit arguments, on the other hand, work by weaving together facts and narratives, logic and emotion, personal experiences and statistics.

9. 8. The following are the characteristics of a good thesis statement except:a. A thesis statement should not be too broad.b. A thesis statement should not be too wordy.C. A thesis statement should not be a title.d. A thesis statement should not be arguable.​




10. 1. Topic: Use of GadgetsThesis Statement:2. Topic: Internet AddictionThesis Statement:3. Topic: Cyber BullyingThesis Statement:4. Topic: Digital DivideThesis Statement:7​


1. thesis statement: The advantage and disadvantage of gadget uses by every people. The works of gadget to the worlds economy, people's live, and etc.

11. class thesis statement 2.using cellphone thesis statement 3.proper hygiene thesis statement 4.activism theisis statement


Nasaan yung direction?.

12. Which of the following is true about the thesis statement? * 1 point A. Thesis statement provides an overview of what your essay will be about B. Thesis statement is used to establish importance of the topic C. Thesis statement explains why the reader should agree D. Thesis statement is not necessary in the introduction paragraph​


a. Thesis statement provides an overview of what your essay will be about.

13. 9. This type of thesis statement addresses an argument from the opposing viewpoint.A. Thesis statement with concessionB. Thesis statement with reasonC. Thesis statement with reason and concession​


letter c.thesis statement with reason and concession


hope it helps

14. Thesis statement Social media drastically change the family relationships Thesis statement with concession: Keyword/s: Even though/While________________________________________ Thesis statement with reason: Keyword: Because____________________________Thesis statement with reason and concession:___________________________​


use continuous to find the GCF and LCM of the following numbers 15 ang 45

15. what is a thesis statement? what is the importance of the thesis statement in your essay?​


The Thesis statement is a part of the conclusion of the study. It appears in the introduction of the paragraph to discuss what is the main point or claim in your topic by expressing in only one sentence. This is essential because it's like a summary in a book where it gives an idea of what the readers will expect. It shows the argument as well.

16. What is the thesis statement of your essay? State your thesis statement How did you develop a strong thesis statement? What is the importance of a thesis statement in writing your essay?​


The thesis provides direction to help the writer keep their paper organized. Second, having a well-crafted thesis statement helps the reader understand the main idea of the essay.


god bless

17. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a thesis statement? * a It is in a declarative statement. b It is in an interrogative statement. c It contains a claim, an argument, a problem to be solved, or a theory. d It is found normally in the introduction.


B. it is an intorrogative statemen


cause yan din answer ko sa module

18. statement.Thesis Statement is described/defined as...Thesis StatementThesis Statementhas two types:Thesis Statementis comprised of twoparts:AB.B.thesis statement is comprised of two parts ​


A thesis sentence has to contain two parts:

1.TOPICwhat the essay is about.

2.ANGLEyour idea about the topic. This second part, your idea/insight/claim/argument about a topic, is the important characteristic in creating a thesis sentence for a college essay. The angle makes a promise to your reader about your insight into, claim, or logical argument about the topic. Your angle in your thesis sentence indicates and controls what the rest of the essay will be about.



19. 9. Which is not true about thesis statement? A. Thesis statement must be concise. B. Thesis statement must be arguable. C. Thesis statement must be a question. D. Thesis statement must be affirmative.I'll giveHeart StarTo those who can answer this correctly​










Sana makatulong

20. 8. The following are the characteristics of a good thesis statement except: a. A thesis statement should not be too broad. b. A thesis statement should not be too wordy. C. A thesis statement should not be a title. d. A thesis statement should not be arguable.​




pa brainliest po thanks

21. The following are true about the thesis statement EXCEPT;A. A thesis statement should be supportable.B. A thesis statement should be direct and limited in scope.C. A thesis statement should be broad.D. A thesis statement should be arguable.​


B. A thesis statement should be direct and limited in scope



22. is the big main idea that says what the whole summary is about. Choices §summary, thesis statement, summarizing, relevant information, irrelevant information​

Ewan po eh bili po kayo bagong modules

23. What type of thesis statement is directly written as part of the paragraph or essay? A. Thesis statement b. Partial thesis statement c. Explicit statement d. Implicit statement ​


A. Thesis statement

Hope it helps:)

24. Directions: Read the following statements about thesis statement. Write TRUE ifthe statement is correct. Write FALSE if it states otherwise.1. Thesis statement can be implicit and explicit.2. Implicit thesis statement does not clearly express the main idea of atext3. Explicit thesis statement expresses the main idea of the textclearly4. Thesis statement is the supporting idea of a text.5. One of the key elements of a thesis statement, it is not a question.​



2) false



5) false

25. complete the taskThesis statement Thesis statement with concession ​


Even though Social media may have downsides, It is still functional to many. for example, talking to someone who's not beside you and being updated to news all the time. not because it affects someone doesn't mean that it will apply to all. if you had set your limitations on using this kind of platform, of course there won't be any problems at all.

Because What People think is that Social Media ruins someone's mental health. well in fact, it's actually the people who are using it. Since some netizens are not good on valuing someone's worth and respecting anyone's opinion. if it would change the relationship of a family, it is best to just limit the use of social media only use it for certain period of time.

Reason and Concession

When people are bored, they usually go to their social media accounts in order to make themselves feel occupied. When someone makes it a daily habit, it is expected that they won't have the time to interact with someone outside the world of media (Not in General, to some people only). why? simply because they got addicted to it. This usually applies to the Youth these days. Some often forgot to eat Lunch just to surf on the internet. That's why it loosen the bond of the family. if each member starts to get addicted to social media, How will they be able to appreciate the importance of time, love, and relationship? so it is best to communicate to your family when you're bored rather than seeing some unpleasant contents.



Kindly countercheck it, There might be some grammatical errors. just to make sure that the answers correspond to the questions above. Have a nice Day!

Only get the important details to shorten the statements

26. Difference between thesis and thesis statement


Your thesis is the main idea, point, incident, or argument of your paper. That is in your mind.

Your thesis statement is that idea expressed in a sentence. An important caveat: this sentence must conform to the class or the reviewer’s (professor’s) requirement. If there is a specific form required, that should have been explained to you and taught to you before you have to write it. In one of my classes, stdents were required to create thesis statements, bring them to class, and have the critiqued in class discussions. We also studied examples of both good and bad thesis statements from published papers.

Thesis — idea.

Thesis statement — a sentence giving the thesis (idea) which conforms to the established form stating that idea.

27. ROTC in the K-12 CurriculumThesis Statement:Covid 19 Pandemic Thesis Statement:Opening of ClassesThesis Statement:​




28. What is the thesis statement of your essay? State your thesis statement​


What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience. Your thesis statement belongs at the end of your first paragraph, also known as your introduction.


identifies the topic being discussed.


A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience. Your thesis statement belongs at the end of your first paragraph, also known as your introduction.

# English expert

29. Activity 7: Say It! Directions: Write your own thesis statement on the topic below. Make sure that the thesis statement is strong following the key elements of an effective thesis statement. Topic: Ban on Motorcycle Backriding Thesis Statement: __________________________________________________________________


Interior Secretary Eduardo Año reiterated that back-riding in motorcycles remains prohibited, saying the issue is a health and safety concern and not convenience. ... He said the prohibition on back-riding in motorcycles will remain amid the threat of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).


jacob is a cook that admits that for dishes that he cooks regularly he simply estimates the amount of seasoning that he puts do you think what he does is wrong explain? pasagot po last nato

30. 1. define thesis statement;2. identify the various techniques in locating thesis statement; and,3. formulate thesis statement of the texts.​


1.A thesis statement usually appears at the conclusion of the introductory paragraph of a paper. It offers a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay, research paper, etc. It is usually expressed in one sentence, and the statement may be reiterated elsewhere.

2.Strategies in Locating Thesis Statement: Read the title of the text and make inferences on its purpose. If the text has no abstract or executive summary, read the first few paragraphs as the thesis statement is usually located here. check the conclusion where authors sum up and review their main points.

3.Your thesis is often presented at the end of your introductory paragraph or paragraphs. Your thesis statement should state your topic and, in a persuasive research essay, state your assertion about that topic. You should avoid simply “announcing” your thesis and should work to make it engaging.


Hope It's help!

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