God Of War Qoutes

God Of War Qoutes

Explain this qoute "mankind must put an end to war before war puts An end To war​

Daftar Isi

1. Explain this qoute "mankind must put an end to war before war puts An end To war​


it shortly means that we need to end a war and be united before the war ends the war, or ends us.



“mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind” in the fact that war destroys the human mind. In war, as illustrated by the novel, absurdity and miscommunications are critically and negatively affected due to the deteriorating cognitive abilities of the soldiers.

2. The goverment will declare an all-out war against the terrorists OPINION QOUTES?


✍I think the government is right,We must fight terrorists so that it does not become a big problem for us. So that our country does not become like the country of afghanistan that are already under terrorists..

well its up to you parin po kung ano yung isasagot mo..:>


God Bless po

3. Explain this qoute in 4 to5 sentence."Iam a member of the Church,the people of God,the Community of Believers."​


6 or 7 becuz I believe in god

4. Qoute about leadership​

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.


Sana po makatulong salamat

5. Give 50 qoutes about friendships 50 qoutes remember 50 not 5


1)There are friends,there is family and there are friends that become family

2)Things are never quite as scary when you've got a bestfriend

3)True friends are always together in spirit

4) Friendship is always a sweet responsibility never an opportunity

5)Because of you,I laugh a little harder,cry a little less and smile a lot more

6)True friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart

7)True friends never judge each other they judge other people together

8)Good friends are like stars,you don't always see them but you know they're always there

9)Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you

10)A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

11)Theres nothing on this earth more to be prized than friendship

6. qoutes about mother's​

Answer: “A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” —Unknown

“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto

“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” —Leroy Brownlow

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” —Susan Gale

“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. ” —Jodi Picoult

Explanation: Love your family, especially your parents

7. Compose atleast 2 qoutes, your qoutes must focus on the Prodigal Son.​

1. For most of my life I have struggled to find God, to know God, to love God. I have tried hard to follow the guidelines of the spiritual life—pray always, work for others, read the Scriptures—and to avoid the many temptations to dissipate myself.

2."Addiction" might be the best word to explain the lostness that so deeply permeates society. 

3. I am the prodigal son every time I search for unconditional love where it cannot be found.

4. Resentment and gratitude cannot coexist, since resentment blocks the perception and experience of life as a gift. 

5. My resentment tells me that I don't receive what I deserve. It always manifests itself in envy.

6. People who have come to know the joy of God do not deny the darkness, but they choose not to live in it. 


choose what you want to write...


“Some of the most beautiful things worth having in your life come wrapped in a crown of thorns.”

― Shannon L. Alder

For a very long time I considered low self-esteem to be some kind of virtue. But now I realize that the real sin is to deny God’s first love for me, to ignore my original goodness. Because without claiming that first love and that original goodness for myself, I lose touch with my true self and embark on the destructive search among the wrong people and in the wrong places for what can only be found in the house of my Father.”

― Henri J.M. Nouwen,



8. best qoutes for dreams best qoutes about dreams

If sleeping meant dreaming and seeing my wishes come true.

then I would love to fall asleep and let my imagination come wild.

9. Carlo Quirino qoutes​


Carlos Felix Lozada Quirino


(January 14,1910 - May 20,1999) was a Filipino biographer,Historian and Cultural Administrator,has the distinctionb of having written one of the earliest biographies of Jose Rizal tittled the Great Malayan.Quirino's books and arts articles span whole gamut of of Philippine history and culture--from bonifacio's trial to aguinaldo's biography,from philippine cartography to culinary arts, from cash crops to tycoons and President's lives, among among so many subjects.In 1997, President Fidel Ramos created historical literature as a new category in the National Artist and Quirino was it first recipient.He made a record earlier on when he became the first Filipino correspondent for the United Press Institute.

It's correct or not!?!?

10. "God does not discriminate against people, regardless of color, religion, social class, or gender and sexual preferences" qoute from who?​


President rodrigo duterte

11. qoutes about environment


It is our collective and individual responsibility... to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live. -Dalai Lama


“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

12. The famous qoutes of the philosophers

I don’t know but someone tells me that
“Why does corn beef doesn’t have a corn”

13. Reflect on the qoute below: "The purpose of learning is not give exams in class and Forget about it, but to increase the knowlege until they possess an area of the earth for God Almighty." - Sunday adelaja

Most of the time, the students only care about their grades that they will get when they score good in their exams and once that is over, they tend to forget what they have learned. But the true purpose of education is to fill one's knowledge.

14. write any positive qoute/hugot qoute which best describes you or applicable to you grade 11​


"Working on myself,by myself,for myself."

"I am not beautiful like you.I'm beautiful like me."

"I am not what happened to me, I am what i choose to become."


============= QUESTION:

write any positive quite/hugot quote which best deacrives you or applicable to you.

================== ANSWER:

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Don't watch the clock; do what it does.

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.


Here you go some motivational quotes oh and also i dont have some hugot lines im very sorry goodluck. and Godbless to all!!!

15. Gumawa ng reflection base sa qoute na "God will always be there with us and give us strength to meet the difficulties in life." ​


Sa aking pagkakaintindi sa quote na nakatala, ang diyos natin ay laging nariyan kahit anuman ang mangyari, Siya ang ating lakas at kaginhawan sa lahat ng ating kinakaharap sa buhay. Sa hirap man o ginhawa nariyan pa din siya, 'ika nga sa Mga Awit 46:1; "Ang Diyos ang ating lakas at kanlungan, at handang saklolo kung may kaguluhan."


16. without the Spirit of God we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless. What do you mean that qoute?In 5-7 sentences​


right .. without the spitlrit of God we can do nothing..in Jesus name amen and amen kaayo mas

17. Environmental qoutes​


✾ Some Environmental Quotes ✾

“The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” —Ernest Hemingway

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”-Lady Bird Johnson

“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty.”—John Ruskin

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”—Wendell Berry

“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”—Anonymous

“Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.”—George Washington Carver

“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.”—Henry David Thoreau

“To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.”—Helen Keller

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.”—Barry Commoner

“We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.”—Barbara Ward


18. qoute aboute life??

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey

"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." -James Cameron

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking."

"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor."

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough."

"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success."

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."

19. reflection about the qoute​


Quotes for reflection

Reflection Quotes

*“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ...

*“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” ...

*“We always see our worst selves. ...

*“Friends are the family you choose (~ Nin/Ithilnin, Elven rogue).” ...

*“Doubt as sin.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” “We always see our worst selves".

pili ka na lang <3

20. Qoutes with the word physics

"It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid"
- Albert Einstein In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you

21. Give a thought about the qoute "the God they preach about is pure invention, a trick. They're the first ones to not believe in him!"​.


I'll use an illustration for this.

A person is always saying that he believes in God and that he is a follower of Christ. He always shows everyone that he is doing lots of things to help people and he is always praying loudly so that people would hear.

-This man is a false prophet and does not believe in God at all.

While another person is doing good things ang is helping others secretly. Only he himself and God and the person/people he helped knows about the good deed he did. He is praying alone and that he is only with God and nobody else when he is praying.

-This man is a TRUE follower and believer of Christ

It is said in James 2:26 "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."


Hope It Helps!

God Bless!


A muscular partition separating disorders of the chest from disorders of the bowels.

23. wikang filipino qoute​

"Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng ating bayan"


"Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang salita mahigit sa hayop o malansang isda"(Sa aking mga kababata)


24. Qoutes With Explanation​


"For every dark night there is a brighter day."

This beautiful quote describes how to start your day. Good times and bad times both keep on coming and going. So always remember that there is a bright day after a dark night. You should be optimistic enough to think on the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best. Always love your work

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6028623


25. Inspirational qoutes?


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

If you ever find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging.

26. write a journal entry about qouted word of god"who do you say that I am"​

Theology lays the foundation for God, His nature, and His plan involving redemption for human beings and restoration of a fallen creation. It also tells us some important things about God such as that He is personal, loving, transcendent, active in His creation, all-powerful, ever-present, and all-knowing.But without Christology, there is no Christianity. Jesus is at the center of the Christian faith. As a result, knowing about Christ is essential, as well as personal. Our relationship to Christ, for instance, is tied to our human condition, redemption, and salvation.


appreciate my answer:)

27. What do you feel about the qoute below. "Your worst day with God will be better than your best day without HIM."​

I feel like this is some sort of quotation sign. As if it is telling me that it’s better to have God by my side in my saddened days rather than not having him on our side during our happiest moments/memories in life.

28. Sports QOUTES with Explanation ​


“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke

There are plenty of talented people in the world. As you already know, talent is not enough. Some of the athletes with the most potential never pan out. What separates the good from the great is determination and work ethic.

29. influential people qoutes​


"Laughter heals all wounds, and that's one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you're going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing." - Kevin Hart



30. the deeper and stronger one's faith in God is, thw deeper and stronger is his/her morality. Is this an impication of this qouted line​


i uwu baka anwer uwu bakaa



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