Users Of Ratio Analysis

Users Of Ratio Analysis

Activity 1: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. Underline the word/s that makes the statement incorrect. (x2) 1. Financial statements are useful to a person who knows how to interpret the infor- mation contained in the report. 2. When making business decisions, an entrepreneur will need various sources of in- formation and a major source of information is the financial statements. 3. A comparison of information from one period to another is called vertical analysis. 4. An analysis of the interrelationships of information in a single period, expressed as a percentage of a common denominator is called horizontal analysis. 5. Entity A reported inventory balances of 100.00 and 50.00 in 20x1 and 20x0, respec- tively. In a horizontal analysis, a financial statement user would conclude that Entity A's inventory has increased by 50% from 20x0 to 20x1. 6. In 20x1, Entity A reported sales of 100.00 and profit of 20.00. In a vertical analysis, a financial statement user would conclude that Entity A was able to generate 20% profit from every pe- so of its sales during the period. 7. At the beginning of the day, you have 200.00 cash in your pocket. At the end of the day, you have 50.00 left. If you make a horizontal analysis of your pocket, you would conclude that your cash has decreased by 80% during the day. 8. Current ratio is computed as current assets less current liabilities to measure an en- tity's liquidity. 9. The quick ratio is also called acid- test ratio has a similar purpose to that of the cur- rent ratio. Use the following information for the next two (2) questions. Entity B has total current assets of 100,000.00 and a total current liabilities of 25,000.00 10. Entity B's current ratio is 4. 11. Entity B's Working Capital is 125,000.00 12. Short term solvency or liquidity refers to an entity's ability to pay its short term obli gations. 13. Activity ratios provide a measure of how efficient a business is utilizing its resourc 14. Solvency is the ability of the company to measure its operating performance as a return on its investment 15. Debt ratio is a solvency ratio that measures business liabilities as a percentage of total assets and its formula is total liabilities over total assets. Activity 2:​

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1. Activity 1: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. Underline the word/s that makes the statement incorrect. (x2) 1. Financial statements are useful to a person who knows how to interpret the infor- mation contained in the report. 2. When making business decisions, an entrepreneur will need various sources of in- formation and a major source of information is the financial statements. 3. A comparison of information from one period to another is called vertical analysis. 4. An analysis of the interrelationships of information in a single period, expressed as a percentage of a common denominator is called horizontal analysis. 5. Entity A reported inventory balances of 100.00 and 50.00 in 20x1 and 20x0, respec- tively. In a horizontal analysis, a financial statement user would conclude that Entity A's inventory has increased by 50% from 20x0 to 20x1. 6. In 20x1, Entity A reported sales of 100.00 and profit of 20.00. In a vertical analysis, a financial statement user would conclude that Entity A was able to generate 20% profit from every pe- so of its sales during the period. 7. At the beginning of the day, you have 200.00 cash in your pocket. At the end of the day, you have 50.00 left. If you make a horizontal analysis of your pocket, you would conclude that your cash has decreased by 80% during the day. 8. Current ratio is computed as current assets less current liabilities to measure an en- tity's liquidity. 9. The quick ratio is also called acid- test ratio has a similar purpose to that of the cur- rent ratio. Use the following information for the next two (2) questions. Entity B has total current assets of 100,000.00 and a total current liabilities of 25,000.00 10. Entity B's current ratio is 4. 11. Entity B's Working Capital is 125,000.00 12. Short term solvency or liquidity refers to an entity's ability to pay its short term obli gations. 13. Activity ratios provide a measure of how efficient a business is utilizing its resourc 14. Solvency is the ability of the company to measure its operating performance as a return on its investment 15. Debt ratio is a solvency ratio that measures business liabilities as a percentage of total assets and its formula is total liabilities over total assets. Activity 2:​


1. true





2. True or False Cash Flow Statement shows the net increase or decrease in cash during the period and the cash balance at the end of the period. *Single-step format of reporting SCI is normally used by merchandising business even though most of them prefer the multi-step format. *Income statement accounts are permanent accounts because their balances are not forwarded to the next accounting period but rather closed to the business’ equity account at the end of the accounting period *Vertical Analysis refers to getting the growth trend over several periods of certain items or ratios in the financial statements. *The end result of the Cash Flow Statement, which is the ending balance of cash, is reflected in the Statement of Comprehensive Income of the current reporting period. *Statement of Comprehensive Income is a financial statement that presents the success or failure of business operations of a company for a given period, in terms of profitability. *The primary purpose of financing activities is to acquire an asset in order to assist and facilitate business operations. *Owner's equity is increased by capital contributions of the owner and net income of the business. On the contrary, it is reduced by withdrawals of the owner and net losses of the business. *Debt Ratio is the quotient of total liabilities over total assets. *Operating Activities are activities intended to generate income for business. *Comparative Financial Statements allows the user or reader to compare and analyze the changes in the individual items in the financial statements. ​








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3. I. True or False. Write True if the statement is True otherwise write False.(1pt.each item). 1. As the high-level design of the system progresses, task analysis is no longer required. 2. Task sequences obtained from a task decomposition can be used when designing the system’s dialog. 3. Standard software engineering formalisms can be used to specify an interactive system. 4. Formal specifications can be checked for internal consistency. 5. A specification can be checked for external consistency with respect to requirement. 6. Model-oriented notations were developed to provide software engineers with the ability to describe and reason about software components using precisely defined interface constructs, which mirror the kinds of constructs used in real programming languages. 7. The distinction between status and event is between being and doing. 8. The strength of the method is that a single descriptive framework can be applied at a range of levels from the application, through the interface, to the user’s perception. 9. Ubiquitous computing technology includes pen-based technology, handheld or portable devices, large-scale interactive screens, wireless networking infrastructure, and voice or vision technology. 10. Virtual reality represents the state of the art in multimedia systems, but concentrates on the hearing senses. II. Discussion. Answer the questions briefly and concisely. (5 pts. Each) 1. What factors are likely to delay the widespread use of video in interfaces? What applications could benefit most from its use? 2. Data visualization techniques have often increased our comprehension of phenomena: consider the effect that 3D graphics has had on looking at complex models such as those of the atmosphere or the ocean, or in understanding the structure of molecules. What do you consider to be the areas that may benefit most from virtual reality visualization techniques? Republic of the Philippines 3. Using a graphics package such as Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Fireworks save different types of images (photographs, line drawings, text) in different formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG). Create a table comparing the file sizes of the different formats, experimenting with different compression ratios (where applicable), numbers of colors, etc. III. Evaluate the given interface design of the given Android Parking App below by using the Jakob Nielsen heuristics. (25pts)


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