Nature Sentence

Nature Sentence

Change The following inverted sentences into natural sentences.1.) In the oak tree nets the sparrow.Natural - _________________.2.) On the hills grazed a herd of sheep.Natural - _________________.​

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1. Change The following inverted sentences into natural sentences.1.) In the oak tree nets the sparrow.Natural - _________________.2.) On the hills grazed a herd of sheep.Natural - _________________.​


1.The sparrow nets in the oak tree.

2.A herd of sheep grazed on the hills

2. Conditional sentence of nature.​

The answer is in the picture



3. Directions: Identify if the sentence is in the Natural Order (NO) or Inverted Order (IO). Then choose the correct verb that fits the subject. Finally change the sentence into natural order if it is inverted or inverted order if it is natural.


21: are

22: is

23: lives

24: grows

25: nests

26: are

27: does


Hope It's Help

4. basic sentence pattern about nature


the nature is beautiful


Hungry nature's way of telling you to eat.


5. Describe the nature of accounting  in 10 sentences​


arts recording , classifying , summarizing in a significant manner in terms of money, transaction and events

6. -Long Sentence about Nature​


Nature cleans our air and water, and makes the soil that grows our food. The recent earthquakes in the world really show the power of nature. It is not in Anne's nature to be mean to people.

7. 6 is a natural number mathematical sentences​


6 (six) is the natural number following 5 and preceding 7. It is a composite number and the smallest perfect number.

8. long sentence about nature​



uncountable noun. Nature is all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people. The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.

ANSWER:Nature, in the broadest sense, is the physical world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science.

9. Human cause natural cause sentence in one sentence please!


ano pong klaseng case ang gusto nyo po??

10. what is the sentence of reality image nature ​

Complex sentence po

Sna makatulong

11. In three sentences, describe the nature of group.


You wouldn't remember me. ... The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight. The group is mainly black, mainly working-class. They are a small but noisy pressure group . There will be a working group on international issues.


hope its help

if im wrong

12. use Natural in a short sentence​

Answer:Nature is the Answer


The most Natural habitat of these nematodes is moist ground.


13. make a sentence using the word naturally​


- We can't naturally fly

- Those that follow are naturally

- That culture was naturally Aramaic


14. 10 sentence about nature psychology​


1) The surroundings we live in, the natural resources or food we consume all are parts of nature.

2) Nature provides a sustainable environment and necessary resources for survival like air, water, soil etc.

3) Nature helps to flourish the ecosystem and biodiversity of our planet by providing all the necessary resources.

4) Trees, plants and forests are the vital parts of nature which provide Oxygen.

5) The chirping of birds, the buzzing of insects and rustling of leaves are the sounds of nature which relax our mind and calm our soul.

6) Nature is the main source of food, be it dairy, grains, fruits or nuts, all comes from Mother Nature.

7) The clothes we wear to cover our body and get saved from extreme weather conditions also come from nature.

8) Water is one of the vital requirements for all the known forms of life, and nature has provided it in an enormous amount to us.

9) The selfishness and greed of man have made nature vulnerable to the increasing pollution.

10) The fierce response of nature in the past few years has made us realize that if we do not stop the destruction of nature, it will raise the question of human survival.


15. what are the examples of a natural order sentences

When the subject of a sentence comes before the verb,
the sentence is in natural order.

EXAMPLES: The dog ran down the street.

I have never seen him like this.

The floundering ship sank beneath the waves.

16. Explain the nature of communication in three sentences.


When communication occurs, it typically happens in one of three ways: verbal, nonverbal and visual. People very often take communication for granted. Communicators constantly exchange information, meaning people always seem to be either receiving or giving information.

17. 10 sentence about nature psychology​


psychology is based on the study of human behaviores A social personal examples,narratives,or opinions are not appropriate for psycology...this is handout providesa description of how to writean experimental report


The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest philosophical issues within psychology. So what exactly is it all about?

Nature refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics.

Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture.

Even today, different branches of psychology often take a one versus the other approach. For example, biological psychology tends to stress the importance of genetics and biological influences. Behaviorism, on the other hand, focuses on the impact that the environment has on behavior.

In the past, debates over the relative contributions of nature versus nurture often took a very one-sided approach, with one side arguing that nature played the most important role and the other side suggesting that it was nurture that was the most significant. Today, most experts recognize that both factors play a critical role.1  Not only that, but they also realize that nature and nurture interact in important


18. describe nature in 3 sentences​


blooming - flowering, thriving The blooming meadow was flush with orange, pink, and purple wildflowers.

breathtaking - so beautiful that it takes your breath away The view of the valley from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

brisk - fresh and clear I took a deep breath and felt the brisk forest air fill my lungs.





19. Choose NATURAL of the sentence is in the natural word order. Choose TRANSPOSED if it is in the transposed order.​








20. two to three sentences about nature​


Nature is what we see and feel around us.

Nature is like our mother who never scolds us unless we do anything wrong.

I am happy to interact with nature and also happy to be a part of this earth.

21. 6 is a natural number in mathematical sentence​


Step-by-step explanation:

The mathematical sentence is only 6If you translate this in mathematical sentence, it will be 6

I Hope it helped Thank you and God bless #CarryOnLearning #BagongAralin

22. Write Five sentences in Inverted Order and Five sentences in Natural order.



Inverted Order;

- Down to the street, the cat stays.

- In the back of the house a crash was heard

- The banner for the wedding was designed by Goldwarrior

- Can you hear nature?

- Goldwarrior was lying next to the bed.

Natural order;

- the cat and dog ran down the street

- a crash was heard in the back of the house

- goldwarrior has designed the banner for wedding

- tiger is always a favorite attraction

- the snakes and alligators at the zoo make me scared

23. natural and inverted order .tell whether the sentences below are in natural or inverted order.write NO if it is natural ang IO if it is inverted order ​


16. IO

17. NO

18. IO

19, 20 & 21. NO

22 & 23. IO

24 & 25. NO

24. Describe Natural Resources in 3 sentences

Natural resources are used to produce food, fuel, and raw materials for producing products. People consume all of their food from plants or animals. Heat, light, and electricity are provided by natural resources such as coal, natural gas, and oil.


Natural resources are materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people's needs. Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand are natural resources. Other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil and water.

25. give 10 sentence of mother nature​


His excuse is that Mother Nature launched an unprovoked assault on Birmingham. She had met with the expression Mother Nature in the course of her reading, and for a long time she was in the habit of ascribing to Mother Nature whatever she felt to be beyond the power of man to accomplish.

26. love nature conservation two sentences​


We must love and preseve the beauty of our nature for it is a gift and creation from God. And because if you took care of nature, it will do the same.

27. write a 5 sentences discription of nature​

Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, material world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. ... Within the various uses of the word today, "nature" often refers to geology and wildlife.

Hope it helps
Pa brainliest po

28. Explain in 3 sentences the nature of water


1 Domestic and personal hygiene

2 Poor hygiene and disease

3 House design and health

4 House hygiene-cleaning

5 House cleaning

29. nature or nurture opinion 3 sentences


You Can think of something that can help the nature like planting trees in surrounding

In my opinion, nature is the primary factor in shaping human behavior and development. While environment plays a role, it is ultimately genetics that determine our traits and characteristics. This is supported by scientific research and the understanding that our genetic makeup has a significant impact on who we are.

30. Conversion or natural order sentences to inverted order sentences and vise versa


conversion is tge correct answer


Never again will you do that.

Never a day had she missed her lessons.

Rarely have I eaten better food.

Hardly ever does he come to class on time.

Not until a frog develops lungs does it leave the water and live on the land.


pa brainlist kung tama ang sagot thank you

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