Myths About Artists

Myths About Artists

create a paragraph about myth and make a title of your myth​

Daftar Isi

1. create a paragraph about myth and make a title of your myth​



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2. what is a myth about​


Some people say that these are from a long time ago and have become extinct. But some say that they are just stories that were made up. :)

I hope i got the right answer though..

3. how about meaning of myth

stories or ideas that are believed by people but are not true

4. Give 5 Myths about Puberty.


Myth 1: Pimples are a result of being unclean.

Fact: Girls and boys both get pimples, and it has nothing to do with cleanliness. Instead, it’s caused by hormones. It’s a result of excess oil getting trapped in skin pores. Pimples usually disappear in a few days, so one shouldn’t worry too much about it. Parents should make sure that pimples don’t interfere with their kid’s confidence. If the child feels too self-conscious about it, there are over-the-counter medication available for acne treatment

Myth 2: Girls should not be allowed to play or touch pickles during menstruation.

Fact: Some girls may experience pain during their periods, while others may not. In either case, it should be the choice of the individual whether and how much to play. There is no reason to not touch pickles while menstruating. There are many such taboos surrounding menstruation, which forbids girls from entering the kitchen, or going to a temple. These are all baseless.

Myth 3: Nightfall is abnormal.

Fact: Nightfall (or noctural emission) refers to involuntary ejaculation of semen. It’s the body’s way of relieving sexual arousal. When boys experience nightfall, some of them think they have a disease, or even that they have cancer. Parents should reassure them that it’s normal. In case it happens outdoors, for example, in a movie theatre during a kissing scene, boys can just head to the restroom and clean themselves up.

Myth 4: Period blood is impure.

Fact: Menstruation is an absolutely natural process. Scientifically speaking, menstrual discharge does not contain any toxic components. About half of menstrual fluid is blood. Other components include calcium, iron, sodium, cervical mucus, etc. It is no more dangerous than regular blood.

Myth 5: Something is wrong if kids don’t grow taller soon after puberty hits.

Fact: The growth period for everyone varies. Parents should not worry if their children are not as tall as their classmates, or if they don’t have muscles. Boys normally see an increase in height between the age of 12 to 16 or 18, while for girls, it’s normally between 9 to 15.


hope its help.


MenstruationAdams applePuberty HairIncreases HieghtLoud Voice

5. Slogan about importance of myths and legends​


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you"

6. thoughts about myths of science​

A scientific myth is a myth about science, or a myth or factoid that is commonly thought to be scientific.

7. What is myths? It's all about what?


traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural

8. myths and belief about earthquake​


"Big earthquakes always happen in the early morning."

It's common for people to notice the earthquakes that fit the pattern and forget the ones that don't. Earthquakes strike at all times throughout the day. Several recent damaging earthquakes have occurred in the early morning, so people tend to believe all big earthquakes happen then.

"Earthquake faults can open wide enough to swallow people and buildings."

A popular literary device is a fault that opens during an earthquake to swallow up an inconvenient character. Gaping faults exist only in fiction. During an earthquake, the ground moves across a fault, not away from it. If the fault could open, there would be no friction. If there were no friction, there would be no earthquakes.

California will split apart from the United States and sink into the ocean."

Those envious of sunny California and its beaches like to believe this myth. The motion of plates will not cause California to sink, as western California is moving horizontally along the San Andreas fault and up around the Transverse ranges (mountains to the northeast of the L.A. basin). (The sections of land on both sides of the San Andreas fault are converging and getting closer together.) The ocean is not a great hole into which the state can fall, but is itself land at a somewhat lower elevation with water above it.


9. myths and facts about flu​

Answer:Myth: Flu vaccination is not necessary each year. Fact: Vaccination is the first, and most important, step to protect your entire family against influenza (flu),



Myth: Flu vaccines can cause flu.

Fact: Flu vaccines are made with flu viruses that are either weakened, inactivated (killed), or recombinant (made without influenza viruses or eggs). Therefore, flu vaccines cannot cause flu. It typically takes 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to become effective and during those 2 weeks, it is still possible for an individual to get flu or another respiratory virus.

Myth: Flu vaccination is not necessary each year.

Fact: Immunity from the flu vaccine declines over time, so annual vaccination is critical to provide the best protection. And since the vaccine may change each year to match circulating flu viruses, it is important to get vaccinated annually.


pili na lang kayo dyan.

correct me if I'm wrong


10. Thoughts about the myths of science​


Myths On Mînecraft is so very cool


After listening to a debate on the topic of "Theism vs. Atheism" recently, I was struck by some of the questions and assertions from members of the audience. Several of them were along the lines of "I can't believe in God because of Science." What struck me was that often it wasn't science that was getting in the way, but rather certain misconceptions about science that have become widely believed by nonscientists and have been stated by some scientists.


Hope this helps you :))

11. A.what are the common myths about a girl menstruation? give fiveB. What is your personal opinion about each myth? ​

A.what are the common myths about a girl menstruation? give five

You can't get pregnant during your periodYou Should Avoid activities like exerciseYour period shouldly last exacly one week each month(PMS)is in all your headThere's one best way to deal with period blood.

B. What is your personal opinion about each myth?

Myths and legends are important to us today for a number of reasons. They have value as literature, offering timeless and universal themes; they give us insight into other times and places; and they help us to see how much humankind had and has in common.

Myths are traditional stories that are created within cultures in order to offer explanations for phenomena.


12. Explain the Three Myths about Callers?​


1.Answering service are nothing more than fancy voicemail.

2.Answering service use receptionists from out of the country.

3.Answering services are a waste of money.


Hope it helps^^

13. what is myth all about pandora​

The Myth and Story of Pandora - Ancient Greece Reloaded
Enter the world of myths and legends. Everything you need to know about Ancient Greece. Brands: Orgones - Authentic, Handmade Jewelry, Energy Infused Items.

14. Myths and misconceptions about menstruation

Shouldn’t have a bath
Some think that having a bath or even taking a shower during your period is unsafe. This is either because hot water stimulates bleeding, or because the water stops you from bleeding, which can have ill effects

Syncing periods

15. what does this myth us about​

he roles of "scientists", and their predecessors before the emergence of modern scientific disciplines, have evolved considerably over time. Scientists of different eras (and before them, natural philosophers, mathematicians, natural historians, natural theologians, engineers, and others who contributed to the development of science) have had widely different places in society, and the social norms, ethical values, and epistemic virtues associated with scientists—and expected of them—have changed over time as well. Accordingly, many different historical figures can be identified as early scientists, depending on which characteristics of modern science are taken to be essential.

Some historians point to the Scientific Revolution that began in 16th century as the period when science in a recognizably modern form developed. It wasn't until the 19th century that sufficient socioeconomic changes had occurred for scientists to emerge as a major profession.[11]

Classical antiquity[edit]
Knowledge about nature in classical antiquity was pursued by many kinds of scholars. Greek contributions to science—including works of geometry and mathematical astronomy, early accounts of biological processes and catalogs of plants and animals, and theories of knowledge and learning—were produced by philosophers and physicians, as well as practitioners of various trades. These roles, and their associations with scientific knowledge, spread with the Roman Empire and, with the spread of Christianity, became closely linked to religious institutions in most of European countries. Astrology and astronomy became an important area of knowledge, and the role of astronomer/astrologer developed with the support of political and religious patronage. By the time of the medieval university system, knowledge was divided into the trivium—philosophy, including natural philosophy—and the quadrivium—mathematics, including astronomy. Hence, the medieval analogs of scientists were often either philosophers or mathematicians. Knowledge of plants and animals was broadly the province of physicians.

Middle Ages[edit]
Science in medieval Islam generated some new modes of developing natural knowledge, although still within the bounds of existing social roles such as philosopher and mathematician. Many proto-scientists from the Islamic Golden Age are considered polymaths, in part because of the lack of anything corresponding to modern scientific disciplines. Many of these early polymaths were also religious priests and theologians: for example, Alhazen and al-Biruni were mutakallimiin; the physician Avicenna was a hafiz; the physician Ibn al-Nafis was a hafiz, muhaddith and ulema; the botanist Otto Brunfels was a theologian and historian of Protestantism; the astronomer and physician Nicolaus Copernicus was a priest. During the Italian Renaissance scientists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei and Gerolamo Cardano have been considered as the most recognizable polymaths.

During the Renaissance, Italians made substantial contributions in science. Leonardo Da Vinci made significant discoveries in paleontology and anatomy. The Father of modern Science,[12][13] Galileo Galilei, made key improvements on the thermometer and telescope which allowed him to observe and clearly describe the solar system. Descartes was not only a pioneer of analytic geometry but formulated a theory of mechanics[14] and advanced ideas about the origins of animal movement and perception. Vision interested the physicists Young and Helmholtz, who also studied optics, hearing and music. Newton extended Descartes' mathematics by inventing calculus (at the same time as Leibniz). He provided a comprehensive formulation of classical mechanics and investigated light and optics. Fourier founded a new branch of mathematics — infinite, periodic series — studied heat flow and infrared radiation, and discovered the greenhouse effect. Girolamo Cardano, Blaise Pascal Pierre de Fermat, Von Neumann, Turing, Khinchin, Markov and Wiener, all mathematicians, made major contributions to science and probability theory, including the ideas behind computers, and some of the foundations of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics. Many mathematically inclined scientists, including Galileo, were also musicians.

There are many compelling stories in medicine and biology, such as the development of ideas about the circulation of blood from Galen to Harvey.

16. which of the following is myth about the callers?​


1.answering services are nothing more than fancy voicemail.

2.answering services use receptionists from out of the country.


i hope i helped you

17. Myth Busters Directions: Write the myths or misconceptions according to the given facts about drugs of abuse.


test or modyuls char ok itona.

1. memory are you can memory the. kung alam mo english ng nakaraan isulat mo tapos. and you can tell in your famly

2. if do not help in someone you gonna know about you are bad or sad because we need to help someone and don't make buy some drugs

3. Worries are in tagalog nag aalala about someone or died from your famly


test or modyuls char ok itona.

1. memory are you can memory the. kung alam mo english ng nakaraan isulat mo tapos. and you can tell in your famly

2. if do not help in someone you gonna know about you are bad or sad because we need to help someone and don't make buy some drugs

3. Worries are in tagalog nag aalala about someone or died from your famly

5. drugs are bad in body because they are got some heart attack

18. Stories or myths about Sol and Luna​


blsbla bla lamat sa ponts bata

19. myth and facts about wellness

Many low-fat or no-fat foods have added sugar, starch, or salt to make up for the reduction in fat. These "wonder" foods often have just as many calories, or more, than the regular version.A diet myth is advice that becomes popular without facts to back it up. When it comes to weight loss, many popular beliefs are myths and others are only partly true.:Carbohydrates come in different forms: simple and complex. Simple carbs found in foods like cookies and candy lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Cutting back on these sweets, is a great way to eat healthier. Foods with complex carbs like whole-wheat bread, beans, and fruit, have lots of nutrients that are good for you.

20. slogan about legend and myths​


After all, I believe that legends and myths are largely made of 'truth', and indeed present aspects of it that can only be received in this mode; and long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered and must always reappear.

Ayan Po yung sinulat ko e:((

I hope it helps Po:))

21. Narrative about the myth of Daedalus and Icarus​


According to the story, Daedalus, a mythical inventor, created wings made of feathers and wax to escape from Crete where he and his son, Icarus, were held captive by King Minos. Icarus, however, ignored his father's warnings and flew too close to the sun. His wings melted and he fell into the sea where he met his

22. all myths about microwave oven​


Microwaves Cause Cancer

Microwaves are Radioactive

Microwaved Foods Are Dangerous

Microwaves Cook Food All the Way Through

Microwaves Can Affect Pacemakers


Yan lang nahanap ko hope this helps :)

23. myths about alcohol and its effects


We know much more about the effects of alcohol today than in the past. Yet, myths remain about drinking and drinking problems. Learn the facts about alcohol use so you can make healthy decisions


•Myth 1: Coffee will help to sober you up.

•Myth 2: Alcohol makes it easier for people to socialise. ...

•Myth 3: Alcohol makes people feel happy. ...

•Myth 4: The worst thing that can happen if you drink too much alcohol is a raging hangover. ...

•Myth 5: Drugs are a bigger problem than alcohol.

24. facts versus myths about drugs​


• Myth: You can stop using drugs anytime.

Fact: Withdrawal sickness, believing you must have drugs, and being around

people who use can make stopping drug use difficult. But there are people and

programs that can help.

• Myth: You have to use drugs for a long time before they can really hurt you.

Fact: Drugs can cause the brain to send the wrong signals to the body. This can

make a person stop breathing, have a heart attack or go into a coma. This can

happen the first time the drug is used.

• Myth: If you only buy drugs from friends, you'll get the pure stuff.

Fact: Because drugs are illegal, no one can know what is really in them.

• Myth: Teenagers are too young to get addicted.

Fact: Addiction can happen at any age. Even unborn children can get addicted

because of their mother's drug use.

• Myth: If you're pregnant and use drugs, your body protects the baby.

Fact: Drugs affect an unborn child as much or more than the mother. Drug use

during pregnancy can cause the baby to die or be born too early. It can damage

the baby's mind and body.

• Myth: If you smoked pot on the weekend, you'd be fine by Monday.

Fact: The effects of pot (marijuana) can last for up to 3 days. It impairs memory,

reflexes and coordination.

• Myth: As soon as a person feels normal, all the drug is out of the body.

Fact: Long after the effects of the drug stop being felt, the drug can still be in the


For example, cocaine can be found in the body up to one week and marijuana up

to 3 months after a single use.

• Myth: If you get drunk, coffee will sober you up.

Fact: Once alcohol is in the bloodstream, only time will make a person sober.

• Myth: Cocaine is only addictive if you inject it.

Fact: Cocaine is quickly addictive any way it is used: smoking, snorting or


• Myth: Snuff and chewing tobacco are safe because there's no smoke.

Fact: Smokeless tobacco can cause mouth and throat cancer, high blood pressure

and dental problems. It can also lessen the senses of taste and smell and can cause bad breath.

• Myth: Sniffing glue gives an instant rush. There isn't time for it to hurt you.

Fact: Inhalants enter the blood and go through the body in seconds. Sniffing

larger amounts can cause a heart attack or death from suffocation because

inhalants replace oxygen in the lungs.

• Myth: Pot isn't as bad for you as cigarettes.

Fact: Marijuana smoke has more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco.

• Myth: You can tell if anything is added to marijuana.

Fact: Chemicals can be added to marijuana leaves without the user knowing it.

Drugs like PCP could be put in the dry leaves. Chemicals could be sprayed on the

plants before picking.

• Myth: Drugs relieve stress. They help deal with problems.

Fact: Drugs only make people forget and not care about their troubles. When the

drug wears off, the problem is still there.

• Myth: Steroid creams can be bought in drug stores. Doctors prescribe steroids to

treat allergies. So using steroids to build muscles must be OK.

Fact: There are different types of steroids. Steroids used to treat rashes and

allergies are not the same as steroids used to increase muscle growth.

25. Write three myths about COVID-19 vaccine. Write a proof or convincing that the myths are wrong​


1.Covid-19 can be transmitted trough mosquitoes: no it cant be transmitted from mosquitoes. There is no evidence that

the novel coronavirus can be

transmitted through mosquitoes.

The virus can be spread through

droplets from coughing, sneezing

or a patient’s saliva.

2.Eating garlic prevents covid: no it doesnt prevent it. Though garlic has some anti-microbial properties, there is

no evidence that it can prevent Covid-19.

3.Spraying chlorine or alcohol on the skin kills viruses in the body: No it doesnt

Applying alcohol or chlorine to the skin can cause harm, especially if it enters the eyes or mouth. These chemicals can disinfect surfaces, but people should not use them on their bodies.

Also, these products cannot kill viruses inside the body.

26. Myths about the Moon and Star.


Myths of the moon : the moon will turn red,

The moon will explode

Myths of the star: the star is color green,

The star is bigger than moon


Hope it helps po

27. Myth story about Iloilo . 500words


The Maragtas Legend tells the story of Iloilo way back in the 13th century, when Datu Puti and his fellow Datus, fled from the tyranny of Sultan Makatunao of Borneo and landed at the mouth of the Siwaragan River, now known as the town of San Joaquin, and eventually settled there.

The Tumao and the Engineer

On the island of Panay in the province of Iloilo, when the Philippine Railroad was in construction, there happened a wonderful event. The scene of this event was the forest, covering a beautiful valley which lies between the stations now of Passi and Dumarao. One of the engineers of the company, while surveying the land covered by this extensive forest, heard a hoarse voice saying “My man!” The engineer raised his head, and saw a strange man who appeared from behind a bush. This man addressed the engineer in the following words, in the English language:

“I suppose you are going to survey this land,” turning back and pointing at the woods before him “for the railroad track.”

The engineer at first could not utter a word to this man whom he saw amidst these wild thickets, where nothing dwelt but the wild birds and beast. The man was of the Mongolian race. He was about six feet tall. He had squint eyes with thin eyebrows. He had a pale face with high cheekbones. He looked as if he had sprung from a good family. He dressed well, an indication of his cultured society.


28. Write Fact if the statement is starting a fact about drug of abuse and myth if the statement is myth or misconception​








29. what are the 3 myths about callers?​


1. Answering services are nothing more than fancy voicemail.

2. Answering services use receptionists from out of the country.

3. Answering services are a waste of money.

30. Myths And Facts about Covid-19


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