Pnp Hiring Teachers

Pnp Hiring Teachers

Why should i hire as a teacher?

Daftar Isi

1. Why should i hire as a teacher?

Because I know that I have the potential.Because you can help other people make there dream come true and you will be the inspiration of the other people that wants to be a teacher

2. Hired musician as composer,performers and teachers




yan po hope its help


3. how can I hire you as a teacher? ​


I will be good at teaching my students and I will teach them the right lessons as in teaching


because i im teacher

4. Churches and aristocratic courst hired musicians as composers performers and teachers true or false​




sure pero nasagutan ko na yan eh

5. Why should we hire you as a teacher


I have a thorough understanding of the school's mission and I believe that my personality and skills put me in the right position to help create a stimulating learning environment. Since I identify with your values and mission, I am committed to inspiring students to adopt them too.


Hope it helps hehe


I believe that teaching assistants are a key cog in the wheel that keeps a school running smoothly. I embrace my role with enthusiasm and look forward to working closely with the class teacher and other staff members to generate and provide exciting and engaging educational opportunities for the pupils.

I relish the opportunity of working with some of the most challenging and vulnerable children, using my skills and expertise to increase their educational engagement and to build up positive social interactions so that the children I support can grow and thrive personally and academically.


Thank you and i hope this will help you!

6. a short story was written by newly hired teacher passive voice or active voice​


passive voice


sana po makatulong

pa brainliest po please





7. 9. PNP denied misuse of funds. A. PNP was denied of funds. B. PNP was misusing funds. C. Misuse of funds is denied by PNP. D. Misuse of funds was denied by PNP


D. misuse of funds was denied by PNP.


D. misuese of fund was denied by pnp

8. Can a pregnant woman can be hired as teacher in deped

It depends. Dou you have a partner? Well,if you have a partner you two must be legally married. There is no law against hiring the pregnant woman as a teacher in Dep-Ed accredited schools, whether she is married or not.

If she got pregnant with a married man, but she's not cohabitating with the man, she can still teach unless a case is filed against her for violating the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

In some religious private schools, the policy is more strict.

9. 9. PNP denied misuse of funds. A. PNP was denied of funds. B. PNP was misusing funds. C. Misuse of funds is denied by PNP. D. Misuse of funds was denied by PNP.​


D. po sana makatulong at wag kalimutan mag like at follow and don't be shy na kalimutan ang page brainliest

10. during this period, churches and aristocratic Courts hired musicians as composers, performers and teachers​


Various kinds of medieval musicians included Troubadours, Trouveres, Minstrels, Jongleurs, and Waits. Troubadurs were mainly the travelling musicians who did not have any permanent abode. The main themes employed by these musicians were chivalry and courtly love.


11. teachers, PNP officers and I will serve for the incoming National elections. a. we b. they c. it​


hindi ko po alam sorry

hindi ko po alam sorry

hindi ko po alam sorry

hindi ko po alam sorry

hindi ko po alam sorry


they teacher's , PNP officers and I will serve for the incoming National elections




I hope it's help for you

12. Most often, non eligible teachers or those who have not acquired their licenses yet are hired in private schools. Is this in accordance with the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act?​

[tex] \huge \boxed{Answer}[/tex]


Yes. In the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act, The teachers who not acquired the licences cannot be an eligible Teacher. They will be non-eligible Teachers. That means, it is an accordance.


13. 1. The 1 248 pupils and teachers of Gatchalian Elementary School will go on a field tripBuses to be hired have 52 seats each. How many buses will they hire​


24 buses

Step-by-step explanation:

divide 1248 to 52


24 po ung sagot diyan Welcome din po

14. paki answer po plllsss...the 1248 pupils and teachers of Salvacion Elementary School will go on a field trip.Buses to be hired have 52 seats.How many buses will they hire???​


The school has to hire 24 buses.

Step-by-step explanation

1248 ÷ 52 = N124 ÷ 52 = 22 x 52 = 1041248 - 104 = 208208 ÷ 52 = 44 x 52 = 208208 - 208 = 0

To know if our answer is correct we will multiply 52 x 24.

52 x 24 = 1248

Therefore, 24 is correct.






Step-by-step explanation:

the buses hired is 1,200

15. The 1248 pupils and teachers of sandiat elementary school will go on a field trip.buses to be hired have 52 seats each how many buses will they hire?


Step-by-step explanation: 1248 (52) = 24

Answer: 24 buses

1248 divide 52 (since each bus have 52 seats) = 24 :>

16. Identify the aspect of the CAPITALIZED verb in each sentence. The DepEd IS HIRING thousands of new teachers​

The Wrong Answer:

The DepEd IS HIRING thousands of new teachers​

The Right Answer:

"The DepEd is hiring thousands of new teachers.​"


"IS and HIRING."

My Suggestion: Don't capitalize on all of your sentences because, if all sentences are capitalized is like your shouting.

Thank you, hope this answer helps, if my answer is wrong in your opinion just correct me or notify me if it's wrong, thank you.




17. a person without license be hired as a teacher? Justify your answer


Nope! But Teacher have license? I dont know..



18. The 1342 pupils and teachers of Pawa elementary school will go on a field trip. Buses to be hired have 52 seats each. About how many buses will they hire?​


if pupils 1342 divide in 52 is equals 25.8, ao posible 26 buses they need

19. our School expanded.________ we hired new teachers​

Answer: so


20. x : number of women among 10 newly hired teachers ito ba ay continues ? ​

yes I think hope it's help


Passive voice

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it's helps

pa branlest po

21. What are the positive and negative practices on the system of hiring, promotion and tenure of public school teachers?.


Hiring, promotion, and tenure activities are full of risk and potential landmines. Poor hiring decisions are not only costly,but the hiring process itself opens the institution up to litigation if everyone on the hiring committee is not trained properly.



22. arrange the the following facts to farm a news report. write your answer in a paragraph form in your notebook. A.teacher induction program is a training given to the newly hired teachers . one of it's purposes is to let them understand their roles and responsibilities. B . the division of solera.through the leadership of the superintendent. Melanie Roxas. EdD.conducted the teacher induction program to 320 newly hired teachers at Liza RESORT. ZAMBOANGA sibugay on july2-4 this year . education program supervisor who were trained on TIP were facilitators.D.division of solera conducts teacher induction program to 320 newly hired teacher. ​


satingin ko ikw nalang mag answer para makasagot ka Ng tama


Yan lang Ang paki usap ko sayu

23. As a newly hired teacher in Deped, what can you contribute to promote quality education?​

Of course to help students , to persuade and encourage them to do the right thing. Teach on how to res

24. first teacher hired by his father of rizal​


Maestro Celestino

The first was Maestro Celestino and the second, Maestro Lucas Padua. Later, an old man named Leon Monroy, a former classmate of Rizal's father, became the boy's tutor. This old teacher lived at the Rizal home and instructed Jose in Spanish and Latin.

25. What deped order that requires a newly hired teacher to write a lesson plan?​


Deped Order 42 S 2016


No Explanation but real answer.


26. how can I hire you as a teacher?can you answer it in a speech? ​


If you ever needed a talented teacher I am one of your best choice. I can proudly say i am very competent and passionate when it comes to my teaching. It has been my lifelong dream to teach students who needs guidance and help to give them a brighter future and to have a better life. Knowledge is the most important treasure and i would be honoured to give education to the country's future. I would give Each and one of the students freedom to gain more knowledge and help them rise up. I would treat each students with equality and equity whether they are from in any form of background, gender, or religion as I believe knowledge is not something prohibit to those who wants to learn. I'll help and teach the children to have good values and help them gain confidence in their studies. I will not allow any unfair treatment and fix a children's bad personality for the better.

Once again I would be honoured to help our country's future for the better.

(i hope this helps!!)

27. what are your plans to children,if ever you hired as a teacher?​


My plan is to make sure they learned and make sure they learned something new


ill make sure that the students got lernd

28. what are the positive and negative practices on the systems of hiring, promotion and tenure of public school teacher?​


We have all had wonderful teachers throughout our lives. For this reason, we have chosen to enter the education profession and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children. Many people not in education may question why we have chosen this career path considering all of the negative aspects they hear in the news. Having said that, we must also point out the positives in the teaching profession. All teachers, current or future, should look at the pros and cons to teaching and see how they can improve the profession or themselves. It will also help people decide if they want to enter the profession.

hope it helps for you darling

29. do you believe that teacher must also be hired on a contractual basis only​

No because you are stupi* of the life must goin on the way i be on the way

30. The ratio of teacher to students in a elementary school is 1:40. if there are 1 200 students, how many teachers should be hired to reduce the ratio to 1:30

Currently, the school has 1 teacher for every 40 students, which means that there are 1200/40 = 30 teachers in the school.

To reduce the ratio to 1:30, the school needs to have 1 teacher for every 30 students.

Therefore, the number of additional teachers needed is:

(1200/30) - 30 = 40 - 30 = 10

The school needs to hire 10 more teachers to achieve the desired teacher to student ratio of 1:30


There would need to be 300 teachers hired to reduce the ratio to 1:30. This is because there are 40 students for every teacher, and to reduce the ratio to 1:30, there would need to be 30 students for every teacher.

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