Judicial Partition

Judicial Partition

FINVIN_PRELIMThis is the confession of an accused in court.Extra-judicial admissionJudicial confessionExtra-judicial confessionExtra-judicial interrogationExtra-judicial interrogationOK​

Daftar Isi

1. FINVIN_PRELIMThis is the confession of an accused in court.Extra-judicial admissionJudicial confessionExtra-judicial confessionExtra-judicial interrogationExtra-judicial interrogationOK​


extra judicial confession

2. what is judicial?what is judicial?​


appropriate to a court of judge

3. What is judicial power?Compare it with judicial supremacy.

“Judicial supremacy” is the idea that the Supreme Court should be viewed as the authoritative interpreter of the Constitution and that we should deem its decisions as binding on the other branches and levels of government, until and unless constitutional amendment or subsequent decision overrules them.


Judicial power is the power “of a court to decide and pronounce a judgment and carry it into effect between persons and parties who bring a case before it for decision.”while Judicial supremacy is the response of judicial supremacy is that courts perform that function and other officials are bound not only to respect judges' decisions in particular cases but also, in formulating future public policy, to follow the general principles judges have laid down.



4. meaning of judicial power

Authority, both constitutional and legal, given to the courts and its judges (1) to preside over and render judgment on court-worthy cases; (2) to enforce or void statutes and laws when scope or constitutionality are questioned (3) to interpret statutes and laws when disputes arise.to preside over and render judgement on court worthy-cases...

5. judicial precepts summary​


The judicial precepts, which direct our acts toward our neighbors – of rulers toward the ruled, citizens toward other citizens, citizens toward “strangers,” and members of the household toward one another – are derived from the moral precepts in the latter way. As St.

6. Please explain to me what is the work of judicial, excercise of judicial and the definition of it in tagalog.






Judicial power rests with the Supreme Court and the lower courts, as established by law (Art. VIII, sec. 1 of the 1987 Constitution). Its duty is to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable (Art.


the courts apply the law, and settle dispetus and punish law-breakers according to the law.Our judicial system to the key aspect of our democratic way of life


yan lang po

8. what is judicial department​


Judiciary - (also known as the judicial system or 'court system) is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. This branch of the state is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law.

9. what is the difference between extended partition and primary partition?​


Primary partition is a bootable partition and it contains the operating system/s of the computer, while extended partition is a partition that is not bootable. Extended partition typically contains multiple logical partitions and it is used to store data.

10. what is the meaning of judiciously?​


with good judgment or sense.



using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic: judicious use of one's money. having, exercising, or characterized by good or discriminating judgment; wise, sensible, or well-advised: a judicious selection of documents.


thats all:)

11. 1. is a plan or guide to havean active lifestyle2. This partition of the Physical 1Activity Pyramid indicatesactivities that should be donehabitually.A. first partitionB. second partition C. third partitonD. fourth partition3. is the partition which indicates activities that should be done minimally.A. first partitionB. second partition C. third partitonD. fourth partition4. The partition of the Physical Activity Pyramid which indicates activities that should be done often is called.A. first partition B. second partitionC. third partitionD. fourth partition5. It is a partition of the Physical Activity Pyramid which indicates activities that should be done regularly.A. firt partitionB. second partition C. third partition D. fourth partition ​


2. d.

3. c.

4. a.

5. b.


sana makatulong keep on








sana mama tulong

12. 7.Definition of Judicial Review?8.Definition Lower Courts?9.Definition Quasi-judicial Bodies?10.Definition Judicial Virtue?thank you sa sasagot.godbless :)​


7. Judicial review is a process under which executive or legislative actions are subject to review by the judiciary.

8. A lower court is a court from which an appeal may be taken.

9. A quasi-judicial body is a non-judicial body which can interpret law.

10. The judicial virtues

A virtue-centered theory of judging offers an account of the characteristics or excellences that make for a good judge. These include: judicial temperance, judicial courage, judicial temperament, judicial intelligence, judicial wisdom, and justice.



13. 7. Which statements are NOT true about drive partitions?a. Partitions are necessary in multi-boot installations.b. A hard drive can be divided into an operating systern partition and a data partition.c. Each extended drive is a logical map of the drived. A disk partition is a defined section of an operating system.e. Each partition requires a different file system type.​


E .each partition requires a different file system type .

14. Extra judicial killings

It is the killing performed by people under the auspices of the government, usually for political reasons.

15. initializes disks,creates partitions ,and formats partitions​


Disk Management – initializes disks, creates partitions, and formats partitions. Format – prepares a hard drive to store information. Scandisk or Chkdsk – checks the integrity of files and folders on a hard drive and can also check the disk surface for physical errors.

16. 1. What is the procedure involved in quasi-judicial and administrative hearings?Discuss2.Compare the rules for administrative/quasi-judicial and judicial proceedings.​


1. What is the procedure involved in quasi-judicial and administrative hearings?Discuss

- In any quasi-judicial hearing, the administrative body may call upon the Municipal Court to act as or to appoint a Substitute Judge as provided in Section 1-6-2 to act as Legal Officer during the conduct of such hearing. Such Legal Officer shall exercise all the functions and powers of the Presiding Officer of such administrative body, as set forth in Section 1-7-9. At the close of testimony the Legal Officer shall inform the administrative body of the law applicable to the matter which is the subject of the hearing, but he or she shall not otherwise participate in the deliberations of the administrative body.

2.Compare the rules for administrative/quasi-judicial and judicial proceedings.​

- Judicial bodies are the courts that are in our country like the Supreme Court, High Court, district Court etc. ... The meaning of the word quasi itself meant that semi or partial, the quasi-judicial bodies are the judicial body partially judicial but not completely. These bodies are not completely following the rules.

- A quasi-judicial proceeding is a trial that adopts the form of a judicial process without a formal basis in law.

For more information, read this:

https://brainly.ph/app/ask?q=quasi judicial+and+judicial+proceedings.%E2%80%8B







tama sa taas

brainliest mo sagot sa taas


17. what is the meaning of judiciously​


showing good judgment


: having, using, or showing good judgment : wise The community deserves praise for its judicious use of water. Other Words from judicious.


having or showing good judgment


having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment judicious investments a judicious decision

ju·di·cious·ly adverb

ju·di·cious·ness noun

Sana po makatulong

18. B. Complete the table below using the concept of partitive proportion. Numbers that Ratio Partitions of wil be partitioned partitions 1st partition 2nd partition 3rd partition 4 partition (if any) 144 2:5:9 (6.) (7.) (8.) - 657 2:3:4 (9.) (10.) (11.) 1050 1:2:2:5 (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.)


Ayusin mo yung tanong mo?


pakiayos po hindi maintindihan

19. what is judicial department?


Judicial Department holds the power and duty of courts of justices to interpret and apply the laws to contests AR disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties.


Adjudicatory power

- The duty to settle actual controversies involving right which legally demand able and enforceable.

2. Power of Judicial Review

- The power to pass upon upon the validity or constitutionality of the the laws of the state and the acts of other department.

3. Incidental Powers

- The power necessary to the effective charge of the Judicial functions such as the power to punish person adjudged in contempt.


Judicial department gives us the necessary confidence in the certain and even administration of justice. Judicial department also helps in preserving the government. It instills a sense of respect for law and order among the people and the people in power wherein there is a sense of obligation to follow the rules because there's a judicial department who acts immediately.

The Judicial Department plays a major role in our lives. We haven't really noticed it since it is working in a way that only responds to things thrown at it, in other words Judicial Department is reactive, not proactive.



20. Discuss the difference between the Judicial and Extra Judicial Confession​

Judicial confession is a confession made in a legal proceeding. Judicial confession is made before a committing magistrate or in a court in the due course of legal proceedings. Extrajudicial confession means an admission made in proceedings outside court.

21. what is judicial killing?

An extrajudicial killing (also known as extrajudicial execution) is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process.judicial killing ay isang pagpatay na inutos ng gobyerno

22. Differentiate Extended Partition from Primary Partition?​


A traditional disk can have up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions and one extended partition. The extended partition is a holdover from earlier days, and was used when a drive had two or more partitions. It doesn't actually hold data, it merely serves as a container for one or more logical drives.


Primary partition is a bootable partition and it contains the operating system/s of the computer, while extended partition is a partition that is not bootable. Extended partition typically contains multiple logical partitions and it is used to store data.


23. Inistializes disks creates partitions and formats partitions

Initializes disks creates partitions and formats partitions

Disk Management initializes disks creates partitions and formats partitions. Disk Management is a feature of the Windows operating system that allows you to control sophisticated storage activities. Here are some of the benefits of Disk Management:

- For information on setting up a new drive, see Initializing a new drive.

- See Extend a basic volume to expand a volume into space that isn't currently occupied by another volume on the same disk.

- See Shrink a primary volume to shrink a partition, generally so that you may extend a nearby partition.

- See Change a drive letter for information on changing or assigning a new drive letter.

Is an extension of the Microsoft Management Console that allows fu management of disk-based hardware recognized by windows



24. judicial opinion example??​


1. A belief, or way of thinking about something; how someone things about a particular thing

2. A formal statement made by a court or judge, explaining the reasons for its decision.

For Example:

John knew that Norman had a bad cough that had been hanging around for several weeks. Norman eventually got very ill, and was hospitalized, and eventually died of pneumonia. Norman’s family complains to the court that John is at fault for Norman’s death, as he did nothing to help him early in the illness. The court needs to understand one fact: was John responsible. And to answer that, John must have had a “duty of care” to aid Norman, because if he did not, he cannot be held liable for the man’s death.

25. create a venn diagram to distinguish judicial power from judicial review.​


Differences Between Judicial Power And Judicial Review:

Judicial Review is a court proceeding involving the review of the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body.

The Judicial Power of the Supreme Court emanates from Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution.

Similarities Between This Too:

Judicial activism is the assertion (or, sometimes, the unjustified assertion) of the power of judicial review to set aside government acts. Judicial restraint is the refusal to strike down such acts, leaving the issue to ordinary politics.


26. extra judicial kilings

killing of a person by government authorities without any legal process

27. judicial notice defined​


The authority of a judge to accept as facts certain matters which are of common knowledge from sources which guarantee accuracy or are a matter of official record, without the need for evidence establishing the fact.

28. be judicious in quoting words?​


If you describe an action or decision as judicious, you approve of it because you think that it shows good judgment and sense.



29. Judicial review of power​


Judicial review, power of the courts of a country to examine the actions of the legislative, executive, and administrative arms of the government and to determine whether such actions are consistent with the constitution. Actions judged inconsistent are declared unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void.


hi hope it helps!nde ko po kasi alam tungkol saan eh.:))


JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS. A judicial admission is a formal stipulation by party or counsel that concedes any element of a claim or defense. ' Its effect is to determine the issue conclusively, to dispense entirely with the need for further evidence.

Extrajudicial admissions are statements made, adopted or au- thorized by a party-opponent beyond the parameters of formal legal proceedings. ' Personal admissions occur when the party-opponent actually makes the statements.


This is what I know

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