What Type Of Conflict Was Shown In The Story Sinigang

What Type Of Conflict Was Shown In The Story Sinigang

what type of conflict was shown in the story sinigang

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1. what type of conflict was shown in the story sinigang

Liza deals with the issue of her father who had an extramarital affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem. It’s an example of a man versus man.

2. From the story "Sinigang"6. What type of conflict was shown in the story?a. man versus manc. man versus himselfb. man versus natured. man versus society​

Answer:A. man versus man


I hope it help

3. what is the conflict of story in the sinigang??​


"Sinigang" is a story about a young girl coming to terms with the fact her father has had a child by another woman.


4. Conflicts, plot, theme, point of view from the story sinigang​

Conflicts, plot, theme, point of view from the story sinigang  

Settings: liza's home Characters: Liza, Tita Loleng, Liza's Mum, Slyvia and Lem's Dad, Mistress's Dad Conflict - This is how Liza deals with his dad's problem with his mom

Plot: The story begins with Liza and Tita Loleng, the girl who cooked Liza's favored dish, Sinigang. Usually, it's never been Liza's turn to help Tita Loleng cook sinigang. But it's not today. Liza was the one to choose the vegetables to be used in Sinigang by her Tita Loleng.

Climax: When my father came from the bed, I remembered instantly feeling it—just like an animal perceives it instinctively if it is in danger.


Point of View- Liza

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5. What type of character does the main character have in the story of "Sinigang" By Marrie AUBREY J. Villaceran?.​


Adorable and Patience person

6. what was the story about in sinigang


sinigang is made in the Philippines

7. identify the 6 elemets from the short story sinigang 1 setting 2 characters(give description for each) 3 plot 4 conflict(specific the type of conflict example:man vs man) 5 theme 6 point of view


Setting: The short story "Sinigang" takes place in a Filipino household, where a family is gathered for dinner.


Protagonist: The protagonist of the story is a young Filipino girl who is unnamed. She is the daughter of the family and is very observant of the events that unfold during dinner.

Supporting Characters: The other characters in the story are the girl's father, mother, and brother, as well as her grandmother and her grandmother's friend Tita Lydia. Each of these characters plays a unique role in the story, contributing to the conflict and themes explored.

Plot: The story follows the family's dinner conversation, which turns into a heated argument about the proper way to make sinigang, a traditional Filipino soup. As the argument escalates, the girl begins to see the underlying tensions and conflicts within her family, ultimately leading to a resolution and a newfound appreciation for the importance of family and tradition.

Conflict: The conflict in the story is primarily a man vs. man conflict, as the family members argue with each other about the "right" way to make sinigang. However, there are also underlying conflicts between the generations, as the older members of the family cling to tradition while the younger members seek to modernize and adapt.

Theme: The theme of the story is the importance of family and tradition. Through the argument over sinigang, the family members are able to confront their differences and ultimately come to a greater appreciation of each other and the traditions that have shaped them.

Point of view: The story is told from the first-person point of view of the young girl, who provides a unique perspective on the events unfolding around her. Her observations and insights give the reader a deeper understanding of the family dynamics and the conflicts at play.


8. what was the story of sinigang all about?​


It was about the gradual emotional separation of Liza and her father

9. what is a plot for sinigang story​


The short story Sinigang is written in 2001 by Marby Villaceran narrates how Liza,the main character, deals with the issue of her father who had qn extramarital affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem.

10. what is the conflict of the story sinigang


Man vs Man is the conflict

11. conflict of sinigang story




•While on the wake , she meet the mother of her half-brother or the mistress of her dad and her father calling her "Sinverguenza" , the shameless daughter.

12. conflict of the story sinigang


The conflict of the story was when Sylvia her father's mistress appeared and confessed to Liza and asked for forgiveness explaining that nobody's perfect, everybody commits mistakes.

conflict is a clash between two opposing forces that creates the narrative thread for a story. Conflict occurs when the main character struggles with either an external conflict or an internal conflict.Character vs. character.

13. what is the theme of the short story sinigang​


ha? ano po diko po maintindihan Meron pa bang ibang nakakagets?


I'm sorry, I'm confused. Try posting the short story and I'll help with the theme you're looking for.

14. what is the setting of the story sinigang

The setting of the story is Liza's home.

15. What is a setting a story sinigang


saan ang story?


pa brainliest po

16. what is a plot of the sinigang story?


The story is about how Liza deals with the issue of her father who had an extramarital affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem. The story took place in Liza's home where she and her aunt, Tita Loleng, were cooking sinigang which is her father's favorite dish.


Hope it helps <3

17. Conflict of sinigang story​


man vs. man


marby villaceran ...

"Sinigang" is a story about a young girl coming to terms with the fact that her father has had a child by another woman, and the death of that .

18. What was the story about? Sinigang​


it is all about the father who has an extramarital affair

19. what is the conflict in the story of SINIGANG By Marie Aubrey J. Villaceran? ​


What was the conflict of the story Sinigang?

The conflict of the story is the fact that her father had an extramarital affair with another woman and consequently had a child. This conflict tainted Liza’s relationship with her father. This is a man versus man because this conflict is between Liza and his father.

20. what is the theme of the story of sinigang ​


Nobody's perfect,everyvody commits mistakes.


Theme is considered as the author's message to the readers.

Hope it help!!

21. conflict of the story sinigang brainly


it was made because the food will not be delicious or they didnt like the taste of the food


so thats why sinigang was made

22. Identify the 6 elements from the short story Sinigang SETTING CHARACTERSPLOTCONFLICTTHEMEPOINT OF VIEW​


Setting - House

Characters - Liza,Her dad and mom ,Tita loleng,Sylvia ,Lem and Meg

Conflict - It is how Liza deal with his father issue with his another woman

Point of View- Liza


Hope it will help you, Wala pa akong plot and theme HAHA

23. what was the story about sinigang brainly


She had finally decided to ask the question. I had been wondering how long my Tita Loleng could contain her curiosity.

I continued to pick out tomatoes for the sinigang we were to have for dinner. I wasn’t usually the one who assisted my aunt with the cooking. She preferred my younger sister, Meg, for I knew far less in this area—not having the aptitude, or the interest, I guess—for remembering recipes. That didn’t matter today, though. This time, Tita Loleng wanted more than just an extra pair of hands in the kitchen.

“Nothing much,” I answered offhandedly. “We did what people usually do during funerals.” I reminded myself to tread carefully with her. Though I did not really feel like talking, I could not tell her off for she took offense rather easily.

I put the tomatoes in the small palanggana, careful not to bruise their delicate skin, and carried them to the sink.

“Did you meet…her?” Tita Loleng asked.

There came to me a memory of sitting in one of the smaller narra sofas in the living room in Bulacan. I faced a smooth white coffin whose corners bore gold-plated figures of cherubs framed by elaborate swirls resembling thick, curling vines. Two golden candelabras, each supporting three rows of high-wattage electric candles, flanked the coffin and seared the white kalachuchi in the funeral wreaths, causing the flowers to release more of their heady scent before they wilted prematurely. Through an open doorway, I could see into the next room where a few unfamiliar faces held murmured conversations above their coffee cups.

“Are you Liza?” A woman beside me suddenly asked.

I was surprised, for I had not heard anyone approaching. Most of the mourners preferred to stay out on the veranda for fear that the heat from the lights might also cause them to wither.

I looked up slowly: long, slim feet with mauve-painted toenails that peeked through the opening of a pair of scruffy-looking slippers; smooth legs unmarred by swollen veins or scars—so unlike the spider-veined legs of my mom—encased in a black, pencil-cut skirt; a white blouse with its sleeves too long for the wearer, causing the extra fabric to bunch around the cuffs; a slim neck whose skin sagged just a little bit; and a pale face that seemed like it had not experienced sleep in days. The woman looked to me like she was in her forties—the same age as my mother.

“Yes,” I had answered that woman—the same answer I now gave to Tita Loleng.

I gently spilled out all the tomatoes into the sink and turned on the tap. The water, like agua bendita, cleansed each tomato of the grime from its origins.

“What did she tell you?” Tita Loleng asked.

“Nothing much. She told me who she was.”

“What did she look like?”

“She’s pretty, I guess.”

She was. She looked like she had Indian blood with her sharp nose and deep-set eyes thickly bordered by long lashes. Just like Mom, she still maintained a slim figure though she already had children. The woman, upon seeing my curious stare, had explained, “I am Sylvia.”

All my muscles tensed upon hearing her name. It took all my self-control to outwardly remain calm and simply raise an eyebrow.

My reaction caused a range of emotion to cross the woman’s face before it finally crumbled and gave way to tears. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand from where it had been resting on the arm of the sofa. Her own hands were damp and sticky with sweat. She knelt in front of me—a sinner confessing before a priest so he could wash away the dirt from her past.

But I was not a priest. I looked down at her and my face remained impassive.

When her weeping had subsided, she raised her head and looked at me. “Everyone makes mistakes, Liza.” Her eyes begged for understanding.

It was a line straight out of a Filipino soap opera. I had a feeling that the whole situation was a scene from a very bad melodrama I was watching. I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed the spectacle unfolding in this living room, but it was as if an invisible director had banned all but the actors from the set. Except for us, not a soul could be seen.

I wanted Sylvia to free my hand so I nodded and pretended to understand. Apparently convinced, she let go and, to my shock, suddenly hugged me tight. My nose wrinkled as the pungent mix of heavy perfume and sweat assailed me. I wanted to scream at her to let go but I did not move away.

“Hmm, I think they’re washed enough na.” Tita Loleng said.

Turning off the tap, I placed the tomatoes inside the basin once more. Then, as an afterthought, I told my Tita, “I don’t think she is as pretty as Mom

24. 1. The writer of the short story "Sinigang" 2. The main character in the story. 3. Whose favorite dish is the "Sinigang"? 4. The setting of the story "Sinigang". 5. The point of view used by the author in telling the story of "Sinigang 6. The element includes the locale and period in a story. 7. The element refers to the events in the story. 8. The element is presented at the final part of the story. 9. The type of conflict was shown in the story of "Sinigang". 10. The type of character contends with the main character in "Sinigang 11. The element is considered the high point in the story. 12. The essence of fiction. 13. The series of events when things begin to happen in the story? 14. Element that creates the tone and presents the characters and facts to introduce the story. 15. What does the word "Sinverguenza" mean?​


Need ko din ang sagot pa sagot naman brienlys

25. what was the story about? in sinigang​


The short story Sinigang is written in 2001 by Marby Villaceran narrates how Liza, the main character, deals with the issue of her father who had an extramarital affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem. The story takes place in Liza's home where she, together with her Tita Loleng, prepares Sinigang for the family dinner, as it is her father's favorite dish. During the course preparing and cooking, Tita Loleng ask Liza about her encounter with Sylvia in the wake of Lem who died because of cancer. It is through Tita Lolengs's question uxtaposed wih the procedures of preparing Sinigang that sparked flashbacks in the story revealing not only vivid memories of how Liza was made known about her father's other family, how uneasy she felt when she finally met Sylvia, how rancorous and pretentiously impassive she is towards her father, but also, these flashbacks disclose how unconditional the love of Liza’s mother is, and no matter no Liza denies, her love for her father, in spite of all his flaws, is never really lost. The man vs. man or more predominantly (though implicit) man vs. circumstance conflict is resolved when at the burial of Lem, the father says sorry to Liza- a word that Liza needed the most- yet, whether she has forgiven her father or forgotten his fiasco is not clearly resolved.

26. conflict of sinigang​


Setting - House

Characters - Liza,Her dad and mom ,Tita loleng,Sylvia ,Lem and Meg

Conflict - It is how Liza deal with his father issue with his another woman

Point of View- Liza


27. What is the conflict of the story of sinigang


The conflict of the story is the fact that her father had an extramarital affair with another woman and consequently had a child. This conflict tainted Liza's relationship with her father. This is a man versus man because this conflict is between Liza and his father.

28. what is the theme of the story sinigang


The theme that considered from the story Sinigang could be that people are prone to make mistakes in life. Some light mistakes, but oftentimes, critical mistakes. In the end, you have to be humble to accept your errors and ask for forgiveness.

29. What is the climax of sinigang story?


wut story huh jkhqsjdkvadcigilhwdfg

30. conflict of the story sinigang brainly


The most interesting part of the story was when Sylvia her father's mistress appeared and confessed to Liza and asked for forgiveness explaining that nobody's perfect, everybody commits mistakes.

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