Religion Research Topics

Religion Research Topics

Research for a topic about anything that you are interested to could be about family a person tradition religion place environment events occasion​

Daftar Isi

1. Research for a topic about anything that you are interested to could be about family a person tradition religion place environment events occasion​


is commonly said that there are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes — but what can be more taxing than the prospect of one’s own death? Ceasing to exist is an overwhelmingly terrifying thought and it is one which has plagued individuals for centuries. This ancient stressor has been addressed over time by a number of different religious explanations and affirmations. Arguably, this capacity to provide answers for fundamental questions is what defines religion. For instance, under Hindu belief one’s soul lives on after biological death and is reborn in a new body. Under Christian belief one can expect to live in a heavenly paradise once one’s time runs out on earth. These are just two examples, but the extension of the self beyond its physical expiration date is a common thread in religious texts.

These promises of new life and mystifying promise lands are not simply handed out to everyone, however. They require an individual to faithfully practice and participate in accordance to the demands of specific commandments, doctrines, rituals, or tenants. Furthermore, despite one’s own faith in the words of an ancient text, or the messages of a religious figure, an individual will remain exposed to the trials, tribulations, and discomforts that exist in the world. During these instances a theodicy — a religious explanation for such sufferings — can help keep one’s faith by providing justification as to why bad things happen to good, faithful people. Theodicy is an attempt to explain or justify the existence of bad things or instances that occur in the world, such as death, disaster, sickness, and suffering. Theodicies are especially relied on to provide reason as to why a religion’s God (or God-like equivalent) allows terrible things to happen to good people.

Is there truly such a thing as heaven or hell? Can we expect to embody a new life after death? Are we really the creation of an omnipotent and transcendent Godly figure? These are all fascinating ontological questions — i.e., questions that are concerned with the nature of reality, our being and existence — and ones for which different religious traditions have different answers. For example, Buddhists and Taoists believe that there is a life force that can be reborn after death, but do not believe that there is a transcendent creator God, whereas Christian Baptists believe that one can be reborn once, or even many times, within a single lifetime. However, these questions are not the central focus of sociologists. Instead sociologists ask about the different social forms, experiences, and functions that religious organizations evoke and promote within society. What is religion as a social phenomenon? Why does it exist? In other words, the “truth” factor of religious beliefs is not the primary concern of sociologists. Instead, religion’s significance lies in its practical tendency to bring people together and, in notable cases, to violently divide them. For sociologists, it is key that religion guides people to act and behave in particular ways. How does it do so?

Regardless if one personally believes in the fundamental values, beliefs, and doctrines that certain religions present, one does not have to look very far to recognize the significance that religion has in a variety of different social aspects around the world. Religion can influence everything from how one spends their Sunday afternoon – -singing hymnals, listening to religious sermons, or refraining from participating in any type of work — to providing the justification for sacrificing one’s own life, as in the case in the Solar Temple mass suicide (Dawson & Thiessen, 2014). Religious activities and ideals are found in political platforms, business models, and constitutional laws, and have historically produced rationales for countless wars. Some people adhere to the messages of a religious text to a tee, while others pick and choose aspects of a religion that best fit their personal needs. In other words, religion is present in a number of socially significant domains and can be expressed in a variety of different levels of commitment and fervour.

In this chapter, classical social theorists Karl Marx, Émile Durkheim, and Max Weber provide the early insights that have come to be associated with the critical, functionalist, and interpretive perspectives on religion in society. Interestingly, each of them predicted that the processes of modern secularization would gradually erode the significance of religion in everyday life. More recent theorists like Peter Berger, Rodney Stark (feminist), and John Caputo take account of contemporary experiences of religion, including what appears to be a period of religious revivalism. Each of these theorists contribute uniquely important perspectives that describe the roles and functions that religion has served society over time. When taken altogether, sociologists re

2. There are ten (10) research topics below. Formulate a title out of the given list of research topics.1.Education-2.Technology-3.Science-4.Religion-5.Government-6.History-7.Environment-8.Economic Issues-9.Death Penalty- 10.Politics-​


Types of computer Network Geographic


3. For each topic, write down 5 concepts you have in mind and will specifically consider as your research undertaking. 1.) Environment 2.) Religion 3.) Health


thanks for


your point thank you

4. 1. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 2. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 3. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Should everyone have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 4. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? B. personal secret/s C. religion D. sex 5. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation 6. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic -7. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 8. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and hav actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 9. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A age A. Close-ended questions C. Probing questions B. Open-ended questions D. Rhetorical questions 10. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow.













that's base on book that i have read

5. Question 1 The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the following is not an advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines? Select one: a. The passing of the divorce law will protect battered wives or husbands from their abusive partners b. The passing of the divorce law will deviate the existing sexual hierarchy and the presumed dominance of the male spouse in the family c. The passing of the divorce law will reflect a progressive Philippines, free from the hold of religion and tradition d. The passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape Question 2 must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and the scope of all the ideas included in the paper. Question 3 is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the researcher to respect the opinions and position of the respondents in a certain issue. Question 4 is a type of sampling wherein the researcher himself chooses the people who are qualified to respond to the objectives of his/her study. Question 5 Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce? Select one: a. they can't find a suitable job for their skills b. insufficient compensation from spouses c. they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of living solo Question 6 assumes that the researcher knows his target population and its characteristics. Choosing members of the sample using this method is limited to a specific number of persons. Question 7 One strength of survey is_____ that is shown by the ability to get a specific group of people to answer to a particular issue. Question 8 is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. Question 9 plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly written in sections with headings and sub-headings. Question 10 One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using ______ or terms that are widely unfamiliar to your readers. Question 11 refer to the type of response with only two possible _____ Question 12 When was the first recorded outbreak of influenza according to the paper? Answer: Question 13 opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem or topic at hand. Question 14 questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases that can be consolidated to allow for spelling and/or other minor variations. Question 15 In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of the passage of the divorce law in the Philippines? Select one: a. No b. The article did not say so c. Yes Question 16 The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the discussion that are "specific, achievable and Answer ." Question 17 True or False: A position paper must adhere to the rules of style and usage. Answer: Question 18 True or False: Define foreign terms or concepts to let the readers understand your point. Answer: Question 19 True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as possible. Answer: Question 20 One tip in writing a report is to know your Answer . Question 21 It is recommended that the abstract be written _____ because by then, you'd know what points to highlight and what details to omit. Question 22 is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of what information must be kept private and public. Question 23 Which of the following is not a preventative measure taken by the Republic of China in preventing the spread of influenza in their country? Select one: a. discovering effective culling practices b. testing of vaccines c. testing surveillance capacities d. conducting wide research on the cause of the influenza Question 24 The total percentage of all the categories for single select questions must be Answer: Question 25 ______ enables the respondent to choose more than one choice out of all possible choices or one that says "all that apply." Question 26 The ______ gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide for the researcher. Question 27 The _______ section shows the findings of the research done by the researcher by following the methods. Question 28 ______ give the detailed account of a person's knowledge on the topic or his/her experience that is not written on any research. Question 29 _______ serve as sources of information that will help you study an entire population to gain insight to its society. Question 30 An ________ is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and the respondent for the purpose of knowing what the respondent thinks and feels about the subject of the research study.

For question number one, the answer, “(d) the passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape,” is not an advantage.

For other answers, kindly see the following:


2.   thesis statement

3.   respect

4.   purposive sampling

5.   C.

6.   quota sampling

7.   generalizability

8.   report

9.   outlining

10.                     jargons

11.                     binary response

12.                     11 March 1918

13.                     Numeric value

14.                     Coding

15.                     yes

16.                     measurable

17.                     True

18.                     True

19.                     False

20.                     topic

21.                     last

22.                     closed confidentiality

23.                     D.

24.                     100

25.                     Multiple choices

26.                     timeline

27.                     results

28.                     personal interviews

29.                     demography

30.                     interview

6. 1. Which is NOT TRUE about “text”? a. A large unit of written language b. b. A group of ideas put together to make a point or one central idea c. It is a formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thoughts or ideas, speech etc. d. Can be used for both written and spoken language 2. It is a formal and lengthy discussion of a topic. a. Text b. Discourse c.Connected discourse d. Language 3. Which function of written language is used through newspapers, magazines, researches, and journals? a. Action b. Social Contact c. Information d. Entertainment 4. In reading and writing, ACTION is a function of written language that can be seen through _______? a. Public signs, product labels and instructions and recipes c. Newspapers and magazines b. Letters, postcards, and greeting cards d. Light magazines, fiction books, and poetry 5. A text must be written with a purpose whether that is to inform, persuade, or entertain. What characteristic of text is being described? a. Intentionality b. Acceptability c. Informativity d. Situationality 6. The content of the text shall not be offensive to any race, sex, religion, etc. A text shall always conform to the situation. a. Intentionality b. Informativity c. Acceptability d. Situationality


1) A                     4) C

2) A                    5) D

3) C                    6) C


1:A 2:C 3:B 4:D 5:C hope it helps keep learning po hehe

7. HITY 1TRUE OR FALSE. On the space provided before each number, write TRUE & the statement is correct, otherwise, write FALSE, 1. Quantitative research utilizes observable facts that are quantitled to arrive at a conclusion 2. Quantitative research uses the senses in gathering information and making intuitions is included. 3. Researchers know what should be the steps to be done in conducting a research. 4. Research questions should gather information that are relevant to the research topic. 5. As researchers gather data, instruments can be changed to address the problem that may arise while conducting the research. 6. When describing the sex of the respondents, researchers give numbers to represent the sexes. 7. Quantitative research a big number of respondents in order to eliminate biases 8. One can repeat the research of the same categories and characteristics but not in the same population 9. In conducting quantitative research, researchers can possibly look for patterns and predict future outcomes.10. In quantitative research, descriptions such as gender, religion are meaningless ​






5. FALSE                                      BRANLIEST PLSS THX


8. modu 5 and 6 in the sell LoarringPerformance task should be written or encoded(optional) in a short coupordirection carefully- SMATVE ASSESSMENTering is that water is made from two gases that are flammable butmake sostance that can put out fire. These two elements bonded togetheearth teens the ability of water to form hydrogen bonds presents many intewhicore seful forlife. Given the selected topics concerning water createshowing what you have researched on. You can choose one topic from theTecies opensI worer and the earth How is water stored on earth? (polar ice, undergrowater omosphere How much water does the earth have? How does w2. water and the human body. How does a human being's water conteMed etdi stoge, at birth, adulthood). How much water do we consume31 water and agñculturewater and electricity productionwater and religion/ mythsEeterent shapes of water (solid, liquid, ice, snow)ter and its high specific heat capacity8. Water and it​


1.under ground


3.ewan for you


pakiayos po

9. Directions: Determine which source is appropriate to use in gathering information on the following topics. Choose the correct answer inside the box.Our group wants to learn about the History of Religion in the Philippines. My best friend Allhy wants to know the meaning of the word waterloo. The grade six learners were assigned to researcher about the high tide and low tide in Malabon in year 2010. I want to learn the culture and tradition of the people in Asia. Sissy wants to know the exact location of Great Wall of China and the seas and mountains around it.​












10. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. 1. Relevance is the quality of being true. 2. Biases can be innate or learned. 3. Prejudice is a baseless and often negative preconception 4. One of the common features of prejudice includes positive feelings. 5. Fake News is a false or misleading information presented as news, 6. We often see bias toward a group based on race, sex, religion, culture, and more 7. Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people behave and interact with others. 8. To ensure the relevance of ideas, you must analize if it is connected or appropriate to the given topic 9. Always check for the consistency, coherence, and unity of ideas for it unveils relevance and truthfulness of the material. 10. To determine the truthfulness, you must analyze if it comes from a reliable source, proven through research experts and it discusses facts.​


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.


[tex]\huge  \red { \tt ✨A} \: \huge \orange{ \tt N} \huge  \color{yellow} { \tt S}\huge  \green { \tt W} \huge  \blue { \tt E} \huge  \color{purple} { \tt R✨}\huge [/tex]

1. Relevance is the quality of being true.


2. Biases can be innate or learned.


3. Prejudice is a baseless and often negative preconception


4. One of the common features of prejudice includes positive feelings.


5. Fake News is a false or misleading information presented as news,


6. We often see bias toward a group based on race, sex, religion, culture, and more


7. Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people behave and interact with others.


8. To ensure the relevance of ideas, you must analize if it is connected or appropriate to the given topic


9. Always check for the consistency, coherence, and unity of ideas for it unveils relevance and truthfulness of the material.


10. To determine the truthfulness, you must analyze if it comes from a reliable source, proven through research experts and it discusses facts.


[tex]\blue{••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}[/tex]╰┈➤#carry on learning[tex]\orange{{\underline{\pmb{\bold{ \blue{ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ\ ʙʏ\ →[ᴋᴇɴ]←}}}}}}[/tex][tex]\blue{••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered}date\: Answer\\\\\bold{\sf{3\28\2022}}\end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\huge  \red { \tt ✨K} \: \huge \orange{ \tt y} \huge  \color{yellow} { \tt l}\huge  \green { \tt a✨} \huge [/tex]

11. 1. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic 2. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 3. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 4. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 5. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow. 6. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 7. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A. Close-ended questions B. Open-ended questions C. Probing questions D. Rhetorical questions 8. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Do you think everyone should have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 9. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? D. sex A. age B. personal secret/s C. religion 10. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation​












12. research for a topic about anything that you are interested to learn. It could be about family, a person, a tradition, religion, place, environment, events, occasions, etc. Make a 2 page written report on your choosen topic. Make sure to include and properly cite your sources pasagot please ​


Do something as a family. Each month a different family member can choose something they like to do. It could be a bike ride, watching a movie or a visit to a museum.

13. pahelp po para sa thesis namin sa practical reserch. asap po topic namin: Religion that cause bullying in school na assign sakin is research problem IDEAL PROBLEMS ito yung mga problems about your topic na nakikita niyo in this world in the physical environment. help po ano yung mga nakikita niyong mga problema

discrimination , yung mga di pagkakapantay pantay na pag tingin ng mga tao batay sa kung ano yung nakikita nila

14. do this. your activity notebook to Assessment 20) rials needed for t Read each sentence carefully, then encircle the letter of your answer. 1. Sitting legs apart means... a. boredom b. open, relaxed c. dejection d. anticipation 2. Rubbing hands mean... a. anticipation C. doubt, disbelief b. apprehension d. anger, frustration 3. Hand to cheek means... a. confidence c. evaluating, thinking b. defensiveness d. boredom 4. Locked ankles mean... a. anticipation c. aggression b. frustration d. apprehension 5. Hands clasped behind back means... a. apprehension c. anger, frustration, apprehension b. boredom d. anticipation 6. Your teacher asked you to recite an excerpt of the speech of the Prime Minister of Japan in your literature class as part of your “Team Asia” activity. Your teacher is expecting you to: a. Copy the full text of the speech b. Interpret the speech C. Make an outline of the speech d. Make the speech short including only the key points. 7. When reading researches, you may have noticed website reference at the end of the topic or article as in this example. Prosodic features that appear when you put sounds together in connected speech. It is important for you to learn the prosodic features as successful communication depends as much on intonation, stress and rhythm as on the correct pronunciation of sounds. What is the purpose of putting this website reference? Frect ansv a. To promote website and its links b. To recognize source thus avoid plagiarism C. To make researches look more formal d. To provide additional information 8. Stressing the right syllable helps to show contrast and emphasis in meaning of the word. Permit has stress on the last syllable as in permi't. What does it mean? a. A notice c. To request b. To give consent d. A written grant/authority 9. Oral literature includes folktales, myths and legends. Myths are often sacred within the culture of a group of people and are incorporated in their religion. One common characteristics of myths is that: a. They are meant to be read by kids. b. They are written by ancestors. C. They are believed to be true. d. They deal gods and goddesses, and extraordinary persons. 10. It is the relative emphasis given to certain syllables in a word, or certain words in a phrase or sentence. a. Heteronyms c. Stress 93b. intonation d. volume​


1. b. open, relaxed

2. a. anticipation

3. c. evaluating, thinking

4. d. apprehension

5. c. anger, frustration

6. d. Make the speech short including only the key points.

7.  b. To recognize source thus avoid plagiarism

8. b. to give consent

9. d. They deal gods and goddesses, and extraordinary persons.

10. c. stress

15. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number, a Fact b. Opinion c Bias d. Propaganda 1. Is something that has actually taken place or known to have existed, which can be validated with pieces of evidence, documentation, or research 2. It is evident in statements that reflect partiality, preference, or prejudice for or against a person, object, organization, or idea. 3. It is defined as the personal view or judgment about a topic or person, which may or may not be supported by facts or positive knowledge 4. It can be found in news and journalism, religion, public relations, education, and even in our daily conversation and in all aspects of daily life. 5. It is a mode of communication used to promote and influence a cause or certain view​


I'll accept criticism if I'm wrong, goodluck<3

16. Need lng poh guys thank you.A. Encyclopedia American/ Britannica.B. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.C. World Almanac.D. World Atlas.E. Mathematics Dictionary.F. Encyclopedia of Religion and EthicsG. Annual Review of Science and technology. H. Webster's International Dictionary I. Who's Who J. Reader's Guide to Personal Literature Index to Philippines Periodicals Book Review Digest.__1. Land borders of Canada.__2. Short biography of Albert Einstein.__3. Who Invented of Computer?__4. Synonymo for "petulant".__5. Population density of China.__6. The fastest runner in the Olympics__7. How far is tokyo to Manila.__8. News Article on SARS.__9. World Chess Champion in 1981.__10. level usage of "ventriloquist".__11. The source of quotation, "Think what your country can do for you.."__12. The greatest woman scientist of the century.__13. Has our sun been Constant, or did it occasionally brighten or dim.__14. Was an animal heart transplant to a Human body successful.__15. How did life begin on Earth?.__16. Possible subdivision of a topic Research.__17. Meaning of "kebab".__18. What is the importance of the philosophy called idealism?__19. What is Jeanne Kirkpatrick noted for?__20. Locations of major military bases in the United states. ​























ni research ko po yan

(thanks me later❤)

17. 1. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 2. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 3. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Should everyone have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 4. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? B. personal secret/s C. religion 5. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. age D. sex A. A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation 6. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic -7. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 8. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 9. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A. Close-ended questions C. Probing questions B. Open-ended questions D. Rhetorical questions 10. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow.


hello saan yung pic plss

18. 3. The following are data gathering methods EXCEPT: A. Survey B. QuestionnaireC. Demographics D. Observation 4. Which of the following methods in data gathering is appropriate in questioning people on their thoughts and feelings about the rapid development of technology and the impact it has on them? A. Interview B. Questionnaire C. Observation D. Census 5. Secondary/existing data may include which of the following? A. Official documents B. Personal documents C. Archived research data D. All of the above 6. Brian needs data about a particular region. He wants to know information such as gender, race, religion, etc. For which of the following data is Brian looking? A. Evaluation data B. Research data C. Population data D. Demographic data 7. In a study, a group of mice are given an injection of a drug proposed to shrink lung tumors. After one month, the tumors are measured. Which method is best to use? A. Experiment B. Survey C. Observation D. Census 8. Which of the following terms best describes data that were originally collected at an earlier time by a different person for a different purpose? A. Primary data B. Secondary data C. Experimental data D. Field notes 9. This is where a researcher asks participants brief, but specific questions to understand the participant's view on a topic. Which method of data gathering is being described? A. Observation B. Questionnaire C. Interview D. Census 10. Which of these is not a method of data gathering? A. Questionnaire B. Interview C. Archives D. Registration​










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