Adjacency Matrix Architecture

Adjacency Matrix Architecture

show the adjacency matrix?​

Daftar Isi

1. show the adjacency matrix?​


Adjacency matrix of graph


Step-by-step explanation:

The adjacency matrix of a simple labeled graph is the matrix A with A[[i,j]] or 0 according to whether the vertex vj, is adjacent to the vertex vj or not. For simple graphs without self-loops, the adjacency matrix has 0 s on the diagonal. For undirected graphs, the adjacency matrix is symmetric.

2. find the adjacency, incidence , distance matrix if a graph​


Where is the graph?

We need the picture of the graph

3. what is profile matrix and proximity matrix?​

Proximity matrix simply stores the distances between each two points.

The profile matrix identifies a firm's key competitors and compares them using industry's critical success factors.

4. During the synthesis of ATP, what is the direction of hydrogen flow? A.from matrix to intermembrane space B.from intermembrane to matrix C.from matrix of mitocondrion to cytoplasm D.from cytoplasm to matrix of mitochondrion

A)dahil ang intermembrane space ay isang tool ng syiencia na nakakatukoy kung saan ang hydrogen flow

5. The visible part of the matrix and the connecting point between the matrix and the nail bedA. HyponychiumB. EponychiumC. LunulaD. Matrix​


B. po


6. The trigonometric ratio of the acute angle of a right triangle defined by a cosine IS A. adjacent opposite B. C. hypotenuse adjacent D. opposite adjacent adjacent hypotenuse​




<Question & Answer.

The trigonometric ratio of the acute angle of a right triangle defined by a cosine is?

C. Hypotenuse Adjacent.



Step-by-step explanation:

#Carry on Learning

#Hope it helps

#Mark me as Braillest


7. Which architecture greatly influenced the basic structure of Vietnamese buildings? A. Chinese architecture C. French architecture B. European architecture D. Indian architecture


aChinese architecture


a. Chinese architecture

8. What do u mean by Rectangular matrix and Diagonal Matrix?


Here is your answer-------

Rectangular Matrix-----A matrix in which the number of rows are not equal to the number of columns are called as Rectangular Matrix.

Diagonal Matrix------ A square matrix in which all the elements are zero except those on the leading diagonal is called diagonal matrix.

The example of each of the Matrix is shown in image prescribed below.

Hope it will help u.

Have a nice day.

9. Directions:Choose two architectures from the different era. Compare andcontrast the two using the following indicators.Name of Architectures:• Prehistoric Architecture• Egyptian Architecture• Greek Architecture• Roman Architecture• Byzantine Architecture• Romanesque Architecture• Greek Architecture​


Greek Architeture


i hope it helps

10. Histogram contains a set of _____.A. Adjacent RectanglesB. Non-adjacent RectanglesC. Adjacent SquaresD. Adjacent Triangles​


1. Histogram contains a set of Adjacent rectangles.

Step-by-step explanation:

A histogram contains a set of adjacent rectangles representing a quantity in which the height of rectangles give the value of that quantity.

11. what architectural style was developed during the predynastic period 4,000 bcA. egyptian architectureB. byzantine architectureC. roman architectureD. greek architecture​


A.Egyptian architecture

12. a matrix of order 1 is a square matrix. Is it true or false?​



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

ay guess

i hope help

13. 15. The Ruin was built in Italianate architectureis an example of a Pa. Beautiful Architectureb. Brilliant Architecturec. Wonderful Architectured. Nice Architecture​

We know that architecture. The Ruin was built in Italianate architecture is an example of BRILIANT ARCHITECTURE






15. Which is true about two angles that form a linear pair?A) Adjacent and Complementary C) Adjacent and SupplementaryB) Adjacent and Congruent D) Non-adjacent​



Step-by-step explanation:

sana po makatulong

16. When you multiply a matrix by the identity matrix you obtain the?


You will get The Matrix Movie


Nah Just kidding, When you multiply a matrix by the identity matrix, you obtain the inverse matrix.

17. Differentiate Enterprise Architecture (EA),Solution Architecture (SA), and Technology Architecture ?


Solution Architect vs technical architect vs Enterprise Architect

Technical architect while the enterprise architect focuses on the enterprise-level design of the IT landscape, solution architects are in charge of finding and introducing solutions to specific business problems. They also manage all activities that lead to the successful implementation of a new application.

18. 5. The Colosseum is an example ofA. Romanesque ArchitectureC. Byzantine ArchitectureB. Gothic ArchitectureD. Roman Architecture​


A. Romanesque Architecture

19. 1. What part of the nail matrix is called the sterile matrix?​


The nail bed is a part of the nail matrix called the sterile matrix. It extends from the edge of the germinal matrix, or lunula, to the hyponychium. The nail bed contains the blood vessels, nerves, and melanocytes, or melanin-producing cells.



Nail bed


Nail bed is the part of nail matrix that called sterile matrix

20. Give the difference between profile matrix and proximity matrix.​


Proximity matrizmx is some measure of the similarity or distance between the itemsbto which row j and columnk correspond while the profile matrix indentifies a firm's key competitors and compares them using industry's critical succes factors.

21. 14. Two angles form a linear pair if they are botha. adjacent and supplementaryb. adjacent and complementaryc. adjacent and acuted. adjacent and obtuse​


a. po ang answer

Step-by-step explanation:

two angles are said to be linear if ther ay adjacent and supplementary

22. During the synthesis of ATP, what is the direction of hydrogen flow? A.from matrix to intermembrane space B.from intermembrane to matrix C.from matrix of mitocondrion to cytoplasm D.from cytoplasm to matrix of mitochondrion

During the synthesis of ATP, what is the direction of hydrogen flow?
A.from matrix to intermembrane space 
B.from intermembrane to matrix
C.from matrix of mitocondrion to cytoplasm 
D.from cytoplasm to matrix of mitochondrion

The answer is letter A. from matrix to Intermembrane space.

23. "During the synthesis of ATP, what is the direction of hydrogen flow? a. from matrix to intermembrane space b. from intermembrane space to matrix c. from matrix of mitochondrion to cytoplasm from cytoplasm to matrix of mitochondrion "


a. from the matrix to intermembrane space

The net result is the pumping of H+ across the inner membrane, from the matrix to the intermembrane space, driven by the energetically favorable flow of electrons.  


This movement of H+ has two major consequences:

1. It has generated a pH gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, with the pH higher in the matrix than in the cytosol, where the pH is generally close to 7. (Since small molecules equilibrate freely across the outer membrane of the mitochondrion, the pH in the intermembrane space is the same as in the cytosol.)

2. It has generated a voltage gradient (membrane potential) across the inner mitochondrial membrane, with the inside negative and the outside positive (as a result of the net outflow of positive ions).

The pH gradient (ΔpH) drives H+ back into the matrix and OH- out of the matrix, thereby reinforcing the effect of the membrane potential (ΔV), which acts to attract any positive ion into the matrix and to push any negative ion out.

For more information to these related topics, you may open these following given links below:

During the synthesis of ATP, what is the direction of hydrogen flow?

What is photo synthesis?

What is ATP? Give meaning.


24. 3. Which of the following derived from the architecture of Classical Greeceand Rome and the Architectural designs of the Italian architect AndreaPalladio?A. Romantic ArchitectureC. Baroque ArchitectureD. Medieval ArchitectureB. Neoclassical Architecture​


Which of the following derived from the architecture of Classical Greece

and Rome and the Architectural designs of the Italian architect Andrea




Hope it helps:)




Hope it helps:)


25. please answerPeriod/Era CharacteristicsEgyptian ArchitectureGreek ArchitectureRoman ArchitectureByzantine ArchitectureRomanesque Architecture​


Egyptian architecture Architecture developed since 3000 bc and characterized by post and lintel construction, massive walls covered with hieroglyphic and pictorial carving, flat roofs, and structures such as the mastaba, obelisk, pylon and the Pyramids. Houses were built of clay or baked bricks.


Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished by its highly formalised characteristics, both of structure and decoration. This is particularly so in the case of temples where each building appears to have been conceived as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often raised on high ground so that the elegance of its proportions and the effects of light on its surfaces might be viewed from all angles. The Roman Architectural Revolution, also known as the Concrete Revolution, was the widespread use in Roman architecture of the previously little-used architectural forms of the arch, vault, and dome. ... These included amphitheatres, aqueducts, baths, bridges, circuses, dams, domes, harbours, temples, and theatres.

Byzantine architecture is the architecture of the Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire. ... Its architecture dramatically influenced the later medieval architecture throughout Europe and the Near East, and became the primary progenitor of the Renaissance and Ottoman architectural traditions that followed its collapse. Romanesque architecture is an architectural style of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches. ... The style can be identified right across Europe, despite regional characteristics and different materials. Many castles were built during this period, but they are greatly outnumbered by churches.


CHARACTERISTICS:Egyptian architecture

-  The material most used by the Egyptians is stone because thanks to it the most important buildings were imperishable.

-  Religion was a fundamental part of ancient Egyptian society. For this reason, there were numerous large religious constructions that were developed over the years.

Greek architecture

- The basic element is the column, considered an essential element of the aesthetics of his art.

- Greek architecture is fundamentally adentellada, dominating the straight lines, both horizontal and vertical, do not use the vault.

Roman architecture

-  the use of arches and the dome. Arches and domes were often used to support or create an opening for a roof.

- characteristics of Roman architecture include arches, columns and the use of marble and limestone.

Byzantine architecture

-  is a style of building that flourished under the rule of Roman Emperor Justinian between A.D. 527 and 565.

-  In addition to extensive use of interior mosaics, its defining characteristic is a heightened dome, the result of the latest sixth-century engineering techniques.

Romanesque architecture

-  is known by its massive quality, thick walls, round arches, sturdy pillars, barrel vaults, large towers and decorative arcading.

-  The most recognizable style is its round arches. Furthermore, there are many other ones such as thick walls, large towers, decorative arcading, massive vaults, and sturdy piers.

26. adjacent is defined asA. adjacent/oppositeB. Adjacent/hypotenuseC. Hypotenuse/oppositeD. Opposite/Hypotenuse​



27. period/Era CharacteristicsEgyptian Architecture. ___________Greek Architecture. ___________Roman Architecture. ___________Byzantine Architecture. ___________Romanesque Architecture. ___________​


Egyptian Archi. post and lintel construction,

28. Which of the following is true if angles form a linear pair?A. They are adjacent and supplementary B. They are supplementary but not necessarily adjacent C. They are adjacent and complementary D. They are complementary but not necessarily adjacent​


D. they are complementary but not necessarily adjacent

correct me if I'm wrong

29. Give the difference between Profile Matrix and Proximity Matrix.


Profile matrices contain measurements of variables for a set of items. Proximity matrices contain measurements of relations, or proximities, between items. If the measurements in a proximity matrix tell how close things are to each other then you have a similarity matrix. If the measurements in a proximity matrix tell how far apart things are from each other, then you have a dissimilarity matrix



30. architecture and famous festival Myanmar?architecture and famous festival Malaysia?architecture and famous festival Thailand?architecture and famous festival Laos?architecture and famous festival Vietnam?architecture and famous festival Singapore?architecture and famous festival Cambodia?architecture and famous festival Indonesia?Sana masagot☹️​




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