Distributive Adjective Examples

Distributive Adjective Examples

2 examples sentece of Quantitative adjective2 examples sentence of Quatitative adjective2 examples sentence of Demonstrativeadjective2 examples sentence of Possessive adjective2 examples sentence of Interrogative advective 2 examples sentence of Distributive adjective ​

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1. 2 examples sentece of Quantitative adjective2 examples sentence of Quatitative adjective2 examples sentence of Demonstrativeadjective2 examples sentence of Possessive adjective2 examples sentence of Interrogative advective 2 examples sentence of Distributive adjective ​

(Examples of Quantitative Adjective in Sentences:)

He has 40 horses.

I have been standing here for three hours.Four girls were expelled from the school.The first boy failed in the last exam.Not a single boy is in the classroom.The Second World War still haunts some people.There are 50 boys and 26 girls on this tour.The forest has 2120 animals.The fourth boy became first in the final exam.He is doing it for 66th times now.He ate half of my burger.Albert roasted some chicken for his teammates.Ron has many pens in his large bag.John completed the whole task.There is enough juice for my breakfast.Little water is needed to make that pastry.I do not have any chocolates in my bag.I have sufficient money for shopping.Most people are poor in this world.A Few people are rich and they hold most of the wealth.

(Examples of Demonstrative Adjectives in Sentences:)

Give me that blue water bottle.This time I won't fail you.I want those gorgeous marbles.I wanted to propose you that day.These mangoes are rotting.I can't forget that incident.Those people were mean to her.I cannot give you money at this moment.

(Examples of Possessive Adjective:)

My computer is not working as fast as it worked in the beginning.Our father told us not to quarrel with anyone.Your cycle has been stolen yesterday.Your child is not doing well in the school.We are concerned about his performance.The students of class seven submitted their assignment.I could not understand her intentions.Her thoughts are too complex.My mind stops working when I think about that.Stop messing with my hair.I cannot believe that you broke my glasses.I don’t want to see his shadow again.She made her life miserable by pessimism.Their favorite teacher did not come yesterday.Will you mind opening my drawer and look into it?I walked for 4 hours and now I cannot feel my legs.She could not identify his motives.

(Examples of Interrogative Adjective in Sentences:)

Whose book was that?Which pen do you like more?What books are you buying today?Which book on proofreading do you recommend?Which team scored the higher in the last match?Which player did get a fifty yesterday?What recipe did you choose to make this dish?

(Example Sentences of Distributive Adjectives)

Either you buy it or you don’t.My mother isn’t a teacher. Neither am I.Each girl must bring her own bag.Each participant was asked to complete a survey.Each of her friends is angry.Can you buy this one?Does your father have any money left?Both of them are in the house.Each of us drink about 2 liters of water a day.My mother watches TV every day.I don’t know either of them.

2. Example of Distributive adjectives sentence Please ned it now​


Either you buy it or you dontEach girl must bring their own lunchboxesExplanation:

Yan po dalawa example

pake rate and brainliest po and heart :)

3. ACTIVITY 2: Complete the sentence by writing the kind of adjective referred to in the parentheses. Example: (Numeral adjective) There are ________apples in the basket. Answer: There are FIVE apples in the basket. (Descriptive adjective) 1. It was a _______________morning yesterday, so we used our electric fans for hours. (Possessive adjective) 2. __________ pen is missing, gladly he brought an extra one. (Proper adjective) 3. ___________ City is the place I want to go to in the future.(Numeral adjective) 4. I still have ______________minutes left to answer all the questions in my examination paper. (Distributive adjective) 5. __________pupil has his own story to tell. (Proper adjective) 6. _____________language is an important for us to be able to communicate with foreigners. (Interrogative adjective) 7. ______________ formula should we use to answer the problem in our Math subject? (Possessive adjective) 8. “I am sorry, but ____________dog is not allowed inside the mall”, said the security guard. (Common descriptive adjective) 9. I love watching the ____________stars in a clear night sky. (Distributive adjective) 10._________ chocolate on the table has different kinds of taste. ​


1) good




5) the

6) I have a

7) I have a good




4. Directions: Identify the adjective/s used in each sentence, then classify its type (Qualitative, Quantitative, Demonstrative, Possessive, Interrogative, Distributive, or Compound). Use the spaces provided for your answers. Sentence Adjective Type Example: I have to finish all my asynchronous tasks before dinner time. all my Quantitative Possessive 1. The dirty children ran through the street. 2. That lady is my auntie from America. 3. We have to follow all the protocols for our safety. 4. Which appetizer would you want to order? 5. Sally used to live in that house when she was little. 6. He almost forgot to wear his shoes. 7. Every person has a unique gift from God. 8. There are many reasons to be happy. 9. We have to be grateful all the time. 10. Whose artwork is the best for you?



5. Fill in each blank with a suitable adverb or adjective. The adjective or adverb must be derived from the word or phrase given in the parenthesis.Example:Tomorrow, my Aunt will arrive at the airport _________. (Japan)Tomorrow, my Aunt will arrive at the airport to Japan.______________________________________________________My family and I are going to the airport early _________. (pick up) Everbody is talking ________ about my aunt's return. (excite) Aunt Amy has worked and lived in Osaka for a ________ long time. (real) She has sent me a lot of stuff such as watches and bags, and we write letters to each other _________. (frequent) She and I are very close, and I am very happy that she is __________ coming home. (final) When I saw her close, I ran as fast as I could toward her and gave her a _______ hug. (tight) My parents hugged her too and ________ assisted her with her luggage. (thoughtful) When we arrived home, dinner was already served and there was plenty of ________ food. (savor) Everybody seemed _________ to hear Aunt's stories. (interest) I ________ listened to every word even though I've heard Aunt Amy's stories many times before. (patient) After dinner, we let Aunt Amy rest in her room, but I can tell that everybody is ________ to see the contents of her balikbayan boxes. (eager) The balikbayan boxes are ________ stacjed in the corner of our living room. (neat) The next day, an energized Aunt Amy opened each box and distributed the _________ packed and labeled goods. (careful) Everybody looks pleased with what they received, and laughed as I _________ squaled at the sight of a new pair of shoes. (delight) Without second thoughts, I tried them on and ________ walked around the room. (proud)​

My family and I are going to the airport early to pick her up. Everybody is talking excitedly about my aunt's return. Aunt Amy has worked and lived in Osaka for a really long time. She has sent me a lot of stuff such as watches and bags, and we write letters to each other frequently. She and I are very close, and I am very happy that she is finally coming home. When I saw her close, I ran as fast as I could toward her and gave her a very tight hug. My parents hugged her too and thoughtfully assisted her with her luggage. When we arrived home, dinner was already served and there was plenty of savory food. Everybody seemed interested to hear Aunt's stories. I patiently listened to every word even though I've heard Aunt Amy's stories many times before. After dinner, we let Aunt Amy rest in her room, but I can tell that everybody is eager to see the contents of her balikbayan boxes. The balikbayan boxes are neatly stacked in the corner of our living room.  The next day, an energized Aunt Amy opened each box and distributed the carefully packed and labeled goods.  Everybody looks pleased with what they received, and laughed as I delightfully squealed at the sight of a new pair of shoes.  Without second thoughts, I tried them on and proudly walked around the room.

6. An example is done for you. Ex: modules (compound adjective) Answer: The modules are ready-made for elementary pupipls in the public schools. 1. cell phone (Proper adjective)Answer:2. soldiers (compound adjective)Answer:3. face masks (derived)Answer:4. isolation facilities (descriptive)Answer:5. food (quantitative)Answer:6. movies (demonstrative)Answer:7. vendors (possessive)Answer:S. vitamin C interrogative)Answer:9. face shield (distributive)Answer:10. alcohol (article)Answer:​


bang bang bang bang ml tau

7. 1. Which of the following completes this sentence? My answer to one of the questions ________________. * 1 point were not accepted are not accepted is not accepted not accepted 2. Which phrase fits best the incomplete sentence below? Cities ____________________ plan to have free Wi-Fi to all students for their online learning. * 1 point in our town with face to face learning inside the homes in the Philippines 3. Cutting huge trees __________ is strictly prohibited. Which intervening phrase below is the best to complete this sentence clearly and coherently? * 1 point in remote and mountainous areas that slow down the flow of traffic in the front yard toppled after a strong typhoon 4. Which verb fits best the incomplete sentence below? The owner of several apartments _____________ millions of money to nursing homes. * 1 point have donated are donated has donated were donated 5. Which phrase below is correct to complete this sentence?_________ are ready to be distributed to the poverty-stricken areas in Metro Manila. * 1 point The medical donations from Australia Medical donation to stop covid19 virus Australian donation particularly medicines A cargo of medical donations 6. Which of the following sentences has a correct intervening phrase? * 1 point My uncle about his ailment was released from the hospital. Remedios, and my nieces, gave her neighbors sacks of rice. We, among the documents, will be attending virtual trainings nationwide. Schools especially in NCR have conducted all lessons through online activities. 7. Brisk walking and jogging outdoor during ECQ days is prohibited. What is wrong with this sentence? * 1 point The words are jumbled and are difficult to understand. There must only be one subject. The verb “are” should be used instead of ‘is” because there are two subjects in the sentence: brisk walking and jogging. Walking and jogging are not subjects because they are verbs referringto actions. 8. The subject always agrees with the verb in a sentence. Which statement is clear and coherent? * 1 point The steel boxes on the rooftop are sold. Our helpers as well as Aling Minda, receive a large amount of money from the steel box regular sales. They, together with my father, goes downtown to open a bank account for the money. Unfortunately, because it is holiday, the bank are closed. 9. Which of the following completes this sentence? Danny, as well as other choir members __________________. * 1 point were having rehearsals for the upcoming concert is having rehearsal for the upcoming concert are for the upcoming concert having for the upcoming concert. 10. Which phrase fits best the incomplete sentence below? Dexter, ________________, won the first prize in copy editing in journalism. * 1 point one of the construction workers one of the brightest pupils in English class a very kind, old neighbor a canine in the shelter 11. The part of speech that are used to compare two or more persons, animals, places, things, or events. * 1 point adverb verb adjectives pronoun 12. Which are adjectives in the sentence, “Justine is the second child in a family of five.” * 1 point Justine and family second and child child and family second and five 13. “The deafening thunder is happening now, while the squeaking rats can be heard nearby.” The words deafening and squeaking are _______. * 1 point Descriptive adjectives Demonstrative adjectives Quantitative adjectives Indefinite adjectives 14. She appears approachable because of her __________ and ___________smile. * 1 point happy and lucky comely and friendly wide and awkward aloof and accommodating 15. The security was alerted when the __________relic went missing in the museum. * 1 point trivial cheap ancient inferior The man ____________ gathers the street children and feeds them every afternoon. Which of the intervening phrases below completes this sentence clearly and coherently? * 1 point coming out of the expensive sports car begging and sleeping on the streets selling balut in the evening and taho during the day planting vegetables at the foot of the mountain It is a kind of quantitative adjective wherein it does not denote exact numbers. * 1 point Distributive numeral adjective Definite numeral adjective Indefinite numeral adjective Demonstrative adjective The adjectives- annual, late, ancient and modern are examples of __________. * 1 point Adjectives describing quantity Adjectives describing time Adjectives describing taste Adjectives describing shape The adjectives – magnificent, timid, splendid, dynamic and cultured are examples of __________. * 1 point Adjectives describing taste Adjectives describing appearance Adjectives describing shape Adjectives describing time This, that, these and those are called __________ adjectives. * 1 point Descriptive adjective Demonstrative adjectives Quantitative adjectives Comparative adjective


is not accepted - because theres only one question answered.in our town - no specific place mentioned.in remote and in mountainous areashave donated.A cargo of medical donations. My uncle about his ailment was released from the hospital.The words are jumbled and are difficult to understand.The steel boxes on the rooftop are sold.were having rehearsals for the upcoming concert.one of the brightest pupils in English classpronounJustine and familyDescriptive adjectivescomely and friendlyancient

8. 1. Which of the following completes this sentence? My answer to one of the questions ________________. * 1 point were not accepted are not accepted is not accepted not accepted 2. Which phrase fits best the incomplete sentence below? Cities ____________________ plan to have free Wi-Fi to all students for their online learning. * 1 point in our town with face to face learning inside the homes in the Philippines 3. Cutting huge trees __________ is strictly prohibited. Which intervening phrase below is the best to complete this sentence clearly and coherently? * 1 point in remote and mountainous areas that slow down the flow of traffic in the front yard toppled after a strong typhoon 4. Which verb fits best the incomplete sentence below? The owner of several apartments _____________ millions of money to nursing homes. * 1 point have donated are donated has donated were donated 5. Which phrase below is correct to complete this sentence?_________ are ready to be distributed to the poverty-stricken areas in Metro Manila. * 1 point The medical donations from Australia Medical donation to stop covid19 virus Australian donation particularly medicines A cargo of medical donations 6. Which of the following sentences has a correct intervening phrase? * 1 point My uncle about his ailment was released from the hospital. Remedios, and my nieces, gave her neighbors sacks of rice. We, among the documents, will be attending virtual trainings nationwide. Schools especially in NCR have conducted all lessons through online activities. 7. Brisk walking and jogging outdoor during ECQ days is prohibited. What is wrong with this sentence? * 1 point The words are jumbled and are difficult to understand. There must only be one subject. The verb “are” should be used instead of ‘is” because there are two subjects in the sentence: brisk walking and jogging. Walking and jogging are not subjects because they are verbs referringto actions. 8. The subject always agrees with the verb in a sentence. Which statement is clear and coherent? * 1 point The steel boxes on the rooftop are sold. Our helpers as well as Aling Minda, receive a large amount of money from the steel box regular sales. They, together with my father, goes downtown to open a bank account for the money. Unfortunately, because it is holiday, the bank are closed. 9. Which of the following completes this sentence? Danny, as well as other choir members __________________. * 1 point were having rehearsals for the upcoming concert is having rehearsal for the upcoming concert are for the upcoming concert having for the upcoming concert. 10. Which phrase fits best the incomplete sentence below? Dexter, ________________, won the first prize in copy editing in journalism. * 1 point one of the construction workers one of the brightest pupils in English class a very kind, old neighbor a canine in the shelter 11. The part of speech that are used to compare two or more persons, animals, places, things, or events. * 1 point adverb verb adjectives pronoun 12. Which are adjectives in the sentence, “Justine is the second child in a family of five.” * 1 point Justine and family second and child child and family second and five 13. “The deafening thunder is happening now, while the squeaking rats can be heard nearby.” The words deafening and squeaking are _______. * 1 point Descriptive adjectives Demonstrative adjectives Quantitative adjectives Indefinite adjectives 14. She appears approachable because of her __________ and ___________smile. * 1 point happy and lucky comely and friendly wide and awkward aloof and accommodating 15. The security was alerted when the __________relic went missing in the museum. * 1 point trivial cheap ancient inferior The man ____________ gathers the street children and feeds them every afternoon. Which of the intervening phrases below completes this sentence clearly and coherently? * 1 point coming out of the expensive sports car begging and sleeping on the streets selling balut in the evening and taho during the day planting vegetables at the foot of the mountain It is a kind of quantitative adjective wherein it does not denote exact numbers. * 1 point Distributive numeral adjective Definite numeral adjective Indefinite numeral adjective Demonstrative adjective The adjectives- annual, late, ancient and modern are examples of __________. * 1 point Adjectives describing quantity Adjectives describing time Adjectives describing taste Adjectives describing shape The adjectives – magnificent, timid, splendid, dynamic and cultured are examples of __________. * 1 point Adjectives describing taste Adjectives describing appearance Adjectives describing shape Adjectives describing time This, that, these and those are called __________ adjectives. * 1 point Descriptive adjective Demonstrative adjectives Quantitative adjectives Comparative adjective


painless nalang po


salamat po sa sopor today

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