Best All Terrain Tires Philippines

Best All Terrain Tires Philippines

Give three physical features or terrain in the Philippines.​

Daftar Isi

1. Give three physical features or terrain in the Philippines.​


LUZON which is the northern region, VISAYAS which is the central region and MINDANAO, the southern region


Outstanding physical features of the Philippines include the irregular configuration of the archipelago, the coastline of some 22,550 miles (36,290 km), the great extent of mountainous country, the narrow and interrupted coastal plains, the generally northward trend of the river systems, and the spectacular lakes.

2. What topography or terrain of the land is best suited for vegetable production?


An ideal topography for vegetable production is one that is nearly flat to slightly sloping, well drained, and, free of trees, rocks and low areas. Efficiency of crop maintenance, irrigation and harvest operations is greatly enhanced in fields with this type topography (6).


Pointo arigatōgozaimasu

3. All of the following are rises in the terrain except for hills Valleys mountains and ridges

sorry wala akong sagot need kulang po ng points sorry talaga...

4. what type or terrain,climate,what type of activity does the region best land itself​


Landscape can also help define regional climate. A region's elevation, proximity to the ocean or freshwater, and land-use patterns can all impact climate. All climates are the product of many factors, including latitude, elevation, topography, distance from the ocean, and location on a continent.

Image result for what type of terrain,climate,what type of activity does the region best land itself​

Elevated terrain often pushes air up in the atmosphere acting as a lifting mechanism, which aids in creating even more precipitation. Areas that have mountainous terrain or even just a higher elevation tend to produce more precipitation on a yearly basis.

Climatic region refers to a continuous geographic area in which similar climate characteristics are observed.


pa brilliant po please thank you!!:)

5. meaning of rocky mountain terrains


The Rocky Mountains, also known as the Rockies, are a major mountain range in western North America. ... The angle of subduction was shallow, resulting in a broad belt of mountains running down western North America.

6. melda will give her best effort (even thought,unless)she is tired​


Even though oanxhvwiznw


I think its "even though" but if it is not what answer you need then can you comment your question more understandable.

7. distortion of terrains


Trained distortion is caused when the terrain greatly varies in elevation. A greatly varying in elevation, relief displacement is the result. That means, that the position of features on the image, are displaced from its original position, and, therefore, it's position cannot be accurately measured.



8. Tire usually explodes during summer.Which best explains this observation? A. There is too much air inside the tires. B. Vehicle tires are not maintained C. There are more travelelers during summer vacation. D. The high temperature during summer causes the tire to explode. ​


Tire usually explodes during summer. Which best explains this observation?


D. The high temperature during summer causes the tire to explode.

During summer, we are all experiencing higher heat temperature than any other days/months of the year. This high temperature affects the pressure inside the tire that causes it to explode most especially if the tire of the car is not well-maintained.

9. I'm tired of yelling.I'm tired of being sad.I'm tired of pretending.I'm tired of being alone.I'm tired of being angry.I'm tired of feeling crazy.I'm tired of feeling stuck.I'm tired of needing help.I'm tired of remembering.I'm tired of missing things.I'm tired of being different.I'm tired of missing people.I'm tired of feeling worthless.I'm tired of feeling empty inside.I'm tired of not being able to just let go.I'm tired of wishing I could start all over.I'm tired of dreaming of a life I will never have.But most of all, I'm just tired of being tired.​


Don't worry because everyone is there for you

10. what is the prefix of terrain?​


#118 terr → earth, landThe Latin root word terr is easily recalled through the English word terrain, for the terrain of an area is what the “earth” or “land” is like there.

11. what topography or terrain of the land is best suited for vegetable production?A. water logged B. level or plain C. slightly slopingD. hilly/mountainous​







explain in the picture:)

12. what topography or terrain of the land is the best suited for vegetable production a.water logged b.level or pain c.slightly sloping d.hilly/mountain​




That's my answer.


b. level or plain


That's what I choose ... because according to farmers level or plain is better for vegetable production..

13. 15. The size of a tire considers the weight and the terrain where the vehicle will primarily be usedamong others. What equation of variation is used if the tire pressure (P) varies directly as the weight(W) of car and inversely as the area (A) of the ground covered by each tire?A P =B. P = kwa OPD. PeKIVkemWA​


P = kW/ A

Step-by-step explanation:

its a joint variation, that's why

14. what was the beginning of the terrain of the earth


read the story of God's creation ,trust me

15. Each car has 4 tires. There are 14 cars in the parking lot. How many tires are there in all ?


48 tires

Step-by-step explanation:

beacause every tire had 4 tires

so 14×4 is 48 that is my answer

correct me if im wrong

the answer is 56 coz 14×4 is equals to 56 thankyou

16. Nangangahulugan Rocky mountain terrain


The Rocky Mountains, also known as the Rockies, are a major mountain range and the largest mountain system in North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch 3,000 mi (4,800 km)[1] in straight-line distance from the northernmost part of western Canada, to New Mexico in southwestern United States. Depending on differing definitions between Canada and the United States, its northern terminus is located either in northern British Columbia's Terminal Range south of the Liard River and east of the Trench, or in the northeastern foothills of the Brooks Range/British Mountains that face the Beaufort Sea coasts between the Canning River and the Firth River across the Alaska-Yukon border.[2] Its southernmost point is near the Albuquerque area adjacent to the Rio Grande Basin and north of the Sandia–Manzano Mountain Range. Being the easternmost portion of the North American Cordillera, the Rockies are distinct from the tectonically younger Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada, which both lie farther to its west


pa brainlest pls..




Taiga, generally referred to in north America as boreal forest or snow forest, is a biome characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches.

17. which of the following is considered the best location for a nursery site a. flat land b. hilltop c.gently slope d. rugged terrain ​




Its my answer too


18. why all of you are so Smart iam not enough to use the module iam tired of module pleasee iam tired​


what kind of question is this?


19. you will get tired,if you work all day​

that's true and you will also get a lot stress


yes thats the anser


tama si kuya ate salamat

20. When a bicycle is running the tire pushes the road as the Action force what will be the Reaction forcea the tire pushes the bicycle b the road pushes the tire c no reaction at alld the road pulls the tire ​




Because If you Push The Bike forwards the friction of the Road will be Against it.


explanation: a bicycle can’t move without a tire. Knowing that the tire is round and is being activated through pedals, the tires are carrying the entire parts of the bicycle, in which when the tire runs, the whole bicycle runs with it :))

21. Unleveled terrain meaning​

: to destroy the level character of : make uneven moles unleveled the lawn.

22. 1all-season tires provide sharper handlingthan "standard" all-season tires.​


High-performance all-season tires provide sharper handling than "standard" all-season tires. They grip the road more confidently and feel more sporty to drive—usually at the expense of some winter-weather traction. These tires are intended for sportier cars and more-aggressive drivers.


Sana makatulong po

23. Draw a 3-D of a terrain indicating different fault behaviors. Use the terrain below. Be sure that the entire terrain should cover at least three type of fault. Labcl the fault arcas and its part​


Draw a 3-D of a terrain indicating different fault behaviors. Use the terrain below. Be sure that the entire terrain should cover at least three type of fault. Labcl the fault arcas and its part

24. nangangahulugan rocky mountainous terrain


rocky mountainous terrain

25. 5. Tire usually explodes during summer. Which best explains this observation?a. There is too much air inside the tires.b. Vehicle tires are not maintained.e. There are more travelers during summer vacation.d. The high temperature during summer causes the tires to explode.​


d. The high temperature during summer causes the tires to explode.


Not obvious, because high temperature can make an tires explode.


26. What is the best decision for those who are tired?


Taking a rest or break relax your mind and let your body rest. Because if your too tired your brain can't concentrate or too tired to think when your tired you became lazy too and because of that you can't make a decision at all.

And No, You Shouldn't Make Decisions While Tired. Here's Why

Every day, you make thousands of little decisions about what to wear, eat or focus on while at work.

Many of these happen on autopilot, but if you’re busy, decision fatigue inevitably sets in.

Consider if you’ve ever opened the fridge after a long day at work, gazed into the white light and thought, “I just don’t know what I want.”

Your brain can’t decide what to do anymore. So you reach for last-night’s take-out.

Decision fatigue has more serious consequences at work.

One study found, that U.S. clinicians were 26% more likely to prescribe unnecessary antibiotics to patients during the fourth work hour of a typical day.

The overworked executive replies to an email that pops into his overloaded inbox because it’s the most recent.

The struggling freelancer decides to contact the client she likes rather than the difficult one who pays the most.

27. Rocky moutainous terrain.​


Rocky mountains terrain are the best describes the ladder and carefully analyze the same as last


Si Rocky Mountain ay isang leader ng best discriber


pa brainliest <3 U w U

28. nangangahulugang Rocky Mountainous Terrain​


Boreal Forest O Taiga

ay wikang russian na nangangahulugang Rocky mountainous terrain.

29. Nonsense=ReportIm tired of all the nonsense...​


the world

Recently the globe was alarmed with the outbreak of the news coronavirus, known as covid-19

my community

at present, it affects millions of people weakening their immune systems.


it hits result's to unemployed, hunger, death toll, and increase in prices of prime communities making humans to suffer.


umm trying lang po correct me po if wrong

30. even trough i am tired i will give my best effort.


even though i am tired i will give my best effort couse

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