Biographical Narrative Example

Biographical Narrative Example

What is the example of biographical narrative?​

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1. What is the example of biographical narrative?​


a fifth type, narrative biography, represents a dynamic portrayal of a life without the need for absolute facticity or a comprehensive account from birth to grave. Neither is this style burdened by the ultimate interpretation of the subject that must be accepted by the reader.


Political Biography Narrative Essay


A nonfiction account of life is a biographical story. In this kind of writing, the writer describes a person from their perspective. This style of narrative writing focuses on actions, spoken words, sensory description, and precise details. These narrative components allow the author to shed light on or detail perceptions of a notable individual. Identify a person who has or has recently been in your life.

2. define1. Biographical narratives​


A biographical narrative is a story that relates the key events and facts about a person's life from a first-person perspective. The writer of a biographical narrative describes the events in a chronological or logical sequence and reflects upon their significance.

3. usually a short narrative of an interesting amusing, or biographical incident​




-a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature. A short, obscure historical or biographical account.

4. Search (1) literary form ( poem/ essay ) which is an example of :  1.Biographical Context  2.Historical  Context  3.Geographical Context  2. Explain why the poem/essay is an example of Biographical/Historical/ Geographical   Format:  1. Biographical Context  Example:   Title of the literary form: ______________________________  Explanation: ___________________________


1. Biographical Context

Example: "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot

Explanation: "The Waste Land" is an example of biographical context because it reflects the personal experiences and beliefs of T.S. Eliot, including his disillusionment with modern society and his search for spiritual meaning. The poem draws heavily on Eliot's own life, including his conversion to Anglicanism and his study of Sanskrit literature.

2. Historical Context

Example: "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr.

Explanation: "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is an example of historical context because it was written in response to the racial injustice and segregation that was prevalent in the United States during the 1960s. The essay reflects the historical context of the Civil Rights Movement and King's own involvement in it, as well as his belief in nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.

3. Geographical Context

Example: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot

Explanation: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is an example of geographical context because it is set in a specific location, specifically the city of London, and reflects the cultural and social atmosphere of that time and place. The poem also draws on Eliot's own experiences of living in London, as well as his observations of the city's inhabitants and their attitudes towards life and love.


hope it help

5. what are some examples of authors purpose in writing a biographical sketch?​


A biographical sketch is an example of an author’s purpose in writing. The author uses the biographical sketch to provide background information about a person, such as education and background, and how this person was influenced by their environment and experiences. The author also uses the biographical sketch to demonstrate the person’s personality traits and values, which are usually revealed through their actions and choices.


hope it helps

6. give me five example of biographical like kapatagan​



7. a biographer,or one who writes about people's live,is an example of author


yes they are author


hope it helps

8. biographical context example​


A biography is simply an account or detailed description about the life of a person. It entails basic facts, such as childhood, education, career, relationships, family, and death. Biography is a literary genre that portrays the experiences of all these events occurring in the life of a person, mostly in a chronological order. Unlike a resume or profile, a biography provides a life story of a subject, highlighting different aspects of his of her life. A person who writes biographies,


9. Example of biographical context


individual biographies (book length) collective biographies (e.g. encyclopedias or dictionaries) interviews (written and/or audio/film) obituaries.


can i get brainliest pls?

10. Nurse patrick is acquiring from a client in the emergency department. which is an example of biographic information that may be obtained during health history


Nurse Patrick is acquiring information from a client in the emergency department. Which is an example of biographic information that may be obtained during a health history? ... The chief complaint, past health status, and history of immunizations are part of assessing the client's health and illness patterns.

11. what are the similarities and differences of the different types of biographical narratives ?​


Gaganti lang ako sa mga ginawa ng mga tao dito sa brainly kasi ganito rin ginawa nila sakin

12. Ussualy a short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident. ​



Hope helps po ^-^




a short story about an interesting or amusing incident or event, often biographical.

pa brainliest po:>

13. Write a short biographical narrative about the “Enlightened One”.


The Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama sometime between the 6th and 4th century BCE to Queen Mahamaya and King Suddhodana in Northern India or Nepal. The story of his birth is magical: supposedly, his mother gave painless birth to him in a grove of trees standing up by the light of a full moon. When he was born, his mother was visited by a soothsayer who declared that the young prince would become a 'renouncer,' someone who transcends the earthly life.

Seven days later his mother died and he was raised by her sister and his father. Siddhartha's father, as many parents do, sheltered his son from the outside, containing his life to within the palace walls. This, he believed, would allow Siddhartha to grow up to become a prince and warrior and not a renouncer as the soothsayer proclaimed. However, when Siddhartha grew older he took four chariot rides beyond the palace. These rides exposed the young prince to the suffering that stood in contrast to the luxury he had known. Siddhartha knew then that his purpose was to seek relief for this suffering.




14. Who was rizal's famous American biographer? and British biographer?

Austin C. Craig - was an American historian born in Eddyton, New York. Being one of the first biographers of the Philippine national hero, José Rizal, a street was named after him in Sampaloc, Manila.

Austin Coates - was a British civil servant, writer and traveller. He was the son of noted English composer Eric Coates. And one of Jose Rizal's famous biographer.

15. what is biographical?

biographical is relating to or telling the story of a real person's life. biographical - containing, consisting of, or relating to the facts or events in a persons life.

16. Historical/biographical approach example


Historical Approach: In the movie "Grease", the historical approach applies due to the time period and social structure specifically between men and women. You can see this in the dialogue, costumes and setting in the movie


This is a traditional approach that has developed over the past three centuries. It approaches the artistic work as chiefly a reflection of its author's life and times or the life and times of the characters in the work.

17. example of biographical poem beginning of i am good at?​


pa copy ng answer pag myda ka haba

18. Biographical easy example​


Common Examples of Biography

The genre of biography is so popular that there is even a cable network originally devoted to telling the stories of famous people’s lives (fittingly called The Biography Channel). The stories proved to be such good television that other networks caught on, such as VH1 producing biographies under the series name “Behind the Music.” Some examples of written biographies have become famous in their own right, such as the following books:

Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow (made even more famous by the musical “Hamilton,” created by Lin-Manuel Miranda)

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World by Tracy Kidder

Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace … One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson


An example of biographical information is details about who you are, where you came from and what you have done. Of or relating to an account of a person's life.

The vast majority of biography examples are written about people who are or were famous, such as politicians, actors, athletes, and so on. However, some biographies can be written about people who lived incredible lives, but were not necessarily well-known.

19. What is biographical context. How to evaluate a literary pieci in it is biographical aspect?​


Biographical context, which is formed by the beliefs, education, culture, and experiences of the author. Context of language and form, which helps readers understand the vocabulary and sentence structures of a text as well as its literary form.

20. what is the example of historic or biographic films​


Malcolm X (Spike Lee, 1992) and Gandhi (Richard Attenborough, 1982) as well as Schindler's List , consider the question that is at the heart of the biographical film: the relationship between the currents and forces of history and the charismatic individual who strives to shape those forces.



include Jackie Robinson in The Jackie Robinson Story (1950), Muhammad Ali in The Greatest (1977), Audie Murphy in To Hell and Back (1955), Patty Duke in Call Me Anna (1990), Bob Mathias in The Bob Mathias Story (1954), Arlo Guthrie in Alice's Restaurant (1969), Fantasia Barrino in Life Is Not a Fairytale (2006), and Howard Stern in Private Parts (1997). ...


21. A biographer,or one who writes about people's lives,is an example of an author.Word meaning​


A biographer is a writer who specializes in true stories of other people's lives. The finished books that biographers publish are called biographies.


22. The biography of Peter presents the triumphs and failings of being an apostle of Christ. How does his biographical narrative relate to the life of being a Christian in the present day? How does one commit as Peter, “the Rock,” did?


We are only humans. Peter swore to the Lord that he would never say that he does not know who the Lord is. While I'm fact, he knows who the Lord is. When the Lord was taken, Peter followed. But when people told him that he looks like an apostle of Christ, he immediately swore he doe s not know who the Man was. Which leads us to not being able to fulfill all our promises, and that we all make mistakes.

23. usually a short narrative of an interesting,amusing,or biographical incident​




Hope it helps

24. 1. usually a short narrative of an interesting.amusing, or biographical incident.​

Anecdote is a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident.

25. What biographical narrative is characterized as short and is described as a cameo or miniature life story?

Answer: This biographical narrative type can be described as the cameo or miniature life story. answer choices. character sketch. interview story. profile.

Explanation: correct me if im wrong

26. ORAL COMMUNICATIONdefine the following through and example:1. Biographical2. categorical3. causal4. chronological​


1.) The definition of biographical is information about a person's life, or details about the life of a person. An example of biographical information is details about who you are, where you came from and what you have done.


2.) absolute, unqualified a categorical denial. (2a : of, relating to, or constituting a category. b : involving, according with, or considered with respect to specific categories a categorical system for classifying books.)

3.) Examples of causal in a Sentence

No causal connection between the events was found. There is a causal link between poverty and crime.

4.) The definition of chronological is arranged in the order it happened. An example of chronological is a biography that starts in 1920 and goes through 1997. He is 67 in chronological age, but has the mind and body of someone 55.

ewan q kng tma, chr bye.

27. 6.What type of recount could this passage come from?a. biographical narrativeb. eyewitness account c. personal narrative d. reflective essay


I guess it's letter A


Basta yun HAHA

28. what is biographical context .How to evaluate a literary piece in it is biographical aspect?​


Biographical context, which is formed by the beliefs, education, culture, and experiences of the author. ... Context of the reader, in which the reader's own experiences, culture, education, and beliefs contribute to the understanding and interpretation of term.


heart nyu po ang mga answer ko and follow

29. example of biographical essay

Biographical Essay

I grew up in the Boston area in the 1970s. My mother was a pre-school teacher and my father a playwright. I remember visiting my mother's classroom and reading to the children there; even more vividly, I remember sitting in the back row of theater after theater, watching rehearsals – seeing stories come to life.

My mother read me countless picture books, but at my father's house there wasn't much of that nature. He read me what was at hand: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Huckleberry Finn, Sherlock Holmes. He also made up stories for me and recounted the plots of Shakespeare plays.

I was a raw child. In fact, I am a raw adult. This is a hard quality to live with sometimes, but it is a useful quality if you want to be a writer. It is easy to hurt my feelings, and I am unable to watch the news or read about painful subjects without weeping. I was often called over-sensitive when I was young, but I've learned to appreciate this quality in myself, and to use it in my writing.

Growing up, I spent large parts of my life in imaginary worlds: Neverland, Oz, and Narnia, in particular. I read in the bath, at meals, in the car, you name it. Around the age of eight, I began working on my own writing. My early enterprises began with a seminal picture book featuring an heroic orange sleeping bag, followed by novel-length imitations of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken and Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren.

I have never kept journals or notebooks for my own sake. I am a writer who writes always with the idea of an audience in mind -- and at nine I was determined to share my Pippi story with the world. I got my father to type it up in a book format and photocopy it 50 times. Then he took me to an artist friend's studio where we silkscreened 50 copies of a drawing I'd made for the cover. I gave it to everyone I knew. That was my first book.

I have always been interested in picture books as a form, which stems (I suppose) from my background in theater. I am fascinated by the intersection of words and images – the way meanings of words can be altered by changing their presentation. An actor varies her intonation, or an illustrator changes a line – and the story is new. In college, I studied illustrated books from an academic standpoint. I went to Vassar, where children's book writer Nancy Willard was on faculty. She introduced me to illustrator Barry Moser, and the interview he gave me was the centerpiece of my senior thesis. While I was there, I spent three years as a student assistant in Vassar's lab pre-school, and after graduation found work as an assistant teacher in a Montessori school, teaching 6-9 year olds. That year, I began to write a novel with my father – through the mail. I was in Chicago and he was in New York. We thought it would be a fun way to keep in touch. I wrote a chapter – then he wrote a chapter. We rewrote each other's chapters. And rewrote them again. It took a long time, but eventually that story was published as The Secret Life of Billie's Uncle Myron.

Now I write full time in Brooklyn.  Here's a picture of on of my favorite corners in Cobble Hill, done by Lauren Castillo for our book together, What Happens on Wednesdays.


30. biographical specific purpose and specific topic example​

Specific purpose

Once you have chosen your general purpose and your topic, it’s time to take your speech to the next phase and develop your specific purpose. A specific purpose starts with one of the three general purposes and then specifies the actual topic you have chosen and the basic objective you hope to accomplish with your speech. Basically, the specific purpose answers the who, what, when, where, and why questions for your speech.

Once you’ve determined the who, what, when, where, and why aspects of your topic, it’s time to start creating your actual specific purpose. First, a specific purpose, in its written form, should be a short, declarative sentence that emphasizes the main topic of your speech. Let’s look at an example:

Topic The military

Topic The militaryNarrower Topic The military’s use of embedded journalists

Topic The militaryNarrower Topic The military’s use of embedded journalistsNarrowed Topic The death of British reporter Rupert Hamer in 2010 in a roadside bombing in Nawa, Afghanistan, along with five US Marines

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