Retarding Force

Retarding Force

Write your prior idea/ knowledge regarding force.​

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1. Write your prior idea/ knowledge regarding force.​

Answer: Force is broken in to two basic

components, also known as, push, and pull.

Explanation:  Force may be described in terms of magnitude and direction. Its strength is referred to as magnitude. Magnitude of a force is measured in units called newton(N). Force also has direction. The direction tells in which way the force is acting on an object. As for pull, it is a force that is used to make it move toward you, or backward, or, attract. On the other hand, push, wait, here's an example before the explanation; when you push a table and it moves away from you, the force you apply is greater than the friction between the floor and the table. Friction, sometimes called frictional force, is the force that opposes motion. The table moves because the force applied is greater than fiction; therefore is an unbalanced force. The direction of the motion is the same as the direction of the force applied. Now, sorry for that lot, Ninja Turtle Profile guy, let's get back to push. So push is where you exert force towards an object, or move an object forward, like the table earlier. An object at rest tends to remain at rest. An object in motion tends tp move at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon an unbalanced external force. Since it's all my understanding about force, let's head to "net force".  The net force between to unequal forces acting in opposite directions is not equal to zero. In this case, the force going to the right is greater than the force going to the left. We say there is is a net force. We call this a type of "unbalanced force". This will be the last cuz I'm doing an essay, well, you already know what an equal force is by now, or no? Well, an equal force refers to opposite directions being equal in push strength, a.k.a, balanced forces. If we describe a motion of a table if it is pushed harder, we would call it "acceleration". An object's acceleration is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to the object's mass. Direct proportion means that when one factor increases, the other factor also increases, and vice versa. Inverse proportion means that when one factor increases, the other factor decreases. A force applied does not always cause motion, tho. If you apply force on a very very sturdy object, take a brick wall as an example, it shows no net force. If it shows no net force, or zero net force, we refer to these forces as balanced forces, also same for equal forces.

That's bout all I know and learned from my book, I'm a nerd buddy.

2. What is a strong declaration or a forceful statement regarding a belief or a fact?​


Assertion is a stylitic approach or technique involving a strong declaration,a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or a fact

3. what is the effect of force to the motion of an object with regards to the object's mass?​


The acceleration of an object depends directly upon the net force acting upon the object, and inversely upon the mass of the object. As the force acting upon an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is increased. As the mass of an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is decreased

4. 9 If the forees in an obiect are balanced, net forces is​


kindly complete the questions

5. Activity 1 Force Study the pictures. Give your observations regarding the force exerted by the contestants in pulling the truck and grocery goers in pushing the cart​


pag answer sa ug nodule ku

6. Express your stand on the issue with regard to giving of rewardsand punishment to pupils in school. Write the answer on your notebook.​

what I have learned from today's education is to be good at punishing children in school that they can only do.

7. 1. When can literacy be regarded as shaped by cultural and ideologicalforces?​


Culture also affects the experiences through which children 's earliest literacy and number knowledge are acquired. Some of these experiences may be explicitly focused on encouraging learning, such as reading books to children or instructing them to count.


HopeThisHelpscultural and ideological assumptions that underpin it so that it can then be presented as though they ways in which historical and social forces have shaped a person's linguistic habitus

8. 1.This type of force exist between polar molecules a. dipole - dipole force b. dispersion foece c.hydro bond d.ion-dipole force​


D.ion dipole force


hope it helps to have

9. pa help powhich of the following is true regarding balanced forces? multiple answers po :)​




correct me if im wrong

pa brainliest thankyouuu

10. it is a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong declaration,a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or a fact.ASAP​


Assertion po yung Answer

11. observasion regarding the force exerted by pulling the truck and grocery pushing the cart


observasion regarding the force exerted by pulling the truck and grocery pushing the cart.

12. If a certain liquid in a glassware has a flat surface, what does that imply regarding the relative strength of the cohesive and adhesive forces?


The larger the strength of the cohesive force relative to the adhesive force, the larger θ is, and the more the liquid tends to form a droplet. The smaller θ is, the smaller the relative strength, so that the adhesive force is able to flatten the drop.


Mark me as Brainlest

13. What was the forced labor ordered by the spanish government and the friars regarding the involvement of the latter in any exploration and conquest of new territories?


Spanish labor system that rewarded conquerors with the labor of particular groups of conquered non-Christian people. The laborers, in theory, were provided with benefits by the conquerors for whom they labored, the Catholic religion being a principal benefit. The encomienda was first established in Spain following the Christian conquest of Moorish territories (known to Christians as the Reconquista), and it was applied on a much larger scale during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Spanish Philippines. Conquered peoples were considered vassals of the Spanish monarch. The Crown awarded

14. 1orces.5. Gravitational and magnetic forces are examples offorces.6.are forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite indirection.are forced that once a change in the motion of an obiect​




magnetic forces

15. Create a warning sign regarding the possible centripetal force that can be felt by an average of 70.0-kg man.

Answer: wala po akong ganyan na module

16. when one group of the player exerting oposite forec, the group has a ?A. greater force B. force in one directionC. force in the opposite direction.​




not sure but i wanna kniw the answer




kasi eawan basta alm ko yan

17. if the forces in an object are balanced, the net forece is _______


If the forces on an object are balanced, the net force is zero.

18. Explain the subtle distinction between Newton's first law of motion and galileo's assertion regarding force and motion?


Before Galileo it had been thought that all horizontal motion required a direct cause, but Galileo deduced from his experiments that a body in motion would remain in motion unless a force (such as friction) caused it to come to rest. This law is also the first of Isaac Newton's three laws of motion.


pa brainliest po ☺️

19. 1What is Not true about friction A it is a force that always acts opposite to the object natural motion B it is a force that acts in the same direction as object motion C it is the redarding force which means it prevents movement D friction is a contact force


letter B. po


gusto ko lang makatulong


b po i think sinasagot ko rin po and same question

pa brainliest rin po

20. 5. What produces a strike-slip fault?Compressional forcec. Shearing forceb. No stressd. Tensional forcea.1:banafordจาก binnoto​


b no streas


kasi po pag naiistres Ka Hindi Ka makakaboo Ng force

21. if the action force of the bat againts the ball,what is the reaction force? a.the fdorce of the ball on the air b.the force of the player's hand on the bat c.the force of the ball on the bat d.the force of the gravity

the force of the player pass to the bat thats why bat againts the ball

22. 6. If two boys are pushing a grocery cart in the same direction, which of the following is true regarding the resultant force? A. The resultant force is stronger compared to the individual forces of the two boys. B. The resultant force is weaker compared to the individual forces of the two boys. C The resultant force is equal to the larger individual force. D. The resultant force is equal to zero.


D po


learn more

#study always

23. 1. Theproduct of forcecorce anddisplacementIS​


In physics, work is the energy transferred to or from an object via the application of force along a displacement. In its simplest form, it is often represented as the product of force and displacement. ... Work is a scalar quantity, so it has only magnitude and no direction.

In SI base units: 1 kg⋅m2⋅s−2

SI unit: joule (J)

Derivations from other quantities: W = F ⋅ s; W = ...


24. Study the pictures. Give your observations regarding the force exerted by the contestants in pulling the truck ang grocery in pushing the cart.


the force exerted by the contestants in pulling the truck and grocery in pushing the cart is what we call Applied force.

applied force- is when someone is applying a force to an object.

hope Tama Po...

25. gabi tationil and magnetic forces are examples of _forces​


non contact forces po yan

26. is a stylistic approach that involves a strong declaration, a forceful or confidentand positive statement regarding a belief​

assertion yan na po hope it helps

27. Were the decrees issued by the king of Spain regarding forced labor followed? Why?


the Filipino indios encomendaryos (ca. 1620 - 1711


king of Spain

28. what is force and how does it work nonsense reward reported and correct answer gets brainliest​

A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon each of the objects. When the interaction ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force.

29. What forces act on the hanging box as shown in the picture? Tension Force Friction Ford Force of Grav Normal Force​


had just joined you want to do it again is has has

30. Assignment: 1 2. If the farce is increased to 24 N for the same fall. Its acceleration will be:3.) If the force is 36N =:4.) if the force is 48N=:5.) If the force is 60N=​


:3.)Lt the force is 24N=

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