The Happy Prince Analysis

The Happy Prince Analysis

Analysis: what's your response about the story Happy prince ASAP​

Daftar Isi

1. Analysis: what's your response about the story Happy prince ASAP​


very happy

and they enjoyed their company

2. character of happy prince ?

-the selfish giant

-the happy prince

-the remarkable rocket


-the nightingale

The selfish giant
the happy prince
the remarkable rocket
the nightingale

3. The little prince character analysis


The Little Prince is imaginative and curious and knows all of what he knows only by exploring it himself.

4. how does the story happy prince relate in real life?​


never will be happy in real life

5. Who do you think are the Happy Prince of the present? explain you answer​


I think the happy prince of the present are the people who are trying their best to help others. Because not all of us can live comfortably specially this pandemic, so we should always do our best to help other people.

6. who do you think are the happy prince of the present? explain your answerplease answer​




A sibling is an unprejudiced word for an overall that offers something like one parent with the subject. A male sibling is a sibling and a female sibling is a sister. The enthusiastic association between siblings is consistently tangled and is impacted by factors, for instance, parental treatment, birth solicitation, character, and individual experiences outside the family. Helpfully, a full sibling is a first-degree relative and a half sibling is a second-degree relative as they are associated considerably and 25% independently.

Siblings or full siblings share comparable natural watchmen. Full siblings are also the most notable sort of siblings. Twins are siblings that are brought into the world at the same time. Habitually, twins with a comfortable relationship will encourage a twin language from infanthood, a language recently shared and fathomed between the two.

describe your relationship with your siblings -


7. what is the contrast and comparison of the story, the tausug story of creation and the Happy prince​

the oven to the oven to the airport

8. What is the key message in the story The happy Prince​


where's the story?


hi po

9. 1. ACTIVITY 1: Read the selection THE HAPPY PRINCE. Answer the questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. What did the Prince not know during his life? A. love B. Sorrow C. anger D. happiness 2. the siva y, who is die de wall? A. The Prince's pet C. The town's messenger B. The Prince's assistant D. The Prince's friend and overseer 3. Who did the Happy Prince help first in the story? A. The mayor C. the swallow The writer D the cemetrece with the dying con 4. Why did the swallow decide not to leave the Prince anymore? A. He enjoys the beauty of the town. B. He started to build friendship with the Prince. C. He wanted to become like the prince. D. He has nowhere to stay in Egypt. 5. Why was the Happy Prince sad? A. He saw the sorrow of his people. C. His overseer died. B. He lost his two eyes and his jewels. D. No one remembers his goodness.


asan po yung story kailangan po yung story


I need the story para masagutan ko po

10. What did you learn from the story of the Happy Prince?​


Can you show me the story..

11. 1. How does the Happy Prince demonstrate the class divide? 2. How does the Happy Prince attempt to bridge the gap between the upper and lower classes? 3. What is the significance of the town councilors commenting that the Happy Prince looks like a beggar by the end of the story? 4. What commentary about the class struggle can be gleaned from "The Happy Prince"? 5. What is the significance of the Happy Prince and the Swallow arriving in heaven?​


1. "The Happy Prince" demonstrates the class divide by portraying the stark contrast between the rich and the poor. The Happy Prince, a symbol of the wealthy and privileged, is located high above the town on a pedestal, adorned in gold leaf and jewels. Meanwhile, the poor and destitute live in squalor and misery at the base of the statue. The prince's privileged status is highlighted by his detachment from the struggles of the lower classes.

2. The Happy Prince attempts to bridge the gap between the upper and lower classes by enlisting the help of the swallow to distribute his jewels and gold to the poor and needy. The prince understands the suffering of the poor and feels a responsibility to help them, despite his privileged status.

3. The town councilors' comment that the Happy Prince looks like a beggar by the end of the story is significant because it demonstrates the transformative power of compassion and selflessness. The prince's initial superficial beauty and wealth are replaced by a deeper beauty, which comes from his self-sacrificing actions in service of others. The councilors, who initially admired the Happy Prince for his physical appearance and status, now recognize the true value of his selflessness and compassion.

4. "The Happy Prince" offers a poignant commentary on the class struggle by illustrating the stark contrast between the rich and the poor and highlighting the importance of compassion and selflessness. The story shows that wealth and privilege do not guarantee happiness and that true happiness comes from helping others and living a life of purpose and meaning.

5. The significance of the Happy Prince and the Swallow arriving in heaven is that their selfless actions have earned them a place in paradise. The story suggests that the highest value is placed on acts of kindness and generosity, rather than superficial beauty or material wealth. The Happy Prince and the Swallow's arrival in heaven represents the ultimate reward for their compassionate actions on earth.

i hope ur thanks to me hehe!

12. Reflection about the happy prince ​


sad prince hope na makatulong poyan

13. Reflection about the happy prince ​


The Happy Prince represents a statue that was covered by gold and jewels, stood in the middle of the city. One night, flying a little swallow over the city saw the statue, so it decided to put up there and landed down between the feet of the Happy Prince. While it was sleeping, the prince’s tear dropped and woke him up. The prince asked the bird to help him with poor people by giving away all he had such as his sapphire eyes, the ruby of his sword-hilt, and the gold which covered his body.

14. With what does Happiness actually consist of, base on the Happy Prince?​




because she is inlove

15. What is the moral of the story The Happy Prince?​


The moral of the story was that yes we do all grow up and leave our childhood but never ever forget the imagination that once overflowed during those times and still use that until your adulthood

16. who wrote the prince which contain an analysis? on how to acquire and maintain political power​


Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince (Italian: Il Principe [il ˈprintʃipe]; Latin: De Principatibus) is a 16th-century political treatise written by Italian diplomat and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli as an instruction guide for new princes and royals.


that's my answer

17. Was the acquaintance of the happy prince and little swallow beneficial to both of them? Why or why not?


penge answer pre


penge answer

18. characters:1.who is the happy prince?2.who accompanied and supported the Prince in helping the suffering people?​


Uhm nasan po yung kuwento kailngan po yun para alam namin isasagot sa inyo..

19. characteristic of the story the happy prince​


The Prince is described as exceedingly beautiful with golden skin, sapphires for eyes, and a ruby on his sword-hilt. Although his external beauty impresses everyone around him, he sees that beauty as only skin-deep; his true worth lies in his compassion for his townspeople and his willingness to sacrifice for them.

20. Compose a slogan on how you say you are beautiful(back story:the happy prince)​


God created everything with such beauty

that's the reason why i can say that we are all beautiful.

21. why did thew little swallow change his mind and instead stay with the happy prince?


because the prince has a good heart


22. How did the statue of the Happy Prince look?​


he looked happy and it was built with gold with a sword in his right hand

23. . what is the focus of the analysis of the text? did it focus on the setting, character, themes, etc.? little prince


I don't know Basta diko alam

24. the characters in the story happy prince and describe them​


The happy prince he lives in the big palace q palace

25. Which best explains what causes the Happy Prince's lead heart to break

His heart breaks because his friend swallow died because of the cold weather

26. 2. Why was it named Happy Prince?​




i think because he's always happy like crazy haha

what is the story where is the story name of happy prince

27. The little prince setting of the story analysis


the Sahara Desert.


This is where the narrator first meets the prince, and this is where the two of them spend all their time together.

28. why was the statue of the happy prince created?​


To show an example to others.


It was to show the people that even if your problems are so depressing you should always find a solution about it with a smile

29. Who do you think are the Happy Prince of the present? Explain your answer. pa help po


I think it's Willie Revillame, because he continues helping his fellow citizens even there is pandemic.

sana makatulong pa vote sana thanks

30. Background and genre of The happy prince

Background: The Happy Prince and Other Tales (sometimes called The Happy Prince and Other Stories) is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains five stories: "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", and "The Remarkable Rocket"

Genre: Fiction

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