Current Mood Meaning

Current Mood Meaning

ACTIVITY NO. 2-Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y) Panolong What to Understand? Every individual is an artist on their own. Every artist made their artworks based on the current situation, to what is trend and to what are their current ideas, feelings and emotions. Below is a simple artwork creation activity which will help us in appreciating the arts and crafts of Mindanao. Materials 1. Long Bond Paper 2. Pencil 3. Any coloring Materials (crayons, pencil colors etc.) 4. Ruler Procedure 1. Draw a personalize building/structure which uses the unique designs of Mindanao Architecture. 2. You can expand and detailed your creations by means of creating designs in related to your mood and to the current situation. 3. Add colors to make your artworks more presentable and creative.​

Daftar Isi

1. ACTIVITY NO. 2-Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y) Panolong What to Understand? Every individual is an artist on their own. Every artist made their artworks based on the current situation, to what is trend and to what are their current ideas, feelings and emotions. Below is a simple artwork creation activity which will help us in appreciating the arts and crafts of Mindanao. Materials 1. Long Bond Paper 2. Pencil 3. Any coloring Materials (crayons, pencil colors etc.) 4. Ruler Procedure 1. Draw a personalize building/structure which uses the unique designs of Mindanao Architecture. 2. You can expand and detailed your creations by means of creating designs in related to your mood and to the current situation. 3. Add colors to make your artworks more presentable and creative.​

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2. 2. ________ contains all facts and information about current issues that are happening locally or internationally. * A. News Report B. Comprehensive Report C. Brainstorming D. Point of View 3. ________ uses devices to connect ideas within each sentence and paragraph. * A. Coherent Writing B. Focus C. Inverted Pyramid D. Essay 4. ________ means to give an opinion and influence the reader. * A. Expository B. Entertain C. Persuasive D. Creating a Mysterious Mood 5. ________ is the time and place of the story and usually introduced during the beginning of the story. * A. Plot B. Character C. Setting D. Moral


2. A





correct me if I'm wrong

3. PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICEContext Clues_________1.The new term may be formally defined, or sufficient explanation may be given within the sentence?A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________2. Sometimes when a reader finds a new word, an example might be found nearby.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________3. The reader may discover the meaning of an unknown word because it repeats an idea expressed in familiar words.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________4. The meaning of an unfamiliar word with the meaning of a familiar term.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________5. The author sets a mood, and the meaning of the unknown word must harmonize with the mood. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________6. Sometimes a reader knows from experience how people or things act in a given situation. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________7. The parts used to construct a word can be direct clues to meaning. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________8.It might be available for the careful reader to make an educated guess at the meaning. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________9. The author explains the reason for or the result of the word. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Cause and effect clue_________10.Words like “because,” “since,” “therefore,” “thus,” “so,” etc. may signal context clues. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Cause and effect clue By using Context Clues, give the word that corresponds to the italicized words before the number._________11. My father is not easily discouraged. He has an indomitable conviction to face problems.A. Firm B. Happy C. Natural D.Careful_________12. He who enjoys the company of others is gregarious. A.. aloof B.sympathetic C. sociable D.Helpful_________13. Juan does not deserve the award. He won the contest clandestinely A. publicly B. honestly C.dishonestly D.easily_________14. My son is indolent. He does not like to work.A.hardworking B.diligent C. lazy D.obedient_________15. Obstinate children are usually hard to discipline.A. hardheaded B. effeminate C. careful D.diligent_________16.Pedro is a henpecked husband. He cant decide without his wife’s confirmation.A. domineering B.loving C.dominated by the wife D.aggressive_________17.I can’t sleep inside the room. I smell something obnoxious. A. Fragrant B. offensive C. anxious D.regular _________18.Murder, a heinous crime , is not bailable.A. critical B. light C. slightly serious D.very serious_________19.Kulas lives with a woman who is not his wife. He has a paramour.A. lawful lover B. lover C. mistress D. girlfriendPART II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false.Citation_________20. An in-text citation is a citation utilized in the body of your writing. _________21. An authored book is a book written by one or more individuals._________22. An authored book is recorded in our reference page quite similarly to the way we record articles._________23. An edited book is a book in which an editor or group of editors has put together._________24. The volume number refers to the number of years a magazine has been in publication_________25. An online source is material you find online._________26. Primary sources are the materials that hold the original quote or information you are using._________27. A citation tells the reader where you got information or an idea from._________28. Some other names for online sources are electronic sources, web sources and Internet sources._________29. The issue number is the sequence in which that issue falls for the current year. _________30. A journal article is a work published in a written or electronic medium.Modals_________31. Modals is a helper that gives additional information about the verb that follows it._________32. Modals is a verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense._________33.Modals also known as modal auxiliary or modal verb._________34. Modals can, could, may, might, would are the modals we can used in expressing permission. _________35.Can is used to show permission, possibility, and ability. PART III. 36-40. Explain the following briefly.1. What is If Clause?2. What is Result Clues?​


1) A

2) C

3) B

4) D

5) A

6) A

7) A

8) C



11) B

12) C

13) A

14) D



4. 1. It refers to a type of propaganda that persuades one to use the product because EVERYONE is using it. * 1 point A. bandwagon B. card stacking c. glittering generalities d. testimonial 2. It refers to a propaganda device that uses important and FAMOUS PERSONALITIES in endorsing the product A. bandwagon B. card stacking c. glittering generalities d. testimonial 3. It refers to a propaganda device that gives a NEGATIVE label to an idea, person, or product. A. card stacking B. name calling C. plain folks D. transfer 4. My uncle, Zyrel, was born in Roxas City in 1963. He was the youngest son of the family. First, he graduated from elementary in 1975. Next, he graduated from high school in 1979. Then, he got married. Three years later, he took an engineering course. Now, he is a successful engineer. Question: What text structure is used in the text? A. Cause and effect B. Problem and solution C. Sequence D. Description This is a required question 5. My niece is adorable, witty, and playful. She loves to play with her toys. She is curious to know how her toy cart moves so she tries to dismantle the parts and assemble them again. Question: What text structure is used in this text? A. Cause and effect B. Problem and solution C. Sequence D. Description 6. Every morning, before Kim goes to work, she sees to it that she waters her gumamela plant. As a result, the plant blooms and grows healthy. What text structure is used in the text? A. Cause and effect B. Problem and solution C. Sequence D. Description 7. Mrs. Perez, my Science teacher, gave us an assignment to research the layers of the atmosphere. Which reference material should I use? A. Atlas B. Almanac C. encyclopedia D. dictionary 8. What reference material should you use if you want to know the meaning, etymology, and variation of words? A. Atlas B. Almanac C. encyclopedia D. dictionary 9. Which reference material features current events and facts like sports records, statistical data, and tables? A. Atlas B. Almanac C. encyclopedia D. dictionary 10. It was a glorious morning in Laguna. The sun was shining through the trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished. It was so funny to watch those dogs paddle around the lake. What is the mood of the selection? A. Happy B. Gloomy C. Frightening D. suspenseful​


1. A. Bandwagon

2. D. Testimonial

3. B. Name calling

4. D. Description

5. B. Problem and solution

6. A. Cause and Effect

7. C. Encyclopedia

8.D. Dictionary

9. B. Almanac

10. A. Happy


I hope it helps Correct me if I am wrong

5. 1. During the_______________, theater performances were not allowed throughout Europe. To keep the theater alive, minstrels, though denounced by the Church, performed in markets, public places, and festivals.2. _________________– the plays were derived from imitation; there were no traces of their origin. 3. During the_____________, melodrama and operas became the most popular theatrical forms. Melodramas originated from the French word melodrama, which is derived from Greek melos, which means “music” and French drame, which is derived from the Greek dran to “perform”.4. The famous actor and poet who emerged in Renaissance period was___________________. He was an English poet, playwright, and actor and was regarded as the greatest writer and dramatist in the whole world.5. _______________– these plays contain comic elements to lighten the overall mood or a serious play with a happy ending. This is a short, lighthearted tailpiece performed after each trilogy of tragedies. 6. The theater building was called___________. It is a large, open-air structures constructed on the sloped of hills and consisted of three main elements: the orchestra, the skene and the audience.7. _________________- (a compound of two Greek words tragos or “goat” and “won” meaning ode or song) was the most admired type of play. It dealt with tragic events and have an unhappy ending specially one concerning the downfall of the main character.8. The theater of _____________is marked by the use technology in current Broadways or commercial plays. The theater crew uses machine for special effects and scene changes which may be changed in a matter of seconds with the use of ropes and pulleys.9. The _________________was one of the first permanent (non-wooden) theaters in Rome, whose structure was somewhat like the Theatron of Athens. 10.__________________. This is the area of a theater surrounding the stage opening. Arches frame and divide the stage from the audience. ​


1. Medieval era

2. Comedy plays

3. French Revolution

4. William Shakespeare

5. Tragicomedy

6. Theatron

7. Tragoidia

8. Baroque period

9. Triumvir pompey

10. Proscenium



6. _____18. A collection of articles about current events usually published daily. A.    Atlas                             B. Newspaper              C. Card Catalog _____19. A collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic or professional field. A.    Journal                          B. Database                      C. Magazine _____20. Contains citations of articles in magazines, journals, and newspapers. They may also contain citations to podcasts, blogs, videos, and other media types. A.    Journal                         B. Database                       C. Magazine _____21. A collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular interest and current events. A.    Journal                          B. Database                       C. Magazine _____22. It is a story’s atmosphere or the feeling that the reader gets from the story. A.    Mood                    B. Tone                               C. Purpose of the Author _____23. It is the author’s attitude towards the subject. A.    Mood                    B. Tone                               C. Purpose of the Author _____24. After reading the novel, I felt so depressed. What does the statement signify? A.    Mood                    B. Tone                               C. Purpose of the Author _____25. What does reading a news article provide the readers? A.    Entertainment    B. Gossip                             C. Information       Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that corresponds to the general reference the item is referring to. _____26. You are participating in the spelling bee at your school. The teacher says a word you do not know. When you ask her to give you the definition, where might the teacher get this information? A.    Almanac                                              C. Thesaurus B.     Directories                                          D. Dictionary _____27. You are reading a book and you have encountered a difficult word. You would like to know its synonyms to figure out what its definition is. Where can you find the synonym for this word? A.    Dictionary                                           C. Thesaurus                                B.     Almanac                                              D. Encyclopedia _____28. You are tasked by your Social Studies teacher to get current information about the number of dengue cases in Western Visayas. Where can you get this up- to- date information about the outbreak? A.    Almanac                                              C. Newspaper B.     Encyclopedia                                      D. Magazines _____29. Your science teacher has given you the task to give the information on the number and names of typhoons that hit the Philippines in the year 2018. What book will give you the list? A.    Almanac                                              C. Atlas B.     Encyclopedia                                      D. Newspaper _____30. Your teacher assigned you to get the information about tamaraws. She particularly asked you to gather information about its way of living in the forest. Where would you get this information? A.    Encyclopedia                                      C. Almanac B.     Magazine                                            D.  Newspaper     Directions: Answer Yes if the statement is true and No if it is false. Write your answer in your notebook.                  _____31. The dictionary can be used in getting the meaning of unfamiliar words. _____32. The encyclopedia would be the best resource to use to look for the pronunciation of a word. _____33. An almanac would be the best to use if you were asked to find the largest river. _____34. The atlas is the best resource to use if you needed to find the location of Cebu. _____35. The thesaurus would be the best resource to use if you needed another word for “quiet”.   Directions: From the words below, identify the appropriate reference material to be used to locate these pieces of information.                     Almanac                      Magazine                            Dictionary                     Atlas                             Encyclopedia                      Thesaurus _____36. Words with the same meaning as rendezvous. _____37. The definition of the word jeopardy. _____38. Bodies of water surrounding the Philippines. _____39. Explanation of biochemistry. _____40. The Seven Wonders of Nature.​


ewn q to d q maintindihan sorry











thats all i can help, hope it helps..

7. I. Read and analyze the following questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. Almanacs are published annually. What does it mean?A. They are published every year.C. They are published everyday.B. They are published every month.D. They are published every two years.2. A book containing an alphabetical list of words and their meanings.A. EncyclopediaB. ThesaurusC. Dictionary3. Which volume of the encyclopedia would you use to research baseball?A.LB. B.C.SD. E4. What tool would you use to help you plan your trip across the country?A. EncyclopediaB. AtlasC. Dictionary5. A one volume book of current facts and information, published every year, contains figures, tables, graphs,charts and list. Includes sports records, birthdays of famous people etc.A. EncyclopediaB. News paperC. ThesaurusD. Almanac6. Reference materials give us factual information to make our work accurate easy to understand.A. TrueB. FalseC. MaybeD. None of the above7. The Thesaurus lists synonyms and definitions so that we can add variety to our word choices.A. TrueB. falseC. Not sureD. all of the above8. The author's attitude or feelings towards the writing is theA. MoodB. toneC. purposeD. the feeling the reader gets as he/she reads the text.ed! AsA. MoodB. ToneC. StoryD. emotion SoH10. Authors set a tone or mood in literature by conveying an emotion or emotions throughA. SpaceB. wordsC. heightD. funny faces11. What is the tone of the following text?"I will not!" she shouted. “I will not be left at the mercy of our enemies while you slink away!"A. PleasedB. happyC. angryD. suspicious​


1. A

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. B

11. C

Mark me as the brainliest, thank you!

8. IV.Each of the literary terms in the list will be used exactly once. Write the correct term on the blank line for each definition. (21pts.) Allusion Climax Foreshadowing Flashback Genre Imagery Irony Metaphor Mood Narrator Onomatopeia Parody Personification Refrain Satire Setting Sonnet Subplot Symbol Theme tone _____________________1. is a literary device that allows writers to show their audience specific events that happened before the current action of the story. _____________________2. is a category system that literature falls into based on specific conventions that develop to characterize the differences. _____________________3. can be verbal, situational or dramatic and has the result of the meaning, situation or action being one thing but meaning something different. _____________________4. is a type of literary work that satirizes another work, its author or the ideas presented. _____________________5. is a type of literary device where an author ridicules specific people, groups or some aspect of society. _____________________6. is where a story takes place. _____________________7. is a type of poem that has a specific rhyme and meter. 8. is a minor story that runs inside the main story. ____________________9. is a concrete or physical object that represents an abstract concept. ____________________10. is how the writer feels about his subject that comes through based upon the types of words chosen. ____________________11. is how the reader feels about the story. ____________________12. is an abstraction that represents the central idea of the story. ____________________13. tells the story either in the first, second or third person point of view. ____________________14. is the most exciting part of a story where all of the main conflict comes together. ____________________15. is an intentional reference to another literary work or piece of art that the reader should understand in order to make connections. ____________________16. is when the author hints at actions that will come in the future. ____________________17. is a word that describes words that represent sounds. ____________________18. is a comparison of two different things to make them more alike. ____________________19. is when authors give human traits to animals or some other lifeless object. ____________________20. is repetition of sounds or words to form a pattern. ____________________21. is a writer’s vivid description that helps readers visualize.























sana maka hepl

9. 11. What do you call the artwork that involves the carving, modelling, casting, constructing, and assembling of materials and objects into primarily three-dimensional works of art? *1 pointPotterySculpturePaintingArchitecture12. Art as representation says the aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things but their inward significance. What are the three parts of representation? *1 pointObject, Manner, MeansArtists, Medium, MessageModel, Material, ContentSubject, Elements, Idea13. This refers to the emotional and intellectual message that the artist is trying to convey to their audience using their artworks. *1 pointSubjectMaterialFunctionsContent14. One philosophical view of art says that art is an imitation of the reality that was an imitation of the ideal”. It suggests that art imitates our lives here on earth which is just an imitation of the ideal world. Which philosopher proposed this idea? *1 pointPlatoKantSocratesAristotle15. What is the kind of art that utilizes the rhythmic movement of the body to express an idea or tell a story? *1 pointTheaterDanceFilmPoetry PerformanceArtwork #116. What is the subject of the art above? *1 pointThe paintingThe girl with her arms raises above her head and the shadow of an angel behind hereThe message that we can be successful if we persevereThe painting used the principles and design of value, emphasis, and color17. What is the content of the art above? *1 pointThe paintingThe girl with her arms raises above her head and the shadow of an angel behind hereThe message that we can be successful if we persevereValue, emphasis, and color18. Angel went to the museum to see the artwork above. Upon seeing the art, she felt delighted and happiness. Angel feel empowered as he appreciated and analyzed the painting. What classification of art function did the art provide? *1 pointPersonal FunctionPhysical FunctionSocial FunctionDirect Function19. Kant proposed the idea of “Art for Art’s sake”. He suggested that Art has its own reason for being. Why? *1 pointHe believed that art can be enjoyed by all the people in society.He believed that the value of an artwork is based only on the aesthetic pleasure and delight it gives.He believed that art is the representation of what we see in our surroundings.He believed that art is just an imitation of the imitation of the world of ideas.20. The Social Function of Art seeks to influence the collective behavior of people. In which of the following scenarios can we see the effect of the social function of art? *1 pointA group of students went to the museum to see the Mona Lisa painting. They looked up the history of the artwork to know more about the artwork. They left after they got tired of admiring the art.Mingyu’s family went to see the Eiffel tower to admire the architectural design. They were amazed and delighted at the beautiful design of the structure.The Paris Fashion Week was recently held last week in France. Artistic attires and creative clothes made by renowned designers were unveiled for the first time to the audience.A sculpture of George Floyd, a victim of racial profiling, was erected in New York City. It serves as a reminder to everyone should make a stand against the discrimination of minorities.21. Applied arts is the application of design and decoration to everyday objects to make them aesthetically pleasing. What are the two classifications of functions can are usually seen in applied arts? *1 pointPersonal and Physical Function of ArtPersonal and Social Function of ArtSocial and Physical Function of ArtPersonal, Physical and Social Function of Art22. Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. This type of art form is perceived through our sense of hearing. Under which type of art function does music fall? *1 pointDirect Functional ArtIndirect Functional Art23. Theater is a type of performing/combined art that uses live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event. Aside from actors, the backstage crew is also important as they make sure that the mood or scenery is set up appropriately to the current scene in the show. What are the art factors that are involved in theater? *1 pointThe way the actors act their rolesThe design aspects like scenery, costume, lighting, and soundThe script that the actors usedAll of the aboveArtwork #224. Examine the art above. What art categories does it belong to? *1 pointApplied ArtDigital ArtVisual ArtCombined/Performing ArtArtwork #325. Examine the art above. What art categories does it belong to? *1 pointApplied ArtDigital ArtVisual ArtCombined/Performing Art​


11. sculpture

12.Object, Manner, Means




thats all


10. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question. I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly afternoons: dreadful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight, with nipped fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed. The said Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round their mama in the drawing-room: she lay reclined on a sofa by the fireside, and with her darlings about her (for the time neither quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly happy. She and I had dispensed from joining the group; saying, "She regretted to be under the necessity of keeping me at a distance; but that until she heard from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation, that I was endeavouring in good earnest to acquire a more sociable and childlike disposition, a more attractive and sprightly manner- something lighter, franker, more natural, as it were-she really must exclude me from privileges intended only for contented, happy, little children." "What does Bessie say I have done?" I asked. "Jane, I don't like cavillers or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that 174 manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent." A breakfast-room adjoined the drawing- room, I slipped in there. It contained a bookcase: I soon possessed myself of a volume, taking care that it should be one stored with pictures. I mounted into the window-seat: gathering up my feet, I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close, I was shrined in double retirement. Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass, protecting, but not separating me from the drear November day. At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon. Afar, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and stormbeat shrub, with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast. Excerpt from Jane Eyre (Chapter 1) by Charlotte Brontë6.)what is the theme of passage?A. the kind and characteristics of winter that the character experiences during novemberB. the emotions and situation of the character as conveyed by the setting of the narrativeC. the escape that the character seeks to have from current situation D. the characteristics of the place and the family to which the character is situated7.) what does the word caviller in the fifth paragraph most nearly means?A. someone who is extremely curious B. a disrespectful child C. a person who raises trivial objections D. annoyingly noisy people 8.) which of the following inferences is supported by the second and third paragraphs? A. a jane was under the care of a family not her own B. jane was scolded by their mother and was therefore secluded from the company of her siblings.C. bessei was speaking ill of jane. D. mrs. read simply wanted jane to be a happy child 9.) the word "dinner" as used in the second of the first paragraph means:A. the heavy taken in the evening B. a complete meal at a fixed price in a reataurant C. a public banquet in honor of someone D. the main meal of the day taken at midday 10.) what best describes the mood of jane?A. lazy B. angry C. serious D. somber​









11. II. Select the sentence that best expresses the main idea Box.11. Kittens need special care. You have to feed kittens twice a day. They have a lot of energy. You need to play with them oftenKittens will chew on almost anything they find. You have to watch them closely.12. Before clocks were made, people kept track of time by other means. In ancient Egypt, people used a water clock Water drippedslowly from one clay pot into another. People measured time according to how long it took one pot to empty and the other one tofill. Candle clocks were common during the Middle Ages. As such, when a candle burned, marks on its side showed about howmuch time had passed. A final ancient way to measure time was the sundial, which used the movement of the sun across the skyThe shadows moving across the face of the sundial showed the current time13. There are great numbers of deer around here. This whole area is great place for hunters and fishermen There are bears,mountain lions, and coyotes. To the east there are streams full of trout, and there are ducks and geese14. Advertising affects our lives every day. Brand names are common household words. We start each day using the toothpastesoap, and breakfast foods promoted by advertisers. Ads have made the cars we drive signs of our success Our choices of food,dress, and entertainment are swayed by ads.15. The physical environment of a classroom is extremely important. It can influence the way teachers and students feel, thmk, andbehave. If a student feels pressured, under stress, unhappy, or unsafe, it would be impossible for her or him to learn the lessonsplanned by the educator. Likewise, if a teacher feels unhappy or disorganized because of the classroom's lack of order or detail, theability for her to teach is greatly diminished.16. Apples can be used to make many delicious treats. Some people like to slice apples and dip them in caramel. Others like to cookthem and make them into apple jam. You might enjoy cutting apples and bake them into a pie or maybe you like to use freshlypicked apples to make fresh apple juice. Many people like to just pick apple and eat it right away.17. Chameleons change color for different reasons. They may change color to help their bodies adjust to changes in temperature oflight. They may also change colors depending on certain moods such as fear or excitement.18. Some kinds of bats eat many insects. Some bats can eat up to 600 mosquitoes in one hour. Bats are helpful to the environmentWithout bats, we would have too many insects.19 Sloths are the slowest mammals on earth. It takes a full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet across the ground You probablycouldn't move that slowly if you tried! The sloth's body is about 2 feet long. It has long legs, and curved claws that are 3 to 4 incheslong. Their claws and their long legs help them climb trees and hang from tree branches. They spend almost their entire liveshanging from tree branches.20. Exercise is crucial to our lives. Doctors recommend we exercise at least two times a week. Exercise does not necessarily need tobe done in the gym; it can consist of an outdoor walk or bike ride. It not only controls weight, but it combats many health conditionsand diseases. Another added benefit to exercise is its mood boosting qualities.​

diko.alam yan kaya sa iba mona lng ipasagot hehe sorry

12. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and if it is incorrect write FALSE. ___6. The reaction of other people is an essential aspect of gaining the actual self or our self-image. ___7. In knowing yourself, you don't need to compare yourself to others to gain insight into your behavior. ___8. Positive and negative feedback from others also creates an impact on self-concept.___9. Having your world means you cannot create or nurture what you can be or improve your current self. ___10. In knowing our self, we must have social interaction with others. ___11. In knowing oneself, we become aware of how these moods and emotions affect your state your mind. ___12. To know yourself better, you must accept all the positive and negative feedback coming from other people. ___13. Being a private person means we cannot develop our actual selves. ___14. The parents have a unique and essential role in reinforcing and shaping the self-concept of the children.___15. One great way of assessing the self and know how much the individual knows the self is by asking the people around them.​













it's just for my own answer pwede mo naman Ako I correct kung Mali


13. What is the theme of the passage? *1 pointa. the kind and characteristics of winter that the character experiences during Novemberb. the emotions and situation of the character as conveyed by the setting of the narrativec. the escape that the character seeks to have from her current situationd. the characteristics of the place and the family to which the character is situated7. What does the word caviller in the fifth paragraph most nearly means? *1 pointa. Someone who is extremely curiousb. A disrespectful childc. A person who raises trivial objectionsd. Annoyingly noisy people8. Which of the following inferences is supported by the second and third paragraphs? *1 pointa. Jane was under the care of a family not her own.b. Jane was scolded by their mother and was therefore secluded from the company of her siblings.c. Bessie was speaking ill of Jane.d. Mrs. Reed simply wanted Jane to be a happy child.9. The word “dinner” as used in the second sentence of the first paragraph means: *1 pointa. The heavy meal taken in the eveningb. A complete meal at a fixed price in a restaurantc. A public banquet in honor of someoned. The main meal of the day taken at midday10. What best describes the mood of Jane? *1 pointa. lazyb. angryc. seriousd. somber​


6.b the emotions and situation of the character as conveyed by the setting of the narrative

7.a someone who is extremely curious.

8.c Bessie was speaking ill of Jane.

9.d the main meal of the day taken at midday

10.a lazy








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