Angular Movement

Angular Movement

This sensor detects and varies with an angular movement, angular slope,angular motion,axes of the reference plane?​

Daftar Isi

1. This sensor detects and varies with an angular movement, angular slope,angular motion,axes of the reference plane?​


inclinometer or clinometer is an instrument used for measuring angles of slope.

2. it is a unit of angular movement​


Radian siguro


based on my research

3. it is unit of angular movement.a.centimeter b.parameter d.temperaturetd po yan​


C. Degree

Explanation: C. degree

4. The angular position of a point on a rotating wheel is given by θ = 5.91 + 9.00t2 + 4.91t3, where θ is in radians and t is in seconds. At t = 0, what are (a) the point's angular position and (b) its angular velocity? (c) What is its angular velocity at t = 5.96 s? (d) Calculate its angular acceleration at t = 2.54 s. (e) Is its angular acceleration constant?


The angular position of a point on a rotating wheel is given by θ = 5.91 + 9.00t2 + 4.91t3, where θ is in radians and t is in seconds. At t = 0, what are (a) the point's angular position and (b) its angular velocity? (c) What is its angular velocity at t = 5.96 s? (d) Calculate its angular acceleration at t = 2.54 s. (e) Is its angular acceleration constant?


star lng po gusto ko salamat

5. what is the difference between angular displacement and angular velocity​

1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g

6. in physics, a radian per sec. is a unit of: a. angular displacementb. angular velocityc. angular accelerationd. angular momentum​

letter apple boy cat dog

7. angular displacement example


The angle made by the body from its point of rest at any point in the rotational motion is the angular displacement. For example- If a dancer dancing around a pole does one full rotation, his or her angular rotation will be 360o . On the other hand, he or she makes half a rotation; the displacement will be 180o


Can u just pls make me brainliest

8. what is the prefix of angular?​


Angular provides solution to change the prefix name.


for an example :- you created component called 'home' component using angular cli command. by default, home component selector is like <app-home> and you want to change this to your prefix name like <myprefix-home> .

9. Find the final angular velocity of the blades of electric blender whirling with an angular velocity of +375


NASA baba po sagotsana makatulong



get a good time to get a good time to get the best of luck in the your not a free download of luck to get a good day to get

10. the angular momentum is at?​


In physics, angular momentum (rarely, moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It is an important quantity in physics because it is a conserved quantity—the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant.


Sana makatulong :')

i found it at googke

11. this is an artistic movement that shows inspiration from geometric and organic forms and preferred sophisticated design that united angular and flowing forms​

Organic vs. Geometric Shapes. SHAPE is a closed space made when a line connects to itself. ORGANIC: shapes, often curvilinear in appearance, that are similar to those found in nature, such as plants, animals, and rocks. GEOMETRIC: any shapes and based on math principles, such as a square, circle, and triangle.


1. Art Nouveau




12. Briefly discuss the relationship of the angular coordinate, angular acceleration, and time derivative.​


Briefly discuss the relationship of the angular coordinate, angular acceleration, and time derivative.

13. it is a unit of angular measurement​




Radian is a unit of angle, equal to an angle at the center of a circle whose arc is equal in length to the radius.

The radian is the derived quantity of angular measurement in the SI system. By definition, it is dimensionless, though it may be specified as rad to avoid ambiguity. Angles measured in degrees, are shown with the symbol °. Subdivisions of the degree are minute (symbol ′, 1′ = 1/60°) and second {symbol ″, 1″ = 1/3600°}.

sana makatulong po

14. what is angular velocity

the rate at which an object rotates relative to a certain fixed point

15. 2. Which statement best describe impressionism movement?A Distorted melodyB. Angular Melodies C. Extreme contrast of dynamics D. Suggest reality​


A. Distorted melody


Sana makatulong

16. A rotating disk experiencing uniform angular acceleration starts from rest to an angular speed of 3.14 rad/s in 10.0 s. what is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the disk


Step 1: List the given values.

The angular velocity of a rotating object at rest is zero.

[tex]\begin{aligned} & t = \text{10.0 s} \\ & \omega_0 = 0 \\ & \omega = \text{3.14 rad/s} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Step 2: Calculate the angular acceleration.

[tex]\begin{aligned} \alpha & = \frac{\omega - \omega_0}{t} \\ & = \frac{\text{3.14 rad/s} - 0}{\text{10.0 s}} \\ & = \boxed{\text{0.314 rad/s}^2} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Hence, the angular acceleration of a rotating disk is 0.314 rad/s².



17. find the angular velocity


The angular velocity is already given, that is 45 revolutions per second. We are required to convert the unit to radians per second. Therefore,

[tex]\sf 45\;\dfrac{rev}{s} \times\dfrac{2\pi\;rad}{1\;rev} =282.7\;radians\;per\;second[/tex]

Note: 1 revolution is equal to 2π radians (about 6.283 radians).

18. find the angular velocity


need points


sorry talga

19. 6. It is a unit of angular movementA. centimeterB. parameterC. degreeD. temperature​


B po


sana makatulong po sayo

20. Which statement correctly relates the torque and the angular momentum of a system? A. The summation of torque is the change in angular momentum of a system per time. B. The summation of torque is the product of the angular momentum and the angular velocity of a system. C. The summation of torque in a system is the ratio of the angular momentum and the moment of inertia of the system. D. The summation of torque is the rate of change of the product of angular momentum and moment of inertia.



Step-by-step explanation:

I think it's is letter B

21. 4. It is the quantity of rotation of a body, which is the product of its moment of inertia and its angularvelocitya. Angular speedc. Angular Momentumb. Angular Aread. Angular Velocity​


d.angular velocity


letter d po sagot

22. difference between angular beam and angular blocks

Spot beam antennas are required to produce a beam covering a small region of the earth's surface. The angular width of the beam is inversely proportional to the diameter of the antenna.


Read it to understand,don't judge me about this because this question is little bit harder for me.


the between the two open sources frame work is that

Agular is typescrip-based (suerset of ES6) while angular J's is based on JavaScript.this essentially implies that there will be deferences ok n their components.

23. 2. Angular Unconformity​

An angular unconformity is an unconformity where horizontally parallel strata of sedimentary rock are deposited on tilted and eroded layers, producing an angular discordance with the overlying horizontal layers. The whole sequence may later be deformed and tilted by further orogenic activity.

24. Hello! I was wondering if you can find time by dividing the angular displacement to angular velocity?


angular velocity () is a vector quantity and is equal to the angular displacement (Δ, a vector quantity) divided by the change in time (Δ). Speed is equal to the arc length traveled (S) divided by the change in time (Δ), which is also equal to ||R

25. Angular momentum of 6p


2Zr/ne = 2.71828 approximately. Z = effective nuclear charge for that orbital in that atom. ρ = 2Zr/n where n is the principal quantum number (6 for the 6p orbitals)


#sana makatulong po salamat

#happy learning

26. what is Angular and react?​


angular is a full fledged framework while react is a library

27. In physics, a radian per second is a unit of: w) angular displacement x) angular velocity y) angular acceleration z) angular momentum.

Radian per second is the unit of Angular velocity.

28. A ferris wheel rotating initially at an angular speed of 0.16 rad/s accelerates to an angular speed of 0.7 rad/s. What is its angular acceleration if it moved to an angular position if 2.5 rad? ​


Step 1: List the given values.

[tex]\begin{aligned} & \theta = \text{2.5 rad} \\ & \omega_0 = \text{0.16 rad/s} \\ & \omega = \text{0.7 rad/s} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Step 2: Calculate the angular acceleration.

[tex]\begin{aligned} \alpha & = \frac{\omega^2 - \omega_0^2}{2\theta} \\ & = \frac{(\text{0.7 rad/s})^2 - (\text{0.16 rad/s})^2}{2(\text{2.5 rad})} \\ & = \text{0.09288 rad/s}^2 \\ & \approx \boxed{\text{0.093 rad/s}^2} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Hence, the angular acceleration of a ferris wheel is 0.093 rad/s².



29. describe the Angular unconformity


is an unconformity where horizontally parallel strata of sedimentary rock are deposited on tilted and eroded layers, producing an angular discordance with the overlying horizontal layers.


Is ann unconformity where horizontally parallel strata of cedimentary rock are deposited on filted and eroded layers, producing an angular discordance with the overlying horizontal layers

30. kahulugan Ng angular​


having angles or sharp distance

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