Algae Type Of Reproduction

Algae Type Of Reproduction

It is the simplest form of sexual reproduction in algae. a.Angiosperm b.Sexual reproduction c.Conjugation d.Asexual reproduction

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1. It is the simplest form of sexual reproduction in algae. a.Angiosperm b.Sexual reproduction c.Conjugation d.Asexual reproduction

Answer:The simplest algal sexual method, conjugation, occurs when two individuals fuse, share genetic material and then separate. The fusion in some species takes place via special tubes. In most multicellular species of algae, individuals produce special sex cells, called gametes, that contain only one set of chromosomes.

Explanation:C PO PA Brainliest PO THANKS

2. it is the simplest form of sexual reproduction in algae​




The simplest form of sexual reproduction in algae is conjugation, in which two similar organisms fuse, exchange genetic material, and then break apart.

#CarryOnLearning :)

3. This is a structure found in bacteria and algae that is essential for asexual reproduction





4. 18. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefsconsidered mutualistic?A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.C. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.melicke bolo​






Correct me if i'm wrong...

5. 5. Which of the following plants reproduce through sexual reproduction?a. Algaec. grassb. Garlicd. papaya​

Answer: Papaya is the plants reproduce through sexual


6. 1. A lichen is a combination of fungus and algae that tives on the sides oftrees, rocks, and other materials. The fungus provides the algae with water and minerals and the algae use the water and minerals to make food for both organisms What type of relationship does the lichen represent? a. Parasitism b. Commensalism c. Mutualism brainliest ko po nakasagot​

C po

hope it helps pa brainlist po

7. Types Asexual of No. Parent Reproduction Involved Binary fission One Regeneration One Budding two Fragmentation One Spor Beformation vegatative Propagation One of Similarities of Offspring to Parents Parts of the Examples Body of where the Organisms Offspring Arise Jelly fish Sea lanemones Fungi Algae Bryophyllum ^ Atypes of asexual reproduction:binary fissionRegenerationBuddingFragmentationSpore formationvegetative propagationpleasee answear correctly i meed the answear today




Binary fission: a single organism divides into two identical daughter cells or offspring. This is common in prokaryotes such as bacteria.Regeneration: an organism can regrow lost or damaged body parts, resulting in new offspring. This is common in certain animals such as worms and starfish.Budding: a small, undeveloped offspring grows out of the parent organism and becomes separated from it, forming a new individual. This is common in yeast and some invertebrates.Fragmentation: an organism breaks into multiple pieces, and each piece develops into a new individual. This is common in certain animals such as flatworms and sponges.Spore formation: specialized cells called spores are produced, which can then develop into new individuals under suitable conditions. This is common in plants and fungi.Vegetative propagation: a part of the parent plant, such as a stem or root, grows into a new individual. This is common in plants such as strawberry plants.

8. 5. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefsconsidered mutualistic?A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from coralsC. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.​

D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.

9. 8. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefsconsidered mutualistic?A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.C. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.​

Answer:B. The corals receive oxygen from algae. The algae get protection from corals.Explanation:

In the tissues of the majority of reef-building corals, photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae exist. Mutualism exists between corals and algae. Coral provides a safe environment for algae and the chemicals necessary for photosynthesis. In exchange, the algae assist the coral in eliminating wastes and producing oxygen. Most significantly, zooxanthellae provide the coral with glucose, glycerol, and amino acids, all of which are photosynthetic products. The coral utilizes these products to synthesize proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and calcium carbonate. The interaction between algae and coral polyps enables nutrient recycling in nutrient-depleted tropical environments. Indeed, up to 90% of the organic material created by the zooxanthellae is transmitted to the host coral tissue via photosynthesis. This is the primary factor contributing to the coral reefs' growth and productivity.

Along with delivering vital nutrients to corals, zooxanthellae contribute to the unique and stunning hues found on various stony corals. Occasionally, the polyps shed their algal cells when corals are physically disturbed, leaving the stark colony white. This is referred to as "coral bleaching" in the popular press. Coral bleaching can result in the coral's mortality if the polyps go too long without zooxanthellae.

For more related information, you may visit these links:


10. An algae that possesses features possessed by both algae and protozoa.


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11. 8. A plant that grows a new plant from a piece of the stem has which type of reproduction?A NonsexualB SexualUnisexualD. Asexual7. Spirogyra are green algae that can reproduce sexually. Which of the following features identifies reproduction in Spirogyra assexual reproduction?A The cells of parent algae have nucleiB. Each offspring contains chloroplasts.C. Several offspring may be produced at once.D. Genetic material contributed by two parents​


1.D. asexual

2. D. Genetic material contributed by two parents

12. 5. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefsconsidered mutualistic?A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.C. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.D. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.​


The corals and algae have a mutualistic relationship. The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes


Sorry if wrong


B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.

13. ano yong brown algae at red algae​

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[tex]\color{brown}\large\texttt{Kayumangging lumot} [/tex][tex]\color{red}\large\texttt{Pulang lumot} [/tex]

[tex]\color{magenta}\tiny\underline{follow \: me} [/tex]☃️☕

14. kahulugan ng green algae, brown algae, at red algae​


red alga


: any of a division (Rhodophyta) of chiefly marine algae that have predominantly red pigmentation

First use: 1852

brown alga


: any of a division (Phaeophyta) of variable mostly marine algae with chlorophyll masked by brown pigment

First use: circa 1899

green alga


: any of a division (Chlorophyta) of green-colored algae that have chloroplasts and occur especially in freshwater

First use: 1849

15. What type of algae is commonly called as “sea weed?” *​


Botanists refer to these broad groups as Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae and Chlorophyceae, respectively. Brown seaweeds are usually large, and range from the giant kelp i.e., often 20 m long, to thick, leather-like seaweeds from 2-4 m long, to smaller species 30-60 cm long



Brown algae

Brown algae (class Phaeophyceae) commonly found as seaweeds include kelps and Fucus.


pa brainliest po sana po ma notice

16. Which is NOT TRUE about algae? a. Algae has several types like chlorophytes, rhodophytes dinoflagellates, etc. b. Algae can produce their own food c. Algae is an animal-like protist


ç po

pa brainles po thanks


c.) is not true answer, yan ang tamang sagot








Letter B is the answer

Pa brainliest po

18. How many types of known Plants, Fungus, and Algae are there on Earth?


Scientists now have an answer. There are about 391,000 species of vascular plants currently known to science, of which about 369,000 species (or 94 percent) are flowering plants, according to a report by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the United Kingdom.

19. 1. A lichen is a combination of fungus and algae that lives on the sides of trees, rocks, andother materials. The fungus provides the algae with water and minerals and the algae use thewater and minerals to make food for both organisms. What type of relationship does thelichen represent?A parasitismB. mutualismC. competitionD. commensalism​


B. Mutualism


Mutualism is a relationship between individuals of different species that benefits them both. It is a give-and-take relationship. For example, a bee collects nectar from flowers and pollen stick to their legs. When a bee lands on another flower, they will pollinate it. The flowers get to reproduce.

For more information, you may see:


20. Spirogyra are green algae that can reproduce sexually. Which of the following identifies reproduction in Spirogyra as sexual reproduction?a. the cells of parent algae have nuclei.b. each offspring contains chloroplastsc. several offspring may be produced at onced. genetic material is contributed by two parents cells​


d. genetic material is contributed by two parents cells

21. blue-green algae types​


Blue- pink type me


have a nice day

22. what type of oraganism is plankton and algae

What type of organism is plankton?

Phytoplankton are microscopic plants, but they play a huge role in the marine food web. Like plants on land, phytoplankton perform photosynthesis to convert the sun's rays into energy to support them, and they take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

What are Phytoplankton?

Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants. Among the common kinds are cyanobacteria, silica-encased diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, and chalk-coated coccolithophores.

23. 3. Why is the relationship between the corals and the algae in the coral reefs considered mutualistic?a. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the algae.b. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.c. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the algae are harmed.d. The corals and algae live together without harming each other.​



The corals and algae have a mutualistic relationship. The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes.

B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae get protection from corals.


24. 9. Eutrophication is one of human activities that can cause changes in abiotiefactors. How these activities can affect the bodies of water?A. controlled reproduction of algae over the fishB. dissolving of oxygen because of decomposed algaeC. salinity of the water will not be affectedD. uncontrolled reproduction of fish​


c salinty of the water will not be affected

25. give types of fungi barteria and algae


types of fungi barteriaChytridiomycota (chytrids)Zygomycota (bread molds)Ascomycota (yeasts and sac fungi) Basidiomycota (club fungi).

types of algaeBrown Algae (Phaeophyta)Green Algae (Chlorophyta)Red Algae (Rhodophyta)


Types of Bacteria


2.bread molds

3.ascomycota fungi

Types of algae








26. 13. How are algae classified into smaller groups? a. according to their habitat b. based on their mode of reproduction c. according to the pigments they contain d. whether they are unicellular or multicellular

Meron po bang story?

27. 14. Agar is used for culturing several types of bacteria. This can be foundina, red algaeb. brown algaegreen algaed. golden algae​


b.brown algae


brown algae

28. 3. Algae and fungi can live together, forming lichen. The algae produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis, providing nutrients to both the algae and the fungi. The fungi provide moisture for the algae.​


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29. what are the three classifications of algae based on the pigments they contain?? essay type


Algae are simple organisms that bears chlorophyll. They are the simplest forms of producers in the food chain. Algaes can be classified into three: chlorophyceae also known as green algae, phaeophyceae also known as brown algae and rhodophyceae also known as red algae. The pigments of green algae are pigments chlorophyll a and b. The pigments brown algae are chlorophyll a,c, carotenoids and xanthophyll pigments. The pigments of red algae are red pigment and r-phycoerythrin.

~hope it helps~

30. Describe differences among the depicted forms of reproduction?a. Parameciumb. Hydra c. filamentous alga d. fungus e. Two frogs​

Describe differences among the depicted forms of reproduction?

C. Filamentous alga the depicted forms of reproduction.

Hope it helps

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