Reflection Paper In Romeo And Juliet

Reflection Paper In Romeo And Juliet

make reflection paper about romeo and juliet ​

Daftar Isi

1. make reflection paper about romeo and juliet ​


Romeo and Juliet is a story of love and hate, fate and free will, life and death. It tells the tale of two young lovers from rival families who defy their parents and society to be together, but end up losing their lives in a tragic twist of fate. The play explores various themes such as the power of love, the role of fate, the influence of family and friends, the effects of violence and revenge, and the meaning of life and death.

One of the themes that I found most interesting in Romeo and Juliet is the power of love. Love is portrayed as a strong and passionate force that can overcome any obstacle, but also as a dangerous and destructive force that can lead to irrational and impulsive actions. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight, and are willing to risk everything for each other. They marry in secret, defy their families, lie to their friends, and even fake their deaths to be together. However, their love also blinds them from seeing the consequences of their actions, and makes them act rashly and recklessly. For example, Romeo kills Tybalt in anger after Tybalt kills Mercutio, which leads to his banishment from Verona. Juliet takes a potion that makes her appear dead, hoping that Romeo will come to rescue her from her arranged marriage with Paris. However, Romeo does not receive the message about her plan, and thinks she is really dead. He then kills himself with poison next to her tomb. Juliet then wakes up and sees him dead, and stabs herself with his dagger. Their love ultimately causes their own deaths, as well as the deaths of others.

Another theme that I found intriguing in Romeo and Juliet is the role of fate. Fate is presented as an inevitable and unavoidable force that controls the lives of the characters. The play begins with a prologue that states that Romeo and Juliet are "star-crossed lovers" who are destined to die because of their families' feud. Throughout the play, there are many references to fate, such as omens, dreams, prophecies, coincidences, and accidents. For instance, Romeo dreams that he will die because of his love for Juliet. Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo does not reach him because of a plague outbreak. Romeo arrives at Juliet's tomb just before she wakes up from her potion-induced sleep. These events suggest that fate has a hand in shaping the outcome of the story, and that the characters have little or no control over their own destinies.

However, I also think that fate is not the only factor that determines the fate of Romeo and Juliet. I think that free will also plays a significant role in their tragedy. The characters make choices that affect their lives and the lives of others. They are not mere puppets of fate, but agents of their own actions. For example, Romeo chooses to go to the Capulet's party where he meets Juliet. Juliet chooses to marry Romeo despite knowing he is a Montague. Friar Laurence chooses to help them by giving them advice and potions. The Nurse chooses to betray Juliet by urging her to marry Paris. These choices have consequences that lead to the tragic ending of the play.

Therefore, I think that Romeo and Juliet is a complex and fascinating play that explores the interplay between love and hate, fate and free will, life and death. It shows how human emotions can be both powerful and dangerous, how human actions can be both noble and foolish, how human lives can be both precious and fragile. It also shows how human conflicts can be resolved by human compassion and forgiveness. The play ends with the reconciliation of the Capulets and the Montagues, who realize their mistake after seeing their children's corpses. They agree to end their feud and honor their memory by building statues of them. The play teaches us that love can transcend hate, but also warns us that love can cause pain if not handled wisely.

2. reflection in romeo and juliet

it fell inlove to each other.

Romeo and Juliet mirrors the love you experience in your youth, more or less, which happens to everyone at a point in their lives.

We saw how love was expressed like a bursting soda where one could not possibly control or contain when it's being shaken/awaken.  

Such kind of love may be infatuation to some, doing probably or possibly seemingly unreasonable things in the eyes of the others, but nevertheless a desperate reaction to the one experiencing it.

It shows us how love can conquer anything just so it can be felt and expressed and beholden.

3. reflection about romeo and juliet

The Story Romeo and Juliet: A Reflection

      Love conquers all. The story Romeo and Juliet portrays immense love that is ready and primed to overcome every obstacles in the way. Though romantic love ( is what was highlighted in the story, still it can be connected to other types of love such as love for family, friends, and for all other things.

       It goes to show, as depicted clearly in the story that love can be very powerful and or immense thing in the lives of people. If one or everyone has this kind of love, what a peaceful and joyful world we can have ( That despite of the struggles or adversities we face daily we are still able to continue because of the love we have in us. That because of love, whatever conflict we have against other people we are ever ready to forgive and be peaceful again (

Just by mere imagining this, it is truly relieving knowing the current state of people's relationship right now, it is no good. Moreover, it is a good thing that we have stories like Romeo and Juliet where we can reflect thoughts about love. Thoughts that we can ponder and apply to whatever beneficial endeavors we are planning to embark in in the future.


4. how romeo die at romeo and juliet


Hearing from his servant that Juliet is dead, Romeo buys poison from an Apothecary in Mantua. He returns to Verona and goes to the tomb where he surprises and kills the mourning Paris. Romeo takes his poison and dies, while Juliet awakens from her drugged coma.

5. Reaction paper for romeo and juliet 150 words and above

Romeo and Juliet is a very interesting yet tragic story. As a Shakespearean piece, it didn't fail to amaze the readers.

The form of the piece was very beautiful. Every line of it was art. It's amazing to see the flow of the story in such a unique manner.

Romeo and Juliet was a mixture of love and rebellion. The young lovers can do everything for each other even if it means meeting with death.

For us, 21st Century Learners, it is quite beyond the norm to meet your lover at a very young age. Juliet, at the time of the story setting was only about 13 that time but that didn't became a barrier for her love to Romeo.

Even with the criticisms from their families and other people, they didn't let it end their relationship.

Most stories that capture people's attention have happy endings but Romeo and Juliet stood out that even if it ended with a tragedy, it became so popular.

Even after Romeo and Juliet's death, their story will be remembered by everyone. A beautiful art is the best way to describe this work of William Shakespear.

6. 4. Create a thesis statement for a reaction paper for Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. 5. Give three possible main ideas to be discussed in a reaction paper for Romeo and Juliet.​

hello I've made a thesis about it too, but its too long so I'll just give you the link


7. pangyayari ng romeo juliet na comparahan ang dulang romeo and julietkaysa romeo and juliet (book)tradisyon ng romeo juliet na comparahan ang dulang romeo and juliet kaysa romeo and juliet (book)pangunahan ng tao ng romeo juliet na comparahan ang dulang romeo and juliet kaysa romeo and juliet (book)kultura ng romeo juliet na comparahan ang dulang romeo and juliet kaysa romeo and juliet (book)


ang Romeo at Julieta (Ingles: Romeo and Juliet) ay isang dulang isinulat ni William Shakespeare.

pinagmulan ang dulang ito sa Inglatera o england

ang kultura nila ay mailalarawan natin sa pagiging makadiyos at pormal na pagkikipag usap

mayaman sa literatura kaya malaking impluwensya sila sa ibat ibang panig ng bansa

8. romeo and juliet reaction paper​

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play that explores themes of love, fate, and sacrifice. The story of the two young lovers is heart-wrenching and serves as a reminder of the destructive power of hatred and the importance of love and compassion.

The characters of Romeo and Juliet are well-developed and their actions and motivations are complex and nuanced. Their love for each other is both beautiful and tragic, as their families' longstanding feud ultimately leads to their untimely deaths.

I found the play to be a moving and powerful exploration of the human experience. The themes of love and sacrifice are universal and timeless, and the story of Romeo and Juliet continues to resonate with audiences today.

Overall, Romeo and Juliet is a classic piece of literature that deserves its place in the canon of great works. Its themes and characters are enduring and its impact on literature and culture is significant.


pa brainliest nalang

9. Reaction paper about romeo and juliet

The Classic Movie Romeo and Juliet that we’ve watched last time presents a good example of a classicalromance and tragic love. As I watch the movie, it gives me a thrilling and challenging sensation on howRomeo and Juliet will overcome the challenges that are continuousl provided throughout the movie. Themovie have so much emotions that it !ring tears to one of m classmate particularl at the ending part."ne of the !est challenges that Romeo and Juliet are facing is when the father of Juliet decide to give the#and of Juliet to a no!le man, ma!e in exchange of name, position in the societ and wealth. And alsothe !iggest pro!lem of Romeo and Juliet throughout the movie is the feud !etween their families.At the ver first start of the Movie it shows a competitive oung men’s competing for a game !ut the wathe stare on each other ou will easil notice that there are ongoing feud !etween them, it ma seem as agame for the others !ut to them if the will lose, the pride the are holding will !e crushed. At the next part, after the game there are also a fight !etween the two families so I thin$ at the start the main point of the movie is all a!out the feud !etween the two families. I ma !e correct in some cases !ut when Iwatched the third scene where Romeo attended the %art on Juliet’s house, he saw Juliet in its prettiestmoment so he as$ed Juliet for a dance !ut a famil related of Juliet saw Romeo. I !ecame nervous at thatmoment !ecause I thin$ there first meet&up would !e a mess !ut hopefull it’s not.'o (umping at the most Crucial %art where Juliet’s father gives her hand for marriage to some no!le manthat came from a powerful and wealth famil. I smpathi)ed with Juliet’s feeling !ecause it reall hurtsdeep inside to marr someone ou (ust $nown for a couple of da and ta$e note ou onl meet for oneda. In this part shows the power of parents over a child, it governs the emotion, the (udgement and etc.Juliet thin$s a!out committing suicide their !ut the father or some her!alist dude help her and give her a potion to sleep deepl and act li$e a dead person. *efore that the her!alist dude explain to Juliet how touse it and how he will inform Romeo a!out this.That part when the execute the plan. The reall thought that Juliet is dead. The father+her!alistcommand one man to deliver a message to Romeo a!out the plan. *ut the rumors or news spread li$e awildfire and came immediatel to one of Romeo’s cousin so he also delivered the ews to Romeo. I thin$ in this part is the start of a mess situation. -o ou imagine that if ever the servant didn’t help one of thevillager and came immediatel to where Romeo is I thin$ it will !ecome a happ ending !ut theauthor+producer pull out a mega twist that it ends up to a traged. It provides me a surge of emotion, from !eing mad, to disappointment and sadness. It feels li$e ou wanted to go inside the movie and tell Romeo/"0 -on’t, it is a lie01At the last part !ecause Romeo got a false news he also thought that Juliet is dead, so he drin$s a potionto $ill himself also. After he died, Juliet suddenl wa$e up from slum!er and found Romeo to !e dead,then she sta! herself a $nife at the a!dominal part that ma$es them !oth dead. I don’t li$e this part !ecause for me it

10. reaction paper for romeo and juliet 100 words

Do it yourself. Trust me you won't learn this way.

11. juliet's descriptions romeo and juliet??​


The daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. A beautiful thirteen-year-old girl, Juliet begins the play as a naïve child who has thought little about love and marriage, but she grows up quickly upon falling in love with Romeo, the son of her family's great enemy.


12. Romeo and juliet 300 words reaction paper please ​


Romeo and Juliet

This story of Romeo and Juliet is good and amazing, this was written by William Shakespeare and this story was very popular back then, I really liked it I'm happy for both Romeo and Juliet they really loved each no matter what, the drama is amazing it really is!, the creator of this is good at making this story of this my reaction on this is priceless it's really good.

hope this helps


Romeo and Juliet

Here, in the famous balcony scene, Romeo and Juliet reveal their love to each other, and at Juliet's suggestion, they plan to marry. In this act it seems that Romeo has forgotten all about Rosaline and has found true love in which Juliet returns unlike with Rosaline.

Here, in the famous balcony scene, Romeo and Juliet reveal their love to each other, and at Juliet's suggestion, they plan to marry. In this act it seems that Romeo has forgotten all about Rosaline and has found true love in which Juliet returns unlike with Rosaline.Shakespeare uses light and dark imagery in this scene. As Romeo stands in the shadows, he looks to the balcony and compares Juliet to the sun. He then asks the sun to rise and kill the envious moon. . Romeo had always compared Rosaline to the moon, and now, his love for Juliet has outshone the moon.The scene takes place at night, illustrating the way Romeo and Juliet's love exists in a world which her family the Capulet’s and Romeo’s family the Montagues are at war with each other. As night ends, the two are forced to part to avoid being discovered by the Capulet kinsmen. Romeo is a very romantic and a dreamer in this scene while Juliet is a practical character. Romeo returns to the religious imagery used between the lovers in their sonnets at the feast when he describes Juliet as, "a bright angel" and "dear saint." The recurring use of religious imagery emphasizes the purity of Romeo and Juliet's love. Romeo begins to display signs of increasing maturity in this scene. Romeo is no longer the melancholy lover of Act I. He has fallen in love with Juliet and they plan to get married. Juliet tells Romeo that she will send the nurse to Romeo for him to send a message to Juliet about their wedding details.

13. Romeo and Juliet Reaction Paper

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic romantic story by Shakespeare, it showed the love between two heirs belonging to two opposing families that had a feud for a long time.  

Characters of Romeo and Juliet:

Romeo Montague Juliet Capulet Tybalt- Romeo’s best friend Count Paris-former fiancé of Juliet

Friar Laurence- the overall guardian of the two lovers, also the one who suggested the potion for faking death

Romeo belongs to the Montague family and Juliet is to the Capulet family. These two families are considered as high and powerful. Their love story began when they met at the Capulet’s party where Romeo snuck into. They saw each other and began meeting secretly ever so often.

Their love is much more on the innocent basis as they still respect their families on the first few times. But when their relationship began known to few of their closest friends, complications breaks loose. Romeo’s friend got shot and Juliet was forced to marry Paris.

It already screams tragic as the author shows all of the world is sort of against their love. But even so, they still find ways to be together and tries to be happy with each other even for a short amount of time. Romeo and Juliet is story worth spending time with as it introduces you that not all romanticized stories require and will have a happy ending.

It also shows it relatedness to the real world where almost everything is complicated and even the simple things in life can be deemed as complicating matters. The ending was indeed tragic but regardless of that fact it also is a unique story from that particular timeline like for examples:

Chivalry- Romeo and Juliet veranda scene is in every depiction of a chivalric move of a man towards a woman. Arranged marriage- an example of this is the arranged marriage of Juliet and Paris, but that ended as Paris also have a lover. Powerful Families- back in that century (1500) families make a name for their selves they call themselves nobility.

Learn More:

14. "Determine the correct order of events as presented in the text. a. Romeo and Juliet meet. b. Juliet fakes her death. c. Romeo’s heart is broken by Rosalind. d. Juliet stabs herself. e. Romeo kills Tybalt. f. Romeo buys a poison. g. Juliet’s father threatens to disown Juliet if she does not marry Paris. h. Juliet’s family gives a feast. i. Romeo is banished. j. Romeo and Juliet are married. "

c. Romeo’s heart is broken by Rosalind.

h. Juliet’s family gives a feast.

a. Romeo and Juliet meet.

j. Romeo and Juliet are married.

e. Romeo kills Tybalt.

i. Romeo is banished.

g. Juliet’s father threatens to disown Juliet if she does not marry Paris.

b. Juliet fakes her death.

f. Romeo buys a poison.

d. Juliet stabs herself.

15. reaction paper about the movie of romeo and juliet?

about the romeo and juliet movie they are showing that they wont let they're love break apart even if they're enemies from the other side and even if they're love is beyond death

16. Maglahad ng limang kalakasan at kahinaan nina Romeo at Juliet. ROMEO JULIET


Ang dakilang lakas ni Romeo ay ang kanyang lakas na pang-emosyonal at ang paraan ng pag-itapon niya sa kanyang sarili na 100 porsyento sa buong pamumuhay sa sandaling ito. Walang sinumang maaaring akusahan si Romeo na gumawa ng anumang bagay sa kalahati. Kapag siya ay umiibig, siya ay ganap na umiibig.

Si Juliet ay ipinakita bilang tahimik at masunurin; gayunpaman, nagtataglay siya ng panloob na lakas na nagbibigay-daan sa kanya upang magkaroon ng kapanahunan na lampas sa kanyang mga taon. Nang iminungkahi ng kanyang ina na pakasalan niya si Paris sapagkat ang Paris ay mayaman at mabait, sumagot si Juliet: "Magugustuhan ko, kung naghahanap ako ng paggusto"

17. By the end of shakespeare's play, Romeo ad Juliet, following characters are dead A. romeo, juliet, tybalt, mercutio, lady montague, and paris B. romeo, juliet, tybalt, and mercutio C. romeo, juliet, tybalt, mercutio, and paris D. romeo, juliet, tybalt, and benvolio



yan po alam ko pedepo brainliest




in order (if that's what u mean)

Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Mercutio, Lady Montague, and Paris

18. "Arrange the sequence: A. Juliet’s nurse calls her. B. Romeo tells Juliet to contact him by nine o’clock. C. Juliet calls Romeo’s name. D. Romeo leaves and Juliet goes to bed. E. Romeo enters the garden below Juliet’s window. F. Juliet tells Romeo that she loves him. G. Juliet says goodnight and Romeo climbs back down. H. Juliet hears Romeo and he climbs up to her balcony. "

Romeo and Juliet

Arranging the sequence of events of the story, it will be

A. Juliet's nurse calls her.

B. Romeo tells Juliet to contact him by nine o'clock.

E. Romeo enters the garden below Juliet's window.

H. Juliet hears Romeo and he climbs up to her balcony.

C. Juliet calls Romeo's name.

F. Juliet tells Romeo that she love him.

G. Juliet says goodnight and Romeo climbs back down.

D. Romeo leaves and Juliet goes to bed.

19. Arrange the order of the events: _1. Romeo & Juliet are married _2. Romeo leaves Verona _3. Juliet's family gives a feast _4. Juliet's father warns her to disown Juliet if she does not marry Paris _5. Romeo buys poison _6. Romeo kills Tybalt _7. Juliets stabs herself _8. Romeo's hearts is broken by Rosline _9. Juliet fakes her death _10. Romeo and Juliet


A. Juliet's family gives a feast

B. Romeo goes to the feast to se Rosaline

C. Romeo and Juliet meet.

D. Romeo and Juliet are married

E. Romeo kills Tybal

F. Romeo is banished fron Verona

G. Juliet's father threatens to disown her if she does not marry Parris.

H. Juliet fakes her death

I. Romeo buys poison

J. Juliet's stabs herself.


hope it helps.

20. how does the play "romeo and juliet" reflect the characteristics of the renaissance period?​Explain​


Romeo and Juliet reflects the marriage practices of the upper class during this time in the Renaissance. Marriages were arranged between families, not between individuals, and marriages would be based on social and political considerations, not on the love of the bride and groom for one other.

Give me heart react / rate

thank you

21. Pagkakatulad ng Romeo at Juliet at Florante at LauraRomeo at JulietPagkakatulad:_________Florante at LauraPagkakatulad:_________​


Romeo at Juliet

Pagkakatulad: sila ay nag iibig

Florante at Laura

Pagkakatulad: sila din ay nag iibig


pareho silang nag iibig pero mag kaiba ang kwento nila

22. Reaction paper of romeo and juliet


The movie is nice because the it doesn't only show happiness but love to the people and teamwork.

23. Activity: Summarize the story of Romeo and Juliet or tell something facts about the story ofRomeo and Juliet.​


Romeo and Juliet Summary. An age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into bloodshed. A group of masked Montagues risk further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo Montague falls instantly in love with Juliet Capulet, who is due to marry her father's choice, the County Paris.

Correct me of wrong.

24. Katangian ni Romeo at Juliet mula sa dulang "Sintahang Romeo at Juliet".​


mahal na

mahal nila ang isat isa at gagawin nila ang lahat para lang sila ay magkasama araw araw. ang pagmamahal nila para ss isat isa ay labis na hindi mapapantayan ng kahit na sino man


romeo save me i've been feeling so alone i keep waitint for u but you never come

25. What is your reflection in the story Romeo and Juliet?​


Explanation: The story Romeo and Juliet reminds me that true love do exist. Love is a very complex emotion and very hard to explain. Their love conquers all and they are even willing to face death to prove their love for each other. For us, we dont have to hurry in getting into a relationship because like Romeo, we all have our destined Juliet. A Juliet created by God according to his will.

26. Reaksyon Paper tungkol sa Romeo and Juliet.

Ang pag-iibigan nina Romeo ay Juliet ay napakalungkot talaga. Dahil hindi nila inaasahan ang magiging katapusan ng maaga nilang pag-ibig. Ang pag-ibig kasi nilang ito ay nauwi sa trahedya. Pero kahit na ganun ay marami paring matututunan sa kanila.

27. reflection ng sintahang romeo at juliet​


Ang romeo at juliet ay isang dulang isinulat ni William Shakespeare. Ang dula ay patungkol sa una sa dalawang maharlikang mga angkan na nagkaroon ng alitan kung kaya't naging magkaaway, kung kaya't ang lahat ng kanilang kabataang mga tagapaglingkod ay naging magkakaaway din. Ang kabataang mga lalaking naglilingkod para sa mga Montague at sa mga Capulet ay nasali sa mga barkada o mga gang at naglalaban-laban sa mga kalye. Dahil sa naging gawi ang pagdadala ng espada, kung minsan mayroong mga nasusugatan. Ang Verona ay pinamumunuan ni Prinsipe Escalus. Sinabi niya sa mga Montague at sa mga Capulet na dapat na mawala na ang mga paglalaban-laban, dahil kung hindi ito titigil ay magbabayad sila na hahantong sa kaparusahan, subalit napakahirap na kontrolin ang kabataang mga lalaki.

Sa mga Montague ay mayroong nag-iisang pansalinlahing supling, isang lalaking nasa kaniyang kabataan na nagngangalang Romeo. Mayroon ding nag-iisang pansalinlahing supling ang mga Capulet, isang babaeng maganda na nasa kaniyang kabataan, may edad na 13, na tinatawag na Julieta. Hindi magkakilala ang dalawang kabataang sina Romeo at Julieta, dahil si Julieta ay hindi nagpupunta kahit saan man na hindi kasama ang kaniyang yaya. Subalit nagkakilala sina Romeo at Julieta sa isang handaan at sila ay umibig sa isa't isa. Ang kanilang pag-iibigan ay dapat sanang makapaghihilom sa lahat ng mga suliranin sa pagitan ng kanilang mga mag-anak, ngunit dahil nasa kanilang kabataan pa lamang sila, inisip nilang mapapahamak lamang sila mula sa kanilang mga magulang, kung kaya't nagpakasal sila nang palihim. Dahil sa kanilang lihim na pagpapakasal, isang magkakasunod na mga pangyayari ang naganap na humantong sa maraming mga pagkamatay

28. Pagkakatulad ng Romeo at Juliet at Florante at LauraRomeo at JulietPagkakatulad:_________Florante at LauraPagkakatulad:_________​


Ang pagkakatulad ng dalawang kwento ay ang pawang pag iibigan ng walang hanggan at pinaglalaban hanggang kamatayan

29. Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet. From what era was Romeo and Juliet written?​


FROM WHAT ERA WAD ROMEO AND JULIET WRITTEN? Romeo and Juliet can be plausibly dated to 1595. Shakespeare must have written the play between 1591 and 1596.

30. Romeo and Juliet storyWhat is your reflection about the story​


My reflection about the story is that we need to learn is to be true in life rather like they are earnest to each other. Secondly, there are values ​​in life that we ought to not disregard and we need to keep our guarantees as well.


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