Beowulf Reaction Paper

Beowulf Reaction Paper

Reaction paper on Beowulf

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1. Reaction paper on Beowulf


Beowulf is a Brave Man


Because he slay the Monster

2. reaction of beowulf 500 words


Beowulf is the story of a young man who fought Grendel and his mother.


Beowulf is one of the descendants of Sclyd, a king and warrior. Beowulf was a very strong man. When he heard that the Spear-Danes was afraid of a hideous monster called "Grendel", he rushed to the Spear-Danes to see. During the day, the Spear-Danes are happy and laughing but when the night fell, they were full of fear. They told Beowulf about Grendel. He is big with powerful paws and he eats the Spear-Danes whole, that's why they don't sleep at the Hrothgar anymore.

At night, the Spear-Danes were shaking in fear so Beowulf said he'll fight the monster with his bear hands.

He fought the monster and even tear its arm to prove it. The Spear-Danes were happy and can sleep at the Hrothgar again.

Just as they thought it was over, Grendel's mother then kill the Spear-Danes. Beowulf was sent over once again.

This time, it was harder to kill the monster because it was 2× bigger and stronger. But he still killed it.

Many times passed by and Beowulf was now well-known to the whole town because of his heroic act.

He died fighting a dragon when he swallowed some of its fire. Both dragon and hero had died. The people gave Beowulf a formal ceremony and funeral.

3. What is the reaction of Geats in the battle of Grendel and Beowulf

stayed because they didn't believe it til they get a sign,,

4. from the movie BEOWULF Is beowulf a liar? cite instances where he lied about something


Yes, Beowulf lies about his past

Beowulf lies about killing Grendel

Beowulf lies about killing the dragon


These instances suggest that Beowulf is not entirely truthful and is willing to manipulate the truth to maintain his reputation and protect his kingdom.

5. Arrange the following events in order by writing letters A to J. Write your answer on your paper. ______6). Heorot is finished, the mirth of the men and the music of the scop anger Grendel, a monster descended from Cain. ______7). Grendel hears the noise in Herot and leaves his swamp to visit. ______8). Hrothgar, who knew Beowulf's father, Ecgtheow, accepts Beowulf's offer to fight Grendel and gives him a feast. _____9). Grendel attacks Hrothgar’s men, killing many. ______10). Beowulf kills Grendel’s mom. ______11). Beowulf takes soldiers with him to Denmark. ______12). Beowulf takes the magic sword off the wall to kill Grendel’s mother. ______13). Danes leave the shore, convinced Beowulf was killed. ______14). Grendel’s head is cut off. ______15). Beowulf returns Hero with no trophies.​











6. defferencess and similariteis of beowulf and grendel in the poem the battle of beowulf



Grendel is the antagonist while Beowulf is the protagonist


Grendel and Beowulf have the same enormous strength

Beowulf is the fighter

He is a good guy

While Grendel is a monster

He is bad

They fight

and Beowulf won

Grendel losses

7. II. TRUE /FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement happened in the story FALSE if not. 11. Grendei's mother sought revenge against Beowulf. 14. The dragon killed Beowulf. 12. Grendel's mother killed Beowulf. 15. Wiglaf was Beowulf's most trusted companion. 13. Beowulf became king after King Hygelac was killed in a battle.​









1. true

2. true

3. false

4. false

5. true

pa brainliest po please thank you

8. Activity 2ComprehensionTask 1. Sequencing of EventsDirection, Arrange the details according to when they transpired in the story. Write the letters of the answer.A.Beowulf returned home to Geatland.B.Hrothgar builtHeorotC.Beowulf foughtGrendelD.Grendel attacked HeorotE.Beowulf’s funeral.F.Beowulf was crowned Kingof the GeatsG.Beowulf foughtGrendel’s motherH.Beowulf travelled to help HrothgarI. Beowulf foughtthe dragon.J. Heorot lay silent.​

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9. Learning Task 2: Sequencing of Events Directions: Arrange the following events in order by writing letters A to J. Write your answer on your paper 6). Heorot is finished, the mirth of the men and the music of the scop anger Grendel, a monster descended from Cain 7). Grendel hears the noise in Herot and leaves his swamp to visit. 8). Hrothgar, who knew Beowulf's father, Ecgtheow, accepts Beowulf's offer to fight Grendel and gives him a least 9). Grendel attacks Hrothgar's men, killing many. 10). Beowulf kills Grendel's mom. 11). Beowulf takes soldiers with him to Denmark, 12). Beowulf takes the magic sword off the wall to kill Grendel's mother. 13). Danes leave the shore, convinced Beowulf was killed 14). Grendel's head is cut off 15). Beowulf returns Hero with no trophies​




ibinase ko lng po sa binasang epic ng beowulf ng summary at ung movie nyan sa mga sagot ko.t.y.

10. for who knows this is from the poem of Beowulf how did Beowulf kill Grendel?​





Hrothgar sent treasure to the Wulfings to mend the feud, and Beowulf's father pledged his allegiance to Hrothgar. Hrothgar then accepts Beowulf's offer to fight Grendel, though he warns him that many heroes have died in the mead-hall trying to battle the monster.

✏️✨I hope it's help ✨✏️meow meow meow..

11. reflection of beowulf?

Read te story of beowulf and try to understand you will get your reflection in that story

12. In Beowulf, why does Beowulf sail with his chosen companions to Hrothgar’s kingdom

Because Beowulf's tribe owes soemthing to King Hrothgar before Beowulf was born. And to repay the debt, he decides to embark on the journey to kill the dragon.

13. he is the antagonist in the story of Beowulf a. Beowulf b. Grendel c. king Hrothgar d. wigla​


B. Grendel


He is the spawn of Cain, the brother who slew a El in the book of genesis.

14. He is a loyal friend of Beowulf and became the King of Danes after the death of Beowulf.


The protagonist of the epic, Beowulf is a Geatish hero who fights the monster Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a fire-breathing dragon. Beowulf’s boasts and encounters reveal him to be the strongest, ablest warrior around. In his youth, he personifies all of the best values of the heroic culture. In his old age, he proves a wise and effective ruler.

15. Make a critique paper of a movie Beowulf and grendel ​


"Beowulf and Grendel" is a 2005 film directed by Sturla Gunnarsson that tells the story of the epic poem "Beowulf" from a different perspective. The film explores the themes of revenge, loyalty, and the nature of humanity, but ultimately falls short in its execution.

One of the strengths of the film is its cinematography. The stunning landscapes of Iceland, where the film was shot, provide a beautiful backdrop for the story, and the use of natural lighting adds to the film's authenticity. The costumes and makeup are also well-done, with the characters looking appropriately rugged and battle-worn.

However, one of the main weaknesses of the film is its pacing. The story moves slowly, with long stretches of dialogue and little action. While this may be appropriate for a film that is trying to explore the characters' motivations and inner conflicts, it can make the film feel tedious at times.

Another weakness of the film is its portrayal of the characters. While the actors do a decent job with their roles, the characters themselves are not well-developed. Beowulf, in particular, is portrayed as a one-dimensional hero, with little depth or complexity to his character. Grendel, too, is not given much of a backstory or motivation beyond his desire for revenge.

Finally, the film's attempt to explore the nature of humanity and the morality of revenge falls short. The film raises interesting questions about the nature of good and evil, but fails to provide any satisfying answers. The ending, in particular, feels rushed and unsatisfying, with the film's message about revenge and forgiveness feeling muddled and unclear.

Overall, "Beowulf and Grendel" is a visually stunning film that attempts to explore complex themes, but falls short in its execution. While the cinematography and costumes are well-done, the pacing is slow and the characters are not well-developed. The film's attempt to explore the nature of humanity and the morality of revenge is also unsatisfying, making the film a disappointing adaptation of the epic poem "Beowulf."

16. answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Which of the following is NOT true about Beowulf? ​


ewn nmn syo almin mo lods



17. What are/is the remarkable values that Beowulf in the movie "Beowulf" have?

The braveness of Beowulf to fight against Grendel,Grendel's mother and to a fire-breathing dragon.

18. 1. Which of the following is NOT true about Beowulf? A Beowulf was a young warrior in Geatland (southwestern Sweden). B. Beowulf was mortally wounded by the fiery dragon during their fight. C. Beowulf was King Hrothgar's successor and ruled successfully for 50 y D. Beowulf and Breca competed in a swimming contest when they were y heleolu Comf during the for​

D. Beowulf and Breca competed in a swimming contest when they were y heleolu Comf during the for

Not sure.hehe

19. Directions: Arrange the following events in order by writing letters A to J. Write your answer on your paper 6) Heorot is finished, the mirth of the men and the music of the scop anger Grendel, a monster descended from Cain.7). Grendel hears the noise in Herot and leaves his swamp to visit8). Hrothgar, who knew Beowulf's father, Ecgtheow, accepts Beowulf's offer to fight Grendel and gives him a feast. 9). Grendel attacks Hrothgar's men, killing many 10). Beowulf kills Grendel's mom. 11). Beowulf takes soldiers with him to Denmark 12). Beowulf takes the magic sword off the wall to kill Grendel's mother 13). Danes leave the shore, convinced Beowulf was killed 14). Grendel's head is cut off 15). Beowulf returns Hero with no trophies"BRAINLIEST THE 1ST, AND GOOD ASNWER"​


my answer is base that i read of summary and watching movie of the epic of beowulf. t.y.

20. In one whole sheet of pad paper, write a short parangraph that express yourviews and opinions about Beowulf's being a hero.​

Asnwer:  Beowulf was also a hero because he fended-off Grendel and stopped him from killing any more of Hrothgar's men. This showed his great loyalty to Hrothgar and his people. In conclusion, Beowulf is my hero because of his outstanding fighting skills, his great strength, and finally his great loyalty.

Explanation: because he fended-off Grendel and stopped him from killing any more of Hrothgar's men.

21. 4. Write four things you knowabout Beowulf.BEOWULF​


The theme of the heroic code of chivalry is the leading theme of Beowulf. The honorable behavior and manners have dominated the Anglo-Saxon culture. Courage, bravery and the will to fight were considered basic norms of that heroic code. Beowulf sticks to these norms from the very beginning as he comes across the Danes.

22. comparative of the movie of beowulf and book of beowulf pls help me!!

There are many differences in the movie, Beowulf, and the original poem. For one, Hrothgar was not the father of Grendel. There is never any mention of either Hrothgar or Beowulf ever being romantically involved or enticed to become the fathers of Grendel or the dragon which appear as the major threats in the poem. Also, Grendel's mother is never described as covered in gold and looking like Angelina Jolie, either. She and her son live in a horrid place, and they are both descended of Cain--the first murderer on earth. This is an Anglo-Saxon piece of literature, so it is imperative that you understand that loyalty and valor are huge ideals of the society which are expected to be kept. Murdering someone is bad enough, but to murder a member of your own family-- a brother-- is considered one of the greatest sins you could commit. This is one reason given for the misery that Grendel and his mother suffer-- their ancestor Cain murdered his brother Abel. For this crime, all the family is punished. Hrothgar is not portrayed as a man who has many lovers aside from his wife. For that matter, neither is Beowulf when he becomes King. Both men are respected and considered honorable men who are faithful to their wives. Perhaps this was not true for real-life Kings, but in the poem both men are portrayed as faithful and loyal--not only to their wives, but also to the men who have pledged their lives to these Kings. Beowulf also does not stay in Hrothgar's town and marry his queen. Once Beowulf has fulfilled his duty to Hrothgar (because the King had helped Beowulf's father in his time of need and Beowulf feels a sense of duty to come to Hrothgar's aide as a form of repayment) by killing both Grendel and Grendel's mother, Beowulf returns home where he lives to a ripe old age and becomes King himself. It is here, rather than at Hrothgar's castle, that he fights the dragon creature.Some parts of the movie were different from the book. The book has a longer story than the movie.

23. in Beowulf, what is the right hand or successor of Beowulf. 

WIGLAF is the right hand or successor of Beowulf .

24. the story of beowulf​


The story is set in Scandinavia in the 6th century. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel. After Beowulf slays him, Grendel's mother attacks the hall and is then also defeated.


The story is set in Scandinavia in the 6th century. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel. After Beowulf slays him, Grendel's mother attacks the hall and is then also defeated. Victorious, Beowulf goes home to Geatland (Götaland in modern Sweden) and becomes king of the Geats. Fifty years later, Beowulf defeats a dragon, but is mortally wounded in the battle. After his death, his attendants cremate his body and erect a tower on a headland in his memory.

25. What is your reaction on the movie Beowulf? And why. Need answer ASAP ty.

When a moment that I finish to watch 'Beowulf, I felt shocked because the movie wants to say to us that even you have a strength, you also have weaknesses no matter what. In Beowulf's case, his strength is his power in fighting and has a strong physical being. While his weaknesses was lust and woman. In a middle part of the movie, we witness how strong he is but when a moment that he met Grendel's Mother, he was carried away by his lust to an immitating beautiful image of woman which causes for his own destruction. Always remember that we should be careful in any instances of decision making of our life because as what we seen in this movie, some beautiful things will able to give warn to ourself and distract us in our pathway or stepping stone of success.


26. BEOWULF-why was it harder for beowulf to kill Grendel's mother than Grendel himself?


Why was it harder for beowulf to kill grendel's mother than grendel himself? Grendel's mother was an underwater swamp sort of monster. How did beowulf introduce himself to the king?

27. Introduction of beowulf​


ano po yung beowulf ibtroduction yan din kase tanobg ko po

28. explanation of beowulf

In the poem, Beowulf, a warrior from Geats comes to the rescue of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes whose land is being attacked by a monster, Grendel. Beowulf succeeds and defeats Grendel. To show his prowess, he even kills Grendel with his bare hands.

The Old English epic poem Beowulf tells the story of a young Geatish warrior who comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the King of the Danes, whose kingdom is being terrorized by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf uses his epic strength and bravery to slay Grendel in Hrothgar’s mead hall, Heorot, and then to slay Grendel’s vengeful mother in her underwater lair. Beowulf’s fame spreads, and he returns home to Geatland laden with treasure for his king, Hygelac. Beowulf later becomes the king of the Geats and rules for a peaceful fifty years. When a dragon begins to pose a threat to Geatland, Beowulf and his servant Wiglaf set off to defeat it. Beowulf succeeds in slaying the dragon, but dies in the process.

29. ComprehensionTask 1. Sequencing of EventsDirection, Arrange the details according to when they transpired in the story. Write the letters of the answer.A.Beowulf returned home to Geatland.B.Hrothgar builtHeorotC.Beowulf foughtGrendelD.Grendel attacked HeorotE.Beowulf’s funeral.F.Beowulf was crowned Kingof the GeatsG.Beowulf foughtGrendel’s motherH.Beowulf travelled to help HrothgarI. Beowulf foughtthe dragon.J. Heorot lay silent. pa answer po plsssss:((((((​

ano po diko magets



30. A. BRAVE B. PHYSICALLY STRONG C. VALUES LOYALTY D. INTELLIGENT1. Beowulf was able to defeat Grendel by ripping off his arm. __________2. The Geats swore their loyalty to Beowulf to repay his kindness. __________3. Beowulf fought the dragon, despite the likelihood of death. __________4. Beowulf passed on his authority to Wiglaf. __________5. Physical altercation with Grendel shook the mead hall. __________6. Beowulf had a swimming challenge with Brecca. __________7. Beowulf was able to travel from Geatland to rid Hrothgar of his monster. __________8. The Geats waited for Beowulf to return from the underwater lair when others had given up on Beowulf. __________9. Beowulf successfully defeated numerous monsters. __________10. Beowulf pretended to sleep in order to take Grendel by surprise. __________​






















im not sure to my other answers

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