Legends In Pre Colonial Period

Legends In Pre Colonial Period

legend of pre colonial Philippine literature period​

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1. legend of pre colonial Philippine literature period​



Philippine literature is literature that has been associated with the Philippines since ancient times, through colonial heritage, and to the present. Pre-Hispanic Filipino literature is actually epics passed down from generation to generation, originally through an oral tradition.

2. this literary genre from the pre colonial period includes myths and legends​


Oral literature.


Oral literature is a type of literature that is transmitted orally and is learned by heart. Oral literature includes myths and legends.

3. Folk tales like myths,legends,and fables are the most common literary forms during the Pre-Colonial Period. True or False​



Step-by-step explanation:

4. Pre-Colonial Period- Writer​

I will be there at the same time I don't have any money to pay for the car and

5. Pre - colonial period​


where is the question? po

6. What difference in Leadership in the pre-colonial period and the colonial period


As adjectives the difference between colonial and precolonial. is that colonial is of or pertaining to a colony while precolonial is of or pertaining to a historical period before colonisation.


7. pre-colonial period American​


Pre-Colonial North America (also known as Pre-Columbian, Prehistoric, and Precontact) is the period between the migration of the Paleo-Indians to the region between 40,000-14,000 years ago and contact between indigenous tribes and European colonists in the 16th century CE which eradicated the Native American culture.


Pre-Colonial North America (also known as Pre-Columbian, Prehistoric, and Precontact) is the period between the migration of the Paleo-Indians to the region between 40,000-14,000 years ago and contact between indigenous tribes and European colonists in the 16th century CE which eradicated the Native American culture replacing it with what became Canada and the United States of America.

8. what do mean about pre-colonial era.spanish colonial era.american colonial period and contemporary period.?​


9. pre colonial period group ​


in the philippines po ba?

10. similarities ofpre colonialperiod and Apprenticeship Period​



1.) Strong sense of religion has continued from the pre-hispanic times (Animism-Babaylan) to the colonial period (Catholicism-Priests).

2.) Spaniards capitalized on our strong pre-hispanic maritime practice of boat building (karakoa) and incorporated it in their ship-building yards in Cavite (galleons).

3.) Spanish colonization. Spaniards again recognized and capitalized on this by keeping a restricted number of Chinese in Manila, for the sake of the Galleon Trade (80–90% of the Galleon’s contents were drawn from Chinese junk traders).

4.) The former datus of the precolonial period, upon conquest, were co-opted by the Spaniards to join the new colonial order, by giving them positions in their government — making them Cabezas de Barangay, and giving them the title of Don in the process (these Datus will now collect taxes for the Spanish government, in exchange for privileges such as tax and forced labor exemptions)

5.) Regionalism under Spanish rule. Prior to colonialism, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries politically functioned around the Mandala system, with each Mandala being independent and autonomous from the other (in a sense, this is made manifest in the Philippine’s Bayan).

Some of these important changes are:


1.) Gender inequality: prior to colonial rule, women had an equally important rule in the societal affairs of a bayan, with women playing the role of babaylan (cultural leader of the society).

2.) Concept of Civilization: our houses back then were light and mobile bahay kubos and this is because we did not have strictly defined boundaries then, rather we followed the leader, who is the center of the Mandala system (Datus).

3.) Reduced Political Power of Filipinos: Though datus were co-opted into the Spanish administration as cabezas de barangay, their powers were now severely limited to that of tribute collection, devoid of their previous abilities and privileges to call men to arms, to have more than one wife, and have numerous slaves.

11. what is Pre-Colonial period?​


Pre – Colonial Culture During the early period thousand years ago, the early Filipinos were composed of different groups that came from different part of Asia. With different groups they form their own community, system of education and religious belief.

The islands' precolonial period, during which indigenous peoples engaged in healthy trade with various cultures and economies in the region, gave way to a long colonial period, first under Spain for over 300 years, and then under the United States, during which it came briefly under Japanese occupation in World War II.


hope it helps❤️

12. the Pre-Colonial Period


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.


Colonial Art Period Philippines

The cultural achievements of pre-colonial Philippines include those covered by the prehistory and the early history (900–1521) of the Philippine archipelago's inhabitants, the indigenous forebears of today's Filipino people.

Among the cultural achievements of the native people's belief systems, and culture in general, that are notable in many ethnic societies, range from agriculture, societal and environmental concepts, spiritual beliefs, up to advances in technology, science, and the arts.

History of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898, also known as the Spanish colonial period, a period during which the Captain General of the Philippines located in a group of Islands in Southeast Asia was colonized by Spain known as "Las Islas Filipinos", under New Spain until independence Mexico which resulted in Madrid's direct control of the area.

This area was also known as the Spanish East Indies to the colonists. Starting with the 1521 arrival of the European explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain, which marked the period when the Philippines was a colony of the Spanish Empire, and ending with the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution in 1898, which marked the beginning of the American colonial era in Philippine history.

Learn more about colonial art period Philippines by clicking this link https://brainly.ph/question/17829320


14. Venn diagram of pre colonial period and colonial period. helppp pls​


Pre colonial period colonials period

15. Philippines pre colonial period​


The cultural achievements of pre-colonial Philippines include those covered by the prehistory and the early history (900–1521) of the Philippine archipelago's inhabitants, the indigenous forebears of today's Filipino people

16. pre colonial period literature


In Philippine history, the year 1521 marks the arrival of the first colonial power, and the beginning of what is often called the Spanish period. This period is thus described as the pre-colonial era or the pre-Spanish era. The pre-Spanish historical period ending in 1521. Historian Ambeth Ocampo notes an overlap in the history of pre-colonial Philippines and the Spanish colonial period, claiming that while Magellan's arrival in 1521 marked the first documented arrival of European colonizers to this country, it was not until the arrival of Miguel López de Legazpi in 1565 that the Europeans had any marked impact on the lifestyle of the residents of the Philippine Archipelago.

An Indigenous form of communication was already in existence evidenced by writings on barks and bamboos. News were also announced by an umalokohan or the town crier. Literature was already developing: forms included sabi, (maxim), bugtong (riddle), darangan (epic poetry), kumintang (war songs), and hudhud (wedding song).

Spanish colonial motives were not, however, strictly commercial. The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of the East Indies (Spice Islands), but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still maintained their presence in the archipelago. Spanish rule for the first 100 years was exercised in most areas through a type of tax farming imported from the Americas and known as the encomienda. But abusive treatment of the local tribute payers and neglect of religious instruction by encomenderos (collectors of the tribute), as well as frequent withholding of revenues from the crown, caused the Spanish to abandon the system by the end of the 17th century. The governor-general, himself appointed by the king, began to appoint his own civil and military governors to rule directly.

17. 1. Pre-Colonial and Spanish Colonial Period​

10. • Example of salawikain – Ang matapat na kaibigan, tunay na maaasahan. - - -You will know a true friend in time of need.

11. • Example of Sawikain – kumukulo ang dugo "blood is boiling" = is very angry – isulat sa tubig "write on water" = forget about it Ex of Maxims – Pag hindi ukol, Hindi bubukol. -means What is not intended for one will not bear fruit.

12. BULONG (chants) • Used in witchcraft or enchantments • Sa hinaba-haba ng prusisyon Sa simbahan din pala ang tuloy Hele hele Bago kyeme Halimbawa (for example): Tabi, tabi po, Ingkong Makikiraan po lamang.

13. Kasabihan (sayings) • Used in teasing or to comment on a persons’ acutations – “Catitibay ca tolos Sacaling datnang agos Aco’ I momonting lomot Sa iyo’ I popolopot” • Nag-almusal mag-isa Kaning lamig, tinapa; Nahulog ang kutsara Ikaw na sana, sinta

14. Ambahan • usually chanted • teaches lessons about life • recited by parents to educate their children, by the youth to express their love, by the old to impart experiences, or by the community in tribal ceremonies • on some occasions like burial rites, the ambahan is used for entertainment

15. Myths • derived from Philippine folk literature, which is the traditional oral literature of the Filipino people. This refers to a wide range of material due to the ethnic mix of the Philippines • There are many different creation myths in Philippine mythology, originating from various ethnic groups. – Story of Bathala – Visayan version – The legend of Maria Makiling

16. • Presence of different deities – Ex. Bathala • Lakambakod • Mythical creatures – Aswang – Dila – Diwata – Dwende – Tikbalang – Mankukulam

17. Ancient Metrical Tales • Ifugao – Hudhud hi Aliguyon • Ilocos – Biagni Lam-ang • Bicol - Ibalon • Mindanao – Darangan • Panay – Hinilawod • Bagobo - Tuwaang • Kalinga – Ulaliim • Manobo – Agyu or Olahing • Subanon - Sandayo

18. Ancient Metrical Tales • Aliguyon – the exploits of Aliguyon as he battles his arch-enemy, Pambukhayon • Biagni Lam-Ang – tells of the adventuresvof Lam-Ang who exhibits extraordinary powers at a very early age. • Ibalon – the story of three Bicol heroes: Baltog, Handiong, Bantiong • Hinilawod – oldest and longest epic poem in Panay – the exploits of three Sulodnon demigod brothers, LabawDonggon, Humadapnon and Dumalapdap of ancient Panay


20. Folk Songs • a form of folk lyric which expresses the people’s hopes, aspirations, and lifestyles • traditional songs and melodies • inspired by the reaction of the people to their environment

21. • uyayi – lullaby • komintang – war song • kundiman – melancholic love song • harana – serenade • tagay – drinking song • mambayu – Kalinga rice-pounding song • subli – dance-ritual song of courtship /marriage • Tagulaylay- songs of the dead

22. Characteristics of Phil. Literature during Pre-colonial period: • Oral tradition • Crude of ideology & phraseology • Expresses hopes & aspirations • It explains how the world created • Cultured

23. Philippine Literature Under Spanish Colonial

24. • Spanish colonization in the Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor- general in the Philippines. • Literature started to flourish during his time.

25. • The Spaniards colonized the Philippines for more than three centuries. • The Spanish colonizers wanted to undermine the native oral tradition by substituting for it the story of the Passion of Christ. However, the native tradition survived and even flourished in areas inaccessible to the Spaniards.

26. • The church authorities adopted a policy of spreading the Church doctrines by communicating to the natives in their own language. – Doctrina Christiana (1593), the first book to be printed in the Philippines, was a prayerbook written in Spanish with an accompanying Tagalog translation.

27. • The task of translating religious instructional materials forced the Spanish missionaries to employ natives as translators. • Eventually, these natives learned to read and write both in Spanish and in their native tongue. Ladinos- bilingual natives - They published their works, mainly devotional poetry, in the first decade of the 17th century.

28. • Gaspar Aquino de Belen -Filipino poet and Pilipino translator -famous critic -famous poet and translator in 17th century - he wrote the Mahal na Pasion ni Jesu Christo, a Tagalog poem based on Christ's passion, was published in 1704.

29. • In the 18th century, secular literature from Spain in the form of medieval ballads inspired the native poetic-drama form called the komedya, later to be called moro- moro because these often dealt with the theme of Christians triumphing over Muslims.


18. what is the difference between the pre colonial period and spanish colonial period?


Its basically the difference before european

presence in the Americas and Asia, and the

formation of the viceroyalties of New Spain and


The native societies before Columbus were

either hunter-gatherers, or stablished complex

societies engaging in expansion or trade, but

localized to their regions (Examples being the

Mexican Valley of the Andes mountain range).

With the presence of the spanish in the

territories, and later portuguese, English, french

and dutch in the Americas, these regions were

rerouted to form commercial and economic links

to Europe, generating a "globalization" of sorts,

and the insertion of crops and animals foreign to

the Americas, but at the cost of becoming parts

of foreign empires


hope it helps

19. Pre colonial period​


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world

20. Pre–Colonial Period Characteristics

Early literature is classified as oral and written. The ancient folks used native syllabary and wrote on fragile materials. They also used pointed objects like sticks, daggers, and irons as pens. Mimetic dances often accompanied the songs and rituals and were the precursors of drama form.

21. What is pre-colonial period period


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.

22. pre-Colonial period? ​


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.


23. Example of pre colonial period ​

1.  Long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, Filipinos had a civilization of their own. This civilization partly came from the Malay settlers and partly from their response to the new environment.

24. literatures in literary period of pre- colonial period​


Other epics known to most Filipinos are the Ibalon of Bikol, Darangan a Muslim epic, the Kudaman of Palawan, the Alim of the Ifugao, Bantugan of the Maranao, the Hinilawod of Panay, and the Tuwaang of Manobos. ... Baybayin (to spell) was the pre-colonial writing system in the Philippines.

25. similarities and differences of pre colonial and Spanish colonial periods​

Continuities (Similarities)

1.) For one, our strong sense of religion has continued from the pre-hispanic times (Animism-Babaylan) to the colonial period (Catholicism-Priests).

2.) Another continuity is that the Spaniards capitalized on our strong pre-hispanic maritime practice of boat building (karakoa) and incorporated it in their ship-building yards in Cavite (galleons) . Also, just as how our precolonial ancestors voyaged the seas and rivers, the Indios were also hired in the voyage of these galleons to Acapulco.

3.) Prior to Spanish colonization, we already had strong trading ties with China — and the Spaniards again recognized and capitalized on this by keeping a restricted number of Chinese in Manila, for the sake of the Galleon Trade (80–90% of the Galleon’s contents were drawn from Chinese junk traders).

4.) The former datus of the precolonial period, upon conquest, were co-opted by the Spaniards to join the new colonial order, by giving them positions in their government — making them Cabezas de Barangay, and giving them the title of Don in the process (these Datus will now collect taxes for the Spanish government, in exchange for privileges such as tax and forced labor exemptions)

5.) And, how can we forget the continuity, and in fact exacerbation of regionalism under Spanish rule. Prior to colonialism, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries politically functioned around the Mandala system, with each Mandala being independent and autonomous from the other (in a sense, this is made manifest in the Philippine’s Bayan). However, upon Spanish and American conquest, they have recognized that the best way to pacify the islands was to make each of these centers fight for their own benefit — hence the divide and conquer policy.

26. pre colonial period​


is not working properly

27. pre-colonial period ​


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.

28. pre colonial period​


The pre-colonial period broadly refers to the span of time prior to the introduction of European colonialism in areas across the world.

29. which of the following periods classified literary work as religious or secularamerican colonial periodcontemporary periodpre colonial periodspanish colonial period​


american colonial period

30. Strenght of pre colonial period


This a collonial is sovery love in the woldtje

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