Volcano Poster

Volcano Poster

poster about volcano eruption​

Daftar Isi

1. poster about volcano eruption​


Draw a volcano that is erupting (with colors you should paint it)


A poster is a temporary promotion of an idea, product, or event put up in a public space for mass consumption. Typically, posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching an

2. poster which describes the benefits derived volcanoes.​


What are some benefits of volcanic eruptions?

Over geologic time, volcanic eruptions and related processes have directly and indirectly benefited mankind:

Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, cultivation of which has produced abundant food and fostered civilizations.

The internal heat associated with young volcanic systems has been harnessed to produce geothermal energy.

Most of the metallic minerals mined in the world--such as copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc--are associated with magmas found deep within the roots of extinct volcanoes.


yan po Ang answer pa brainles po carry on learning

3. bonbon SCIENCE Poster Making Activity 1. Look for information on the nearest volcano in your area( Taal Volcano ) 2. Make a poster about it: Discuss its past and present activity level.​


ikaw sasagot niyan hindi ako

4. Consider yourself as one of the authorities, would you allow the people to get near in still-active-volcano? Why? You may present your answer in creative way, e.g. using infographic, slogan, poster, 4-line poem, essay, 4- line song or any presentation at your preference.pa help Lang po plsss​




because if ever the volcano erupt again atleast people are safe and it's for our safety,we need to be careful because our life is only one and enjoy it,we still having Corona virus problem so we need to careful to be not risky and to survive.

5. Sort out the text into Narrative, Expository, Explanatory, Persuasive, Personal and Factual Recount​. -Books about volcano -Pepsi poster -Three little pigs story -"How it works" Books -Advertisement -News article -Twilight (novel) -Diary -Gandhi's biography -The process of creating a web page​
















6. Reflection: Ridge or Mindanao Pacific Cordillera (MPC) The geologic evolution of MPC wan OC Mara Region occupies the northernmost portion of the Eastern Mindanao sequences. As time passes hy. composition of rocks evolved due to soil erosion and during Upper Cretaceous to Pleistocene time. These complex tectonic processes brought the juxtaposition of older metamorphic basement rocks with opholte suite of rocks later superposed by younger multiple stage island are volcano sedimentary for us to adhere what John Watson said "The layers of the rocks are the pages in our history book" You may present your answer in creative way, eg, using infographic, slogan, poster, 4-line poem, essay. 4-line song or any presentation at your preference Rubric 5- Ideas expressed scientifically consistent with the concepts and has no inisconception. 4- Ideas expressed scientifically consistent with the concepts but with minimal misconception 3- Ideas expressed scientifically but contain several misconceptions 2- Ideas are poorly expressed scientifically 1 - Ideas are vague and not precise 0-No discussion (Note: Score has to be multiplied by two)​


musta kayo sana ok lang kayo

7. learning task 2; after knowing the signs that a volcano is about to erupt you are now ready to make an awareness campaign (poster flyer or brochure) for your barangay on what to do before during and after a volcanic eruption​


poster po ito or brochure


and ilagay mo po dito ay mga steps to be safe when the volcano is erupting at ano gawin pag tapos na mag erupt and volcano

ikaw na po sa design nito nag bigay napo ako nang answer ko

8. you are a volcanologist from bicol. On your way back to your hometown, you saw the destruction brought about by the eruption of Mayon volcano. You decided to invite your colleagues to come with you on your next visit with a mission,that is, to create awareness among your townmates about volcanic hazards - before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.Decide on how you will accomplish your mission by making a poster. ​


you are a volcanologist from bicol. On your way back to your hometown, you saw the destruction brought about by the eruption of Mayon volcano. You decided to invite your colleagues to come with you on your next visit with a mission,that is, to create awareness among your townmates about volcanic hazards - before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.Decide on how you will accomplish your mission by making a poster

9. ACTIVITY Analyze these graphic design posters. Describe the art elements and principles used. FILIPINO CHOCOLATE HILLS Art Elements/ Principles Used Art Elements/Principles Used SINULOG TAAL VOLCANO FESTIVAL -STAR Art Elements/Principles Used Art Elements/Principles Used​


high school kana ba sorry

10. Create a song, a poem, a poster, or an essay that describes the benefits derived from volcanoes. PLEASE HELP​


Over geologic time, volcanic eruptions and related processes have directly and indirectly benefited mankind:

Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, cultivation of which has produced abundant food and fostered civilizations.

The internal heat associated with young volcanic systems has been harnessed to produce geothermal energy.

Most of the metallic minerals mined in the world--such as copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc--are associated with magmas found deep within the roots of extinct volcanoes


(◠‿◕) yan po ans ko ty

11. Performance Task 2: Leave and Save life!Objective: Reflect on Earth's energy that all movement comes from Earth's internal heat.What you need: long bond paper, Art MaterialsWhat to do: Read the passage carefully.Earthquake jolt and shake us. Volcanoes erupt, shooting ash and hot gases into the atmosphere andpouring molten rock over the land. Great mountain ranges gradually inch upward, over the course ofmillennia. Earth's geosphere is constantly moving and changing, and the energy for all that movementcomes from Earth's internal heat (Understanding Global Change, 2021).We all knew that Taal Volcano latest eruption happened last January 12, 2020, and it displaced morethan 376,000 people from surrounding towns. Based on the report from NASA, the damage brought by theeruption extended beyond plant life. Large numbers of livestock and pets were also left behind when tensof thousands of people evacuated. Ash even affected the fish-mainly the tilapia and milkfish-being raised inthousands of aquaculture pens in Taal Lake. According to the Taal Lake Aquaculture Alliance, Inc., about30% of the fish cages in the lake were destroyed during the eruption and to keep the remaining fish alivefarmers appealed the authorities to allow them to feed and harvest the fish to support their living duringlockdowns.Consider yourself as one of the authorities, would you allow the people to get near in still-active-volcano? Why? You may present your answer in creative way, e.g., using infographic, slogan, poster, 4-linepoem, essay, 4-line song or any presentation at your preference.Rubric5 - Ideas are expressed scientifically, consistent to the concepts and has no misconception.4 - Ideas are expressed scientifically, consistent to the concepts but with misconception.3 - Ideas are expressed scientifically but contains several contradictory concepts.2 - Ideas are poorly expressed scientifically.1 - Ideas are vague and unprecise.Note: Score is multiplied by 2Need ko po talaga please help me!​


376,000 follow moko please

12. Direction:write atleast 300 words essay to desctibe the poster below .how can you relate this to volcano hazard?


prioritize your safety.and make your self ready!

13. Learning Task 3 Directions: Provide the theme of the "Legend of Mayon Volcano" using any of the following: song, one-stanza poem with four lines, drawing/poster or slogan. You may use different applications like Canva, Power point presentation and other editing applications in accomplishing this task. Paste the picture of your output inside the box below.​


It is said that the tremors and occasional eruption of Mount Mayon are caused by the angry spirit of Paratuga who, every once in a while, tries to exhume the grave of Daragang Magayon to retrieve the precious stones and gold that he had given her. He fails every time as only rocks and lava are emitted by the volcano.Apr 16, 2009

Explanation: LEGEND

14. make a poster showing the changes brought about by earthquakes and volcanoes eruptions please po pa help bukas na po kasi ipapasa yung module ng kapatid ko follow ko po and bigyan ko po pints ma ka help​



click the picture


mark me as brain liest

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